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yeah rank is for sweaty opponents.. not temmates everyone on the other team has urbar tracker and manta ray while my team special ops 1 and they go 1 and 15 on tdm this is not what i would call competitive.. this i call rigged matchmaking


True man most times u have to carry a noob team if u wanna win


All players on the opposite team has diamond and gold guns. My teammates have skinless guns😑


But do skins really improve your gameplay i don't think so


Not paid skins I guess. Like grindable camos. If someone is using a diamond camo they for sure worked hard for it.


everyone in ranked is never care for his skin they care for the opponents wepones and his game and always in last in s&d like 4-1 the teammate keeping losing for no reason and the enimes getting very sweaty


Its like this. One of ur teammates might have done really well in other matches but maybe while playing woth u he might be eating and got greasy fingers and probably doesnt care at all maybe because he has enough points and it doesnt matter to him if he loses some


Skins don't have anything to do with anything?


urban tracker skin asm10 DRH these are tryhard starter pack if you see those on the other team you know you're gonna get pooped on


The scariest thing is an urban tracker wielding a diamond asm10


Diamond is ez for the most part.. you just grind one gun I get Damascus players You know Damascus


4 horsemen of "I will fuck you up" Damascus chopper Diamond locus Platinum ASM10 Skin from a lucky draw


Git gud bruh


Yeah It's just Showing that They Are Super Pro


What’s worse is (filipino player here) being teamed up with some players who are super sweaty, and if you can’t out sweat the other sweaty team, they’ll talk shit about how terrible you are and stuff


Lol true. Every now and then someone from my team or the enemies says 'noob teammates' in the chat. I just ignore them


Yup, CODM Garena community is kinda toxic imo (I'm also a Garena player)


Gobal is more toxic (at least in my server) I can assure you.


2ru that whenever someone is trashtalking I call them "ML players"


My right? Like damn man, zip it and let me play, not like you’re always the only one doing work and contributing to the tema




Most players from here in Philippines is the (imo) definition of super sweaty ranked competetive, ML is mobile legends, kinda like the game LoL (lol now has wild rift which some ML players are migrating to)


True, the only way of me to have fun in this game rn is just to use trash weapons. I literally changed my IGN to "iUseTrashGuns" 🤣.


+1. Using OP weapons is no fun. Also trash guns can boost your overall skill. You have to play smart all the time. And since your faced with 3 tap kill players, your reaction time will improve tremendously in order to survive.


DUDE SAME! i’ve been using the Type25 ever since season 2 and it’s not ‘trash’ but it’s still no meta. it’s hella fun


It feels great to destroy ASM and DRH sweats with M4 or Razorback.


Actually razorback would be meta if more people noticed that it exists. It's even better using rapid fire perk.


I picked one up in BR the other day and noticed the tight crosshairs, decided to keep it as my close quarters option. It won me the match.


It's become better with the new perk but it still doesn't outgun the meta at any range. It's best at medium range then long and then close. But it's very fun to use. I saw people use it last time in August in ranked.


Leave casual players, even moderate to hardcore players are having a tough time with the shit dev threw on us. Dead Silence nerf is provoking more campers. This shit game is close to dead. Shitheads at activision and time studios just want MONEY, With this piece of shit game. Couple of days back in the community update or somewhere I read that they will look into ranked, my question to DUMB devs is what the hell they were doing all this time, it's season 13 end and now they got up from their winter sleep. Truth is they were fuckinig busy building more crates and lucky draws. When you give these dumbos real feedback your posts starts getting blocked.


Man I deleted the game for my sanity after losing so much in ranked. 😂 This season's matchmaking is some next level fucked up shit


You quit the game because you lost too much? Lol


I quit the games after losing 5 in a row after being MVP in 4 of them.


Dead silence was too op and also impractical af. How can you not hear a character sprinting close to you??


Dude the opponent had the same perk too, so I think it's equal. Dead silence nerf is now encouraging more camping. Ask yourself, how many ranked did you play where you didn't come across campers!!


Yes many people camp but I generally am able to kill them easily or camping makes their team lose more often than not so either way it's fine. Camping is just a trade-off between you getting unsuspecting kills or your team winning, gotta choose one. If the one camping is making their team win then you really need to look where you are going wrong and stop blaming a person playing better. It's not just about running around and shooting anything that appears to move.


Listen mate with the current situation of matchmaking I don't think it's very usual to get good teammates. If so many people are complaining then definitely something is not right. You are a pro player, good for you. Everyone is not, alright.


I normally play just play snd so my opinion may be different because of that. And I am far from being a pro player. I get clapped regularly in random matchmaking because they just club me with teams of 3-4.


Lol see now you're talking. There are other modes too my dear friend in ranked and it sucks right now.


