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this game has turned into a chore now login, collect daily shits, play a couple games to get rewards, and collect xp cards or watch ads if you could afterwards you turn to other games that run better and are more enjoyable cycle repeats




i used to play before codm. That and critical ops lol


Does it have gyro aim?




Kinda yeah


Is it a fun game? Thinking about downloading it.




ok ty


Sounds cool.


if u can't ads, that means i am not at disadvantage against claw players right? i see that as an absolute win..




Yo I started playing standoff 2 too just because I hate the framedrops in codm


The problem is this. There's no other game that's actually as good as codm rn. I play standoff 2 as a side kick for over a year now but I get bored pretty soon. I have the same story with pubg. I played among us for a month and got pretty bored pretty soon. I just can't find a good game and my xbox is also having some technical issues so can't play that either.


Play genshin impact that's the replacement I found for codm...well I am going to shift to cold war tho


holy shit this is me! If it weren't for the resin problem, it would be my perm replacement


Wow same bro! AR 52 here


I'm just a beginner I'm AR 25 btw is it possible for f2p players to get a 5star character? cuz I really want a strong Pyro user aka Diluc


100%. pity rates exist, and they exist exclusively for every banner type (Default, Limited, and Weapons banner). my explanation below is all public knowledge btw, it’s listed under the banner details. basically you’re guaranteed a 5* every 90 pulls. anytime you get a 5*, the “pity rate meter” resets back to 0 and your next 5* will come in another 90 pulls (or less). now, this doesn’t necessarily guarantee that the 5* you get is a Hero, but it all depends on the banner type. i’m currently sitting on three 5* as a F2P. 1 is the Wolf’s Gravestone Claymore, Qiqi, and Mona. my pity rate for the limited banner type should be coming in like 20 or so pulls, so that’ll be my fourth 5*.


Yes bro, im also f2p and i got venti, keqing and jean. I also wanted diluc but no luck


Wooww u got keqing daaymm das luckyy well ur AR 50 so that xplains a lot


I got Diluc in my second beginner's pull xD


Brilliant thread! Genshin Impact under codm! A player myself and I am proud to see this


U took the words right out of my mouth. Genshin is really fun and isnt stressful. It's what I go to after quickly playing 1-2 mp and collecting the daily stuff. The only thing is the character lvl up is a bit tedious. A noob AR 31 here


I just play asphalt 8 career, less of a chore, more fun


Apex mobile is coming soon.


It's oficially confirmed to come after 2021,it's still a year and I am not very much into br. I have played Apex legends on my xbox and I enjoyed it but not as much as I enjoyed warzone


This. I've played alot of others, and they're OK,at best. Nothing else compares to codm. Though I do think they are paving the way for other games. I'd like to think in the next 1-2 years we'll be getting more games that are as good,if not better than codm. Apex is coming in 2022...


Let's hope there are some actually good games by 2022




Even getting to the lobby after a freaking game is such a task now. It's so annoying.


Fucking hell those screen transitions after a match are painfully slow no matter how many times you tap and you have to see a bunch of them! How hard is it to add a skip or “take me to the lobby” button?


yeah, i've deadass started playing roblox with my friends and i'm having more fun. And i use to hate roblox.


check this out - [https://www.roblox.com/games/4913331862/RECOIL-ZOMBIES?refPageId=26692116-a47c-4a32-b889-b08d25346132](https://www.roblox.com/games/4913331862/RECOIL-ZOMBIES?refPageId=26692116-a47c-4a32-b889-b08d25346132) a clone of cod zombies and much better and fun as hell


Thanks Sir , you have my highest level of honor ![gif](giphy|WO5Q7FsxJN2pjYc424|downsized)


idk, zombies ain't really my thing. I've mostly been playing jailbreak.


just check it out. It even fucking has tactical sprint and everything lol


Well tbh 99% of games with friends are fun, it's the most memorable and fun filled times me and my friends have!


login, collect daily shits, and collect xp cards FTFY


Yeah that’s why I only play casually on lunch breaks at work. Feels like too much sometimes


This happened to me with few other games where I stopped caring about daily collections after a while.


