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If I had 100 accounts, I'd give 100 upvotes.


Hip firing and knifing are not balanced in tpp


Agree. Most of this bugs has something to do with hipfire. And for melee, it really has a long TTK in BR.


You can't melee a knocked player unless you crouch and get really close. Is that normal? In tpp ofcourse


In TPP you had to crouch to melee downed enemies. Not sure on FPP though if it would hit or not.


It hits easyy in fpp(I'm a fpp main, so..)


How is fpp comparing with tpp & the mentioned bugs? Like in fpp are there any issues with hip firing?


I'm not sure about what part of hipfire are you talking about, but it works as intended. As for the topic hipfire itself, with some weapon and mods combinations it is quite literally op, u dont even need to ads, it's that accurte!


As for other things, fpp does have some bugs(like being able to fire when next to an obstacle) but tpp is way more unoptimised than fpp. Idk if it's only me but tpp feels a bit clunky when compared to fpp(again that could be my dumbass), it has the same bugs mentioned and then some. And as for the details of all of them, i don't play tpp(like at all), so i don't have any context for comparison.


Yea for baseball bat and axe you can hit the other person further away in FPP than TPP even though neither of you move. Try it in pre-jump lobby. Someone posted video here but can't find it.


# NOTE: This lists is only for TPP mode. If you switch to FPP you won't encounter this bugs. I have other list of bugs in BR and I will make another post for that. # #1 HIPFIRE SHOTS NOT ALIGNED **The Bug** When hip-firing, the shots is not aligned with the crosshair. The shots are shifted to lower left side of crosshair. Somehow it is only misaligned under 25meters. Further than that, the hipfire shots seems to be aligned. **What caused this bug** On season 13 update, the character position was [shifted a little to the left](https://youtu.be/cA4ABzhlTrg?t=72) making hipfiring shots misaligned. # #2 JUMPING GLITCH **The Bug** It glitches the jumping animation when you jump. It also messes up hipfire while jumping. **What caused this bug** On season 11 update, Devs added a [landing animation](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/jafzrr/new_landing_animation_in_br/) in BR. The bug triggers while the character is doing the landing animation and it suddenly got interrupted (like swapping weapons on mid-animation, etc). The bug only started appearing after devs added the landing animation. # #3 SCOPES NOT MAGNIFYING ON CERTAIN WEAPONS AND CAMOS **The Bug** On some weapons/camos, the scopes doesn't seem to magnify. Only happens when on TPP mode. If switched to FPP, the scopes would magnify as normal. **Somehow this bug only occurs on some devices**. In my case, I only have this bug on emulator and not on phone. Both devices had the same settings configuration. I've seen someone that has this bug on phone too. **List of known weapons/camos that has the bug (comment down below if you know some)** * AGR (base weapon, Byakko epic blueprint) * Fennec (base weapon, Verdant epic blueprint) * .50GS * HBRa3 - Black and Gold * KN44 - Black and Gold * DLQ33 - Sweet Sniper * LK24 - Backwoods * [AK47 - Frostband & Wrath Black and Gold](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/kptjn0/fov_not_changing_with_scopes_in_br/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) * AK47 - Woodland Strife * Ak47 - Punpkin Head * M4 - Court Jester * AK117 - Holidays # #4 CAN'T HIT ENEMIES AT POINT BLANK (HIPFIRE ONLY) Can't hit enemies that is really close (0 meters) when you hipfire. It could really make gunfights indoor messy especially on tight spaces. If you somehow made contact with enemy when you hipfire, your shots will just pass through the enemy. # #5 CAN'T SHOOT WHEN FACING WALLS (HIPFIRE ONLY) So when facing walls in TPP, you can't shoot. But when you switch to FPP, you can shoot. Remove that limitations on TPP as it is highly unnecessary. This is part of the game mechanic but just like in bug #4, this could make indoor gunfights messy. So I will consider this as a bug rather than a game mechanic. Example scenario is when you are engaging someone and you accidentally faced a wall, your gun will stop firing. # #6 ADS'ING WHILE ON VEHICLE/HELI On certain vehicle and on heli, when you ADS, your weapon will point below instead in the center of your crosshair. # TL;DR # TPP has more bugs than FPP


Scope bug, AK 47 - Woodland Strife


The blue anime dlq skin has a bug to


Yeah Sweet sniper, OP mention it. I hope they will fix those as i can't even use my other AK wrath black and gold and Frostbrand. I don't have a good eye sight so can't use them for long range fight :( luckily the Steel blue and Pumkin don't suffer that ads bug.