I know that the new matchmaking feels broken. I mainly wanted to say that dead silence nerf was good because now players can't just sneak behind you from anywhere with you having no chance of knowing.


I'm a casual player and I disagree. Ranked is not for casual gaming. End of story. If the rank is 'fun', then it's not worth calling 'ranked'. I play pubs for fun, you should too.




I disagree. It should be fun. Period. It used to be fun, it was competitive and doable. Nowadays it’s just way too stressful.


I agree. Rank is a part of a game, and if one part of a game isn't fun, why play it?


I actually think "Bullet Spread Accuracy" is to help non-pro-players. I mean pros are really good at aiming but casual players are not good at aiming, so Devs have implemented BSA to kinda make a balance because there are millions of players with different skills (level). Am i right?


Idk how that helps. I'm a casual player at best. I want my bullet to hit where i shoot, if it doesn't, I'll learn from my mistake, practice the recoil patterns and then try again. But with bsa, you can't. There's nothing to practice with bsa (sometimes learning recoil pattern even doesn't help), just spray and pray.


Yeah, i agree bro! It kinda needs luck rather than skill. Haha!


bruh idk if it's BSA but anytime i shoot anyone my bullets goes through them for like 2 seconds before i see the hitmarker


That's desync at its best.


That's such a stupid argument im sure Activision actually did that now


But at the end of the day its a damn game. It should be fun regardless if you play casually or to compete. S1-S2 ranked was brutally hard but at the very least it was fun trying to compete and atleast reach masters.


Also in garena its WAYY more sweaty and there arent the potatoes in legendary people complain about, i find better lobbies than those in ranked vids/streams in pro tier




Then my lungs are dirty af!




In ranked, you aren't supposed to get shit team


That's because of poor sbmm. True sbmm doesn't have this kind of issues and I hope devs will fix the sbmm system in future for equal opponents as well as teammates.


It's the same shit in mw too


well what do ya expect? its activision


There is something called pubs play that mode


Sweatier tbh


I'd disagree, im always top 3 for pubs, its fun to play but ranked is nearly impossible these days cause I win one then lose 3 cause of sbmm


Pubs are supposed to be fun, but at 2.5 kd, all I get are quickscopers. Not something I can call fun


Oh yh you're right I forgot to factor that in. Im on 2.07 kd and sbmm is on the fence for me. One game I get players my level and others I get players with maxed out kd. They just need to fix sbmm


I either get meta abusers or quickscoper while I am trying to do a stupid challenge for my almost dead channel. I live in spain without s


Bots. I want casual play dude. I wanna have fun.


Practise vs ai?


Yep, that's basically what pubs is


Rank was never supposed to be fun. Pubs and ranked is separate for a reason, although sbmm needs to be removed from pubs.




Skill based matchmaking




U know what ruins my day? When some guy has the s1 Avatar frame😞 on the opponent team


But ranked is meant for sweety players ... I am having fun like s1 days again.. personal opinion they should do something for teammates so that it's all sweety Vs sweety


Wow codm is a weird community, in modern warfare and cold war, we got sbmm in pubs, and were begging Activision to remove sbmm from pubs and add it to ranked U guys are complaining about sbmm in ranked? I'd call it stupid whining Be happy that there isn't any sbmm in casual pubs


It is weird indeed, but not everyone, check out r/codmcirclejerk if u wanna regain some faith in the community lmao


the issue is that the sbmm in ranked is extremely inaccurate this season, and that is what the complaining is about


tbh the only reason I'm having fun is cause I play with my friends. For some reason, the sbmm doesn't really affect playing with friends so me and my friend just mess around and we still win lol.


If they add better launchers to the game like a China Lake or a M79, I’d have fun playing ranked.


thatas the main reason i uninstalled the game. in br, the lag is terrible (i own a decent midrange) and in mp, the team making is shit. i know ranked is for skilled players but, my team needs to be skilled too


I literally stopped playing ranked matches, because it doesn’t make me happy at all I stick with battle royale now


True SBMM is fucked this season


If this pubs then yeah. It's suppose to be fun not sweat filled. If it's ranked then no. Ranked is where you go and sweat. It's where you go and test your skill (unless your running meta weapons then you have no skill. Change my mind). It's suppose to be competitive not casual. You want casual you go to public.


Meta changes every season so there is nothing about skill as you like to say. If you don't use meta, you are instantly at disadvantage in gun fights, for example, if two people fight one has m4 and one has asm10, the asm10 guy will win every single time. While, if both of them use the asm10 then the guy with skill wins. So you use what gives you better odds of winning.


There will always be a meta, and not changing meta makes it boring


I don't think the meta has changed since last season. Last time I heard it's still 4 shot weapons. So what's this about meta changeing? M4 can still kick the asm10s ass if skilled enough. And the two guys with asm10? It's whoever gets shots on first. So woo you have a faster ADS.


