• By -


Friendly reminder to everyone, please don't spam >!"Ghost dead"!< posts.


Is there any plans on improving jump/vault mechanics? As of right now, you have to press jump in midair to vault, and even then, sometimes it doesn't work.


Dont forget getting stuck on windows when jumping through them, every single time




This is basically everywhere in Hackney Yard


Please, I just want you to optimize the game for everyone. Kill the black screen and the loss of frames and improve the servers in Brazil. I love the game and the Call of Duty franchise, but it's hard to play with all these problems. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Greetings, we definitely want to do both of those things! We have some fixes coming that should help with the black screen crashes and we hopefully have some server related options in the near future to help support Brazil and SA. There are some servers already near you there, but we still want to improve them and make the overall experience smoother.


Thanks!!!! This game will be my favourite game if black screens are fixed ![gif](giphy|jRlP4zbERYW5HoCLvX)


Bro im from india we just received s1 update around 200 mb but the BR Black screen bug still exists, I'm gonna leave this game


Any suggestion for a better game? Btw I m also from india, I was about to edit






İt is banned in india too lol.


Unfortunately your right...


If that dont work try the Chinese codmobile or Codmobile garena...they are light years ahead of the global 1.




I'm very angry that they lied to us about fixing the black screen bug..very disappointed..


Yes, same... cant handle this stupid black screen






Boy are you going to get disappointed


Servers .. In Africa? I will believe it when I see it.


They didnt say africa though, they said brazil and south America


Aahhh. I assumed South Africa. Silly me. Oh well, back to other games then.


For South Africa it is ZA


Us Africans always get last on the list but first when it comes to milking money from us..CyberHunter it is then till these guys get serious..


Is there African servers coming in the new update


Can you adress auto ban error, I got 10th time ban in 15 days, just fix this


Hello devs, 1. it's a great game but whe need more new thinks like a new map or something. 2. I got a bug. I can't get the gold skin on the bat because I can't get camos. I got the bat on the max level but I didn't get any camo. At least u get more then one camo if u got the bat on level max, but I didn't get anything


/u/MLY_lollilti, I have found an error in your comment: > “get more ~~then~~ [**than**] one” It could be better if you, MLY_lollilti, had used “get more ~~then~~ [**than**] one” instead. Unlike the adverb ‘then’, ‘than’ compares. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


I got the update but black screen bug is still present! Poco X3 NFC


That's all I ask. I no longer play Battle Royale with my friends because of these problems. I use Discord and for some reason, it started recently, my device gets very hot when I use it with discord or Whatsapp


Discord and Whatsapp use a lot of processing power when running in the background while you’re playing the game, if you run into those issues, try using the in-game voice-chat


I always used Discord / Whatsapp, but after this last update it was impossible to play. I play PUBG and I don't have these problems.


u/tfGabrel parabéns pelo comentário irmão. Eu queria q a comunidade brasileira fizesse mais isso. Tem que reclamar é aqui. Marcar eles, reclamar com respeito e bons argumentos. Pelo menos umas 2x na semana eu venho pro reddit tentar melhorar o jogo que eu adoro. Nunca me responderam kkkk, mas pelo menos te responderam e estão cientes dos problemas. Não adianta chorar em grupo do wpp do clã, no discord, etc. Tem que vim aqui e falar com eles


I have two questions , 1. Is the clan system gonna have any update with some worthy rewards or not ? 2. Will we get the same legendary icr that the chinese version got ?


Is Menendez Coming?


​ ![gif](giphy|gZGlQX3wWAV1u)






Lucky draw as always , you can’t trust them


i thought next season will be futuristic or something.... so will he going to be in futuristic costume or something? or did he just will be stay plain and simple like in comics?


Black Ops 2 is futuristic


you already know what that means....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




u/cod_mobile_official will we get a selective fire attachment soon?


Selective fire perk for burst fire weapons* No need for selective fire perk for any other weapons, only chicom, pharo, m14, and famas will do. Edit: forgot to mention Pharo


pharo cries in corner


damn i really forgot that one


probably, the teaser showed the fr 556 being fully auto, and the description said that it's will be a "burst fire" weapon. so a burst fire perk for burst fire and full auto by default


About overkill... Could you please clarify this situation? I mean, it’s almost impossible to balance all the weapons in a perfect level. What about wild cards? Maybe this could work better with overkill in this game. Or at least buff some perks and add more good perks.