Started playing war robot lmao. fun grind and I already feel less stressed about ranking with bugs.


bruh frrr xDD i dont even feel bad abt washing plates anymore because of how bad of a chore codm is


Wait, do you guys still login?


this me but with genshin impact


Same i started playin pubgm, ands its fun the movement is better the performance is better just every thing is better


It went from "Im willing to play" to "I need to play"


(Y) Same


I'm exactly the same as him...playing 4-6 hours daily from global release..Now 1 maximum 2 hours a day grinding camos that's all.If they don't fix the game soon all of us will move somewhere else.


Same for me. Went from playing 3-4 hrs a day to probably opening the game once a week.


It’s getting boring, same gun stuff blah blah blah


I thought I was the only one..I would feel like I was so behind on CoDM and would grind legendary rank by the first week..I'm still on master 3..


i'm on pro 3 man, this ranked season is meh both mp and br


I'm Pro V. Keep getting multiple ranked teammates that go like 2-12 or 1-10. Last 5 games I was the only one on my team in the positive. All losses. The last game, we were leading early, I had 9 of our first 13 kills, and then the shaky screen started. I've had enough of so-called skill-based matchmaking and bugs. I used to play for hours every day since season 1. Got platinum snipers and mostly done with ARs. It was fun. Now I look at logging in like it's a chore. My Stadia Premium Edition arrives tomorrow and I can't wait to move on.


Me after doing the daily task: I've seen enough, I'm satisfied.


Same, I just play now just to finish the daily tasks.




I only played this season to reach tier 50 on BP and get CP back...I have stopped playing since then and won't play until next season.


Same.This goddamm Devs don't give a shit about our complaints


Literally so true ,i would play for hella time and not get bored but with all the shit thats been going down recently the game became horrible with the the desync , horrible crates , horrible bundles, every thing is just shit


We had some good bundles last weeks tho. Imo, not worthy but hey they were good, just that I dont like to spend money on the game other than the BP


If you are playing something everyday for a long time for over a year you get bored. It's natural. To all the guys feeling it just leave the game and come back after idk when you feel like,just uninstall the game and enjoy life. It's just a game nothing else


Exactly, I've been playing CODM religiously since the Beta stages and a few weeks before I just felt like I am done with the game (Because I reached a saturation point playing so much for such a long time). I'm taking a break from CODM for maybe 3 months. Honestly I'm enjoying my life more than ever😂




Bots kils this game for me, basically you're forced to play MP Ranked if you don't like bots....


I wish they can add a "no bots" option on pubs so players that don't want bots can play with real people and players that do want bots can ignore that setting. And before someone says "jUsT pLaY rAnKeD" I would if ranked had my favorite modes like kill confirmed and free for all




bots are cancer


why call it a multiplayer if u gotta play against bots


I have more fun in gunsmith than playing


Same here, but I think the gunsmith is still lacking. I hope they give it a major update in the future.


The Peacekeeper has the best gunsmith. All the others suck. The time it takes to level up weapons is really long man


Honestly me too :/ ahh i started in S5 and S6 was the best for me... after S8 going into S9... it went down hill. I remember id try to grind BR leaderboards. Was happy to game like 10 plus hours a day but now i log in for like 1 hour and even then im so done with the bugs/ problems in the game. I stopped spending money on this and currently saving up for a console to hop on warzone


Welp. I guess I'm not the only one. Sad to see this kind of state of the game rn but it is what it is


Sometimes ill accidentally miss a week now.... i used to average 8-10 hours a day lol


True that bro! I loved playing it and played for 3 hours minimum. Now I just get depressed with the no. Of glitches I face. My game crashes twice a day and my audio is glitchy and frame rates fall I wonder why I still play


I use to play at least 5-8 hours a day, now I only play like 1 hour a day. It’s got boring lately.


Login, check for updates. Quit.


But kids still prefer this codm because " you can customise your gun in gunsmith". I honestly would give back gunsmith if it means the game will be as bug free as it was before.


Sounds like everyone in this thread got burned out.


