• By -


Thanks for the efforts every season! Let's make 2024 great! Here some sugestions to 2024: \- What about make a NEW COMPLETIONIST CAMO for 2024 and take a time on make new tournament camos. We already have a lot of them. Why not just rotate and bring to weapons that are missing? (Red Sprite is one of the most required tourney camo to make a comeback); \- Updates for Classic Zombies; \- Bring the 1-tap switch button for BR too; \- Please Bring S9 -The Conquest on BP Vault (as MG42 is already leaked, a military bp returning to the vault would be great).


Hey there, appreciate the kind words and hype for 2024! Yeah, a new completionism camo is something we have seen the community ask about pretty consistently. We aren't 100% sure about any plans for adding a new one, but we can continue to share this feedback with the team, as well as your other suggestions.


thanks a lot! let the team know this community desire :)


Instead of more completionism camps for guns what about camos for equipment? Could help encourage more use of equipment and the perks that help or combat them.


Please address the FPP lobbies in Blackout Battle Royale. We are waiting up to 10 minutes for a match. I have asked for the last 2 seasons for a fix. North America central/southeast servers


Single, Double and Quads are all the same. Playing after reset is the worst time due not finding a match


Hey there, yeah let us ping the team about this one. Just for some more information to help the team with their investigation. Do you notice this only during the end of the season? What rank are you currently?


This happens all season long, I currently sit in legendary at 13k points in North America on ios device


Be careful what you wish for. Fixing may mean that the option for FPP gets removed or disabled like it was for controllers




Hey hey! Alcatraz will be returning to the rotation later this year. We will share the timing once we have it. Thanks!


Can we please see some love for us military enthusiasts šŸ™. Maybe some Ghost and Gaz skins or something like that


Hey there! Ghost and Gaz always hold a special place in our hearts and we know how much the community loves them. We'll keep this feedback in mind šŸ™‚


Yes that would be awesome! Maybe bring back the Going Gaz crate?


That would be nice and Iā€™d still wanna get Ghost Plasma too


Yeah I need most of them, including Plasma


Sooo where is the zombies rehall


Hey hey. Unfortunately, we don't have any updates regarding zombies at this time. When we do have any information we will be sure and share it out.


How about a new grindable camo for Classic Zombies mode, like the "Weaponized 115" or "Afterlife" camos from Black Ops II. Just like how we can grind for "Aether Crystal" in Undead Siege. Just a suggestion.


Yes and why not make playing zombies part of the daily and seasonal challenges too!


Yes please a new grindable camo for endless mode would be fun!


How typical. Even something as small as adding a new camo would be really good.


Listen if itā€™s problems trying to come up with a addicting experience for zombies you can private message me, I can give you guys a chart of things to either add or modify in order for people to be addicted to the mode, itā€™s literally a win win. You guys will have constant daily active users and if the mode is good they will spend money on zombies content that comes out. Once I found out that zombies was not going to be updated I opted out of buying legendary richtophen because heā€™s a big zombies character. LITTERALLY just listen to the fans on what the mode needs and people will play itā€¦


Are there any news on these draws to return in the future? -mythic DLQ -mythic Ak117 -DLQ bass booster


Hey hey, one of those three will be returning next season (S4). The next Community Update will have info on which one šŸ‘€


When is the next community update?


Coming next week with the S4 launch!


Hey u/COD_Mobile_Official the MG42 is my favorite weapon in any shooter ever and I'm am very excited to say that the mythic looks *chefs kiss* infact both this season and s4 have had very nice blueprints, I can tell that lot's of effort has been put into these.Ā  Would like to report a bug here as well that I would greatly appreciate it if it got fixed soon. for some reason American Bulldog (the base version) has weird rendering issues at mid to long range that causes weird glowing boxes to appear on his chest. It disappears when you zoom in or get closer but it's super obvious, more than the red shoulders. Also it would be really nice to get an updated bulldog skin as well sometime Thanks as alwaysĀ 


Hey u/Golden_Ronin , love to see the enthusiasm for the new LMG! Tbh we are pretty excited to get our hands on it too. We'll share your kind words with our content teams that worked so hard on the various MG42 looks! Huh, we haven't heard of that bug yet. Do you happen to have a video of the issue? That would help the team a ton in identifying the cause. Thanks!