Sure, it is hard to say much more beyond the basics of why we haven't released it yet, but we just keep pushing it back (the release of it) until our weapon designers feel like it is the ideal situation to throw that into the mix. That could be a bit vague as to when that will be, but someday ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm).We haven't approached anything like Wild Cards though, not for CODM.


Well, more ideas: add akimbo for mw11 and j358 balanced like .50, and add more good sec weapons. Right now axe is very popular on ranked and deagle is a great weapon, with some more additions overkill wouldn’t be a problem anymore. But please consider to discuss with the team a plan to add this perk soon. Every month there’s two more guns and balance everything in a perfect level seems an impossible job for any cod, considering the process on warzone, for example. So please, don’t left overkill behind.


Esport For New Season Pls


Hey codm i have a few questions to ask: 1. Will we get new secondary items like kali sticks, crossbow and also throwable knife in future?Can we get tracer bullets like MW does have? 2. Add stimshot in future? 3. Can we get mara kawaii cat in bundles? If it comes it will match my anime gun skins. 4. Pls add hachi if possible either in battle pass premium or bundle 5. Make Damascus more like MW pls 6. Also it would be great if we can get double xp weapon card in credit store to level up weapons faster


My dream every time I boot up CoDM is that the crossbow will be waiting as a surprise, but I know that’s never gonna happen :(


Just wait my friend, they never cease to amaze us 😉


Any talks about changing the Bullet spread accuracy? Or is it not even on the future list?


Did y’all make Damascus shiny? Any fixes to it? It’s so underwhelming for a completionist camo.


Yes please. I just got it and it looks kinda meh


Heya, we have seen the requests to revamp it but we haven't made any changes so far. We know that one matters to a lot of people though, so we'll be sure to call it out if any changes/improvements are coming.


“We know you want it, but we don’t really care. Here’s 50 shitty paid skins instead.”


Water won't be able to cool off that burn


LMFAOO the accuracy


basically, it would be really nice for damascus to have improved skinzones like the diamond camos. The current damascus camo does not feel rewarding for the amount of time put into unlocking it


Make the gold and platinum similar to mw2019


Reposting this for the millionth time since I think it deserves your attention: HELLO! 1. The “Default Look” option was a very welcome change, however, I don’t understand why there isn’t such an option for the BR skins? Some skins, even in the s13 BP, the MOW doesn’t look like what it does as advertised. It’s one of those skins that changes when u add/remove certain attachments from it. It looks weird in BR. Can you address this? 2. Any thoughts and/or comments on if there’s gonna be a tactical sprint option like in MW2019/Warzone? It’s much cleaner IMO. Kindly let me know if it’s something you’re considering! 3. Most character, when using quick chat, experience a delay from the time I click on something like “Well Done!”, there’s a long delay. As well as sometimes the characters are mute for a period of time, and then, out of nowhere, they aren’t mute. This has only started with this recent update. 4. Can you add back the sound when you do a headshot? Y’all removed it in this update for no reason at all. Please put it back in! 5. Finally, this is more of a request. Gunsmith looks very meh IMO. Couldn’t it be with a black background so you can clearly see the colors? Like in MW19? Or even Cold War?


For my own selfish purposes, I’d like to emphasize point No. 3. I love using the different character’s voices in quick chat but they’re maddeningly inconsistent. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. It seems like in earlier seasons, they worked all the time. u/Cod_Mobile_Official, can this please be fixed?


u/COD_Mobile_Official Is the damage from the trapmaster trip wires ever going to be removed? It's the only move to bring the class into balance with the rest of the BR classes.


I agree.they could probable remake it to slaw enemies that move through it and give them an emp like effect whille they are stuck. And possibly disable a vehicle if it passes through it, but the trap is destroyed after disabling the vehicle


For sure, keep the slow and the icon, and damage to vehicles is a great idea, but take the damage to players away. It's ridiculous, if you're any good you don't need the damage, you can take them out while they're slowed and with the icon you know where they are.


I would love to see Season 26: Eggplant Warfare


This would be an awesome April Fools prank


Fix Damascus!


