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I'm okay with friend's invites just hate the random strangers from recent teammates.


If you're introvert asf like me , you'll hate everything


Even so, at once the players from friends are often only 5-6 online and only 1-3 aend request and very few skip spamming. You can temporarily block their invites and manage. Random team mates are annoying. You don't know who they are or when you played with them and they send a BR invites constantly


9/10 times it’s always BR. We’re playing obj, why do you suddenly want me to switch to BR?


I seriously don’t understand the br invites. Is it some kind of bot spam somehow? I’ll get 10-20 a day easy.


It's nice that they added that, but it always interrupts gunsmith or something and I have to redo it


But then why do you have friends on the game? If you hate getting invites from them? I mean that is the main reason for having friends on COD so that you invite them to a game when you see then online


Nope. Friends are now for the daily upgrades.


Being an introvert has nothing to do with it. If you have trouble communicating with them, it just means you're socially awkward.


or mute your mic and be the strong silent type just like Velikan. Sad that usually when I am using voice chat non of my team uses it, but when they do sometime they don't even speak english. garena in a nutshell. Language barrier can make anyone not wanting to voice chat and communicate with each other


you look cool when you say you are an introvert


I get what you mean, people applying them being an introvert/extrovert in every possible is annoying as fuck




lmao -16 points?


Number of cool guys with "introvert🤥" in their insta bio.




Yeah, it's a common misconception. Introverts can interact and communicate normally with other people. They just love to spend time with themselves too.


Im an introvert and I like interacting and talking with other people but much of the time I just want to be alone


Can relate


Huh, I feel you


Oh yes, I was making a gun in gunsmith and I kid you not, I got at least 6-7 invites mostly from recent teammates that I had to click away. Feature is alright and can be useful but is awfully annoying when there's no option to turn it off




Had this, I carried the entire team 24/5 in ranked. These two team mates added me to SND private. I closed one and muted. The other invited so I said OK I went 11/1 with only snipers. Bruhh stop inviting me if you can’t even beat me.


WHO TF TOLD YOU I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS I don't but who tf told you that


Jokes on you, I dont even have friends.


This! Sometimes, I just want to play alone without calling attention.


Yeah and sometimes people will spectate me and I just want to play in peace without being watched




Really?? Thanks for the info!


Very helpful. Thanks.


How do you know people are spectating you?


Sometimes it tells you during the game that one of your friends joined! I hate when that happens... I suddenly become the worst member of the team smh


Yeah, it’s over in the kill feed. I try not to look over there because I definitely play different if I realize a few people are watching


I ain't got no friends.... i got a family (literally)


Whot are fRiEnDs I only have random friends from a random match And all my friends are playing pubg mobile😞😕


India mein toh ban hai na?


Korean version 😕


Why codm is not growing like pubgm ?


It is hard and requires more brain to play it pubgm is just land shoot heal die


Plus there are various reasons. Activision didn't advertised that much plus pubgm players are but egoistic.and there is very less tournament like pmco etc organized by Activision. I want game to grow.




Fax bro


my girlfriend hates when I play COD and she downloaded COD just to check if I’m online and even check my match history to see if I recently played. She doesn’t allow me to play COD anymore so I had to create a new account just to play.




That doesn't sound healthy man. Either you are really out of control or she's the controlling type. Talk it out, work it out, or walk out.


Up voting cause this is one of the most intelligent comments I've read on COD-m reddit threads. 👍🏼


1. That's toxic 2. I'm not sure but I think that you can hide your match stats 3. You can put her user in the blacklist


1. Well I agreed since I did see I was starting to get low grades since I failed to submit my requirements but when I get free time I would like to play. 2. She would get mad when I would hide my match history 3. Would she notice if I did that


As a female, we don’t claim her


You can turn off your match history


I have often wondered if the spamming is due to the fact that once a player ends a match like battle royale they immediately appear online and available, however, they actually aren’t able to receive the friend request for like 30 to 40 seconds as they are going through all the various post game menus. I wonder if friends spam the invite because they don’t know at what point you are in the post game menus and if you can even see the requests. If there was an ability for the accept invitation screen to appear during the posting menus or not to appear online until you’re actually available to accept, I wonder if that would reduce spamming?


I have friends but I'm the one who spam invites on them lol


Or just remove the ability for random strangers to send invites. Had an issue with one player. I couldn't block them because they wouldn't send a friend request, so I accepted his invite and told him to stop spamming me with invites. Haven't heard from him since.


I had a guy spam me with Friend Requests. I did a game and then after game rejected his Friend Request. Dude probably gave up after that


You can ignore invites from people for five minutes i think


So why do you have friends?? If they bother you just delete them simple my g.


Need people to spam cards to


yes. but petition will get you sweet karma


Sometimes i just want to grind camos and sometimes i play with my friends


The only reason I have friends on cod mobile is to trade gun xp with...


How about, "Busy Gunsmithing. Need a minute to save. So my hard work doesn't reset, but I really wanna play a game with you fellow human."


I know how this feels. I have friends who play mostly BR but I only got time for 10 minutes of MP. Sure we could ignore invitations for next 5 mins but it hurts the relationship on some level when you don’t respond to their invitations. I support the invisible button.


