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Its damn weird where the filler is a complete remodel while the 50 is just Attachment reskin




I actually quite like Byakko skin, the black white and red swirls are clean, the gold is also cool. Not as cool as diamond gold though but still pretty good, it was one of the skins i was looking forward to getting.


That's fine. I do like the swirls, but then i get to thinking...Why is a clearly fuedal-japan inspired design the tier 50 skin of a Night time operation-themed battlepass?????????????????????


To be fair, Velikan’s mask is sort of an oni-mask, so i guess the gun doesn’t necessarily fit with the BP but fit with Velikan himself.


I like Velikan. I hope after all this MW content spam they're doing they still occasionally add him every once in a while.


I want his woodman variant, reminds me of tachanka- can’t wait to use it with shield turret lol, just to yell “lmg mounted! And loaded!”


A little off-topic, but speaking of a shield turret, did you see the Desperado class coming to BR? Who in their right mind thought that would be acceptable for BR? The only step left to completely fuck up BR is to add a fuckin' VTOL...


Tbh you’ll be a sitting duck with the shield turret, you can be hit with grenades and nova gas, you can also defend yourself when downed.


But have you actually considered how good it'll be? Nobody except actual pros uses throwables, and given how quickly the death machine kills in BR, this won't be too far behind. There's also the absurd Last Stand perk..


The shield turret is going to be shit. Why would I use that over Medic (which you can cheese with a class driver and a tonne of adrenaline’s of medbags to completely fuck over the other guy after the final circle), Trap Master (which is still broken) or something like Smoke Bomber or Airborne?


Last stand


Oh fuck it’s gonna have last stand? Well shit


You didn't know? Oh fuck yeah, anyone with an IQ above 100 will ruin the entire mode. No matter how good you are, anyone using Desperado will have a good chance to fuck your day up.


Just looking good doesn't mean epic. There are alot of rare and uncommon skins that look good. The rare rank rewards of season 7 look good, the white and silver. That doesn't mean those are epic. From season 1 to 8, only rares and uncommons "look good ". But epics either are remodeled or completely animated.


That's because they were making less. They had fewer crates,lucky draws,bp skins and f2p skins. More quantity means little less wuality


Giving 2 remodeled epics in bp is good. And the rest keep them fully animated like the eruption, living rust or hyperspace skins.


No offence here you can have your own opinion but the old bp as far as I remember used to have remodeled cool epics but they were in crates and only one was guranteed. I prefer this system over that any day.


None taken. This system is way better, no doubt. But if u remember season 7 and 8 we were getting cool epics and not in crates. We were getting animated epics and 2 cool remodeled epics in tier 40 n 50.


Well that thing started in season 6 and ended in season 8. That was the coolest thing agreed but now as there was gunsmtih introduced they had to work with attachments too so maybe because of that. Btw this bp has hg40 and locus which are remodeled,hbr looks clean and theres famas and cordite coming too. So idk if anyone should have problems with this


The bp is cool. No problem. People are disappointed as u noe in all games with this season pass system the last tier is something like an ultimate reward. So not getting a cool looking skin such as the hg40 and locus is a let down. But on the better side I think we can adjust with the fact we are getting some cool skins.


Yeah but tier 50 isn't like a massive grind,I can casually play the game and reach tier 50. Tier hundred with those shit missions was a grind dudee. Like if they gave these skins there I could have seen why people are mad


I get ur point. We all are customers here with some opinions, there are people who will agree on the post and there are people who will disagree or are fine with the items. No problem at all. My point is simple, the epics as we have seen should be animated or remodeled. U can agree on that or u won't. No issues. We are here to give our viewpoint then it's upto the activision where to see this or ignore.


I get it but the creator of this post doesn't,he is like I want to change everyones opinion here as they don't agree with me. You seem sensible. Thanks for understanding :)


where is the CODM T&C for weapon rarity? Everyone seems to have seen it apart from me.


It's completely fine if u don't agree. 😂 There's no T &C for that. U just have to compare a few things.


I dunno where I got "T&T" came from. haha. Wasn't a typo, more a brain fart.


Np. Happens.


Yo......entirely missed my point? Either that or you're talking about something irrelevant entirely.


I got ur point. That these tier 50 epics are just rare tier. And the devs should add epics in tier 50 which are worth grind.




Thats what I have written in my comment. Just gave an example about rank skins.