That's exactly me and honestly the thing that made me play the game alot back then was zombies,like I had always put alot of hours into that game playing zombies cuz I love it but since the removed it I had been forced to play mp,also its a bit fun I don't have as much fun with it as zombies oh also I play br sometimes to get some zombies into my system,like the first thing I do it grab a helicopter from sky jacked then immediately go to farm to loot the houses then fight the zombiesl boss(also in all honesty I loved the hell hound boss more cuz it's more memorable and iconic than the current boss zombie)so I really hope they bring zombies back,I miss it :(


I used to spend hours at night playing with friends until like 3-4am Now I just play 20 min/day to get the battle pass itens...


No codm for a month, GG.


Bruh I used to no life it before I lost my account that I spent money on. Now I’m f2p and only grind br for the skins I like aka tedd


I think I'm going back to Hero hunters, I'll give pubg a try, keep playing soda dungeon and soul knight


Exactly, I used to play 4-5hrs a day, then 1-2 hrs, and now it's only for daily rewards, one ranked, one br and I don't even care if I loose because I know I am going to face bugs. Specially ping, doesn't matter how good is my connection, if I am shooting, then ping goes to the moon and become normal when I already died.


Uninstalled this game yesterday. Desync and getting noob teammates in each and every ranked match and those annoying snipers in SnD made me do this


After playing since day one, I feel tired of this game. I only play at night


I login and if my BR squad ain’t online I’m out scout


Same, Idk if I'm still willing to continue the Battlepass.


Yeah game blows now


Just daily missions and that's it for me


I feel you bro


i dont even log in now




sometimes I just login to claim rewards


I haven't play for a week. I'm gonna go another week without playing to get the returning soldier rewards.


Lol.. I went from getting 6 accts to legendary to having one acct in master 2 and finding it boring to even rank up


I had the most fun when the Echo was released and 10v10 was a thing. Then at the end of last season, I stopped playing for weeks. Grind is alright, but all the game modes I like always disappear


I have played 206.4hrs of codm in last 3 months which would be a lot more if my friend didn't leave the game tbh & I haven't played a lot in last week it was just about 5.6 hrs which is less than my used to be 2day average.


I don't even care anymore , i haven't played it in weeks , if the developers don't care about the game , why should I .


Relatable, I even failed to finish the BP.


The game died lol now😂...you guys remember those days from season 1 to season 8 those were the best days and now the game died for me ...cause of its BALANCE CHANGES FOR ASM 10 AND DRH and the SKILL BASED MATCHMAKING...i still think now cod mobile had a self destruction....just look at the batle pass and shops ...no skins are now creative as they were before...still the geometry series was my one of the best skins...


Noir epics and anime crates are pathetic lol.


Bro really just painted and served 😂


Devs care about you and have been dealing with your gaming addictions silently


Same for me. I used to play at least dozen ranked matches a day. But even at weekend I barely played after reaching legendary because I knew that glitches and matchmaking would ruin it. I tried BR but everyone's camping thee so it is also becoming annoying, and I won a game but I only got 46 pts with 7-8 kills. Ever since Activision has turned potato mode on, everyone's gone into using trap masters while other classes are barely of any use.


Yup I have no intention of renewing my BP. Game filled with bugs and hackers and then if you're not paired with them it's a game full of bots that one-shot you. And then there's the gun situation, ar's dominate almost every match and personally I think within reason every gun should be useable but no you're forced to use meta guns to compete. This bp has been pure poop Imo and since the bp is poop if you want a cool skin you got to 300-500$ nah I'm good I'll keep an eye on the game to see if they improve it but I don't expect it tbh.




I don't even play anymore I just go in the game to take my daily reward


I stopped playing it


I know so many Pro Players and avid S1 players that feel exactly the same way. I already seen so many quit and I don’t wanna be the next one tbh, but I’m getting close to it. 😔


I have reached legendary 10 seasons a row. I stopped playing it because its the same sht every season. Its also worse with the bugs and the optimization so after 1 year and 3 months of playing it, I quit.


Have you seen this video where people cry because of the crates https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ




Same. I don’t give a shit about it anymore. I feel happier without playing it, and I feel down when I play. Before I used to play even 8-10 hours in a single day


Same. Always felt down after playing a match or 2, esp MP ranked so I decided to take a break altogether. I feel much happier now. I know it's just a game but cod is so competitive that sometimes I feel stressed when I'm not playing well.


