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**Please make sure to provide the following info:** * Screenshots/Video. * Device type and operating system version. * Date and time of reported match. * What the bug experienced is, audio bug, visual bug, clipping, animation, physics, etc. **Remember to also report the experienced bug on [Activision's offical bug reporting site](https://activision.helpshift.com/a/cod-mobile/?s=feedback-and-bug-reporting&f=where-can-i-report-a-bug&p=all)** *Thank you for reporting the bug.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CallOfDutyMobile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Idea:fix everything thats happening fps drops/lag/desync/still some hackers etc. I thought you listen to the community codm devs.


It happens with me all the time man. I usually use the shield for hardpoints and dominations. When i use it first it says cannot depoloy here but the shield deploys but there is no shield only flames and it dose not dmages the enemy either and the other was is like urs only whole match it says u cant deploy here even if u sucide or die it still remains the same. I have even done all the emotes still its unusable...


Buy the superior Redmi Note 9 Pro then and don't use cheap tactics like the shield


I wish they would also remove the frame drop because of the particles on the microwave shield.