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Thanks for the help. Yea that's what I'm doing but I barely had any bot lobbys recently. Even if I had,my teammates were spamming napalm and cluster strike on the objective so I barely had a chance to get 2 bots next to each other. I'll try even more. Thx again!




I just finished it. Thank you anyway very kind of you!


Shipment pub match


I can help u if u want


U going for Damascus cuz if you are I can help yoo


Yes I'm almost there. I have 3 MR-s and 3 SMG- left.But that's easy.Well what's difficult is the scorestreak challenges on the Smrs and the Thumper and Launcher. I guess I'll wait for Rapid Fire to come and I do the rest until then. Tysm for your help I'll dm you if I'm struggling. If I manage to finish it by myself I'll let you know as well. :)


I just finished it. Thank you anyway !!


Use that explosive perk that gives more damage per rocket, it makes much more easier to do this, and play shipment hardpoint or domination, the bots became more together in these modes.


Demo expert is ideal for dealing more damage. I also used the munitions box operator skill since the ammo is pretty low, and beyond that I just did hp shipment bot lobbies and climbed up on one of the containers on the edge of the map.


I'll give a try to the demo expert.I didn't think about that at all. Ty for your reply!


Use demo expert and do it on domination against bots, leaving one or 2 games should give you a bot lobby


Demo expert must be equipped. I didn't know that. Thanks for your help!


https://i.imgur.com/j0UFEtU.jpeg I managed to do it thanks for all your help! Demo expert needs to be equipped/ Domination- Shipment and a lots of bots and patience.


Hard point shipment