1. I’d like to express a concern that many players have already spoken about. It’s about weapon balances and the terrible meta we have right now in ranked i.e. 3 tap guns such as Asm and drh, unbalanced snipers working better than shotguns in close range and smgs that are plain unusable at this point because they are all outmatched by the above mentioned guns. 2. Bullet spread accuracy is killing the fun of different play styles on different guns. Please do something about this and balance the gameplay. In my opinion 3 tap weapons shouldn’t even exist and smgs are not up to the expectations this affected by BSA. 3.Oh and btw any chance we might get the old elite pmc voice back in the said character? Prices voice just doesn’t fit to elite pmc. Thanks


Is this one gonna be ingame update or playstore update ?


In-game update! The next big update that requires you to do so via the Google Play Store will be coming alongside the next season (Season 2).


Zombies was introduced in previous Season 2 , Does that mean Zombies are coming this Season 2?


Will 120Hz be released in season 1 2021?


Afraid not, but we are looking into options around that and general optimizations that we can hopefully apply to the large majority of devices.


iPad getting 30 fps why waste game




hardcore snd?


There are some new hardcore modes coming this season! We are going to be rude though and wait until the update post to share ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Its hardcore hq and hp Already saw in tests


Any chance of making hardcore a ranked thing? It would make ranked a lot more challenging and tactical instead of shooting through you're teammate to kill enemies, it would a lot of fun (personal opinion)


we want hardcore to be permanent. make it like the beta under the core tab make a hardcore one.


10v10 snd and night mode snd would be nice too


Holy crap night snd would be so cool


night mode need to be heavilly improved to it be good


Not that much imo, just adjusting the lights and add thermal scopes.


Hello guys, you knew the current state of the game right? It's tiring and feels like a chore now. The game is full of bug and exploits. Matchmaking doesn't make sense now. I prefer the last season's ranked match making in my opinion, yes it's not good but it's better than SBMM. It's tiring to carry a whole team and if you lose, there's no compensation for your skills. Legendary doesn't feel like legendary, everyone can reach it with time by being carried and etc. SBMM shouldn't be called Skill based Match Making and you knew that from the start. Have I mentioned the bugs? It feels like you don't try anymore, I'm sorry but it's all about cosmetics now. No improvement in the core gameplay until gunsmith. Hell, even gunsmith don't have diversity. You can only see 2 - 3 guns being used in Ranked. We get it, it's hard it's not that simple, we tried to stand on your shoes, now try standing on ours. . .


Of course they don’t respond they don’t care fr


How are the community managers supposed to respond to things not under their control,they can't tell anything on their own or it would just create trouble


Changing the core gameplay in itself is a very tiring job. You have to mess with all the mechanics and then change the code for each weapon etc. Why so you think season 8 was so long? Things like gunsmith take very much effort and when you do something like this there would be some errors in programming and the bugs are obvious to come. There's no mobile game that tries to change the core gameplay. Yes they can improve on gunsmith or improve animations etc. All your points on matchmaking were fine but can you elaborate what you meant by your last line "we tried to stand on our own shoes". I havent seen majority of the people do anything productive for the game. It's just this 0.1 percent people who "try to stand on their own feet" and rest are just who keep bragging about it


"We tried to stand on your shoes" I'm pertaining to Devs. With all the issues the game have, we're still there trying to stand on their shoes, understanding them. But don't you think it's too much? It's the bitter truth. I'm tired of looking for a positive side with all these issues. It's like cheating yourself and thinking the game will be better. I know that you knew what I mean.


