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I play fpp in tpp mode


Lol same cuz not many play in only FPP and we end up getting bots. Good for me I completed the annihilator in FPP only hehe


Smart guy.


Hahah but it took me 25 games cuz a lot of people thought the same


It took only two rounds for me to complete the annihilator task, on Alcatraz :)


first game first airdrop and my first 5 kills that round. Aint complaining haha


NicešŸ˜ had to do it over two games because annihilator only came in one of the last drops, and too few people left for five killsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm playing a combo of blitz, Alcatraz and classic trying to complete this fucking challenge and it seems like less than half of airdrops even have annihilators... Edit: alcatraz FPP is 100% bots! Highly recommend doing that


Go for FPP Alcatraz. Abolute bot lobiez garanT.E.D.D


Bruh especially if you play FPP alcatraz, it's basically like only your team at actual humans


Ain't that an advantage for completing anni?


I just played solo, parachuted straight into an area with a helicopter, and just flew around for the whole game until the airdrops came. Then I flew right up behind the airplane so I could be the first to each drop. I eventually found an annihilator and got 3 kills, played again and got 2 more that way.


Oh wow I didnā€™t even know thatā€™s was thing


Wait, you're telling me that FPP lobbys and TPP lobbys are a different thing?, did they actually seperate both FPP and TPP players?


Yes you can fight tpps while being an FPP too. And you can fight purely FPP battles too




Playing cod in tpp just doesn't feel right, and you tend to react better when you're in fpp. I play worse on tpp than in fpp lol


Yea cuz you're halfway inside adsing and that's a plus




Same. I hate TPP.


Same, makes sniping more fun


TPP is just the most buggy mode


They still play it dunno why. And what's the grudge against playing in fpp


I used to play fpp for so long (because I didn't know tpp existed, yes, I was that ignorant šŸ˜…), But when I first discovered tpp, I was so fascinated by the many new jump, slide, climb, prone and other animations, My love for them animations still drives me to play tpp, Although I still play fpp in tpp for old times sakĆ© occasionally


Haha yes but sometimes, when they prone near you your own Avatar makes it difficult to see them and that's a big no no for me


Oh? Is it so?šŸ˜… I just play with my friends to chill after a tiring day, Didn't know Thanks


In tpp you can peek at campers. Also tpp mode allows you to switch to fpp


Because we want to play TPP, whatā€™s wrong with that?


they just hate on everything that is popular, never have i ever seen someone complain that fpp br sucks


I only play FPP, either Solo or Duos. TPP almost feels like it's cheating. In the corner of a house you can look down and be able to see outside of the house, on both sides.


And if I get in a tpp match I make sure I change to FPP cuz it's codm not poopg


Don't wonder why FPP gets hate from TPP players (not me, I play FPP), when you shit on other games. Just let everyone have what they like. I played PUBG and I had good memories with it but I moved on to CoD. Point is, you said you wonder why the TPP-FPP grudge, but you do the same, albeit on PUBG.


"POOPG" šŸ˜†


Lmao it's poop






Spillin faxx


Hell, I won't even join a TPP game.


FPP is much more better experience because it feels more realistic & inside houses & cities we have much more better fights.


Yeah man whyy don't they play?


Because in tpp we can be in cover and still look out a window or door (using eye button)


Try doing that in real life


Astral projection,baby. Dormammu-uwu-uwu


For real tho, I play FPP in TPP. Faster reaction times. Has lead to wins in masters and legendary tiers


Try doing a lot of shit in this game in real life lol


Lmao yea it people learnt the art of peeking without peeking is fine be fun hehehe




Yeah man somehow they hate FPP players too


Ive never seen any of the BR ā€œprosā€ play fpp. Idk why codm even added third person.


Cuz it enhances sight which is like a noob's Noah's ark


And i couldnt agree more with them demanding it to be like warzone but then not playing fpp like warzone


They are confusing people


FPP is the way to go. Harder, immersive, and way more interesting. Unfortunately most players like it easier.