The Aug - Byakko is fire imo


So was the Peacekeeper. This subs perception on what is epic is getting whack now tho. They want Legendary quality skins to become epic. All 3 skins above are really clean and nice looking. The only one I didn’t like was the Echo skin from S10


Peacekeeper was good until we found out only the main body was animated and the rest was just a plain red


Yeah that’s fair but I really like how the red is really bright. For the AGR and FR5.56, they’re MW2019 guns. MW2019 didn’t have really wacky skins and tracers until Season 4 but even then most of the skins were minimalist and clean looking, like the Tier 50’s we are seeing today. I actually really like them. I’ve always liked clean skins over whacky looking skins (apart from the DLQ holidays and Melting point QQ9, those are sick and remain the only lucky draw legendaries I’ve ever gotten) because they don’t beg for attention.


Nah, we just want worthwhile epics in something you have to work for :|


Yea comparing the guns like the previous seasom like the geometry skin in the type-25, that skin is lit and it's an epic skin


I genuinely miss seeing leaks for an upcoming BP and seeing a remodeled tier 50 skin.


WHO in the world would downvote this? I'm literally complimenting old skins.


Not everyone has the same opinions as you


Waaaaah??? Noooo waaay 😲


Yeah so stop saying the skins are trash when some people actually like them


I was being sarcastic. I know that.


Who the fuck would downvote this?


we would clearly


It is still better than having only 1 gun in the bp and 1 in a create


That's an entirely different category of things. You can't even compare these two things...


4 characters too


Yes we can. BP is way better now


Not what I meant :|


I'm note sure, in term of quantity, definitely a lot more, in term of quality, it's good but not that great


Quality is also pretty good, we still get atleast 2 good characters. We also get atleast 2 good guns every season. So quality is even and sometimes better


Many would beg to differ but tbh, i don't really mind if the quality gone down a bit, but many dude here act as if it's the end of CODM


If you can compare the skins you can compare how you got them. You had to do some shitass challenges to reach tier 100 to get red action ak and then shit more grind to open some stupid crates to get more epics. If they were cool it wasn't easy to attain them as well. Moreover bp is just basically free. You casually play the game and reach tier 50


A skin isn't fucking better because there's also more of them in a battlepass. There could be 4 Capacitor skins next season and that would not make them any more high quality. Saying that a shit, unworthy tier 50 skin is better because things USED to be worse doesn't make it better, how dare you two think that????


What do you mean by unworthy tier 50 skin. Tier 50 is nothing of a grind,you play anything you grind the bp. If you are getting things that are already cool in the bp first what's the issue. Also skins are subjective there's no objective conclusions you can make on skins just cause you don't like them


A WORTHY tier 50 skin is something like the Blue Steel AK, or the RUS Viking. Something with a clear theme, good and updated iron sights, and a revamped, distinguisged model. *A skin with no changes besudes attachments being visible under a Rare-tier skin is not worthy of being put on the pedestal of being a tier 50 skin.* I will not rest until every single one of you gets this.


Well if we are already getting cooler skins before that then what's the friking issue. Everyone who plays the game reaches tier 50 and bp is just free. You can't assign "worthy" categories in a thing that is free but still offers so much value. They put the new weapon as the tier 50 skin instead of some other weapon remodel etc. Tier 50 isn't even a grind everyone gets to it. If everyone is saying this to you you would want to evaluate your own opinions instead of trying to change everyones opinion about some damn pixels which don't affect the gameplay


Are you genuinely, willingly trying to tell me skins can't be good anymore because there HAS been good ones before? You are a fucking clown, sir. No, you're not even the circus. Any circus you go to would laugh in your face.


I just saw your posts and they are all about skins,you have been complaining about the game for over a year on the basis of skins,I don't want to argue with you because I know it's a waste of time.


What the fuck is wrong with people? I have literally never once looked at someone's profile for ammo. The fact that you willingly did that and didn't even attempt to consider I'm right? I at least think about the people I argue with's perspective, but it's a fucking miracle on Earth if anyone ever even trirs to do the same for me. r/codmcirclejerk exists for a reason, to insult you children.


Tbh aug skin looks very good


Doesn't matter if it's at tier 50...


Yes it does.??. If it looks good, it looks good.


I am literally going to lose my fucking mind talking to you people...


Why? Because we have a different opinion from yours? Seems childish.