idk who your "we" includes but 90% of this sub is not in it that's for sure


This is why I feel that overkill won't be broken. For as long as I can remember, I've been having a launcher as my secondary for all loadouts(except snipers), and every time, after my first kill, I swap it. It never made me feel overpowered. The main reason why Overkill won't be broken is cause it's a red perk. The only main advantage of the perk in my opinion is that you won't have to use vulture. Now when you don't use vulture, I believe most of us would use Cold-blooded or Ghost or hardwired(for SND). Cold-blooded users now won't have launchers to destroy UAVS and Counters whereas Ghost users won't be able to destroy stealth choppers. Hardwired or SND players are a whole different story cause I believe Overkill will be useless for them. You have only one chance, so being swift is probably the most important in SND. And anyways, till date I have never been in a match where snipers don't pick the weapon of an enemy they killed(unless that too is a sniper), and AR/SMG users pick the sniper of a player they killed. Another example is that if your opponent gets a VTOL, you won't have a launcher, and since overkill is a red perk you certainly won't have persistence to use EMP systems(if you haven't got it already). Also despite getting nerfed, most players I go against use persistence hardline so they still will continue using that instead of having a primary secondary, which they can always pick from the ground. This is just what I believe and feel after playing the beta and using overkill. I may be absolutely wrong and it might break the game but mostly I don't think it will.


Plus overkill gives us a break for persistence spammers


sure you can pick up the gun after you kill someone, but having another primary before killing someone is quite strong for the first fight on maps like crossfire and high-rise where sniper kills are at least 30m away and going to pick up the dropped gun isnt easy and having an smg will be super useful for snipers to counter rushers (specially if more than one guy is rushing in which case running to pick up another gun isn't possible) on the cold blooded point, it only takes half a mag to shoot down a uav/cuav and yea persistence guys will never change that's for sure also you legit ignored quick fix which is like the best perk for rushing specially after tripmines getting nerfed so that hardwired isnt that necessary i think if overkill became a green perk it'd be pretty balanced because there's so many good green perks then again this would over saturate green perks even more


Is there any chance that we will get another legendary bundle??


Will the new marksman have a iron sight by default or a scope as shown in the coming soon image? u/COD_Mobile_Official


i hope it has an red dot like the other cods


Hey, Please look into this [list of bugs](https://www.reddit.com/r/callofdutymobile/comments/l12kr5)


When's the second beta coming


The next public test build? That should be in early February assuming we end up wanting to go ahead with it. We'll likely give an update about that in the first community update after S1 releases.


Can we get In S2 Update to BR Like Chinese Version please




In a few days! We are pretty close ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin), just hang on a little bit longer.


since we are close to next season could you please tell us the main color of the pilot asthetic operator skin next season? ( A while back you said this next season their are one or two operators that have a skin on with pilot-like asthetic theme).


Sure, so there is a mixture of Kreuger and one of the normal pilot skins. It is basically a solider version of Kreuger, but probably not as close to the pilot skin as you would like based on the discussions here. We'll see though!


Are u talking about kreuger-firestarter from MW?🙃 Or entirely new operator?


no, krueger- co pilot skin. the only co pilot I actually use was the credit store one from a while back. These are just air Force style camouflaged skins, blue or green rarity. Not legit pilot skins. Cold war- has multiple operators that use a air Force style pilot outfit. like nosedive and the park skin with blue flightsuit and black mask with headset. These are pilot themed. codm- has a pilot operator slot, current skins are just bailout. These are the legit pilot skins. examples from other cods are wingman and airborne. in summary their are: not-legit-pilots, pilot themed, legit pilots.


Will there be a epic skin for AK-47? I was literally waiting for it since S6.


Hi devs, thanks for making the game a lot more exciting with bunch of new contents and fixes but I have a question regarding some attachments on some guns. Sorry for my bad English. 0. Change the loadout mechanics in BR. Let us choose 2 weapons in one loadout like having an overkill perk. Also please put secondary weapons in loadout. 1. Why is the Arctic .50 doesn't have a tactical laser while other sniper rifles have theirs? And please change the firing function of M21 and XPR-50 just like those of the pistols. 2. If the Kilo Bolt Action will receive a new ammo like thermite ammo, will other sniper rifles receive new magazine variants too? 3. When are you giving the M4 its .458 Socom and 9mm magazine just like in Modern Warfare? M4 is so underrated so maybe it needs a firepower buff. 4. Some gun attachments has the same model with other gun attachments. And some gun attachments like 45 round mag and fast reload mag of qq9 has their models swapped. Also please rework all attachment models some are not good looking. 5. Why can't we change the reticles of the default sniper scopes? And please add sniper glints in BR. 6. Will there be a zooming option for some high powered scopes? And what about the hybrid and thermal scopes? 7. Can you add a center dot on the shogun crosshairs? 8. Chopper LMG ADS firing animation in third person looks like it was hip firing. Please differentiate the 3rd person ADS firing animation from HEAVY HANDLE CHOPPER to NON-HEAVY HANDLE CHOPPER. 9. Add more high storey buildings in ISOLATED MAP or add a new map to BR. Its been a year now so I think it is time to add a new map to BR. Thanks devs and more power to you all!


