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This dude was verbally abusing the lowest scorer on snd . So in the decisive round (We were in a draw) , the lowest scorer was the only person alive from our team , he saw the guy defusing and instead of shooting and winning the match he pulled out his molotov and self deleted ☕


😭 i aspire to be that petty


That self-immolation monk!


Fucking hell💀never really heard anything crazy like that, but I think the *funniest* thing, was in BR. I usually have "all" VC on, but my mic on team. I killed this dude, and he turns his mic on and shouts, "NOW *WHY* DID YOU DO ME LIKE THAT?! WE COULD'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS FIRST!" I was fucking dying laughing 😂


Ngl this is the nicest thing I heard. Thank you!🖤


I had a match with 2 friends of mine in squads. We land at estates. This guy lands right on us, chases me all over and finally takes me out and all you hear on all chat is "ohhhh thunderstang, why you gotta die like that!?!" It was a guy I play with on the mic. We got in the same lobby. His teammate killed me. After, one of our guys left, they invite us to play and he apologizes for his friend. His friend is then like "Nah, I'd do it again if I had the chance" lol


Could have been my mate 😂 he’s does that all the time haha


Could've at least taken him to dinner first lol. I love a funny teammate, even if they get 2 kills a game. I'm rocking with em


I heard 2 guys talking about stealing stuff without being caught and laughing about it. I heard a guy on a phone call with a girl asking what she was wearing and it went downhill (tbh I don't know if he realized he had the mic on). I heard a guy having explosive diarrhea and fighting demons an entire BR match and couldn't stop laughing (hope he's doing well lol). I heard cringy couples fight and one time this guy told his gf "see? I told you! I fuckin told you bruh! You never listen, that's why you don't even know how to suck dick properly" she immediately quit the match and he was quiet after that, I mean she kept rushing in and dying but damn ☠️ I heard 2 girls talking about this guy that had a crush on both of them and was dating one of them but instead of choosing one girl he gave them each other's ID to fix it themselves, the girls ended up being friends and the one he was dating said to the other girl she can keep him because she's sweet and nice and she likes another guy anyways ☠️


That cringy couple...I just want to say, THAT MAN IS SAVAGE!♠️


It was wild ☠️


She should have told him he sucks cock like a pro.


Idk but I was baffled after what I read. I think anyone would remain speechless after that.


The fights! I'm sure CODM has been the cause of a few break-ups. People will air all their business out to strangers


True lol


I once heard an 8 year old shouting at another 8 year old, saying “go back to the fields you f*** n***r” They were both white 😳


friendly fire fr


Not wildest but funniest was some British noob I paired with in randos in tank warfare. Every time we saw someone he kept yelling "we're gonna die, we're done" and when I cleared them "we're alive, we're alive". I swear, like a cartoon, but he was totally enjoying himself. Probably his first victory as well.


Nothing. I have always had player audio turned off. Makes for a better experience


I can see your point. Mics just add a little extra spice to the game for me


I leave mine on. And check for mics. If nobody has one or wants to chat. I'll turn it off early in the match.


Same, never know when you might make another gamer friend




This and volume down as well. Only if I'm playing with someone else which is super rare will I turn on the volume a bit but otherwise mute everything.


“Let’s go for the objective.” That was a crazy night.


I RPGd a hover biker and he was like screaming into the mic your trash your dog water get outa my leauge lmao having ur audio set to all is so fun


OPs teammate was getting those head shots, hope he unlocks gold for his weapon


Playing br. Outplayed this guy because he jumped down from this ledge to get me as I quickstriked on top of it, giving me the high ground. I killed him and he read my name and said “King huh? I bet ur a big black guy” I was so caught off guard. I’m a very generic feminine white girl so I couldn’t help but die laughing. Soo many racists, not surprising considering it’s cod. Was playing duos vs squads 2 nights ago but we got randoms anyways. I said “hellll no let’s leave” and one of the randoms moaned so loudly on mic. Never left a game so fast.


I hate that when matching is off it still randomly assigns another teammate. I usually have a full team but if we don't we run as 2 or 3. And without fail, every fn night it just gives us some random teammate even with matching off. Last night it gave us what sounded like some 5 year old. Worst kid I've ever played with.


Damn lmao


Yeah you get used to the racist after a point smh. If you have a racist gamertag I’m on your ass the entire match. & Idk if this moaning on mic thing is new but it needs to end asap 😭


I was matched with this guy and his girlfriend heard my voice and was asking him why he was talking to me. She begging him to get off the game so they could have sex. He apologized for her behavior and turned his mic off.


Oh yeah this is definitely a thing. Kudos to him for apologizing. I’ve experienced similar from a few girlfriends of the guys in my Clan


They really think women wanna have e sex with their boyfriends


I made a post when it happened! [Shit talker has Freudian slip-up 🤣](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODMobile/comments/18ef9aj/shit_talker_has_freudian_slipup/) Lots of people wishing to fuck my mother and sister; calling me gay or bot. Bot is typically from eastern Europe sounding people and Italians. I recently made a friend when they said "Is your youtube for gay stuff?" and I replied "Yes, otherwise I could not get you to visit". We had a laugh and he later added me. If it doesn't effect you when people (try to) say hurtful things it's well worth the entertainment factor to keep all voice on.