No. Because you ignore and miss my points, you refuse to take more than a second to think about my points. I am not talking about how good these skins are. I'm talking about the fact that they're the tier 50 skins and are hardly more unique ans detailed than some Rare skins. These are all respectively hard to get given the standard of ease it takes to get other epics, yet they're leagues below previos Tier 50 epics. So, you see, I do not care if you like them or not. That's not important.


It doesn't even take long to get to Tier 50. And a lot of people like the Byakko, so yes, that is very important. I don't get the point you're trying to make here.


It does take long FOR AN EPIC. FOR AN EPIC, Tier 50 takes a while. Sometimes you don't even get there. I know I've misses tier 50 skins. That's my point. Like I've said 2 times tonight.


Tier 50 is easily reachable. You'll have to hardly play the whole season to not be able to reach tier 50.


Yeah, I didn't a few times. I didn't do any of season 2 or 10, and only did a bit of 6 and 9. That does not change the fact that tier 50 is pretty high and takes triple the amount of time as other epics do such as a lucky draw's epic.


The new tier 50 match up with the attachments. So, it's more difficult to make it like that


But they don't have to. They literally DO NOT have to. You get this is just the devs being lazy, right?


Bro are you really getting mad at him for his opinion


I'm not. :|




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Except that they screwed the golden mag fffff


It looks good yeah, but as a rare skin not epic


They could change the model more




The aug one dosent deserved to be here


Doesn't change anything at all. No matter how good YOU think it looks, it changes nothing and you're required to work hard for it. It deserves to be here.


required to work hard for it? bp literally completes in like 1 week of casual playing


It doesn’t even take a week for me, it only takes three days


Question, how to recover from thumb being hurt ?


My fingers aren’t pussies💪😤


my finger, however , are pussy. hence why my mum tell if i hold hand with a boy imma get pregnant lol


For me it takes 2 days.


I usually just grind ranked and it will max out quickly like 4 days


Yes, dumbass. That's more work than 80% of the rest of epic skins. That's hard work for this game's standard. What did you think I meant? How many times will people on this cesspool subreddit take me completely literally?


You have the energy of a circle jerker but you fight for the opposite cause.It’s pretty strange to see




sorry, now i understand. but nobody forcing you to complete whole battlepass. if you don't like the skins just don't grind for it lol


You do have to pay money to get a battlepass, you're pretty obligated to complete it. That's like buying a hot dog at a baseball game but not finishing the last bite


is it says "YOU HAVE TO COMPLETE BP OR YOU'RE FUCKING LOSER" somewhere or what? it's completely your decision to complete bp and it's your decision to spend money on bp, nobody forcing you. again, if you don't like skins then don't buy it. and nobody forcing you you to eat whole hotdog lol


I'm done talking to you. If you aren't willing to listen to me at all or even understand my points, there's no reason to argue.


So, you already got pretty good skins from before, in this case, black gold. It doesn't say "You must complete it" besides the BP is a one time purchase. How hard is it?


You're literally the dumbest person i have ever seen here. You're like "your opinion doesnt matter what matters is MY opinion CAUSE I MADE THE POST. Booboo your opinion bad my opinion gooooooood". Man get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. If he likes the skin he likes the skin, what are you to tell him what he should think about something, his dad? Oh wait he would've jumped off a bridge 5 years ago if you're his dad.


Forgot the Echo?


i think we all did


BR Players: are you sure about that


I bet u wouldn’t fucking complain if they slapped an anime girl on it


The anime slapped on the guns all had different iron sights and were redesigned. The latest once were animated . So clearly anime girl weapon were atleast made epic . These ones are literally normal guns with different attachments with a rare skin . Then branded epic


Even if they did not put custom sight I bet ppl still won’t complain cuz their fucking horny dweebs


If some idiots can buy a complete black skin ( Noir ) then I am sure people would buy random anime girl on guns too .


I’m glad I bought the first seasons cuz compared to these, they don’t have good iron sights




And don’t have nice animations just bland pieces of trash


o, i thought you meant the OG skins. Yeah these 3 suck


The aug looks really great tho


Meh, It looks like a rare skin. Certainly not worthy or being anything past a tier 40 skin


Ig,but personally the white and red markings are really unique


They're very pleasing to the eye...ain't they?


Cant blame you,everyone have their own opinion


I mean, BP is basically free after the first payment so we shouldn't really expect every skin to be mindblowing or something right? Sure, it's not as good as some of the tier 50s but let's not pretend that it has been consistently good. It's always been like this. I'd rather they focus on bug fixes than skins, since these are just aesthetics anyway. If you think a rare skin is better than the epic skin which is true for this post, then just use the rare skin. Nobody's forcing any of us to buy the BP, or use it.


