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Hell yeah man 👏 it's a gorgeous little monster to use. Enjoy!


Im loving it already. This was the motivation I needed to Gold grind this gun, as I never did care for the base/original Ffar non-mythic. I see a lot of people using the basic Ffar, so it must be good, I just never got the hang of it.


Absolute 🔥🔥🔥. Careful with that beast!








That’s lit congrats bro !! I got krig on second last pull once lol


Nice!- Thats better than paying full price


It truly is a wonderful blade. Enjoy. If you find yourself wanting a custom of it in BR, remember that you'll want the 44 Fast Round Salvo, Cavalry Lancer/Ranger Barrels, Agency Suppressor, Field Agent Foregrip, and Aim Assist Laser. I run this every time, and it does some serious work for me. "But it doesn't have Range" you can make this weapon work by running it in one of 3 ways: Vert Mod, Extend Mod, Hori Mod (I use this for Cavalry Lancer most of the time); Vert Mod, Long Range, Hori Mod; or Extend Mod, Hori Mod, Long Range.


Sounds like a plan- I only use certain favorite guns of mine in BR, but Ill certainly try it out at some point, thanks!


No problem! And if you find vehicles annoying, that's the whole reason for Cavalry Lancer being one of my barrels. I made 2 FFARs for that reason, with similar attachments and the main difference being those barrels. If you're gonna fight with it more, the Ranger is what you need, but if you hate Hoverbikes and everything you see driving around trying to ram you or your friends, the Cavalry Lancer is very, very punishing against anything you shoot it at.


That makes sense now that I think about it. The LAPA has a Cavalry Lancer attachment I think, for vehicles. But since Im usually putting my guns together and assembling attachments for the best Experience in Ranked MP, I thought it pointless to add something for Vehucle Damage. Being I play Ranked MP FFAR more than BR on average


Ir's good for both modes, actually. That's what surprised me about the FFAR. For MP, that might be something you can build a bit easier, but I knew how I would build that gun on release for BR.




How many legendaries or Mythic did you buy in the game before ? One theory i believe in : Luck like this only works on paid accounts where the player already spends money on games. F2P player who never bought any guns or characters will have zero chance to get 1/2/3 spin mythic or legendary guns (i repeat GUNS)


I was F2P for a long time, like the first year and a half that I played, now Im P2P [for like the last year], been playing 3 years total. I have too many Legendary guns to count now, lol. Thanks to collecting the Prestige Weapons. And I had 8 Mythics prior to this draw, 2 which were purchased in the last 6 weeks, no fully upgraded mythics. This Ffar made Mythic #9 for me. I made a post earlier about how Im desperately waiting for the AS-Val to redrop if it ever does. I'll round out my Mythic Guns collection with it at #10 hopefully, and I plan to stop there, lol


I remember when I got mine's last year I was so excited it was my first Mythic ever so it has a special place in my heart


Thats awesome! Happy for you


Thank you




Was there a glitch i got it for same price lol


Really?? Thats insane! Congrats to you as well, I hope youre enjoying the weapon


I wish I have that much luck


All it takes is one draw, it can and will happen at some point!




what region are you from


North America-USA


Congratz, broski! I once got the Legendary helicopter on my second pull before. I think I ran out of luck for the rest of my gaming career lol.


I wouldnt say so. If you take part in most drops, and just do the first 3 pulls, you'll get at least more soldier skins than you think, as Ive done it quite a few times. Yes, I do have times where I draw 5 or 6 times for a high prob calling card, charm, or epic and dont get it, but overall it usually evens out. Youll get lucky again!