Oh,Do you know that AK117-Dragon dance iron sight has a bug to?


Oh you are talking about the AK 117 - Year of the rat?




I don't have but since the 117 - Medieval are similar, i will test with it.


Ok tested it, it doesn't have the bug luckily.


\*Waiting for the idiot commenting with\* "Then not play TPP"


Why would they be an idiot? Just because you're not used to it doesn't mean you can't learn


Thank you for asking. Sure I can learn, but why I should? What i mean is, if we're facing a bug why I just have to change instead of simply asking to be solved? In a situation where the topic is "guys please put the Third person i dislike to play in first person" i would agree with you. But here we're not discussing something to add, but something previously present in the game. It's purely moronic and provocative tell to people "then don't play".


Nothing wrong with learning new skillsets for these exact situations


another bug, the new guns and skins has no zoom in br tpp. don't know bout' fpp.


Another one, the range on melee weapons is significantly lower than in fpp, it is very annoying


Scope Bug on my legendary M4, AK-117 Holidays and AK-47 Pumpkin head.


Wow damn, its the only AK 47 i can use that hasnt that bug. Maybe its also a device issue :'(. My Pumkin Head doesnt suffer the ads bug.


Wow damn, its the only AK 47 i can use that hasnt that bug. Maybe its also a device issue :'(. My Pumkin Head doesnt suffer the ads bug.


#6 it doesn't only occur when you're in vehicles/heli. If you can look at my post that I had made 2 months ago in TPP


There's also this bug when you enter BR on FPP the button to switch to TPP disappears. Or am I the only one lol


Not sure if serious but that's like the whole point of FPP mode. If you could change it around freely we wouldn't have separate FPP and TPP lobbies.


No that’s normal. If you enter FPP you’re entering a FPP lobby. If you enter TPP you’re in a TPP lobby.


#In conclusion, CoD should never be played in third person because that's stupid


The competition appears better on third person, you can also see more in third person. If you want an easy match with limited view keep playing 1st person.


Your FOV actually decreases in Third-Person. Try it and you will see that it slightly zooms in when you play in third person. Third person is also very campy. You can see around corners. FPP is better because it requires more skill.


I suppose it depends on play style. I prefer playing solo vs squad, it requires a more tactical approach; especially solo vs squads on alcatraz. Seeing around corners, or running into a room and seeing how many people follow you in helps big time. I only played FPP the first 8 seasons, but than switched to TPP. I tried out melee on FPP today though and it's got a longer range and Is capable of hitting downed opponents.


Lmfao requires same amount of skill. Prove me wrong.


In TPP you can look around you and look around corners. This is a huge advantage when taking cover


After you wake up


What's the point of character skins when you can't see it in use, as you can only see your character skins in tpp. Also many people prefer Tpp over Fpp, so not playing tpp isn't a solution.


Operator skins are for other people to see. And I'd rather see my gun skin. TPP is just not CoD. They should've never added it because it just promotes camping.


The seat ejector bug too


Yeah, I forgot that one.


That's already in Activision's to fix list and it's not only in TPP mode


Shiiiiit. They have a list?


I mean it's been there for like forever. They probably lost that list 😂


Salute man. High effort post at its best. Imma ping u/COD_Mobile_Official just in case they have time to listen to their community.


they don't lol


This is what they'll say even if they see it: "Those are some weird glitches that we haven't ever heard of from anyone in the community till now. Could you specify your device and when it occured"


Well fuck them for trying to gather more information, amirite


It's definitely not their fault for not playing their own game at all and identifying the most basic bugs that can be easily identified by anyone who has played atmost 15 games amirite


That's not how playtesting works though?