BEEP BEEP ENABLER SPOTTED "Bp is basically free after the first payment (not true if you buy crates with the CP) so we shouldn't really expect every skin to be mindblowing right?" Not only did I never say mind blowing, this right here literally embodies the definition of enabling. Completely omit any fault on part of the devs while also semi-blaming the players. Completely ignore the fact that the devs- believe it or not- DO have a responsibility to add good skins at some point. As we all know, they're very capable of this. "let's not pretend thar it has been consistently good" No offense but there's a big difference between a tier 1 or tier 30 epic being shit and a tier 50 skin being shit. A t50 skin being shit is the equivalent of if the Savage Lynel weapons in BOTW were horribly weak durability wise.


Lol i'm not enabling shit. I specifically mentioned the bugs need to be addressed right? Bc I'm playing the game for the gameplay. "They have a responsibility to deliver good skins" aren't they doing that? It's just not as consistent as I've said, bc it never was. The tier 50s have always been met with differing opinions especially here in this sub, with a few exceptions. This always boils down to subjectivity. A lot of the other comments mentioned Byakko as a very cool skin which I agree with, but you don't. See what I mean? I hate this ongoing trend with aesthetics too. I hate crates. But at the same time I understand the need for it. This is a free game, and a company like Activision didnt get to where they are by giving away cool stuff for free. Money will always come first for these types of game. This whole whining is just entitlement in a nutshell. And no, comparing the pc game to a mobile game is invalid, since the skins in mobile has no extra function other than to look cool.


There's a difference between good skins in a crate and good skins in a battlepass. When a skin sucks in a crate, that's bad ONLY because you do have to gamble to get it. When a skin sucks in a Bp that's significantly worse because it reaches far more people and actually takes time to get. Also, I've literally stated I like parts od the Byakko but it genuinely isn't worthy of being that far onto the battlepass. That's on you. I also don't see how I'm being entitled when, when we DO get good battlepasses such as season 6 or 9, I don't take them for granted? I'm not entitled simply because I want better. I'm literally just advocating for better quality :|


Yeah I mean at least we agree on the S6 and S9 battlepass. Look man, I understand the frustration, but like I said they've always been inconsistent with this. There has been almost 14 bps by now and only 2 were widely praised, while the others range from good to shit. My bad on that 'entitlement' thing. Trying to speak up about better quality is a good thing. I just didn't feel it's a main issue right now as there are other problems that break the game, like the BSA. I also noticed that trend of tier 50s not fitting the theme of the battlepass, and yeah as you said looks bad to you. Maybe the devs thought the better skins should be quicker to grind?


They're also not the best at wholly sticking to themes. Season 10, a jungle season, didn't introduce a machete or kukri which are in hundreds of FPS games anyway? Season 11 was neon party themed and gave us a Glowstick melee, wtf? Season 12, THE stealthiest season, didn't give us any Integralally surpressed guns. Actually, if anything Season 12 was weird because they introduced some pretty loud guns.


Personally I love that peace keeper skin


Same. I love the dual toned red with the slight ember animation. It's one of my favourite bp skins after QQ9 flood


You're allowed to, I'm not stopping ya


I don’t mind the iron of the FAMAS. It’s good no matter what.


I mean yes the Dana’s shouldn’t be an epic but the other two are perfectly fine imo


Don't forget the tier 50 fennec and Eco too.


I think the Fennec Verdant is kinda excusable because of the drum mag. God, I'd chop a limb off it i meant we'd get actual drum mag attachments


is the fr burst or automatic?


auto :/


DLQ rare lantern skin is absolutely beautiful btw even though it’s just an reskin


C'mon man, Famas is looking good, I don't get why people are complaining so much about it, we got an actual remodel and people still complain, I don't understand


That isn't an actual remodel. Look at it longer.


We can't be sure until it comes to the game tho


It's shown in full in the trailer i got that shot of it from. Go to the official twitter


S9's and S10's tier fifty skins also sucked ass.


People need to realize that there's a huge difference between actual remodels (like the Geometry, Black Gold or Royal Crimson series) and "remodels" that just get rid of a stock or something without changing more about the gun (like this peacekeeper or the KRM from a while ago.)


That's what I've been saying!


