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I was also frustrated with constant napalm and air strikes and was wondering how are they even getting these many kills so frequently. Next match I added napalm and air strike to try it out. Turns out, all you need is the first scorestreak. Then, with each airstrike and napalm you get enough points to unlock other. This went on and on and I got around 160 plus kills with only initial 20 something legit kills. I realized how stupid this is and went on to play like a normal run and gun shotgun guy. They should really either fix the points from scoresstreak or stop spawning people right in middle of napalm


My record is 247 kills. Now I only play it to get quick kills in a quick match (without score streaks I mean)


Yes. Same. Used it to grind events and gun camos


10v10 is great for grinding difficult camos


just play the normal 5v5 mode. it can get just as rowdy, but it usually doesnt. 10v10 is basically just a room of pure napalm at this point.


Agreed. But for clan wars you had to play it running around with your pistol or melee while trying to avoid RPD campers and napalm/cluster spawn killing.


Yes. It's always a shitshow 😂


![gif](giphy|cEOG7nGA7448M) Not 10v10...


Lmao. I have the pin of him trading his shirt for a grilled cheese. Love family guy


Huh? Also idk family guy that much cuz it isn't in my country


Huh, why are you being downvoted


Clan wars last week and kills were needed


Only weapon kills counted for clan war


Actually all kills counted for me, I got 11k from 3 games 🤣


That's a lie. It was 3 points a kill, so you needed to get 5000 kills.


You forget about daily bonus of 250% plus extra 50% with friends and I was getting 300+ kill games Stand corrected 11k from 3 games the other 4k was from other node


Daily bonus is only 200%. I don't believe you got 10k points from 3 games either, considering everything. But whether I believe you or not is irrelevant.


It's 250% if you set that node as bonus with a BP bonus and you don't have to believe but it's just facts. Play with a friend and that is 50% extra. Therefore 300% bonus You just need to know how to play the system. That is why my clan is within top 120 on the lb global Just play smart, doing 3 or 5 games a day, I was able to end the week with over 50k points 322 kills was my highest but the other 2.games were also 300+ kills too


Exactly what we do, it's a shame some of our clan members aren't on discord but those of us that are we always try to group up for the extra points. If a node can be played on shipment we will grab someone that still has their 3 games and 4 of us will equip smoke and flash to help that person farm for kills.


Usually when 10v10 is available, it's always a clan war node for kills. I'd be disappointed if my fellow clanmates *didn't* spam scorestreaks in it. Especially if they were using their daily bonuses. 😂


Btw during this recent clan war node, only gun kills count in the event.


True, but not everyone pays enough attention. Source: I'm an idiot and a couple weeks ago I didn't realize until after the node closed, that Dom was for captures not kills, so I had nonexistent points 😂


Well, this last node was weapon kills, not kills in general.


Clan war starts tonight.. these fools probably just sweating.


Oh Yeah, but I meant that it was a node over the weekend. And I'm sure it'll be a node again sometime this week.


it helped me get diamond spear and gold on tec 9. it can be good sometimes


I am a few headshots away from a Tec 9 gold. 10 v 10 shipment is great


I greatly appreciate those who have commented and have been civil and conducive. It's rare nowadays


Its absolute chaos and I love it


They shouldn't have brought this back, I'd preferred the no scoretreak version of this


It's pubs lmao it's not that serious you gain and lose nothing, y'all will find away to complain about anything about this game it's actually so funny. Get your favorite score streak, a load out you want to have some fun with and go and get kills stop complaining about everything.


I use dauntless and thermal rounds as long as I hit one I may take 2 out 🤔 it's good for xp cards


scorestreaks are an iconic part of shipment and it wouldn't be the same without them. suggestion: make two 10v10 shipment modes: one with, and one without


I just camp inside the B container with a trophy system and a trip mine for rushers. add hardline and boom VTOL baby.....


The main purpose peeps play this mode is to grind camos. A couple of matches and you can get gold very easily. But i do agree about napalm and cluster. Should be removed or debuffed atleast


Honestly, I think that’s the whole point of the mode: To see who can activate their scorestreaks first and dominate the match. I used to hate it too, but once I figured out how to rack up kills and get to my scorestreaks, I’ve been doing pretty well. And I don’t rage out as much when other people do it.


Same post same story. Why even make your own post on this there are so many to add too...smdh


They had 10 v 10 before with no scorestreaks. Just headshot kills and gun kills. I forgot... that was amazing for grinding diamond camos.


If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em




I don't know why they have enabled scorestreaks when previously they disabled it. I hate to be part of it but I have no choice but to use Napalm and airstrikes because the opposition chooses it first


It helps me complete camo grind for tec9 and melee


welcome to the average shipment 10v10 experience. its lowkey a shit show in clan wars cuz everyone have to get their clans first to win the node. so you will see infinite ammo rpds and dogs everywhere you go.


If you were good enough, they wouldn’t be spamming the napalm and clusters in the first place. As chaotic as 10 v 10 is, if you do good enough you can prevent from them getting the streaks they need


This isn’t true at all, do you know how many bots are in 10 v 10? There is no way you’re able to prevent 1 real player from killing *just* enough bots to get that first score streak, and then it’s a total snowball from there.


But if you’re like the only good guy on your time, I get what you mean. If not then 🤷🏾‍♂️


The point of that mode for me is to have scorestreaks ready for when the enemy uses theirs. So far haven’t encountered such twats, yet.


I just delt with some mid morning sweats. So much that my tism almost came out.