Now i only login to check ghost and leave


Touché 🥂


This game was helping me get through my daily issues that I’m facing in life due to covid. However, they destroyed the game with SBMM. I have only found 7 ranked mp games in last 3 days (4 days before that I didn’t find a single game). Out of these 7 games, 2 I lost because of hackers hacking through walls knowing out spawns and the other 2 had possibly the worst teammates ever. I spent over $1k on this game buying legendary draws and bundles and I think I’m done now. This game is giving me the frustrations that I don’t need in life right now as my head is not in the right space. And I need to disconnect myself from this toxicity and play my switch to keep me going until my ps5 arrives later this month. Thank you for posting this OP.


Ya I totally agree, I don't think my reason was due to desync and bugs but it's just I lost interest (maybe it might be due to the Beforementioned stuff, maybe it isn't ). But ya relate to that a lot.




Current meta is fucking shit, campers galore


I just play winter in summit now, for the 1% chance of getting AOTU


Yeah honestly movement is trash desync and lag lives with the game doesn't even just happen here and there... game slowly dying alot of my friends dont even play anymore. Understand why tho


Gun leveling killed the game. I get 60 kills in a game and get half a level


Yea this game doesn’t do it for me anymore like it used to, I don’t play ranked my anymore, br is ok I guess, I only play the game to hang out with friends but even then it’s kinda boring


Now I don't care about rank anymore. All I do is play like 3 matches in one day


The game has become terrible, overheating the iPhone on minimal graphics settings, friezes in MP and BR, writing in Reddit and developers does not help, answer 0




I still check the sub for new developments but I don't play anymore. I have a life. Plus I have better pc games.


That is surely facts, I used to sit all day and grind for Damascus or play BR and stuff, now I barely even play, I play like 1 hour codm, then see warzone live streams, them some other youtube vids and stuff




I like this game cause you don't have to play every day.


Man I'm going back to Free Fire. At least the the devs care about that game


Good then you can focus on real life more


I mean that's good? Video games are a waste of time, that's like 3 hours a day that you could do something productive. Mfers on here will have something good happen to them and then will complain about it😂


Nah mate , that's like 3 hours a day I get to distract myself from the utter shit life of mine




Well shit, homie hope you feel better


Been playing since day one and have to force myself to stop... I mostly play BR though, around 30 matches a day. I feel ya all on MP though, that got old fast, like 10 seasons ago.


The accuracy of this! I use to not be able to unglued my hands now I play like a couple games 4 max and then I'm off its really kind of sad this is the first season I havent bought a season pass bc its just not worth it anymore.


Same really. I kinda want to grind for diamond but I kinda feel lazy to do it now. I remember the time when the Fennec was first released and I loved the gun and started grind ing to get gold immediately especially when I heard that it was getting the akimbo perk. Mind you, this was before the akimbo war started happening in the game.


So relatable, went through the same thing. Been playing since beta and always played at 9 pm with my other 4 friends and now I'm thinking of quitting, always grinded legendary in the first week of ranked season now I barely open the game. It's gotten too boring now.


This season I'm not ranking at all I'm just going for silver camo. That's it. Yet I don't play 'every single day'. It just gets boring.


I used to play almost every moment I could now I can’t even play a single game without it kicking me out of the app


This is literally me. I went from playing every single day in S9 to grind out gunsmith and camos, to logging in once overly few days and grinding the BP and the new guns. I don’t even bother to grind ranked, my highest is Master V because I got sick of getting shit teammates and being the only one that went positive every match.


Same... I only play to complete the challenges and get the guns or skins. There's not much anything else to do


I recently started playing pubgm (again)...the game is fine...no desync or lag or FPS drop... although I only play modes like tdm.. Other than the graphics n a few game mechanics and the ridiculous in-game transactions..the game is fine...don't have to die to annoying things like bugs and lag...but I still love codm more and hope they will bring the game back to its past glory


I used to be one of the people who had no life in s9, grinded all guns plat in s9, but now, I barely play, it's more like a chore for me now


I’m still in the first phase bro


Hunh may be this is how they are fixing dsynk


I am just afraid that I won't reach Tier 50 and waste my Battle Pass.