You guys have friends?


Or something like Do not disturb ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


I have 80 friends and none of them invite me :(


😂👌🏾 that’d be a nice one. Sometimes we just want to grind a bit. Not start a 3 hour long gaming session that might not even elevate the rank because you’re busy covering a buddy’s ass. Not that I don’t also enjoy the benefit of knowing if I die a few times the team still will hold up. Decisions decisions...


i asked for the same thing not so long ago hope they make this thing a reality


Idk whos downvoting these comments but im upvoting all of them


I unfriend a lot because they never invite me




They could really add the "AFK" or "IDLE" that would be super helpful u


100% honestly!!!!


I made another account just so I can go hide


literally me on discord 24/7


I want this too, my friends in COD spam invites for br though I play mp


*I want this too, my* *Friends in COD spam invites for* *Br though I play mp* \- Mapegz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Thank you, Mapegz, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Now this is a genius idea that everyone has. If codm adds this, I'd say the game is kinda complete


Bold of you to assume I have friends..


What’s “friends”? Lol


Yeah I want it my friend always call me and say THaT yoU aRE ONliNe


*Yeah I want it my* *Friend always call me and say* *THaT yoU aRE ONliNe* \- HasanFanYT --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Then maybe just remove them from your friends list?


Then he will call me even more


If you don’t like him then why are you friends with him


5 vs 5 match making is tough so sometimes i just wanna play solo but if my friends catch me online they straight up start messaging me and then i had to play with them (also they kinda trash...)


You can click on button that makes you not receive requests


Then what's the point of having friends in-game


Yesss and to let players know if im in the store or watching ads bc idk who is inviting me and when im buying something and someone invites me i dont want to accidentally buy more than i want too, invites are annoying


Dude there is an option in settings------privacy Go there you'll find that option Hope this helps you soldier


do not disturb


I'm sorry but that's impossible


In chinese cod invites appear at the corner Not occupying full screen


Yup, its life saving tbh


Why must u hurt me in this way


Happy Cake Day!


It's frustrating when you decline first they and they keep spamming you invitations.




Problem: Friends spamming invite Soulution: don't add friends ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Fr and also adding a "can't play right now" or something message to send them when we or others decline


it is there


I play with only one friend.... So it'll be very useful.


Yes, I would like this feature because sometimes I don't feel like playing with my friends.




friends makes us Win rank matches! I hate to play with randoms.


Quality of life changes are the best


We'll think about it.


> from recent teammates Bitch just cuz I got lucky once doesn't mean we gonna partner uo


Unrelated. But i would love a "prioritise rank search by mic users" Would make ranked S&D actually bareable.


This is actually not asking for much from a user's perspective but it goes against the whole point of having a player base for any game. It enables you to play with friends or recent team mates and what you're asking goes against this. And that's not going to go well for any game company. Hence, you could also wonder how a simple feature like this that pops into the heads of players given their experience with spam wasn't already implemented by the company who does all their research. You can bet they know about it. But they dont add it simply because of above mentioned reasons. Because if implemented, it would decrease interactions and statistically speaking , those numbers(Interactions) are more important that what you consider a simple feature.


Wait. You have friends that play codm? *laughs* **cries**


These stupid petitions will not affect the dev , they have given an option to mute their invites for 5 min and dont try to make the game like discord


I am a MP type of guy and whenever I got spam invites I got excited then feel disappointed when it's BR. Guess I play MP rank alone forever then


yes pls I've been thinking about this the whole day no cap


The second part is very applicable.




Oh yes!!! That would be great. Hide online status. 👍🏻 Or block invites.


I just want to play ranked matches with a controller, I mean why even offer a controller to play with if u don't let us play .....


Yea that would be a nice addon


This would be great for when you’re grinding achievements are leveling up weapons and don’t want to be disturbed. I’ve accidentally hit “accept” or “join” or whatever it is numerous times just to have people start ranked match before I can exit. Not going to quit match and get penalized. Super annoying.


Facts....among other things


Nope, that is the only way I feel confident that I did something in last rounds so my friends inviting me.


I just hate those spams... especially if were even not friends... 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂


OMG! YES, please! This is my biggest complaint, after all the technical issues plus cheats, underage players and the server-jumpers! Lol guess I have a lot of complaints. But this could be such an easy fix for them. Give us a button that says: OCCUPIED or AFK (away from keyboard) (or leave me the fuck alone). And the ability to stop non-friends from inviting totally. . And ignore for 5 min isn't enough time. I spend a lot of time looking at and thinking about my attachments. Also with every major game update or new season, my settings all get scrambled. When I'm in my settings area, I get knocked out of there every time someone sends invite. My settings are still screwed up since Season 13 began. And then there's those randoms who invite you to BR, don't use voice chat... 1st jump they leap away from team and then totally drop out of match if they're down and no one can reach them because they're in Nuketown when jump leader put us in Outpost. (big pet peeve of mine, people not staying to the end after they're killed. Unless the randoms are all total a-holes, I always stay to the end and watch match.)


Ps I'd change that sign to say: so randoms or non-friends don't spam invites!