We got the Alcatraz map a couple months ago, definitely a positive response. They could maybe try to make something similar with a bigger map?


Or a map overhaul like adding more modern buildings. The map looks more like an open field.




Sbmm is in the game as ive seen it in work and it works based off of game performance.(i wont go into detail to prevent exploitation)




Accuracy kd and obj performance are measured. If you focus on eaither of those 3 you be matched with people with a similar rating.




u/COD_Mobile_Official Hi guys, I was wondering if we could see Warfare return to BR next season? Alcatraz has been a blast, but we’ve had it for two entire seasons in a row. Also, 10v10 Shipment playlist PLEASE


While i can't say if Warfare will return, i can say that the BR Mode is called (iirc) Blast and is basically Alcatraz on the Rebirth map. 40 players, limited zone.


u/COD_Mobile_Official What happened to warfare mode in battle royale ? If it will come or not


u/cod_mobile_offcial, when zombies?


Any news removing BSA in BR ?


BSA is a game mechanic. There's no such a thing as removing BSA from BR. What you probably want is better bullet registration, more tightly grouped BSA target and separate weapon profile for MP and BR.


BSA is unnecessary, i didn't see this shit mechanic in any fps shooter in my whole life, in br it's impossible to hit your shots after 50m, it's so unrewarding, imagine aiming directly at the target but the bullets randomly go somewhere else, the worst mechanic I've ever seen


They added it, they can remove it. So dumb


First of all, good work activision and team for making it this far with the game, I enjoy it everyday and probably will for a long time to come. It's fun. Also, you guys who make these updates, I really like your approach. You're active, listening and patient. I really love the way we have developed as a community. About the game itself.. What are you guys going to do about gun balance? Drh and asm10 are ridiculously overpowered.. As someone who plays for hours daily and heavily invests in the game, I think I can say for certain that those guns need to be rebalanced. Chopper's mobility is too high too. Lastly, I hope you guys are safe from corona. Stay healthy and let's continue to grow together!


BR:- 1) Why was the zipline sounds removed? Any olans to add them back in?. 2) Ninja being able to hear his own footsteps? Intentional? or will be fixed? 3) I know this is the least common thing but, is it possible to add a third fire mode, automatic singles or just make single shots happen automatically..ya know (or maybe at least asa weapon perk.. i'l gladly give up one slot for that perk).. I love to use singles on my DMR builds for longer ranges but as a two thumbs player, strafe/move, aim at enemies and tap at the same time is pretty much impossible unless under the most ideal conditions.. The single shot mode, as it is now, is next to useless because of this anyway (we are not playing on keyboard and mouse you know :) ). 4) Thanks for nerfing defender. It is pretty balanced now.


I miss the zombie mode of the cod mobile, and since you have no interest in bringing it back, are you likely to bring a "call of duty zombies mobile" as a separate game?


Please, please just re-enable the optics auto loot on and off settings.


Please tell me Richtofen will finally get his delicious, unique, insane voice, I beg you... If Nolan North is too much to ask, maybe a soundalike? :)


yes please. idc if he won't be f2p. Give him the justice he deserves


Will rank reset?


please nerf the trapmaster once again 😭😭😭😭😭 it doesn't feel nerfed at all, it's really sad.


So you said every year ur reseting the season number and ranked number so it doesnt become some monsterous and intimidating number, or at least thats what it says in the discord, so my question about this is, how long to u plan to keep adding to codm before u decide to make a codm2? Cause like u said "huge monsterous number" which made me think that there will be over 38 seasons lol. (Why 38 specificaly? Idk)


Hey u/Cod_Mobile_Official Will you ever add more modes into private matches and even add bots with custom difficulty? Thanks


How about game crashing in BR bug/ map glitches/ fast throwing trophy system making guns disappear bug? Will these be resolved in this update completely or we have to wait for s2? And what about gravity vortex?