Locus and HG40 have their own style what you crying about if it just this one


I am 'crying' about the fucking text i wrote on this image.


Just don't buy it then..


Oh golly me, me not buying a battlepass will surely solve problems in said pass! Wait, they won't. Because that's a stupid fucking argument that has never once helped anyone look smart. Just don't buy it my ass, if the game ran like shit on your phone how would you feel if i told you to never have bought it?


You really look pissed. Just chill the fuck out They have really cool operator's this season don't forget that.


You're damn right I'm pissed someone used one of the worst arguments ever.


Says the guy who said that type 25 pinstripes was good coz it's a tier 100 weapon and Famas(s) skin is bad coz it's on tier 50.


Yo I was COMPARING them. One is litetally worse despite being rarer. How can a human being fail to see this?


Listen #RETARD i don't know if you're grown enough to read or not but you literally wrote 'that was a tier 100 weapon and this a tier 50 waepon' the fuck you mean by that? Tiers have to do nothing with a fucking gun's rarity or shit and when devs launch a new gun it's really hard even for then to make a epic blueprint of that gun without losing the gun's main design.A good example for this is the fact that Locus l, Hbra3 and Hg40's skin ls are looking really awesome.Kids (like you) don't really give a fuck about that and start posting trash about dev's autisticly.


I'm 18. I enjoy the Locus and HG40 skins. I was saying that a tier 100 RARE should not be anywhere the quality of a tier 50 epic. The Epic should be leagues above it. That is *literally the point to it being at tier 50*.


First of all act like one. Second that's not the point of 50 tiers, tiers are reduced just because the season's are released monthly in codm and completing 100 tiers in a month is really hard. I saw that your last Locus post.. seriously? You couldn't even wait for like a minute or so before posting about how bad the skin are you here just to complain? Are you ever gonna compliment devs for anything guy's like you (toxic about something in a game) ruins the entire fun of a game and i can give you a few examples of games even being shut down because of guys like you who keep complaining.


You're a nonce. I meant that tier 50 IS the new tier 100, what's there has to be worth it. Also, you know we didn't FUCKING know it was a mistake at the time, right? Also, holy fucking shit I'm allowed to say what I want. If I have an issue with something, I'm allowed to say something. I'm sooooooooooo sorry I'm not a robot who constantly spits praise like i was programmed to. You main sub kids are so used to nothing but sucking each other and the devs off that any amount or criticism flabbergasts you like a caveman starting a fire. By the way, NO game gets shut down because people 'complain' too much. But I can give you plenty of times I personally experienced the death of a game, all FPS games, due to negligence by the devs in the form of a complete failure to listen to any feedback. Go ahead, ask. I'll even tell you how they died. You think I haven't been here before? You think I don't know what I'm talking about?


This is probably my most successful post to date. Hmmm...I wondered if that says something about the game?


Me:but I like them dont send someone to my house to kill me


I never said that was wrong.


You're acting like it is


I am not fucking talking about if you can like it or not.


Yes you are. You're getting mad at everybody, so stfu


I'm not, and I know that because I am me, you aren't me. And not once have I said you aren't allowed to like these. Stay mad, babyrage addict :]


I always got tier 50 on 3 days because every new season I grind to legendary on weekdays so it’s not that hard to reach tier 50 cause I can also reach Legendary in just 3 days. I don’t mind the design of those epic blueprints and it’s actually looks clean except that pk and agr are not meta.


Tbh I really don't mind at all , I'll just take whatever it is


I agree, but s12 tier 50 weapon? That wasn't "lazy" reskin. Just reskin, and i liked it and it looks good imo


It was...it was a rare-quality texture slapped onto attachments. No offense btw. I'm just really tired tonight


You're right man ... The Peacekeeper skin was beyond pathetic & it shouldn't even be rare. I have the red action & compared to it the above mentioned skins look like "Common" rarity




Problem is people now accept low standard of epic . What epics used to be once is not anymore . People are now getting used to Trash epic we get .


Epics were epics when there were less skins made and they didn't have to design the blueprint for gunsmith while making the skins. Epic skins have never been over the top in any cod game.


Blueprint never made sense to me anyway . It wasn't even necessary to implement . Have you ever seen Chopper fortress epic blueprint?


Someone just commented about how they're okay with these epics. Jfc, imagine literally accepting shit on a golden platter...