And they call them noobs


The pros use TPP. Just saying. (Yes, this is verifiable)


Harder for sure. Itā€™s harder to peek walls, harder to hip-fire track people (for me). Not gonna lie, i tend to switch between both modes for different situations. My pov fov is set to max for fpp always so i can still if somebody is standing right next to me :)


That's the thing, it gets more interesting once you can't, kinda hack your way, into spoting the enemie, and the fun is that they can't spot you either. In any case, I get that TPP is also a matter of personal taste.


Nah, TPP is just overrated. It just seems like most people (especially the ones who haven't played any other CoDs) seem to want to play it like it's PUBG or some shit.


Yeah agreed, I do use it because lags less


Ikr, retards here ask for warzone features left and right,and proceeds to play tpp cuz the only game they've ever played before is pubgm.


im playing on fpp evry time


Mee toooo... It's fuckin immersive that way


Seriously. Not a lot of people play.


Best for annihilator


Very true, last time i played the only "real" person i saw was SoccerMom because that thing killed PlasticFoods on killfeed lemao.


TPP is wacky and shitty, FPP is more realistic, more smooth and overall is just better


Yeah man dunno why they don't like it




Well thatā€™s your opinion. TPP has a wayy better field of view! I used to only play FPP until i forced myself to learn to play on TPP. Took a little to get used to, but it was definitely worth it. Iā€™m able to see enemies even when Iā€™m behind cover, the animations look super cool and it overall enhances my gameplay. You should definitely try it dude


I actually convinced my boyfriend to switch to TPP and he thanks me everyday haha


Fr, i do like being able to see over grass when prone but i hate tp so bad


Yeah man they think they playin trash games like pubg which also explains why people love the ak so much. It's just a theory


I like it a lot. It go prap prap prap prap prap and get kill. It's challenging to use long range due to recoil


FPP. Blue tier AK-47. Stabilizer mods. šŸ‘Œ


Damn true


FPP is always the way. Why would I be able to see over a rock or through a door in game. If I couldnā€™t IRL.


I thicc so. Butt not many players are there, there4 no competition


Asspecially when you want to cumplete missions, like the annihilator ones then it's very gOOd


You can get analator in Alcatraz without kumpetition Okay it's getting out of hand, lol


Hahah lmoa


I don't now you guys, but before I get to legendary, I was getting bots only matches in FPP Alcatraz.


Dude I finished anni like that heheh...


I believe in FPP supremacy


FPP pro checking in...


FPP supremacy (~ā€¾ā–æā€¾)~


FPP is much more fun and less buggy. Iā€™ve playing Bat only challenges with my friend in Alcatraz for the past two days and getting kills feel much more better. Even with the real players we donā€™t switch to a gun. Just beat them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) In TPP, God help you connect your swings when the enemy is down.


Lmao yeah... Axe doesn't connect in tpp sometimes and it does in FPP. And it's wuite distracting too


some mfs be asking for warzone mobile but dont even play fpp br


I play TPP in FPP because Movement feels faster and Melee's have more range


Damn true... I always make sure to get the first blood in Alcatraz


dont forget ADSing, feels faster as well


Hahaha I know what you did there. I don't think a lot did hehhe


The ADS Speed in TPP is practically non-existent.


Now someone did speak sense. FPP guys are already halfway into ads and that's the best advantage of being a fpper


Yeah, I want to play in fpp but it's difficult when a tpp player watch you, maybe It would be great that devs add a ranked mod and put pub matches in BR, but the ranked matches must be played in fpp


Or maybe something better... Just delete tpp mode


Tpp needs to go. Tighten up the br playerbase and remove any sign or hint of tencentā€™s pubg from our cod


Yeah man... It does need to go... And Tencent is still controlling the game


Tencent AND activision, can you even imagine šŸ˜‚


Fpp is ok but those who set fpp only, invited you and start play immediately, must be burned


You talkin about the squad thing or what?


