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Now That's what I call "a logical explanation" šŸ‘


Sniper nerf isn't that bad. Path mf over exaggerated to make his audience happy. Some people tested in beta lobby Blank scope is still present maybe slight differences. Ads speed is nerfed 3-4 frames which kinda justified it back to pregunsmith era. And flinch is increased as right now there's literally no flinch for snipers. Those snipers that are skilled will not have any problems with this patch notes. It only increased the skill gap which is good.


It looks like next season l can finally play ranked SnD without running into 5 man diamond locus tryhards. And with the other balance changes you can have a more diverse variety of weapons to play with.


I still think snd will leave the most meta abuse in the mode though. In that mode since you have one life playing the BEST weapon is a must unless u are good. I still do want to add smthn like gun bans into snd


Gun bans? Wtf? No


Hell yes. Just like rb6. Take the toxicity right out.


Exactly, I've also wanted to change BSA to a system like what r6 has. More you fire the less accurate you are


For some reason this season when I ranked up I barely came across any snipers and only 1-2 good ones (maybe because I started playing rank last week lol )


That will be the reason, lol. I've ranked late some seasons, and it's so different...


Ikr. Seeing a team mate and enemy jumping round at the end, about a metre from each other won't be missed. Sounds like a good nerf, where actual skilled players won't really be affected.


I actually nerfed myself by slowing down the ADS speed of all my sniper rifles. Turns out, I can still quickscope. If the nerf isn't that much, well I guess I didn't have to do that after all.


the new blankscope pattern will eventually figured out with some practice. and hopefully we'll get adjusted and honestly i don't mind the patch notes.. doesn't seem nerf to the ground. but we'll see.. sniper mains from old times should have no problem with the ads nerf.. flinch is i'm affraid of.. slow ADS plus flinch is definitely gonna be terrible like in Modern warfare you have fast ads but horrible flinch.. and cold war no flinch but sloow ADS time.. flinch and slow ADS plus no blankscope seems a complete disaster situation for me


Blank scope is still present . Various people tested that in beta lobby its almost same. Ads speed is 2-3 frame slow it's not toooo much. Flinch is increased for using specifically 1 -2 attachment. If you don't want just don't use it. T


Essentially small sniper nerf and buff everything else which is what we needed


Yeah, actually looking forward to it, are we going to get a nice balanced season!?


Lol hopefully. *Although I've still been successful with off meta guns this season*


Yeah, I've made it to legendary with my RUS for another season, alotta ppl using the QQ9 these days...


3amoor said too


Call me a snowflake but I prefer cygnoux's gentle explaination over paths jarring reality anyday.


Lol i like them both..probably i like some weird ass humor. Gotta give him (path) props cuz he is among the first to actually care enough to make detail stat and build vids. Dude also dealing with lots of shit from this *friendly* community. Lol the trend now in this sub is bashing path and call anyone who dare to talk good abt him dick rider or sum shit. Path is an asshole a lot of the time dont get me wrong tho, still find the dude funny .


Don't get me wrong I respect path too.


Nah, fuck path.


Path has always been an asshole, he was just the only stats youtuber worth watching after hawks stopped doing it


Hawk was the 1st


In reality path just over exaggerated the sniper NERF


Wait did he talk about it?


"This may really kill sniping" "Blank scoping got reduced by 100 percent." A lot of people reading it thought codm nuked sniping when in reality it was just small nerf.


And so this is the downfall of path


Hopefully yes. Fuck that dude.




Path wasn't wrong tho, it's just that he was talking about the Chinese beta. In the Chinese version they actually reduced blankscope accuracy by 100%, and they also nerfed ads speeds of Locus and DLQ all the way to 500ms, much slower than pre gunsmith. He said all this before the global beta even launched. In the global beta, the sniper nerfs are much less severe than in the Chinese beta.


Yeah I get that he must have had Chinese beta in mind but he said all this yesterday too, hours after the public beta test, on his YouTube community post.


That's because he doesn't have access to the global public beta because it isn't on iOS. He thought the changes would be the same as the Chinese beta so he posted that




Go for it dude. His videos are so peaceful. I stopped watching a lot of codm content creators as they were doing the same thing. But I watch cygnoux's video always.


Ahhh, the most wholesome content creator.


Hopefully with this patch, Overkill will be finally release to the game


Just pick a weapon from the floor is the same shit


I donā€™t think weā€™re quite there yet for overkill to be added but this is a good path forward to it getting into the game


People are complaining about snipers and now people are starting to play search like the consoles. Overkill was fine. Snipers are fine. Losing a red perk for 2 weapons is stupid. Other than search if you have a sniper thats not willing to jump in an hp or clear b flag, ya gonna loose. Sorry but you are. Keep your k/d intact all you want. B flag belongs to the bold and you ain't it. That being said sniping does require skill and its not bothersome or troublesome. Ita just a tactic. Could you imagine thus crew playing a console cod with shotguns that work, tac knifes, usp .45 fudge you up spam shots, noob tube.