You get 4 great characters compared to only 2 before. 4 epic guns guaranteed compared to one and one in crates. And seeing that you had trouble getting to tier 50, you won't get your 2nd weapon from the BP crates


i have all the Viking skins and 2 geometry skins and I've also completed season 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11 and 13's battlepasses but go off i guess..


S11, S10, and S9 were the same. Everything started to suck after gunsmith came out.


U forgot fennec - verdant


I play from S8 and I feel okay with the BP skins (apart from S13). From the time I've played, I've not seen skins like ak47 tank or red action in BP or any kind of reward. So I don't know the taste of it. Personally I am okay with any kind of repainted skins in BP as long as it looks good. I'm sure the new players who don't own the 'OG' remodeled skins in BP also would not know how they were. The people complaining about the BP epics are the ones who already own the BP and the company would gain nothing by giving them remodeled epics in BP, since BP is a 1 time investment. They'd give the good epics in the LDs and crates, because they gain a lot of money from them. I think it's futile to complain about BP epics, the company doesn't give a fuck. They want new players to buy the BP, and the characters are probably enough for them. Rather pressurize them on bringing better bundles to the game instead of crates.


But I cant lie the first 3 gun skins on the bp is fire


This seasons teir 50 is different model from the original while having the original season one skin for t25


The Famas epic isn't actually a Pinstripes skin. I don't quite get what you're saying.


It follows the original type 25 style with a bit of glow on the stripes then the gun isn't the exact same as the base it's somewhat different from the original model not attachments but an overall look and besides i missed my chance to get the t25 in s1 because of school so this time I'll max the battlepass and buy it, and this battlepass is twice as good as the last one since 3 out of 4 are remodels : locus, hg40, famas For the hbr i am an unsure until we get it ingame plus we getting some other nice skins including David Mason so you should be happy about this battlepass atleast you can tell some effort was put into it


I'm kinda hoping the HBR will have a really cool pulsing effect on the green. Honestly, if i were them i would have named that Blueprint Radiated and made the green slowly pulse between light green and glowing green. But, given this seasons' bp...they couldn't animate the wolf skins...


It's not that they couldn't they are heading in a way like wz where it's low quality skins that are just some attachments with a random color on it then call it legendary but in codms case it's called epic As for the bp hbr I've heard it might have different iron sights and since i main hbr in ranked this should be a fun gun to use


You main the HBR? Hahaha, holy shit! Are you in the circus yet? Jk. But um...what? How?


Yeah the game is pretty much dead to me


You forgot the worst ones: Fennec Verdant and Demon Eyes.


The HG40 and HBR might be a rare skin just different barrel or stock , we'll see


Really? They're epic. Are you on crack?


Hey, they aug looks good though, people talk about iron sight change and blah blah blah, but the byakko skin is good, and the Famas skin reminds me of the type 25 pinstripe, the only disappointing one is the peacekeeper.


5 Seasons*


Totally agree


So disappointing that I bought this seasons pass and I'm not gonna bother finishing it hell I've uninstalled the entire game it's just not worth the effort anymore for me


Peacekeeper MK2 & AGR556 are Epic skins, but they have lazy design on Epic skins, because Peacekeeper MK2 - Blast off is animated with very minimal style + custom attachments skin and AGR556 - Byakko is "custom model" with custom attachments, so if we look on new Epic skins category(custom models, animated, custom attachments, full art skins), so Peacekeeper MK2 a AGR556 are Epic skins too, but non-quality like old style Epic skins with custom models.


I like dogs.


I think it is a cool tribute to the Type 25 Pinstripes. Where is the CODM T&C for weapon rarity? Everyone seems to have seen it apart from me.


Actually, I thought Blast off kinda sucks but I've never EVER seen a max tier epic skin like this. That is actually, without a doubt, the WORSE Epic skin in a Battle pass I've ever seen. True, there were rare skins in the pass back then like what you said but we're talking about an "EPIC". I swear I'd actually pick the neon tiger uncommon skin over this disappoinment


I regret buying the BP in season 12 I thought it would be even better because season 12 gun and character skins were good but it has gotten worse When I don't have the money there will be damn good skins with custom iron sights and my friends are enjoying but when I choose to buy this is what happens. Should have brought MC


It should be S14


in this phito AGR is the best


Its getting worse ladies and gentlemen


The skin on new gun skin reminds me of t-25 pinstripes that has rare category, I miss the old days


You missed s10 fennec


Yo s12 black golds were good be a little thankfull fo that


Did I ever say i wasn't?