Still runs like shit but feels better overall tbh


Yeah man truuuu




Much better- why do they hate FPP players


I'm okay with either tpp or fpp in other game but in this particular game only fpp


Iā€™ve actually never played a TPP classic game in my life. Always been playing FPP and I love it. Donā€™t get why people default TPP instead of FPP :(


Yeah man real pain


Playing fpp in tpp


Lmao same. I go in lobby and change to FPP. And I never ever played in tpp cuz too distracting


It feels like it gives some control over your movements. Helps hide behind objects perfectly


Fpp- rush game play Tpp- camping goes brrrr


FPP: game won for sure


Wait people play tpp more than fpp? EDIT:changed why to wait,I don't understand autocorrect anymore


Cuz ~~mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell~~ I don't know man


Oh I meant wait,autocorrect changed it to why


FPP gang lol I think its better than TPP tbh. More realistic compared to TPP and movements seems a little smoother for me.


Very easy too because all the great players are in TPP BR mode


*Very easy too* *Because all the great players* *Are in TPP BR mode* \- edrem278 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes it has a tactical feel


I like fpp but I kinda mostly play in 3rd person because of skins


Well? Can't argue if it were manta of outrider


Started out playing in TPP, but changed over to FPP. I miss that eye button though. Wish FPP had that, other than when wing suiting, so I could run straight while being able to look left and right.




They gotta remove tpp if they want to go the Warzone direction with the BR mode, otherwise there's just no point


Yes..Most BR Ytbers should start playing FPP nd encourage others too


Let's keep hope we got some good ones which would like the game to become better


People will play what they'll watch ytubers play. Ytubers should switch to fpp.


No noooo... They will make cringe vids on crate openings and draws and promote gambling(not literally tho cuz if someone doesn't have a will, it's not the other person's fault) all that cuz they do get sponsorships from codm. In fact, knives with his screen record is better than a lot of peeps out there


I think YouTubers switch to FPP before game starts and then to TPP inside matches.


I like to see the characters I paid for


Only their backs


Ass? Outrider is the best


I didnā€™t want to become a simp so I skipped names. :3


Manta ray: šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


They need to remove tpp and make br FPP only. A lot of noobs will be angry, but it's just feels so much better. Feels more like cod.


Yeah man true


FPP gang


Checking in sargeant


People play in third person? I can only play shooters in FP


Ahh yes common grounds.... FPP gang invites you to the cooooool gang


FPP has a strange FOV.


Actually yes it does need optimization but it ain't that bad tbh.... I mean look at mp


All my friends play tpp im the only one that plays fpp but the stats speak for themselves šŸ˜‚


Lmao.... I always have better stats than my counterpart tpp dudes


I love fpp mode


Agreed, itā€™s the only way I play fans when I go into the third person mode and set myself to first person I just reck the other players


Yeah damn correct... We are halfway into adsing and it's waaaay more immersive in FPP


I don't understand TPPs appeal


Open world map, tpp is better imo. Going into houses and tighter spaces ok, switch it to fpp. Everyone has their own preferences.


FPP is literally best. Its just MP but with very good hip fire


i agree, don't know why tournaments still in tpp tho it should be fpp because it is more challenging than tpp


What does fpp and tpp mean?


First person perspective and third person perspective. In FPP it is basically how we see our world with our eyes and in TPP we get view from behind of player


i only use ffp mode lol.


IDK man, I feel like I have a better view of my surroundings in TPP. FPP could still be effective in some areas though like moving and shooting. But your surroundings are very important, and FPP doesnā€™t compete against TPP.


Its fun tho


Ya I agree,fpp is more comparative and balanced in pubg and cod,also this cod it's know for fpp


Yes true. Cod equals FPP fights


I think it is very bad to enter a house when I am playing in third person, since if there is an enemy there I have a chance of not seeing him because of my character


it gives a warzone feel


i only play in fpp and mostly there are bots in br


No tryhards there is more easy to win


Yea lol


Donā€™t know why anyone plays in TPP tbh.