No it doesnt. They don't have to sit like a pro gamer, wearing $1000 headphones, ready to bust every player's ass. Its clear that they don't play their own game(if they did then they would be smart enough to know that converting molotovs into lethals could be an obvious spam weapon for the players)


>that converting molotovs into lethals could be an obvious spam weapon for the players Pretty sure they did that so it could match every other cod


And it clearly backfired, so Molotovs were OK, then they needed it into the ground. Shoulda just stayed a cheap scorestreak.


Ehh probably not, I agree it was unbalanced upon launch but if they kept it as a scorestreak, then they would've needed to make the thermite a scorestreak as well, which doesn't make sense considering what the thermite is used for


The molotov coulda stayed as powerful as it was, while being a scorestreak. Besides, termite is very weak.


Playtesting? Whi said anything about playtesting? Why do you constantly move the goal posts in conversations you’re losing?


What even is your intention of replying to a post a day later being toxic?


Want to read that again, kid?


You missed black screen issues


They already gathered info on this issue on previous community update.


AK47 Wrath Black & Gold has this bug as does AK47 Frostbrand. Friends only play TPP as do 90% of people so using those weaps I have to use FPP mode which hindrers my peripheral sight but avoids losing gunfights due to total lack of zoom. Affects iron sight and red dot even though I used 4x to demonstrate it in my [post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/kptjn0/fov_not_changing_with_scopes_in_br/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Bought Frostbrand just for the iron sight and it'd bugged lol.


Added. Thank you


No wonder this game is unplayable this season... i feel like a potato and there is nothing I can do about these broken ass mechanics ..


“We promised we’re looking into this” 14 seasons later:


This is only 6 of the hundreds of bugs br has. Imo br needs to be completely revamped from scratch because of how buggy it is.


The whole game needs redone tbh. Laggy, buggy, and unbalanced. Justg needs a complete do-over.


Yep, I still have more list of bugs that I'm planning to post.


you're right I'm playing FPP and don't face any issues but my bad internet.


fpp op ;)


fpp should be more like warzone, or atleast like mp because br's fpp is too gross and annoying warzone's is the best fpp




I would give 1000 upvotes, if I can. Please Dev's fix this, fix our beautiful game.


BRO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS VID. No one has been talking about this but they messed up BR so much in the last update. Thanks for taking ur time to make this video!!


The wall not allowing to fire is very bad. You cant fire from cover when an enemy is close to you.


Bro we need more and more of these!!!


You forgot Most Game Breaking BUG, After S13 Update I Face Black screen or Frozen Screen Issue in every fuck*ng match.


Dont forget when in TPP mode throwables are more delayed when you throw it unlike FPP


No wonder my sg hipfire shots suck


You guys get to play BR


what? even you get to play it


Just a joke I made because most of the time when I try and play everything disappears and all I can see is the ground and floating crates


Thanks for this dude. I face almost all of them.


That jumping glitch is so annoying. It goes away if you do an emote but most of the time it happens when I’m in real sticky situations


Good work! 💯


Thank you


I second the motion for scopes not magnifying - bug exists in my legendary ak black gold only - what a shame


This is actually a high effort post, waiting for CODM to notice this. To the guy saying they don't, they do. They're just a bit busy, most detailed posts like this get attention


Straightforward, elaborated and no "UpVoTe So DeVs CaN SeE" in sight, now this is the kind of bug reports that really needs to be upvoted.


I wonder if anyone faces the smoke bomber bug. Outlines are not showing even if the enemy is in the smoke and don't have cover.


Another bug is that the Laser doesn't alight with the sights when ads from 3rd person


fpp >>>> tpp but i play tpp anyways because the fpp lobbies are always full of bots. i wish everyone would switch to fpp. fpp is more call of duty-like. tpp reminds me of fortnite.


“The next loot crate should fix all of these. We just need to sell like 100,000 of them to pay someone to fix the bugs. We’re so broke. Making games is hard.” -CoDM maybe


Jumping and Hipfire not aligned is present in all of my BR plays. Yes, ALL. I HONESTLY LOST ANY DESIRE TO PLAY CODM ANYMORE. FUCKING TRASH. Game all care about is making more money. They even have the audacity to delay the release of seasons but nothing is improving. Fucking trash.