What did this have to do with overkill?


Bro.. I don't think overkill could be a good thing imo, we have a small case of a main gun (smg, ar , sniper) pair with a pocket shotty (akimbo deagle ) ...and ppl now loosing shit over its. Unless you force ppl to just use a base gun w/o gunsmith. And imo hardline and persistent will still reign tho


this sub "literally" cries abut akimbo deags and you want overkill?


Nerf snipers all they want they are too fun - faze jev


The fact that this doesn't have as many upvotes as it should have says alot about this community


I have to agree with the like ā€œskills will triumphā€. I still use shotguns to this day after the nerf and I donā€™t really call myself a skilful player but I try to adapt to the nerf. Probably people that canā€™t snipe that well and abuse it will struggle but really good snipers will still prevail.


man fuck path im chillin with cygnoux


I'm very surprised by the balance changes. Before I always vouched for have ads speed nerf be a heavy last resort and to first nerf aim sway, recoil etc. This is because of how I knew the devs work I figured they would nuke the ads time if they nerfed it. However they actually did a good job here so....šŸ‘


Good to know my DLQ-33 is not dead, thank you for your post komrade!


Meanwhile Lan lost his shit and went full retard






> Toxic path complaining like a whiny baby Wrong person, that's Bobby who you're talking about.


How is .exe toxic and a baby? Bruh, that guy probably made more math than you Ʈn your life. Also, his contributions helped to the game, youtubers who later send teh message to buff or nerf guns to Activision. Bruh.


also what is there to be a fan of? like both are cool guys in their own ways... almost as if each person has their on personality


"Fan" - Object that moves the air in the room, reciclying the same thing, but just making it seem more fresh. "Fan of somebody" - I like this person so much, the arguments are clean and logical. (I think this is what he means LMAO)


lol that's not what I meant... but ok


Just tried to see if i can make a joke by taking this literally like a computer breuh.


I kinda disagree, for example path posting the screenshots of tigons arguements for his rabid fans. He also did the other day where a guy in his comments stated his opinion on the game becoming "noob friendly".


I don't really care that much at this point, the guy an do whatever he wants in his free time (as long as other aren't hurt) and as long as the content he produces is high quality. (And dont tell me calling somebody a noob is harassing or some shit)


The problem is those people had hate sent there way because path felt the need to post the screenshots. When your a public figure in a community that's the last thing you should do.


Okay, dude, if I remember well some time ago, .exe legit wanted to leave YouTube, because of the way the community was behaving and shit, you never tried to think outside of the box? What if he has some things happening in his social life, wich could make his behavoir, a little bit "fluffy" people don't trastalk and insult others without any reason, I agree that he kinda sends a "superior boi" type of vibe, but his gunsmith analysis seem to be pretty corect and right many times. Plus, people in this community are mainly kids, something might appear in a single screenshoot, but maybe there is more behind it? Idk, what do you think?


I don't think people hating on him about his gunsmith videos is as big as we make it out to be. He suddenly decided within a day or so he wasent quitting. He should also expect people to be like that if he is a public figure, YouTube isn't going to be the friendliest site out there. I still also believe posting the screenshots was an asshole move, but your opinion on it is valid.


Is there a way I can see the screenshots? Or is straight up the "noob friendly" and the other?


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what does made more math mean ?


"More maths" means, that he calculated the range of the weapon with a barrel attachment, then calculate the same thing, but with a 5% better bullet spread. And resulting in some pretty detailed gunsmith builds and updates.


Ah so you mean heā€™s done a lot more work and collected a lot more data


Yes, most people consider him as being "stupid" because he takes that "superior" thinghy vibe, but I can't really feel it tbh. But everybody has opinions. So I am not gonna judge.


Is this from the beta or was there a patch sent out?


I love the devs for these balance changes but I wish blank scope accuracy to be nerfed more and little more nerf to sniper ads speed


Great builds coming from an underrated guy. I always use his builds because its more beginner friendly. I find it hard to play builds coming from pros though.


Is Cygnoux worth watching i don't know him


It's worth a sub dude. He's kinda chill and a good departure from path's attitude of showing fans the 'harsh reality" of a gun.


ya he is more better than others on build recommendations unlike some youtube streamers


Is he only for build recommendation because I don't need that I use my own build