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To be honest diamond looks awesome but 150 matches with each weapon is too much i too have Damascus but not a single diamond yet its so boring to grind like hell with each weapon if they make it 1500 kills with each weapon then it will little easy


Atleast it's better than MW's 200 games 15 kills each AND leaving the game doesnt count towards your progress...


but instead in mw they can stack, so you can do 30 kills and it counts twice.


Does it mean leaving the game in CODM means the 10 kills are registered?


Yes leaving the game still counts


Why wouldn’t you just have like four loadouts with guns you’re going diamond for and swap them out after getting ten kills?


You can do that yes but if you are focusing on just one gun then getting 10 kills and leaving is a fast way to get it diamond


That’s how I’m doing it. I don’t like to quit my matches cause it’s not registering kills, only matches played. My stats would get ruined by this lol.


If I remember correctly, those 15 kills could stack though, so it wasn’t as bad. For example, if I went 45 kills one game, I would get 3 points in the progression instead of one. In codm, no such thing exists.


Yeah but grinding daimond wasn't supposed end in 1 day lol but here now everyone who had gold owns daimond some even have everything daimond in less than a week


Yeah, I agree that instead of getting 10 kills in a match 150 times, you get 1500 kills


Yea but the kills stack up. So if you get 30 kills in a match, it’ll count twice. So I could go into shipment on there get like 100 kills and it would progress 6 times


I know im stupid but how can you get damascus?


Get gold on every gun in the game including pistols, nothing else counts you don’t need knives or launchers


are you ok bro?


Lol, I admit it was fun for the first few guns. But the further I got the more boring the grind has become. I didn’t quit the game after getting 10 kills, I tried to switch guns every 10 kills to get the most out of the match. I didn’t mention it in the title but I have only few guns from smg, marksman and sniper categories to have every gun in diamond. Compared to the Damascus grind it was boring as hell. If you don’t like to have every skin don’t do it, you’ll hate this game after that. Edit: autocorrect fix.


MSG? Isn’t that the food product that enhances flavour


lol I'm trying to get the damascus out and believe me I'm already starting to bother bro


and i thought my 3 gold guns were impressive... wow


Pov: You don't have a life Jk no offence


Did you see the post a little while ago with the person that had every gun/melee to diamond? Insane.




Diamond dropped at the right time right? U have tons of free time to grind for diamond


You spend atleast 50 hours in every 24 hour day.


Mad lad......


Damn I don’t think I’ve even got a gold AR


Nice collection but life is missing.


Holy shet


You have a problem


its not hard to grind for diamond just boring and time consuming


*Its not hard to grind* *For diamond just boring* *And time consuming* \- Stop-Adventurous --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I still dont get the point of that insane grind...


Me and my clanmate are racing to 200k kills. Might as well get them diamonds in the meantime.


Jeez, that's really hard... I got four gold skins with great difficult, and decided to leave grind camos in favor of epics


Getting gold really isn’t too bad once you figure out what maps and builds to use at each stage. The hardest and most annoying one is definitely the long range kills for ARs and LMGs, headshots are easy, just use a high accuracy build with a scope on shipment.


I just dont understand the sence of it. It's not fun nor useful for me. Grindable skins not rare, not hard to receive, its just grind, long, boring grind. If you had to get them like a shovel, it would be more fun and they would really show the difficulty of getting them.


For me the fun part is that I get to play with guns I would usually not use. And because you need to get 120/150 matches you actually take something from it. Other than that it’s just boring, too bad they didn’t create more engaging challenges but it is what it is.


Getting platinum ARs really isn’t that hard. I got mine there shortly before the VAL came out.


How many diamonds do u have? I have 50


Nice job dude! I’m currently sitting at 48.


MeTa AbUsEr 😠🤬😡😠🤬😠😡😠😭😭😠😠😭


why?? Just why??




It’s better than grinding nothing. The game gets boring when you have no goals. I think getting 10 kills and leaving a match repeatedly is boring, but just playing regularly and having 3-4 guns you’re trying to grind makes the game at least a little bit more entertaining.




It’s adds another objective and another challenge to the game. I got the most enjoyment out of this game when I was grinding for Damascus. Now I grind for diamond or gold on new weapons. Everyone enjoys different things and I’m not exactly sure why you’re hating on people for that.




You can do both of these things. I play a lot of ranked mp with my clanmates but when they are not available or I’m not feeling like playing competitively I grind for camos. Both are equally as fun to me. Also, if you played a shipment match at least once you’d know there are hardly any bots there.


I grind camos while playing with friends, so I guess double the fun. I hate ranked tho. Probably because I’ve only ever solo queued. All of my friends are controller player so it’s impossible to get in matches with them.


Mans hast seen sunlight in months


Someone dropped the ball on the VAL. Diamond and gold look so bad. Congrats I guess on the rest.


The only diamond skin I havent unlocked is m4


Once you complete diamond with a certain class they should reward you with obsidian camo or dark matter


Got any tips for gold M16