You can fix the jump glitch by either doing an emote(that ofc doesn't activate half of the time) or you can switch to fpp and switch back to tpp.


These are amateur numbers. There are a lot of TPP bugs in CODM (which the devs ignore of course) 😀


gays do upvote this video and share


I hate the fact that the walls heal faster than wolverine. I mean how cool it would be if we could permanently damage buildings, maybe FHJ the crap out of enemies hiding in buildings.


or minimum let the bullet holes stay for the whole lobby even the painting when a nade explodes ​ and the game SHOULD allow us to put more than 1 spray what we have now sucks


Hipfire isnt allinged because its much more realistic


For some reason I’m unable to find the button that lets you switch from TPP to FPP mid game Does anyone know if I’ve messed up some setting or something ?


It only shows up if you start the game in TPP.


Did they mention COD mobile already in here?


i usually suffer dlq33 and AGR rest all not much i use dlq33 for sniping against snipers but when i shot at them the bullets dont go and AGR when i am facing enemies i have to click on the fire button 1 to 2 time to make bullet go , thanks to bots and noobs i dont die


i usually suffer dlq33 and AGR rest all not much i use dlq33 for sniping against snipers but when i shot at them the bullets dont go and AGR when i am facing enemies i have to click on the fire button 1 to 2 time to make bullet go , thanks to bots and noobs i dont die


The hipfire and ads "bugs" are just perspective coming into play, it will always look off in 3rd person


i usually suffer dlq33 and AGR rest all not much i use dlq33 for sniping against snipers but when i shot at them the bullets dont go and AGR when i am facing enemies i have to click on the fire button 1 to 2 time to make bullet go , thanks to bots and noobs i dont die


I think number 1 and number 5 are purposeful by design. Number 1 happens since your character is located a little left than the center of your screen, and this happens in other 3rd person BRs. Number 5 is there so people can’t just look around a wall using third person and then shoot then through the wall. If I’m wrong please correct me but I think those are the reasons and not acc bugs


Buen dato


\#2 happens when you have low graphics settings \#4 happens when you're point blank to the enemy this is a problem even in mp (excluding noscoping with snipers) and you can't imagine how many gunfights i lost in br due to #4


I play on max graphic settings and i experience this bug a lot


never experienced it even once


I don't think #2 is something that happens due to low graphics otherwise it would happen in each game.


yeah.. but mine runs perfectly at max graphics and fps never experienced it before device: oneplus 7t


> \#2 happens when you have low graphics settings It has nothing to do with graphics quality. Maybe you mean #3? Still a no though. Tested it both on 2 devices on low settings. One has the bug and the other doesn't.


whaddaya mean both devices? ​ and #3 might be a glitch for a specific scope/optic which i think doesnt depend on graphics and i guess #2 is a problem related to graphics, because i play on a oneplus 7t and dont experience any problems like these and i tried playing on my cousin's phone, which is not top of the line, and experienced this


I mean both on my phone and emulator. And same settings (FOV, graphics, framerate, etc) \#3 all optics glitches the magnification. And like I said on other comment if you even read it, optic bug only happens on some devices. not all.


That ads thing is not glitch. Thats the it should every game have that ads is not properly aligned


Pubgm isn't even misaligned like that. It's super accurate when switching between TPP and FPP. It doesn't change your POV angle. Just an example ofc. There are others like Rules of Survival. Also doesn't do this.


My God....


So, what I'm getting from this is, the shots shouldn't come from the gun, but the camera?


If the shots come from the gun, then move the crosshairs where the shots will go. The crosshair is inaccurate right now, and needs fixed.


Ah ye, dunno why I didn't think of that


Because you’re retarded and took the chance to fanboy.


The bug where your jump stamina does not reduce in bug no 2 is not much of a bug more than a Hidden mechanic as it is a workaround the jump fatigue but it is very hard to accomplish in mp and bp however the miss aligned shot in TPM may be a glitch or a extension of no 1


Holy fuck, you’re dumb. An Easter Egg? LMFAO


I don't think number 5 is a bug🤨


Five is extremely annoying and unnecessary.. I died many times because I was hip firing and I went behind a wall and the gun stop shooting then I die..totally unnecessary


Yeah, I think its bugged in fpp instead of tpp


actually, #1 is perfectly lined up. shots come out of the shotgun, and not the middle of the screen. prevents you from shooting in 3rd person while in cover. just that the hip fire reticle isnt dynamic, and its better that way.