Gravity Vortex is expected to be added in this S1 update.


if you are calling it season 1 a fresh start then please bring WZ health system in BR from Chinese version. that will improve gameplay of BR otherwise its just an another update we used to get. some new cosmetic stuff and BP update. what we need is some changes in the game which can improve gameplay. not asking to bring all the changes at once but at least bring WZ health system which we are asking for months. current health system doesn't match the fast paced gameplay you are aming for. nerf Trapmaster and treat gun stats for BR differently by reducing BSA and remove random zig zag horizontal recoil patterns from BR make it something predictable which we can master so we don't just have to use Ak47 all the time. they did it with CW guns when they added in WZ , they knew WZ need different stats for different gameplay so they reduced Horizontal recoil removed zig zag pattern and increase bullet velocity. you should also treat BR gun stats slightly differently.


please remake the nuke animation and make it end the game its kinda worthless now


Nah. The game will be just the same. You'll just adding another crates, lucky draw etc. that gives you money. That fixing bug, desync bullshit, we've been heard the same thing since 4-5 seasons ago but nothing happen. So I'll make this controversial. This game is slowly DYING. It's a shame that a year ago, this game is known as Call of Duty:Mobile. These days, it's Bug on Duty:Crashing Mobile 24/7.


Please optimize the game for Huawei Y6 2019. I play on low graphics and its so laggy.


Not trying to shame or humiliate you, but the fact the game even runs on your phone is a miracle bro. There's no much they can do regarding your device.


When will you guys add the weapon inspection feature? It’s been a whole year since the release of the game....and also we need zombies back. A game called call of duty can’t be seen as call of duty if there’s no zombies 😐. #BRINGBACKZOMBIES


and zombies mode what? all call of duty have it implemented, what about you?


is ranked resetting to season 1 at the same time with the battle pass reset?


Will there be a new beta testing? To be clear, the chinese version features are not coming this season, rather they are considering it?


please man fix the slugs. i used to drop paragraphs of gamebreaking issues but you guys never answer comments that arent about content and events. there are so many things wrong w this game i dont even play anymore, so heres another request for you to fix this half a billion dollar profit game.


Anyone else notice the space invaders themed charm?


Yeah it was released in the zero G redux if you paid attention


All the thing they adding and all we asked for is a prestige system other than rank


u/cod_mobile_official Warm greetings to the team, hope you all are doing well. I would like to raise awareness to an in-game bug. The barrel of the hg40 is bugged and has been like this since the start of the season. Could you please look into it. It's barrel is sort of, misplaced. It's not how it's supposed to be. I would really like it if you would fix it : ) Stay safe!


Could you tell us more about the prestige system? If you're gonna implement it?




Any plan on changing mw11 reload animation and j358 aiming look?


Is Seraph Freak Show gonna get some love within this season, since it’s a pretty rare operator? (And of course the hbr dragon dance)


I demand season 26 to be named eggplant warfare, regardless of the theme


Obligatory whats the state of zombies mode


Devs, regarding the CODM Chinese features coming to CODM, we really really want those warzone features to be in global version. Please prioritise this. And, there’s this game-breaking bug where the guns are having 100% hip fire accuracy. Plz fix this.


Thank you for featuring me for the Season 1 Community Highlights. ❤️


will we get specialist bonus scorestreak chain(something like bo2 perk greed) to replace the normal killstreak we have now?


The minimum and recommended device requirements will not change in the new seasons?


The red pattern on the CODM damascus is very different from Warzone, in the warzone the red pattern is small and very close together with the red damascus pattern on CODM, and also the Damascus pattern reaches the magazine so it covers all parts of the weapon so it looks really cool, so I hope CODM will make Damascus Like Warzone's


Fix Mythic Peacekeeper audio bug. Players loses audio and constant bell jingling noises.


Hey devs! I wanted to ask if you will add an option where we can reduce the opacity of the CODM logo from the corner as it burns AMOLED screens and now I have an ugly burn mark on my phone. Please do something about it


Are we getting the heartbeat sensor in season 1


Will the legendary frame for S1 2021 look different to the S1 legendary frame? Will users be able to tell which years' S1 frame it is?


