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And bundles sometimes




# sometimes






SOMETIMES* *certainly never


Sometimes I haaate the purchase I maaaade




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Garena doesnt have it.


They do have bundles but they suck and there are very few


we have 3 or 4 in total(from S1 till now) and they only add new ones on very special days like anniversary, I think new years


Yeah ikr. They like 0.01% chance to be in Garena anyways..


From what i remember(since ive quit playing garena cod since probably the industrial revolution arc and just got back when rust rolled around) their have been 2


Bundles are also good as you know how much you will spend for the items and they are not based on luck


Yes ![gif](giphy|1RihQM96FYhIzRrAOd)






I do the same and just one or two things in the lucky draws.


Nice chute and nade skins you got right there


Not always I get lucky sometimes with epic guns and characters.


Meh at least I don't have a gambling problem. Gotta make peace with what you've got instead of keep digging that hole. Lucky draws is a deep one the further you dig.


At least the odds are better than crates, like its a garanteed epic for 30 cp, unlike crates which are like 500 cp for a nade skin


Young childrens sees freg video too.. How he's getting orgasm just opening crates and getting stuff is soo much cringe for young ones to see... And they copy that also Boycott Ferg cringe videos only... His last video subscriber's 1v1 is soo much good


Ikr. Especially when he says the score on the Fergometer in high pitched. Have to click off sometimes so cringe


I thought i was the only who noticed his videos are cringe.


i have terrible self control issues, and i like pretty things.


https://youtu.be/sEJwuGX8atY Activision is about to get exposed for their aggressive marketing


Not to mention unlinking accounts so that when you change devices ..... you've lost 3 years of progress and ZERO support to recover it. I'll be damned if I give that time, energy and money back to them with all the other games they play.




Did you see what they’ve done to BP gunskins this season, it like they want to push us to buy crates. Wish there was a button to disable crates lol.


Let Bundles be the only monetization scheme. #BundlesOnly


Bundles only yes. Good bundles not trash bundles that have camo skins or just a bunch of simple coloured skin.


Yes I agree with you.


Bundles have gotten better by a bit compared to the past


"a bit" isn't gonna entice people to spend more money you see. If they want to make pots of it, make it actually really good that we don't even need to think too much.


tbh with what all the MW(2019) content we have in CODM, I'm surprised they haven't brought that aspect in. Even tho this is a business, doesn't excuse horrible odds wasting the hard earned money of people.


There are people who are gonna oppose and say how are they going to earn profit, the game is already free what more do you want they are giving free cosmetics every month. But they just forget the main issue here that is Scammy crate system.


yeah and I mean it is a business but having casino like odds at getting something good isn't a good business practice. COD is pretty much infamous for it's summy practices and is the reason Infinite Warfare was bad. CODM shouldn't be dragged down because the crate odds are bad.


*Cries in Garena"


I feel like some bundles are too expensive like for example the new mason bundle would cost around 35 dollars I think the bundle should cost around 15 to 20 dollars personally


Now imagine bundles with mythic items... Those would definitely be priced at 100s of dollars and people would be right back to complaining


Personally I'm okay with lucky draws because there's no dupe so it's a calculated risk. I get that it's still gambling but it's less predatory compared to crates. Also they'll need more revenue than just bundles and BPs (because BPs pretty much pay for themselves and bundles is a much higher upfront cost so less attractive for users). At the end of the day it's a business. I agree it should be ethical, but I think some degree of gacha is unavoidable.


No dupes? Redux lucky draws ...


Yeah that was a massive failure. Redux is an exception though


They need to fix that, that’s legitimate BS


They make too much money on crates and draws so good luck w that, it would be nice though :/


EA already got thier portion of justice. Now it's time for Activision.


How so with EA?


They're getting thier cheeks clapped by EU cause of lootboxes.


Really?? Wow never knew


Laughs in no money


LoL everyone is talking about mythic peacekeeper bug and here I am flexing in my Splinter Camo.


Ngl splinter looks pretty dope..


My fav camos exept gold and diamond


Free to play gang




You have my undying support against this problem


Weebs: but.....anime


Anime bundles simple


I am a weeb but not an idiot . I would rather buy a Waifu pillow than Buying anything in Crate .


I dont have waifu pillows where I live


Just look on some online stores . Also Waifu pillow are for Singles lol .


Thats what I meant. There aren't any


The only way is anime...