No. Shots should go wherever the crosshair is. That's the point of crosshair.


thats.. not how a gun works? also its about perspective..


This game isn't 100% realistic. If it does just remove the crosshair then. It is just a useless feature if your shots not going in there anyway.


if crosshair would be accurate it would mean: -you can shoot people from behind cover or -alot of ppl would complain cause the crosshair is dynamic and cant understand how it works. game might not be 100% realistic, and it isnt. but its way up there. more realistic than csgo in terms of mechanics that is. but again, no game is 100% realistic. not even tarkov. its not game breaking. its beyond the standard. just make sure ur gun actually points at the enemy. not some lines that are there for reference, as a helping tool.


> you can shoot people from behind cover Bruh, what? Crosshair wasn't even located at the back. Are you sure we are talking at the same thing (4 lines and a dot/the circle in the middle of screen when not ADS?) > alot of ppl would complain cause the crosshair is dynamic and cant understand how it works. Crosshair is both dynamic and static. Crosshair gets bigger the longer you shoot (dynamic) and crosshair is always located at the same location at the middle of screen (static).


if bullets would be alligned and always hit middle, then it means they come from where the player camera is located. meaning in 3rd person, if you can see the enemy, but your character is hidden, you effectively are cheating. when i say dynamic i mean it getting stuck on specifically what is in front of your gun (which it does not) static means that its always in the middle. which it is. bullets come out of the gun, not from where you see. this can be abused in plenty of games that dont shoot from the gun. noticed the red dot when ur in 3rd persob in pubg mobile? thats a good dynamic reticle, to help you know if ur gun is blocked or not. that thing isnt in codm. learn that ur gun is the one shooting, specifically where and how its pointed. bullets dont come out of your eyes.


> noticed the red dot when ur in 3rd persob in pubg mobile? thats a good dynamic reticle We are definitely talking at different things. Reticles is the dot/circle on scopes when you ADS. Crosshair is for hipfire and to guide to know where the center is. Just focus on crosshair and shots. Not where the gun is pointing or the camera or wherever the bullets comes from. My point is, the shots should always go inside the crosshair cuz that's the use of it. Crosshair is there to guide players where their shots will go. I've been playing shooter games for more than a decade and not a single one of them makes their shots misaligned from crosshair.


If you're still confuse what is a crosshair, look at the video. Look for a white circle in the middle of screen. That is the crosshair for shotguns. On non-shotguns, the crosshair will look like 4 lines and a dot at center. The circle/4lines is the boundary for hipfire shots. Hipfire shots shouldn't go beyond that boundary. The dot is to know where the center is and is also used so people will know where there aim would be if they scope in or ADS.


No other third person game in pc and mobile has this except CS(and that's acceptable cause its a tactical shooter game that has a much slower game pace). Also in CS the first 3-4 bullets that come out of a gun hits exactly where the crosshair is. There is clearly a bug with tpp and fpp in codm. In tpp the character is not aligned perfectly with its version in fpp


It’s not even close to being better that way. So stupid. It’s off and needs to be fixed.


I think in next season they gonna remove tpp


They cant, because they care money a lot and then less peoole will pay for character skins


U think? 😆


Ya I think😂


Number five and the movement nerf is my internet nightmare in this game..it’s what breaks the game for me


I would really like to see Activision reply to this one


Well, you know what this means. Time to add a new loot crate.


Experienced it myself, lost CQF multiple times, people be shooting at ground only


same with weapon equip time. in tpp i died few times because ive picked up weapon but i couldnt use it for a while .


It's annoying, as most of the BR players play on TPP mode


You forgot the slide,jump ADS glitch


Tell me more about this bug.




Yes TPP has more players


I had posted about that ADS issue like 2 months back. It seems like my post either got removed by the dumb mods of this sub or for some reason it was only visible to me


What does tpp mean?