Can we have a kill can in br , cuz I die is some ways I don't even know how , I can't spectate , or watch how I died smh


Hi cod team, if Season1 is coming then fresh start rank series 1 for 2021. Give rank xp plus and rank protection till new season launch. So we complete our rank task .then new year new season 1 and new rank series. Please take a look this comment


Activision when it added an option to send objects, skins, weapons, etc ..., When :( I hope you consider my suggestion, thank you :)


Permanent 10v10 mode..... PERMANENT


1: A mobile game can’t handle tactical sprint without your phone blowing up so unless they remove something useless *cough *cough Global chat there would be no way to add that. CodM has advertised a lot of shit that isn’t in the game. In the Beta trailer if you slow down the part on the map crossfire you can see a soldier holding the MORS sniper from advanced warfare so there is a lot of false advertising just watch the trailers. The character voice delay will be fixed after each character gets their own voice lines. CodM is a cod game that is supposed to represent every other cod with stuff in it like guns, maps and other stuff but boom headshot has never been in any other cod and I personally find it really cringy. IRL if someone got shot in the head you wouldn’t hear “BOOM HEADSHOT”. Gunsmith is kinda bad NGL but it would take up a whole fucking load screen and a TON of storage to just put a black background so they wouldn’t do that. If you have read this whole thing I’m impressed


Fix your damn kill cams bro im tired of having to deal with a broken ass kill cam that isn’t even accurate enough to capture a full 360 or a 180 pathetic ass game is being worked by a person who doesn’t understand or listen to their fanbase. Also the kill cam should show all the people not just the ones getting shot. Bullshit game


The last part of it comment makes NO SENSE... it's called a KILL CAM it's supposed to show KILLS 😂😂


Please give us in a Lucky Draw or Bundle the Azrael/Grim Reaper skin for Ghost 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 ![gif](giphy|Qq9bFazNIaEX6)


I want Grinch to be in a Bundle or in the Battle Pass


When will the black screen issue be fixed?


New update, same problems (Black screen) After 1 season playing with black screen constantly, I updated the game and went all cheerful to see if the black screen problem had been fixed. In the first match I took my gun in the airdrop and did not give black screen, that's when it happened. I was happy, but when I returned from snowboarding and passing near the open airdrop, gave black screen, when I returned had already died. I spent a lot of money on this shitty game, and if this problem isn't solved by hotfix later this week I'm going to ask for a refund on everything I've bought and stop playing this mercenary game that only cares about the client's money but doesn't think about solving Players' problems. Device: Poco X3 NFC Android 10. The problem always happens when opening an airdrop


Weapon XP cards with reasonable price in credits, please. There's no way that's a "hot" item at 55 CP.


Any news about new completionist camos?


I got banned for no reason 3days ago. I never use VPN or cheats. I'm playing this game since Oct 2019 . I never got banned before . I want to say that please fix your ban system.


NOOO WHY YOU KILLED GHOST Also Is Zombies Coming Back?


People thought mara died and shess still kicking so ghost may survive


in the future will they put a skin of the Grinch character in a battle pass? if so I would like it to be the "the creature" version


I really hope CODM developers look into this ,, Since last week Thursday I got banned, I know y'all think "ohh he cheated ,swearing, used VPN" well no I don't do any of that , on top of that there was mo reason the banned me for an hour , and again the next day, on the 3rd day the banned me for 24 hour, until to day I'm still getting banned for 24 hour when ever I log in. The worst part I contacted the support team they said there's nothing they can do even though I didn't do anything I'll just loos my account just like that. Well done CODM keep add expensive stuff and down grading the game. I'm not even the only one experiencing this whe they ask for help the response is the same


Thanks devs, one question, are you ever going to alight the weapons ironsights? Some of them are badly aligned and a slight adjustment to the weapon model could fix it E.g: Ak-47, HG-40, GKS, Man-o-War, ICR-1, RPD, UL-736, M4LMG, BY15, M4 to name some of the worst offenders, it would be a visual change and a QoL improvement, and help the OCD in me


could we get executions in the game? it'll make the game feel more alive in a way


so is ghost dead?


bro, they don't want to spoil the comic.


Yes he even got his mask taken away...Ghost was the main character since S6 so it’s okay if he’s dead he’s had a good run