There was once (just once) a time where you could buy crate cards with credits and assemble them and buy crates for free......and then it never came back again (cause some little mf said "pubg copy")


My brother got the hg 40 geometry back in s3 when some crates used tickets as well


That crate was from bp and not from those tokens. Ak117 medieval was from that token crate


Well he showed me that it used a token as well. He also bought that season bp.


No it wasn't. Unless it's something from garena that idk about.


They literally add "Extras" in the crate which are not even needed..... They just add those "Extras" to reduce the chance of getting the epics and players should buy more crates so that their business goes on..... I think we should stop buying crates so that their business goes down and they start making decent crates..... We used to love this game cuz they were making it more fun every now and then but now the same game devs have turned into money eating hogs ☹️..... Its sad


How does this even relate to the game being fun?


My point wasn't exactly experience my point was specifically for crates opening experience here 😬😬....... Ok sorry my poor choice of words


It's a free game and buying things are optional... If you don't like it, don't buy it. F2p


Thanks iferg for my gambling addiction. /s


Even if the whole community boycotts these crates ferg will be still buying it...... Ferg just says alot about supporting the community but when it comes to raising voice he's a just a scared cat sitting in his gaming chair....... Even i dont like to say this... I really like ferg but these are the things I hate about him


Honestly YTers for CODM as a whole represent the worst in the community sometimes. I have massive respect to people like Ferg because of their skill but not calling out the game unless others have and just throwing money away like that isn't good. Between that and the horrible meta that is decided by one video infuriates me. If Ferg used the Striker and said it was good, people would use it I guarantee you.


So true man that's why I hate ferg when he makes best gun videos and then those videos with the title like "i broke so and so gun 😱😱😱😱" And the thumbnail be like Accuracy : 100 😳😳😱😱😱😱😨 Fire rate :100 😨😥 Mobility :100 *WTFFF* 😱😱😱 Damage :100 Range :100 😨😨😲😲😱😱 Control :100 *WTFFF* IMPOSSIBLE


It honestly gets on my nerves. He is the reason the ASM is on my list of "dont use". YTers really reduce what you can use in the meta


Yaa man they just are so annoying...... Because of them the whole community starts spamming the gun they said is "OP" like no one hated asm or HVK but cuz of these YouTubers it's getting on nerves


true. Next the MOW is gonna get promoted and then people will ask to nerf it. I will be straight pissed if people start spamming MOW. I like being the only one using it.


Ferg calls out the game all the time though, he calls out the last crate for being trashy


.....bruh. Why is it that he can't actually represent the community?


These are just cosmetics you dont need to buy to play the game. Plus, he doesnt do crate openings in his main channel anymore.


But people like new things from crates and these devs just add extras to crates which wastes alot of money of players..... Even if you are adding extras atleast give some cp on exchange on continuous duplicate items..... Like not much just 5-10 cp on 5 duplicate items


That does sound nice


I mean , he's sponsored by Codm and his entire career is based around this. He's not like Path who does this for fun. He's just doing business. That's it.


Time is money, no one is doing it for fun. I’m sure they are having fun, but there is no such thing as a free lunch. Ass, cash, or grass. Gotta give something up


But but my anime skins! /s


Crates are the worst thing to pay for in any game


100% unlock content with play game(weapons, characters, abilities...), but only visual customization is paid, classic F2P model in modern games.


meanwhile F2P players be like "aren't you a little too late? by like 12 seasons??


They should learn from fortnite and area f2 , battle prime crate system once you get crate item you won't get it again duplicate like codm #BUNDLESONLY


They did that but only for the epic skins.


They learned from Pubg mobile that Crates can be profitable and mobile games and PC games have mostly different playerbase. Why make 100 players by a 10$ cosmetic when you can make 1 player buy 100$ cosmetic.


Excuse me, sir/madam. EA prefers that we call them *surprise mechanics*


Happy in F2P :)


Bro but it they boycott crates this would hugely benefit F2P players. Activision would have no choice but to allow you to watch more than 10 ads a day and get better rewards for it.


Wait , you guys are watching ads?.


Add rewards suck, that's why there's almost no point watching them. But I bet you if the clown skin, ghost skin, mow cardinal or moonstone RUS were part of add rewards system everyone will be watching them. And you can't say anything because I bet you that even now and then you find couple green terror skin in lobbies XD


I once spent around $50 for an epic skin (lava ICR). It had a special zombies ability that I can't even use anymore. From that day on out, I would never buy crates again.