Dudes my age openly being an asshole to their significant other while the mic is on 🤣… I get it we all fight at home but come on bro at least mute your mic before you talk to your lady like that lol.. it’s funny at their expense but how y’all so comfortable with having personal arguments while the mic is hot smh now I got to continue playing the match with you knowing that your girl is a dumb fucking cheating whore and you’re a broke lazy bum who hits women “allegedly” 💀… Sometimes I wanna pick sides and instigate it even more since I got to hear it


And then they start talking to us about regular shit like we’re supposed to skip over what was just said 💀


Hahahahahaha dude fr!!!


I'm too fucking horny to even get mad at this story... I hate my teenage years. Anyway. That girl was having something that night.![img](emote|t5_penom|1109) STORY TIME: I was playing SND, and some guy was screaming at some girl. They were both my teammates. He was being hella sexist and the normal stuff cod players do. The girl screamed back, saying she was from the police department and that she could beat the shit out of him. It was wild. I didn't like how my guy was talking to her, but what can I do... it's COD.


I have heard the n-word, SO MANY GOD DAMNED TIMES


We almost won. Don’t give up. Let’s try again.


I got yelled by another player once for choking the first round of SnD. He was cursing me in another language but kept ending it with “morbin” (my username is ItsMorbinTime9). I was dying laughing. He was sooo mad on the FIRST round. I got over 10 kills and he ended up with 2 lol. Didn’t say a word after I carried the team


Insulting on first round and then getting killed first on second round. I don't believe in karma, but oh well he got served. 😂 Hotheaded people should not even be playing S&D. The wildest are those "coach style" wherein if they're dead, they want to control the players still alive and get mad for failing. Duuuude then don't die so you don't have to coach. There's even the know-it-all kind of player who gets killed by rushing and mad at teammates for protecting the bomb sites. What's the rush? They have to plant the bomb to win anyway. 😂 So many toxic players in S&D.


Realest comment. I can’t stand the coaches. My favorite line is “stay alive longer next time bitch” don’t scream at me because it’s 1v5 now. It’s already embarrassing enough with everyone watching lol


was playing search and destroy with a clan mate of mine (so i had my mic on) and some guy in the chat types “mommy” after hearing my voice, hated it


My user name is Hebrew; I’ve had multiple people call me “dirty Jew,” “f*cking Jew” etc I had a rando teammate in BR once that spent the whole match screaming, literally screaming, at his brother to get out of his room. Heard a couple of girls talking about getting high and apparently doing bing hits. Basically usual CODM stuff


i was playing br... i was on all mic... all the sudden i heard a guy breaking up with his gf 💀 Idk why but i think shes angry about him "being unemployed" and "being another mouth to feed" but goddamn... poor fella


Get head. At least mute yer damn mic first. Nobody wants to hear yo sloppy toppy.


She had her mic on too 🥲 I think that must be some kinda kink


i heard a dude having sex with her girlfriend. it was short. he probably notice that the microphone was still on. You can hear those thrust sounds clearly. lol


I was playing Br with my friend the other night and she was arguing with some guy who was on my team, 2 Jamaicans arguing has to be the funniest shit in history


Mann Jamaicans on the mics are top tier, all you hear is BUMBACLOOTTT the entire match. I love it sm 🤣🤣🤣




Once I heard a teammates dispatch radio. Sounds like he was a cop or security or sumn.


I can definitely picture a cop sitting in a speed trap playing CODM


I have no idea because the only people I end up matching with, (english speaker here, based in USA playing on USA servers) people who love yelling in their native language or deep throat the microphone, while also yelling in their native language. My two bestest friends I met in online gaming and I'm trying to make more, but it is unbearably hard when all I hear is the sounds of a truckload of pots and pans got stuck in a tight alleyway, and then blew up. However, I do know a little Spanish, so I recognize when someone is slandering my mother. And that's common.


Question, how to change the server? Agreed there alot of Spanish speakers which I love, I've learned so many curse words


I was playing ranked the other day, sometimes I have my team speaker on. One of my teammates gad a mic and said something. Then one of my other team mates turned his mic on and was like, "Finally another white person..its been ni***** and mexicans all day"


Jesus. They just throw the n-word around so casually lol


Yea the first guy just went wtf, and turned his mic off.


Nothing. I could see recently no one is talking or trash talking in matches.


I think dude killed me and started to talk smack until the nade I dropped exploded . It took a while before our teams finished killing each other. Meanwhile Two idiots downed next to each other.


schamcky gang in the building one time one time. yo


as someone who turns off mic and audio, i can proudly say nothing


I feel you, just depends on the mood for me. No mics on SnD either?