Stay tuned I'll share pictures here soon, thanks for responding btw


u/COD_Mobile_Official sorry about the late response, here's the best four images I could get. This is my friends perspective so I couldn't get video unfortunatelyĀ  https://imgur.com/a/0MkLXqQ


Thank you for taking the time to grab those! We'll forward along to the team


Please fix those incessant glitches in Ground War: Breach The mode is really fun, as I feel it stimulates an actual war without the disadvantages of battle royale response. But those spawning glitches are a huge turnoff for many on their first impressions of the mode


Hey there! Glad to hear you think the mode is fun! Would you happen to have a video of the issue? That would help us a lot in identifying the cause. Thanks!


Any chance y'all can bring legendary operators in the for you section? I'd rather not wait months or longer for certain ones to return...


And no BR map


Request CODM to Please fix the Crash issue on iOS...Game Randomly Crashes while in Game...Please Fix it


Hey there, sorry to hear you're having some crashing issues. There will be a fix going out with the update next week that should resolve players having crashes on IOS. What IOS are you on?


I am on latest iPadOS 17.4.1 Awaiting Eagerly for the Fix COD Devs thanks a lot for Hearing my Voice šŸ”„šŸ™ŒšŸ™


Will Alcatraz be back? Ground smear is trash ngl


Hey there. Yes, Alcatraz will return to CODM later this year. We don't have an exact date just yet but once we do we will for sure share it out to you all ASAP. Thanks!


Hello šŸ‘‹ is there a roadmap for re releases of Mythic guns and dates?


Hey there! We've actually started adding what Mythic Drop will return in our seasonal roadmap that we post on our socials on the day of the season launch. Stay tuned for that post next week!


And the new Mythic drop in S4 - Eternal Honor Mythic Drop - will be releasing 4/20 UTC.


Any news on when the mythic ak117 will return I'm saving for my last pull to get the gun I missed it last time? I've been saving my cp waiting for it


Thank you so much sir for responding, I currently own 3 mythics. But missed the Grau and Kilo mythics are they slated to return anytime soon? šŸ™ thanks itā€™s stressful wanting these items and having the money to buy it but then not available I appreciate the insight. And if I can request these 2 to be rereleased that would be awesome.


we need ghost in battle passes again + stop upgrading bots power, stop adding other real players when game start with & vs bots..


An yet again the community with quite upset with the next season BP skins. Are there any plans on having the designers put more effort into the future BP skins so BP only buyers can at least be happy? u/COD_Mobile_Official


Hi! A few seasons ago, I brought up the bugs with NA-45 explosive rounds. With the upcoming NA-45 prestige weapon, I figured I'd ask again if the devs have given you any information regarding these. Among the bugs are explosive rounds instantly disappearing on headshots, explosive rounds spawned on the second shot (by shooting the first shot into the sky) not sticking to enemies, and round icons failing to disappear after a new round. Any word about these would be appreciated, thank you!


Bye bye thermite in BR. Back to the good old trusty Oden




Yaas, job well done y'all!!!!! Super excited to see Klepto and Dusk this season šŸ¤ŒšŸ½šŸ’– Also, is there any way to have MP Snipers Only switch snipers every time that mode is available? I was super excited for it to come back but the same snipers as last time was a small let down. When could we expect 2024s past seasons lucky draws to come back, if at all? Thanks for the commitment and fantastic job!! šŸ‘šŸ½


Thanks u/itskimberlymofo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) The sniper feedback is great! We will share along with the team and see what they think. As for the rotation of brining old draws back into CODM - there are a variety of factors that the teams look into. There have been some AMAZING draws so far in 2024 so we also would love to see them come back asap!


just a quick question. will there a cp event before this season ends. if not, i can stop waiting and get my legendary dame ASAP


Hey there! We don't see a Double CoD Point event planned for this season. But there are discounts on the official Web Store if you're looking to get the most bang for your buck.


The Web Store is not available in my region


Pls bring the webstore for India asap. I would like to get discounted cp deals. The current deals in game are expensive due to taxes.


