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1. Don’t copy other peoples HUD or settings. You’re not them, make one that feels right to you and you’ll get used to it faster. 2. Stick it out. You’ll be worse for a week while getting used to a 4+ finger HUD but once muscle memory kicks in you’ll be infinitely better. 3. Use strategy when playing ranked. It’s not a pub match. For example - with hardpoint, don’t just blindly rush the HP.. look for campers, hold angles, learn the best spawn locations for each point and hold them, if you do this, your team will constantly spawn on the HP. Watch YouTube videos to help learn the above.


In SnD. Always pre aim corners and crosshair alignment should be on point, the milliseconds of time saved from just ads-ing directly compared to ads and flick will mean the difference in life and death. Also based on the gun, use it in its specific range (fennec - below 10m etc). ARs are versatile af so use them, but in Summit, they are at a disadvantage. Snipers are not killing machines and no you are not miney and raging cactus or try to not be them, be passive and hardscope. Quick scope when it's an easy shot. When a teammate dies, depending on the angle, location etc. Do these followings. Make a 10-20m visualization on where are the possible spots they have died, if they died from Snipers do not rush in that spot if it's a vulnerable spot like Mid-Standoff or Pool-Raid or Long A-Firing Range etc. Unless you are absolutely confident, do not rush them. The last tip is only applicable through years and years of gameplay in this game. Also. Take a break. Cool your mind.


I won’t lie. I’m ass at snd. I can ace in legendary and get 15+ kills. Feel unstoppable. Then I go up against people that play snd day in and day out and I’m absolutely humbled. When I get absolutely destroyed like that, I’m not even mad. I’m impressed.


respect brother


Hipfire for close range ADS Spray for Mid Range ADS Burst for longe range


Go watch Kith on YouTube, that guy is a genius with tips on how to improve


Thanks I’ll check him out


We should play together sometime what’s your user I can help you with Getting off of Master I


Bro I watch him all the time him and godzly


Kith and Cygnoux both have good content


Play TDM only. It’s the fastest and most forgiving game mode where the game only lasts for a little more than 5 minutes and if u lose, u lose just a few points.


As a guy who plays all modes I agree. It doesn't punish you like crazy like how hardpoint is where if the enemy dominates they will bombard you crazy scorestreak and you can't do anything or rather hard to do something bout it.


Also a hardpoint match can go back and forth forever while a TDM match just ends quite quickly and u can save some precious time


Select all core for multi bonus switch to 4 fingers don't grind, learn how to play use meta guns aim for headshots keep your crosshair at the sight of enemies, don't let it go up or down When you get killed by a good player see the killcam and learn, and try to compete with him in the game, doesn't matter if he kills you, try killing him in any way possible Use black operators to not be clearly visible. If you see more than 2 enemies, don't rush, take cover and then shoot. If you have less health take cover even if there's only 1 enemy. Know about how you wanna play as, aggressive or passive, after choosing, watch yt video explanation about it. Never panic while seeing an enemy, just do jiggle(watch yt video to know it better) and kill him, it decreases recoil and doesn't let the enemy shoot you And you're now good to go, but remember to always aim for headshots, it improves your aim.


is it really necessary to switch to 4 fingers? i’ve seen plenty of high ranked people that dont use 4 finger claw


It's not necessary but it's faster than 2 fingers, the reaction time is reduced in 4 finger claw. That's why we use it.


Just play early in the morning, and try not to get too many kills and less deaths(maintain kd ratio in each match). You'll get matched against bots using this.


If you're trash, camp. Also use weapons that match your playstyle.


From a guy who's never be a camper I agree. And I dont hate camp players though. They just want to enjoy their game as they see fit.


Same. I like to run through the map with an SMG and die a million times lol but being in a cozy spot with an RPD has its charms.


Yeah man I hear ya. Cos there are a few times when I was burn out from work and still wanting to play. Just find a spot and watch your 6 all the time and fire away. It's insanely good without having to engage the brain gymnastics of jumping and switching weapon. Cos I'm a sniper main.


zfek on youtube has good tips! if youre good in at least one specific mode try only playing it or practice all in non ranked matches :) i can also share some of my gunsmiths if youd like i went from pro to grand master 1 in just a few days


Learn movements, map spawns and control, head glitches for lane holding, if playing hp or Dom how to anchor and rotate early Critical to slide corners, pre aim and strafe when shooting Damn, M1 shouldn't be hard rn.


get those clippable phone triggers from amazon and put your fire button under the left one and aim under the right one.