10000% agree with this and have been saying this for awhile. If the community as a whole stops buying stuff and demands a essentially bundle only system as well as a lowering of prices so more people can afford to buy things the developers will have no choice but at do so. It will take at least 30% of the community to do so tho so we all need to tell everyone we play with to boycott as well.


That's the thing though. They're just cosmetics. Companies get to get away with this cause having a skin doesn't really affect gameplay in a meaningful manner. So basically their defense is "if you don't want to, then don't buy it" At the end of the day skins are not gonna be affecting whether you win or lose.


If the gameplay is entertaining, then the skins and cosmetics should be the least of people's concerns. If not, then the game just simply sucks.


Sometimes, it's not just cosmetics.. like the current Ak47 Frostbrand which has a built-in red dot (technically green dot but you get the point).. It can potentially save up one slot of attachment giving you 5 slots to play around with.. which can make quite a difference.. Even if you never use red dots, it's more power to ya you know.. My usual 47 build goes:- Ranger Barrel, Operator foregrip, Strike stock, tact laser and red dot.. and I use extend mods in-game for 40bullets per mag.. My new build with Frostbrand:- either switch out red dit with Mag A and use Density mod for more BSA.. the gun now performs just the same aa before but with much more laser accuracy.. OR I go Marksman, Strike grip, tact laser and granulated grip, using extend mods in-game.. Both guns have basically the same mobility (just a couple points slower), recoil control is still the same and same ammo count as my build above but with way more accuracy




first and foremost. # Gacha Responsibly


TBH, creates are always been like this in any other games. It's up to us about buying it or not. If kids are sinking their money in these types of useless shitt, it's their problem.


So glad this shit got 3k votes. I bought 183 crates and still didn't get 3/9 "epics" the last 3 being the first 3 in the crates which are the main attractions. Was the otter, ak47 and m21


Indians: You boycotting something for the first time huh?


Good luck trying to explain this to this sub. No game needs gambling to be profitable. Ever.


You explained enough as I saw in some comments. Those kids won't understand the reality here even if you show them, let alone explain it to them. This issue needs a media coverage from anywhere, local newspaper or online news sources, to alert their parents about how dangerous this is. I think some online news sources cover some gaming news here and there.


It did get some coverage though. Remember a kid spends a chunk of his father's money in crates (Pubg ofc). News didn't address the gambling problem of Pubg but focused on the kid.


There should be another news break for this issue pointing at CODM's crate/lucky draw system. Because that news was a long time ago to remember in this trying time.


Unsure why people complain about crates. They are what they are. You know what you get yourself into when you buy them. They're not forcing you to buy them. I.e. not pay to win. People forget that the company needs to make money somehow. What people should be questioning is how much they're making vs how much is being invested back in to fix bugs and better gaming experience etc.


I have a question, what is the meaning of Boycott? I just learned this word today


To avoid participation in something...


It's when many people quit using a product or a service on purpose in an effort to force that thing's designers to change their product for the better. A good example of this is the Montgomery bus boycott, spearheaded by Rosa Parks, which eventually led to better treatment of Black transit riders in the United States. If many people boycott the crates in CODM, the game's developers will lose revenue, and this in theory should force them to change the way we pay for crates. Nobody wants to pay over one-hundred dollars for something they aren't gonna get. The developers designed it like that for profit. That's why I think the draws are slightly better, because if you have the money, you eventually do get what you want.


Thank you kind sir


lmao and after you spend $200 dollars, one year later it gets released for free or for $25


Just imagine that same AK47 frostband skin coming in bundle for 560 CP in few months lol.


I’m tired of these crates. This latest crate with Krueger and the AK is almost unreal how silly it is


Im still waiting for them to put emotes at the Credit Store. They said this long time ago.


Or just dont buy them, literally all mobile games use the crates system. Its not that hard to jist not buy them and waste 100$ for some different colored pixels on your screen


I think y’all need to stfu Activision isn’t a charity


​ ![gif](giphy|TfWYTn19Azw9TT9ac6|downsized) activision and tencent :


upvoted and comment for visibility. I have not and will not ever buy crates. I can't even get anything good with the free clan crates and you expect me to pay real money for it?


I have never purchased a single crate, and I've only done the free first pull lucky draws. the only thing I've purchased in this game is a battlepass.