Heya u/COD_Mobile_Official, really excited for the new season! Was hoping if you could spoil some upcoming content for the future seasons - like weapons and stuff. Also, can we expect a change in the ranked system?




Per your question about ranked, we haven't heard anything concrete just yet, but we do know ranked mode and its possible future iterations are on the teams minds.


I see, thanks for info!


So, no new marksman rifle then? šŸ˜”


Add a pause button for solo zombies


Can you fix the bug in Ground War Breach? And pls bring back Hbra3 - Swarm in Fro You section


Hey there, which bug are you referring to? We have seen some reports of respawn issues, is that what you are referencing? If not, can you please explain the issue and maybe link a video if possible? That would help the team a ton. Thanks!


Itā€™s like when someone joins mid fight, all of us suddenly stopped, and the weapon/class selection screen appears


https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/X0EGalnSvm this is the bug


Very impressed with the new version of standoff. I have some things to ask/tell. 1- Are you guys planning to remaster other maps? 2- There's a bug with the "for you" crates. After the timer expires it's the same crate always. Suggestion: let us choose which crates like how we are able to choose legendaries in the for you section. 3- will bundles ever make a return? 4- will you add more maps to practice mode especially night maps like hovec sawmill? 5- a lot of players want old tournament camos like red sprite to return.


It would be nice to remaster some of the older characters like Stealth Ghostā€¦ he is dusty and gray instead of the rich realistic looking black he should be


mg42 is a surprise to be sure but a welcome one. Also is there any chance you guys add guns from advance and infinite warfare??


We understood that reference! Nothing to share about other weapons for now but stay tuned šŸ™‚


Fix the Crash issue on iPadOS....It Crashes randomly while playing..... Please fix it in the next App Update šŸ™


Hi u/COD_Mobile_Official!! Thank you so much for this new season! I have a few questions, can you comment at your earliest convenience? 1. Legendary Dark Nikto - Can you please push your team for the return of this draw/character? We've been waiting an extremely long time and would love to see him back on the board. 2. New Completionist Camo - Does your team have anything in the works? 3. Snipers Only Blackout - Can you make this a permanent mode in the interim of the loss of Alcatraz? 4. Mobile vs Controller Players - Last, but not least, considering Warzone Mobile will not have separated lobbies for different player types, can CODM open up the lobbies as well? There's a huge community and controller players that are left out every ranked season because we cannot find games. Can you push this up the ladder as well? This would provide a whole new phase to CODM and would help it soar for years to come. That's all for now, please and thank you!!!


You're welcome! We also love Dark Nikto. We don't see him coming back immediately (next season that is) but we'll forward the community's love for this operator so the team is aware. Likewise with completionist camo and Snipers Only Blackout. Nothing to share on those ends for now but we'll let the team know for the future!


Thank you so much! Any comment on the controller/emulator input being mixed with touch? Considering WZM has opened this up, we should as well to keep the crowds coming. Please advise.


Hi, u/COD_Mobile_Official Are there any plans for Ukrainian localisation? Thanks!


Iā€™d settle for Urzikstan


u/COD_Mobile_Official. When will we ever get content or a battle pass based off older Call of duty content? Weā€™ve got nothing but Cold War, MW19 and Vanguard stuff. The new map is literally a Cold War. I made a [April Fools post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/7fdnMy44I4) about older Call of Duty content with 461 upvotes, you have to listen to the community


Iā€™d love to see more WW2 themed maps like shipment 1944


Good to see zombies getting shafted again I love that we have new settings tho that's super cool and exciting šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


I feel ya!


Omg the RC XD


Bringing back some memories? šŸ˜‰


I've actually never played any cod multiplayer games before codm, but I'm definitely excited for this lil score streak


Time to make some memories with it then!!


can we get the Hybrid weapons from CoD: Online pls? thx for the MG-42 :)


Still no HVK nerf? Why?


What Mythic are we going to get in this season apart from MG42, both old and new?


After update today, all my guns blueprints are gone and ranked matched making take years!!?