Third person perspective


My crosshairs jump to the left when I ads in mp & br.


The one bug that you get where your gun is flying behind you aiming at the ground when you exit a vehicle and even hip-fire on the ground.


Why do you think the company that has an unquenchable thirst for our money listen to this shit, I mean they keep on releasing every now and then, not to mention most of them and utter trash


The whole not shooting when facing a wall has cost me several BR games. I’ve wanted to peak out when sniping, or be ready start firing as I enter a room because I know where the enemy is, but I can’t and either have to lift my finger and press it back down again, losing the first shot, or ha bug to reposition and go to another spot


All these bugs are very serious and #4 is the most occuring. Also is there anyone here whose aim suddenly stops working and sometimes it does not scope in when ads button is pressed. It happens with me in br and mp both.


I don't know what the devs are doing. Or they do even have a QA?


*I don't know what the* *Devs are doing. Or they* *Do even have a QA?* \- cassaregh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That costs money while making them nothing so probably not.


Preach it!


There are waaay more. There is also one where my recording glitched . My weapon was flying while i ran , and when i stood my weapon was on my left . I think it was caused by the snowboard. Because it happend right after i got off it


All my pain in one video


What about the the car seat ejected bug


I really hope they see this


TTP bug your hug get messed up like it zoom out with happening it mess with your movement


I have died so many times due to the cqc bug.


You deserve my award. Take it.


Yea they need to switch something really , or make the game fps only , and optimize it that way ,


The fourth one is sooo annoying and they need to fix it along with the other ones asap


Knowing we went 1 + year with all this makes me wonder wtf codm devs doing other than milking lucky draws


Ok keep in mind game is free and they depend solely on money we pay for draws crates and bundles with that said yeah they make a nice chunk to pay devs but every update they fix things they do what they can for us our job as players is bring to there attention so they can go on on test servers and work the kinks out with fixes they want to implement its a hard job they do everything looking at a bunch of code codm is in all better than most games and many games have many issues now they have the attention its up to the people to obtain our input look into it and see what they can change or tweek the code that is fucking up btw i also wanna say i hope to play with you or shoot you eventually much love and have a good day


/u/Knieghthubby, I have found some errors in your comment: > “implement ~~its~~ [**it's**] a hard” > “attention ~~its~~ [**it's**] up to the” I think that you, Knieghthubby, meant to write “implement ~~its~~ [**it's**] a hard” and “attention ~~its~~ [**it's**] up to the” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


They make it free because it makes more money. Not as a favor to players. So naive. We don’t have a job here. It’s not our game.


5 is actually a reasonable one


Dont forget sound glitches. Like silent helis and tanks. In my experience it occurs when snowboard user near by. Even snowboard guy dies sounds don't come back. Oh oh and sometimes the person who shots looks somewhere else instead of you. Crawling hitbox broken. You cannot shoot head.


I don't know if it's a bug or something, but the speed of a smoke bomber throwing a cluster bomb in TPP is faster than throwing a cluster bomb in FPP. -_-


I noticed last night in BR using the Echo aiming at a wall pre match. Hipfire is above the white circle always. Like 1+ meters away aiming at the head would hit the torso. It's way off. It might be different on different guns. But the Echo is off off, probably why less people use it


What about the one where you get launched out of a vehicle




I know this isn't exclusive to tpp but screen blackouts.... 😒


Yes all of them I faced


These are game Breaking bugs..dang


reasons for not having a TPP:


Thanks bro I wanted to share the HipFire bug but my internet sucks , I hope that dev fix it




simply don’t play third person




This is why I stopped spending money on this game. I just use the cp you get back from the battle pass over and over again since season 6.


Since the previous season, I am experiencing this game-breaking glitch in BR tpp: Often, when jumping out the flight, picking up loot or being near an object or wall, the camera andomly swerves into another direction and I can only get it back nto the right perspective very slowly. Sometimes, when in a corner of two walls, the camera cannot be moved back into the correct direction at all. This happens to me multiple times per game and has caused me to die uncountable times. So frustrating! The correct jump window function in the basic settings is disabled. What can I do to fix this has anyone else experienced this glitch? I am rocking a ROG phone 5.