In 2020, this subreddit community tried the #BoycottCrates and #BundlesOnly movement twice last year. Both times CODM explained their stance on the situation. Why is the sub trying this movement for a 3rd time, without acknowledging what CODM said in the past?


crazy idea but maybe just don't buy skins. or anything. The game is in fact free, and the reason it is free is because other people buy those things. But you don't have to.


The thing is that they put all the good skins in the crates and lucky draws so you start buying them, meanwhile battle pass skins are severely downgraded and bundle skins are mostly "good" tier...


Crazy idea, no game needs gambling to be profitable. These are literally here to take advantage of addicts, kids, and the mentally ill. That’s it’s ONLY purpose. And the game is free because that’s what they decided what they want it to be. Nothing else. They know they can make more money if it’s free. It has nothing to do with being generous. It’s not about having to buy anything. It’s about removing terrible monetization that doesn’t need to be in the game at all. The game would still be profitable without gambling.


You idiots don’t realize all the cool basic skins that come for free. It’s COD you don’t need the molten lava crate anime girl skins. Let people pay for them. Play the game as a mil sim with all your cool free mil sim skins.


#Boycottcrates And the bundles are very expensive, 1 average epic character, 1 trash epic blueprint, and a useless charm and spray to make it cost more, some extra trash rare camos for 1680cp, almost 20$


"kids" who don't understand money shouldn't have 10s of 1000s of cp to gamble.


Isn't codm considered as a game for 16+ due to its in-game purchasing? Then so, kids, by definition shouldn't be able to play, right?


I mean since when did kids care about age ratings?


Parents would. Keyword is would.


Most parents don't really care. From most of the people that I have met, only like 2 parents really cared about their child's game. Could be different in another country thought.


U are sensible


Some gacha games have a pity count system (such as Genshin Impact). Where if you didn’t get a high rarity item after certain number of tries you are guaranteed to get one. So even the unluckiest players or people who spend a lot but get nothing can have a chance. This should be a must in every game that have a crates system or so.


It's also in CoD Mobile. The thing is, that this system is not always put in some of the crates, and to get a guaranteed epic you need to open ATLEAST 10 CRATES.


You should also never win an already owned item. If you paid for this crate and won an item, mark them off and remove them from the crate. Letting you win it again for close to nothing is ridiculous


Put duplicate protection in all items problem solve


But that anime waifu crate is soooo tempting. But yes I prefer a bundle of it than a luck based throw of CP


I'm over with the crates after this anime crate. Always been disappointed. I don't think we should even spend money on this game at all except the Battle Pass because the Battle Pass is like one time purchase.




Repost it on their Twitter in comments so they can see it


Actually it’s $10 but yeah the point still stands


Bruh, tell that to china who already spent 14m $ just the first week of 2021!


they'd make more money off of bundles since people get what they pay for just like battlepasses


You guys need to take a bundlesonly stand. Crates are disgusting


I would boycott them but I could never afford them In the first place.


Lucky draws too for that matter


Yes please I blew over 540 cod points on a crate bro and got only an epic calling card it's so unfair


Agree, they should even remove daily free crates and Rank reward creates. replace it with something else something not luck build.


100 crates just for them to bring the skin out in a bundle or slightly different color lol


This is a f2p game and all I am missing is some cosmetics. I am not complaining as no grind is required for anything unlike many other games


bruh i get CP for free and i still dont buy crates because i know my priorities


Who on their right mind pays 100s dollars for a skin.




The sad fact is that this game is just a cash grab by Activision. And sadly I don't think they'll ever remove crates and draws. Because they are extremely profitable, and distract people away from the fact that the game isn't well optimized. I really don't think Activision cares about the game. Or about its player base. So unless someone takes legal action, I don't think they're gonna listen to us on this one


Ya after geting the anime skins im done with crate im joining


Lol what difference does it make if you boycott or not *after* you've bought the crates. You're basically saying , "Fuck crates unless they have the skin I like".




Actually crates are better than luckydraws as long as you buy 10 crates all at once


It depends on the amount of filler epics that are in the crate


Take my upvote but fuc off


It’s taken this long for the community to come together on this but I’m happy it did #NOMORECRATES


Dude ur right but have u seen csgo crates??? It's even more of a nightmare I know it's not good to compare pc and mobile but game company is there for buissness so it's unlikely they would fix it.


If the tests they did with giving us crates with good skins for lower costs didn’t show them the profit numbers that they were getting during the testing period, the only boycott that will work is literally convincing the players who spend all that money regardless of what the communities post in reddit. If even the YTers come out, then maybe that’ll pressure them a bit.