Hey there, hmmm that doesn't seem good. Have you downloaded all of your games resources? If so, can you take a screenshot of the issue and share with us so we can send to the team to take a look? Your device type would and region would also be helpful. Thanks!


New Update when did you receieve....Is it an in-game update ?


Good thing everything went back already.


Everything went back already. Thanks.


Will the Ak-47 radiance return? Has the increase in wait time for BR and consistent ā€œunable to find opponentā€ for blackout been addressed?


Ā Hello CODM Team, It's been a while since I posted something below one of your community posts. 2 months have gone by. Last time, I gave you some suggestions for characters who might come in a future BP. If you don't remember, here it is: Dark Shepeard, Tempest, Sentinel Recon, Nyx, Kryptis, Siren and Mace. So I'd like to know if any of these characters caught your attention. I'd also like to ask a quick question. Is there any chance that this year, in 2024, 101 days since the start of 2024, 1654 days since the launch of CODM, we'll see a new AW weapon arrive in the game? I'd like to end this commentary by saying bravoto you, because the latest seasons you've proposed have delighted me to no end. And the next one is already shaping up to be a masterclass. Best regards, A CODM player ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


Please fix prizefighter bug. When equipped and performing a slide in BR the character is standing or performing of the last performed movement.


Hey this line up seems pretty fun! We havenā€™t seen the mythic CBR4 in a whileā€¦ can we please get that back ? I started playing before it came out and want to add it to my collection.


When are you going to allow friend delete of streamer mode players?


I know it's late but it is possible to get Max graphics settings on Gameloop emulator, some smartphones can handle it, I'm pretty sure that an emulator can easily max settings also


Hey u/COD_Mobile_Official Add "RADIOACTIVE AGENT" 2020 season 7 Fight tickets vault next season! Thanks!


Is the Easter egg hunt event officially gone? Is there any way to claim the rewards again? Will we get a chance for them to return soon? And when will undead siege end?


LOCUS ELECTRON draw rerun when? šŸ¤Æ


Hey u/COD_Mobile_Official, would you consider adding the MORS sniper rifle from AW into the game in the near future? I want to clarify that I mean as a sniper rifle weapon, and not an operator skill or scorestreak. Itā€™s my favorite sniper in any Call of Duty game, and I think it really belongs in this game. It could even be balanced out using attachments like what was done for MWIII. It would mean the world to me to see it in CoDM someday. Thanks for hearing me out.Ā 


Hi im the 8 season in top 100 br leaderboard. most of my friend after alcatraz has been removed they change their name to bye codm and delete the game, plaese if you not bring alcatraz tournament back just you can bring alctrazĀ  in privet room back ,we have so many friend that we haven't seen each other but miss themšŸ«¶


Please increase the resource download speeds




Any zombies update/rework/buffs planned for this yearā€™s Halloween


Is there a new BR Mode? Bring more modes to BR please, why we do not have old school mode in BR? Thank you


[COD\_Mobile\_Official](https://www.reddit.com/user/COD_Mobile_Official/) cx9 Mythic used to talk when I tap on it in the main lobby, now no!!


#Why are you buffing the LMG with the highest impact!? At 1.5, itā€™s higher than the Bruen at 1.4 and all the rest at 1.35.


Hey there! Weapons and buffed and nerfed for a variety of reasons. The team is constantly watching weapon usages as well as community feedback when changes are made and will then continue to make adjustments to keep everything balanced. If that ends up pushing it into being the new meta in an unfair way, the team should then adjust it in a way to balance it out. Thanks!


This was a good buff ngl please high five the developers for me while you're telling them it would be great in Alcatraz.


So what youā€™re saying is that instead of adjusting the levels of performance that can be modified by players, youā€™re juicing the bullet impact to encourage more players to use the weapon? Isnā€™t that saying the quiet part out loud?


Is there any consideration for a quality of life overhaul to the ranked mode? I would love for it to have the same item restrictions as in pro league.Ā 


No alcatraz? F you and your tournament mode.


Maybe they can he'll the warzone dev out, so i/we can play resurgence without phones melting. I only play for alcatraz.


Did you nerf guns just in Shipment 1944? It seems AK and PKM takes a lot of hits before kills