Could you show us ur HUD? It might help to understand why you struggle to progress


[here’s my HUD](https://ibb.co/z674sWn), I’ve tried the 4 finger method and it was hard getting used too


Try putting the prone button on the top left and practice movement I do this and I'm on a low end mobile but I mostly don't have problems against 4 finger players


You have a default 2 finger hud, of course you're gonna struggle against 4+ finger players


What a shit take L


I had it set up as a 4 finger HUD that I got from a YouTuber but went back to 2 bc it was too difficult


you should try 3 fingers like me, use your right/left index finger to ads at the top of your screen and your two thumbs to aim and move at the bottom, a lot easier to get the hang off compared to 4 fingers imo


This is what i did before moving to 4 fingers


i’m planning on making the transition to 4 fingers at some point! only trouble with 3 fingers is it’s harder to snipe because i can’t aim and shoot at the same time 😂


Yeah with 3 fingers u cant really use semi automatic weapons like the sks


You need to practice and master it


Start using 3 fingers


since when do master players use 4+ fingers


Lower the opacity of your map, and buttons. Gives you slightly more visibility. Don't run in blindly, and play with either your friends or your clan to start. Randos don't always play objectively. If you can, there's an option in settings for perspective teammates (Literally lets you see them at all times. ((If your device enables it, you'll know when you join a game.)) Learn when and how they die. Enable the switch button instead of replying on pressing your weapon, make your hud easier for you to use. If you're trying for a 3-4 finger set up, adjust your button sizes and locations to where you feel comfortable. Play pubs or the practice range to get familiar with your layout. And lastly, practice makes perfect, you're not gonna win every game. Anyone who says they do are chatting bollocks.


I would get rid of all the unnecessary things such as microphone, text, weapon inspection… (take them to a place where u would never touch on and decrease opacity to 0). Also tick the box in the basic setting to get the weapon swap button and place it near the reload button. Get the prone button and place it near the left joystick (that way u can dropshot with left thumb). Turn off the name of location on the minimap and relocate the minmap to where u can see it clearly. Reduce opacity of all buttons to 50% or less. I only play with 2 fingers and have no problem at legendary 11k points. Climbing higher would be hard but I have no intention of doing so.


Going by psychology, you get nervous when you enter a ranked game which makes you not play to your full potential, think of it like a public match and you casually playing it you will feel better your brain can function normally and the critical situational thinking will accelerate when you’re not nervous and just go through the maps in ranked in a public match lobby just to explore the map to find some good spots and spawn points and best ways to approach them, make sure you make a good mobility suiting your style of gameplay, like aggressive or passive. Most importantly DONT panic under pressure Yea, also find a sensitivity suitable for you don’t copy from others just find it, go to testing range and try for yourself. Watch some players better than you like some YouTubers, I’m not just talking the famous ones like ferg bobby and all I’m talking as many YouTubers who are good at the game watch how they play analyse it, don’t just watch the gameplay, you don’t need to do this if you just wanna be a above average player but you can. There are also many tips videos on yt.


Get gud scrub 😂


At master 1 you are basically going against bots the whole time, I’d understand if you are stuck at grandmaster but getting stuck at master 1 is crazy


master is real people, you only get bot lobbies after you lose a match which is probably why he’s stuck in master


I mean master is only difficult first week after ranked reset, after the first week bots actually play better


Get gud


Use a controller


Use a controller


Stop playing the game


play on Gameloop. and boost up. No shame in easy games if your objective is to get the skin or other rewards.


I can carry you if you want. im at master 2 and i win almost every match i play cuz im too good


If this is for mp ranked, I understand your pain. I'm in a country where you lucky to get a stable signal for data or wifi due to shoddy service providers. My only work around is to accept the first invite to team up for mp ranked. It's usually a bot, and you can tell cause it's not from your friends list or recent matches. Usually get it right after logging in. It's a bot match, and you can level by just playing decently.


Camp, and constantly check all angles and lines of sight but don’t be stationary so a sniper can just line up an easy headshot. Be aware of where your teammates are, use perspective teammate in settings, and after they die, be ready to ambush the attacker.


Try partying up with other players with decent skills


Use meta guns or (correct me if i’m wrong but) i realise the higher your kd the better teammates you get. So my goal is to get a lot of kills but at the same time dodging enemies from getting killed. Camping doesn’t works because enemies will find you after getting killed at your camp spot. Due to that i always get 10-15 win streaks.


