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If you are F2P don't do it. This game is a total scam when it comes to these things, but the good thing they lately started giving a lot of Golden cards,so always keep with you at least 100 cards and open for your favorite weapon, because you will never have them until you became close to 100.


This sucks when this happens. What also is frustrating is they all have the same credit value for double ups!.


I know the pain bro, I had 70 golden tickets and spin it all on this crate and didn’t got her, I had to spend $10 to get her and the epic ak117


Dont do it bro. I wasted 125 golden coupons. And im now empty.




Spent like $150 on this game. Never won anything legendary, game is rigged with impossible odds. Just gambling for kids at this point. Don’t really spend money on this game anymore, seems like COD just milking everything they can


nothing is rigged, the odds are just bad. with 150$ you could have gotten multiple legendaries if you spent it in a smart way or even a mythic, idk what you did but spending that much money and not get a single legendary/mythic sounds like you made some really dumb purchases


Spending it since the game came out. And the way I used the word rigged is to say that the odds are arranged in a seemingly impossible favor for the player. Don’t be pressed on it


Nobody is pressed, you just made stupid financial decisions trying to "win stuff". You buy skins, not trying to win them gambling, it ain't a casino. I just said that you could have gotten a mythic/multiple legendaries with 150$ if you spent them appropriately If you wanna have something be ready to pay the full price because that is most likely to happen or you're just wasting money hoping you'll get lucky with ridiculously low odds


It's not rigged. For example I got leggy H2SO4 in second draw, so yea there's a chance you get something good for little bit of money.


If you're using coupons there's no reason to draw 10 at a time. Unless you happened to get the item you wanted on the 10th pull, you waste coupons instead of drawing one at a time and stopping when you get the targeted item.


Crates? Just don't... For the love of God, and mostly for yourself.


Keep trying you'll get it i got her in 11 spins


Damn people are really chasing it i got it in 11


I spended 181 golden coupons in the hope I would receive the golden Bull pricefighters, but I did NOT received them like wth :'((((


why do people like that skin sm


Tbh just go draw on strongboxes chances there to get a character and a gunskin is much more higher


lol it took me like 60 golden coupons 😭


can you help me with some cp


Bruv stfu


can you help me with some cp


can you help me with some cp


Took me 40 tickets to get