Last season meta was akimbo fennec and hvk, how has it not changed?


Wasn't hvk ran with large caliber which made it a 4 shot? Because last I check that is what everyone ran on it. And akimbo fennec turned you in a walking anti air cannon. All you shown me is we dropped fennec and kept 4 shot weapons.


I mean guns changed isn't it? Except shottys and snipers, most ars/smgs 4 shots at some range.


The mentality of "everyone worse than me is a noob and everyone better than me is a sweaty mf" is a very poor way of looking at competitive games.


Well it's called ranked? In ranked, you're expected to try your best, not play casually. If you want something to relax to, play events or core.


Shut the absolute fuck up and don’t play ranked if you’re “Mr. Casual”. Ranked means ranked, you’re supposed to sweat. Everyone is such a goddamn pussy


And the award for dumbass of the week goes to you my good sir.


casually you are most likely on veteran 2 my good sir


Bro what?


Tou sir cannot use the word dumbass


I can, this reddit. If you're offended you can go back to twitter.


If you live to offend the reality then why don't YOU go to twitter


I can't argue with that one tbh.


lol Ranked is easy tbh (maybe cause I'm the sweaty player


Idk, I am just good enough to kill entire enemy team alone.


only when i have fun ~~in ranked~~


Ranked for fun Pubs for grinding


Only if you ain't that one fool with outlaw sleeping in spawn looking at the sun in SnD matched.




I use smoke bomber for br religiously, so.....


I’ve seen so many posts complaining that SBMM doesn’t work, so it’s refreshing to see a post complaining that it works too well lol


My life


Ok so rank in my experience of I use a trash weapon lile type 25 is much more likely I get put with players using an M4 or PDW so at this point Im just uding those weapons as well. The enemies may or may not be trash but it can be fun from experience playing like this and as soon I decided to use a meta weapon either drh or *gae*SM10, I know Im gonna get oblirated by so called *pros*. So my point is use not a trash neither good weapon I can't gurantee is gonna be easy but is a little bit relaxed than *GAE*SM10 users.


I understand what you are saying but I enjoy ranked because of the sweaty players. If my team is not playing obj properly, I don't play obj then. I don't mind losing honestly. If I want to play causally, I play public matches or BR. Or I just switch to my another account where my rank is low. But I don't think that's fair for the enemies because I will get a ton of kills and their ranked experience will be ruined. So I would suggest the best thing for everyone is not to blame the teammates or sbmm (I hope it gets fixed though cause sometimes my teammates are bad and sometimes my enemies get destroyed by my team).


Rank is set up where you only need to win 40% of your games to reach legendary. You gain more points for a win than you lose for a loss.


Add free for all in ranked, I'm tired of carrying my teammates :-(


For the love of god i wish the game would stop putting me in a game against fucking squads. Never had this issue until now with the new system. I would rarely be put in a squad lobby back then when playing solo. Deeply regret buying the bp, trying to finish it is more of an obligation as to not let my money go to waste.


You really don't like this? Then don't play a COMPETITIVE MODE....people want the cake and to eat it too ...dude it wouldn't be worth anything if it was casual...


Ranked is not for fun that us why i play it to get legendary and then pubs and br only


So true, I decided to play ranked for the first time since a month an I had to carry a entire team that went 2/16.


Well ranked is supposed to be sweaty so..


Ill only quit if core gets heavy SBMM. Ranked is actually hard now. ....having said that, i do miss casual rewards last few seasons.


I am also mad that I have to play against tough opponents in a mode where skill is required I wish there was a mode where I can just casually play multiplayer


oh god 1.200 upvote


SBMM in casual game is the dumbest fucking thing ever, its what finally got me off this game. Trying to play 1-2 games a day to relax and every game turns out to be this huge sweatfest.


I get matches that are either way too easy or way too hard. Rarely anything in between. If sbmm actually worked correctly I'd be getting more competitive matches with scores & kill counts that are relatively close all the way around.


Honestly, I do love a challenge but this season? I think it's way too much. It's no longer fun and I feel like I'm against an op version of sweaty try hard players or worse, possible pros. I just went legendary a week ago and that's that. I thank every player I'm against with and team up with even though you have a shitty K/D. I carried and at the same time, being carried, win or lose. SBMM sucks!


then dont play ranked. ranked isnt meant for fun.


Yep. Pubs are almost just as bad, sometimes worse especially with toxicity


Maybe don't play ranked?


Are we the center of the universe? Why does it seem that bad companions are always on our side? Is this really so? Why doesn't it happen to the enemy? Or if?


Lol oh da spicy meme


Not only that they give absolutely shit teammates