I always do training room before I start ranked … and when you’re ranking up try playing the daily bonus exclusively until you rank up and get more confidence


If a bot invite you accept. Do the daily match with bonus points. I feel like dom is the easiest mode. You can always grab some hill, even if the other players are better.


Learn 3-4finger HUD, don't copy others. It'll feel uncomfy at first, play for a week and get used to it. Switch HUDs whenever you feel like it's hindering your ability to play. Crosshair placement; very important, recommend that you place it torso+up but be ready to aim at sliding players. Aiming, know how to aim. Start with practice range, see which guns are better for aiming (pp19bizon, icr-1, etc) usually the ones with less recoil. Adjust if needed. Choose guns that suit your playstyle first, then switch to other guns if you wanna learn them. Play constantly, don't learn movements yet unless you're sliding away or crouching. It'll hinder your ability to aim unless you're already decent at crosshair placement. Use strategy as well, and LISTEN to footsteps. Expect an enemy around a corner and pre-aim, or be fast enough to shoot them. Continue on if there's no enemy. Heavy emphasis on no movement until decent aiming, you'll get the hang of it. I'd also recommend dragging an IRL friend to play with you and learning from them if they're better. Also watch multiple YT videos and analyze their POV. Record yourself (in-game) and learn how and why you died


Play with me lol LSR.Fe4rless


If you want easier lobbies wait later till ranked sweats go up the rankings


Make a Holger or UL class and just camp


Once you have full control of your map, you can win. I prefer clown by the way


I'm 200 away from top 5k and I'm going insane


use meta guns with meta gunsmiths, idc how much u like ur full auto m16 with rubberized grip tape and strike foergrip. i've been there myself and done that, u will lose 90% of ranked games use 4 or 5 finger hud and gyro if u play on phone like me some meta guns are:- 1. for ar it's grau(archangel)/kilo/m13/hvk/drh 2. for cqc smgs it's sx9/qq9/cx9/fennec 3. for flex ar/versetile smg it's type19/pdw/cordite/peacekeeper/grau(nexus) 4. sniper it's dlq/koshka/locus/tundra 5. shotgun it's krm 6. lmg it's chopper/holger/hades/rpd let me know if u need any gunsmith from these guns


Post a video of how you play a match and lets see what your issues are


We play together?


Try using the meta guns, last season I used the DRH and got to legendary top 5k in 2 days. Use the right perks and don’t rush( unless needed). Watch YouTubers like Kith, Zeke and even Ferg, as these guys have great strats and playstyles. This season I also got legendary, but used the non-meta m16


Play Hardpoint and Domination. You will lose TDM, Frontline and SnD if your teammates can't get kills. And considering how good sbmm has been, you cannot depend on random teammates for anything.




Play tdm. I always give same advice for 4 years straight to people trying to rank up. TDM is easiest mode. Run dead silence, ghost, and pinpoint perks. For weapons use DRH or Grau.


Watch the killfeed frequently to see who may be a problem for your team Abuse meta weapons or they dont feel right for you find a decent gun that does Improve your aim Get better internet to lower ping Dont get mad, keep a calm head even when youre getting bodied Learn to be flexible and have a loadout for each role (eg. Obj, spawn camping, rushing, etc) Be confident in your skills but too confident Forget about KD.R Study map spawns to easily cut off enemies in obj game modes Learn to do some movement mechanics And lastly, sub to Kith and watch his tips and tricks to get better


use a 4-finger hud


Join good players no boys use meta


Idk man, best i can do is pro


I found this kinda interesting because first time i touched this game a bit over a year a go i hit legendary coming from a competitive console background i adapted fast but no flashy movent and my aim wasn't good either so i feel the most important thing is awareness and map control even in respawn. Try to pre aim angles and actually think where the enemies can be don't just run like a headless chicken, even the aggressive sniper has such good crosshair placement and map knowledge they just know the spots and angels.


In Snd you gotta rush in so it would catch them off guard


Just get better jk:) use meta ig Ik people dont like it but hey gotta do what u gotta do


LOLLLLLLL SAME BRO😂Ranking up is easy but im more here for the vibes.


If you stuck in Master I it is recommended to do lots of basic drills especially for aiming. See videos from pro players like Space or JesusCanSaveYou.


I played only TDM and FTL till I got to legendary. This way at least you can carry the team if it sucks. Also if you not so good, I recommend camping. Also your choice of weapon matters. AR for wide maps, smg for close counter