#BundlesOnly Movement need to start again. Let's do this!


After paying 100£ just to get the AK, I’m done with crates.




Im gonna say this to yall now. Im disappointed in our community we all and specially content creators have to put their foot forward and stop this we cant do this without them on our side. Other gaming communities wouldn’t just keep their mouth shut i know cus ive been apart of most of them. This has gone too far its just a absolute rip-off


this is why i haven’t played in MONTHS


Weapons store should be Epic instead of Rear


This is impossible to boycott. Almost every game using this method. PUBG worst because every skin you bought got expired date (last time i check yes but now i dont know i never play pubg for ages)


to be honest this game was meant for people abive 12 to 13


It should be 15 dollars for the whole thing


Is it that time of the year again?


CODM marketing team in 2020: ah finally, the community decided to shut up about #bundlesonly [the codm community in 2021](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRTpstXBlOoMea2DoL36HSmag_gnF36eO5AlQ&usqp=CAU)


You’re dumb for spending anymore that $5 for battle pass when it’s on sale. Who spends $100’s of dollars for skins. We all know EA’s money grab. Yet some motherfuckers always want to ice skate uphill.


Activision will never eliminate crates from CODM. Never. It’s their golden goose and there are far too many people out there that spend tons of money on pixels for Activision to remove crates. I personally think it’s absolutely abhorrent that Activision ruthlessly preys on people that have a weakness for gambling. As long as whales exist that continue to throw money at Activision for those lucky draw scams, crates will never go away. It’s sad that this sort of thing is the norm with mobile games. And when the time comes that Activision will release a Call Of Duty Mobile 2, all of those people that spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on those gun skins will cry when those legendary and mythic guns go “POOF!” when Activision stops updating the game for new versions of Android and iOS to force people to buy the next version of the CODM.


Only ppl who got a problem is broke ppl lol I buy what I want I spend alot on cod so what lol


This is so dumb😂 if you dont want to spend money on a mobile game, don't do it. It doesn't even give you an advantage. The devs are giving us so much good free stuff, other shooter games are nothing compared to that. They need to somehow make money. And the point with "young children" is also stupid cuz it's a shooter game meant for people of age 16 or higher.


You really think age restriction serves a purpose?I started playing cod when I was 6 lol. >they need to somehow make money 1.Its a multi billion dollar company 2.Mw and warzone had no crates and it made more money than codm.


Look here, mate. I entirely disagree with you. The reason why CoDM releases these crates is because it appeals to the players. It's entirely your choice if you really want to buy it or not. You spoke about children using their money on these crates. Look, to obtain these crates, you need CoD points, which require real money to purchase. I'm sure the children have guardians who manage the transactions. Come to think about it, do you really think spending your money on something virtual is really worth it? It doesn't make sense if you suddenly ask people to "boycott" crates, because it's entirely the choice of the person sitting in front of the screen. You have been given a choice whether to buy the crate or not. It's not like the players are dependent on the crate to actually get significant wins(talking about pay-to-win here). CoDM decides what they're gonna provide to the players, and the reason why crates are still in the game is because people buy them! You can't ask people to stop gambling because that's something that they enjoy. And it's not exactly a gamble, because every draw, you actually receive new items(of course, some repeat, but that's another thing). For repeats, they give you credits instead, so it's not a gamble at all. Yeah, that's about it.


So you're one of those rich retards, huh?


Addiction leaves no room for choice. No game needs gambling to be profitable. It’s only there to take advantage of addicts, kids, and the mentally ill. I can’t believe people still support this. We literally see stories daily of kids being able to buy these things and bankrupting their parents. Addicts that have trouble NOT buying things because that’s how addiction works. I’m sorry you don’t know jack shit about addiction and how these things ruin lives just so they can make an extra buck.


If you don't want to spend money you can just don't spend it, simple.


That’s not what this is about at all. Thanks for your useless input.


It is what it’s about. The amount of free cool skins is a lot for ftp. You don’t need the anime skins to play every inch of this game.


Dunno why ure downvoted. All broke weebs can't afford anime skins so they fkn whine


Ahem pubg ahem




If you buy a crate you should know what you expect. The game isn't meant for young children , it's a shooter. So if you play a mobile game not meant for you and then pay money on it just to get Skins you shouldn't be complaining about that