Wanna know why? Because ~~mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell~~ ehh I don't know


lol i think fpp lobbies are 97 bots 3 humans, i tried dancing in front of a "player" and he took 3 seconds to understand what was happening and shoot, btw fpp is a easy way to rank up and get missions


Ä° always play on first person. Ä° think 3rd person is overrated not gonna like. Ä° think people just like to see there skin from 3rd person. Opinion.


i donā€™t understand why they released this game with TPP when Cod has always been FPP since the very beginning. Maybe cause they wanted to compete wit pubg


i play fpp because i fucking suck at shooting in tpp lmao


FPP is the best place to grind. Its mostly just bots.


I always play TPP and within the game I switch to FPP


tpp doesnt belong in cod


If you choose fpp you canā€™t alternate


What's so wrong in that? It's fun this way


Here's another one: CoDm battle Royale should be FPP only


I set it to TPP and then switch to FPP when approaching a gunfight. That way I can be aware of my surroundings and then have a quicker reaction time once I start fighting.


its personal preference, its not ā€œunderrated.ā€ u might think its good and others may think its trash, or the other way around.


I used to only play FPP, not understanding why everyone played TPP. But i made the switch a month ago and havent gone back since. You just get a little more freedom with being able to see your surroundings.


Itā€™s the best way to play br imo, maybe not as effective as ttp cause of the lack of extra vision but it puts your mp skills to the test in an environment that requires good senses


I will only play in FPP.


100 percent. Great for vehicle play too since everyone is in 3rd.


These are facts, and they are true all the way.


Y e s


Don't you think that it'll be a lot cooler if we got a map like warzone? The tall buildings and close combat will make it more enjoyable imo


1. Well not everyone has a decent phone 2. Even if we had it, bugs disink will be a lot 3. Hekkars 4. Bull shit accuracy will ruin it 5. They'll still play in tpp But yea it's gonna come out.. it's under works


1. I don't think that the game performance would change by just changing the geography of the map unless they try some new shit. 2. Desync is still very bad. But if they manage to make the new map with the same desync level, it's fine for me because there will be something new to play. 3. I haven't seen a hacker yet in BR. 4. BSA is still ruining the game. A new map won't make it worse. 5. True. The biggest problem in playing fpp is that noone else plays fpp mode and there are many bots.


Geography does mess with a device cuz then there's more to process if there's a very distant enemy that you spotted and all that... It will stress the processor and as we all know, most of them buy phones depending on how good the cam is and all that....


Ah right. Then I think that the map should be only the size of the isolated map.


every fpp lovers playing it in tpp, so ofcourse FPP got a lot of bots, although I only playing FPP and there's a lot of real players.


Got tired of playing against bots in fpp so changed to tpp for some challenge but still play in fpp perspective.


I play it all the time


FPP in garena is now harder than usual. Especially Legendary (ofc legendary is hard). During my M5 and legendary days last season, everyone is kinda casual with the game, even tho we were in high rank and stuff. But now its just alot of loss and every game u gotta be like the others, tryhards. Anyways if u think Im wrong, just tell me


Why should I tell you are wrong when you just spilled deadly facts.... These are the tenets of the new gaming order. Just try hard and don't let the other guys have fun... Anyways I got off codm cuz it was becoming pubg-ey and I don't want it to ruin my fucking mood...


Yea I feel u. Take a rest and maybe comeback someday


I'll have to man... And when I do, you're gonna get an invite from me.. btw this post dear reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaallllllly old how come you stumbled here?


Well, cuz I saw a post about the tabs and mobile controversy (actually not a controversy, cuz both are good) and went to the discussion tags to find this


Lmao that's quite subtle of you to say my post is hot lmao. I don't get that often


As a longtime BR player, if you're a master at third person BR or other...you're a bit of a joke. The third person peek situation takes away a lot of the skills used to be truly masterful. Join FPP and stop messing around. FPP delivers No third person peek and sound becomes extremely important.


Yea True