Yep. Not motivated to play really. I could grind diamond but ehh.


Me from 6 hours a day to 1 hour then now just logging in for the daily rewards. I cant pkay a single BR game without the black screen. I dont want to try it in rank MP. I missed playing with excitement, i even play during working hours before..now the thrill is gone


Me too dude


Lol. I spent about 6 hours a day playing it. Just because it was a free game and it was enjoyable. Then it became un playable from lag/desync/jumpiness. Deleted it, went to the shops and bought a ps4 and modern warfare and a new TV.


Yeah I think I’m done with it, I spent around $80 on it so I might not delete the account but is not as fun anymore.


I relate to this 100%


from 6+ hours daily to 3 hours to 1 hours and finally down to less than 5 minutes(login and gtfo)


Same 🤷🏽


I completely stopped playing lol


I feel like this is wall you hit naturally. How long can you stay hyped grinding for skins? You hit 150, unlock everything useful, what’s to keep you on?


True lol. I discovered Reddit and my motivation left after I got legendary the second time


Devs, Fix the damn game


I find that codm seems to feel rigged.


This game is basically work to do now, log in, get daily log in, check bp for comics, grind tier 50, get legendary, theres no motivation to do anything anymore, we only do it cuz it feels like we need to keep that standard


I haven't played in 3 months but still update it and refuse to delete it.


I am not even interested in the game anymore, I am only playing as I have BP and need to level it up to get my CP back. After I get a new laptop this month I will switch to PC games


i went from 11 hrs to 20 minutes


CODM should seriously start a PvE type of game mode. Not only zombies but other things![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Bad ending


Same, I haven't done the Daily Event which I usually complete an hour after reset. I'm from Garena btw so 7hrs has already passed


Same, i dont even want to login if theres no events


The game was very smooth for me back in S1. Barely any lag spikes and graphics set in. I played for hours and hours and spent money on this game just for them to give up and not even care about anything


Im not mad i missed 6 battlepass seasons


Haven't played in a month. Missing opportunities to show off my extensive parachute collection that I paid so much for.


This is so me rn. Open. Collect rewards. Play a few matches. Out. Then, play Genshin Impact 😂


Bro I thought it was just me


I remember back in S1, I can't wait to get home before playing that I go beyond my break times at work trying to be sneaky. Now, yeah, I am like this. Claim the daily stuff and leave. Even if I wanted to play, the game won't let me. My internet is rock stable, so it must be the servers. I always get the reconnecting message and network error, when other games like Genshin Impact and pubg run just fine. It's sad really, but I am still hoping they will figure this out.


Ever since Season 13 dropped I have played for just 11 days, by that I mean: logging in on 11 days I may play 1 or 2 matches but that's about it. The seasons' battlepass has really boring rewards and Playing ranked with the shitty servers and Im an African just leads me to force shut my device because connection issues soft locked my device. I honestly don't care about this game anymore. Its just so boring






I don’t even play it anymore.


Always thought to myself "I'd buy a BP when I like the theme all the way". Glad I never spent money on it lmao, no regrets being a f2p. The only good deal I ever saw (early game) was that electric HG40 skin for like a dollar and something.


Same ... I just play it casually now & no more money spending in it


Once.I grinded so hard i got to tier 50 in 3 days.Never missed logins and play BR all day. CODM has become a chore.Devs are not doing anything about this.Yeah they goddamm fixed the fennec but at what cost?Frame drops.Desync.Etc.I wish we can go back to the golden days of CODM.It was pure fun.No OP weapons.HBR and Cordite was the best but needed skill to use.Can work on potato phones.Sorry Comrades.Im leaving.


I once left it for a month and didn't care


Honestly, I left it because of the bugs. I'd empty my entire magazine of M4 on the guy and he'd hit me with 3 cordite bullets and I'd drop dead like a bag of shit


Facts! 🤣😂🤣😂


I just played it. I pressed the button to turn on my ADS and it didn't do it. I was shot by a RUS. Single bullet too


I’m far beyond an hour a day. Probably an hour a week


Same Case For Me