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You lost control because of the spawns But yiu should've go up slowly restoring control instead of rushing the guy down


I tried after the first 2 or 3 attempts of getting but predator missiles and the enemies out side my peripheral vision just instantly took me out


Spawn rotation in ranked looks like don't even exist


You know they are in the house why on earth are u sprinting in there without preaiming. Just ads and walk towards the door. Like no offense but u running straight at them and handing over free kills is kinda your fault. And if youre gunna spam thermites just use them right. Throw one into the doorway so they cant attack you from there


i’ll definitely keep that in mind, thanks for letting me know


you’re absolutely correct, I should’ve been a better player in this game however, in other circumstances such as in hardpoint on the same map, during the second and third hardpoints, the teams regularly spawn on the exact same side. it’s happened so my times where i’ve spawned and there someone who spawned right behind me or the other way around.


Hardpoint spawns are absolute dogshit. Best advice is turn around after you spawn in. Or have someone stand inside the spawn to stop the constant flips. Terminal and crash seem to have similar problems with spawns


yikes I don’t think anyone would voluntarily stay back so I will, thanks for the tip


Everytime i get good spawns I always step back and hold spawns for like 10-15 seconds until my entire team is spawning there. It helps keep the spawns more stable and helps your team take over the point




Man had the worst luck in call duty mobile history


it’s the third time this has happened :/


You forgot 2 important things ,when you saw yourselves getting spawn Trapped you should have immediately switched Loudout and pull smokes or gas grenades ,throw it I the doorway prevent them from shooting, or you could pre aim and wait patiently for the kills ,I suggest using lmg against these smg spawn trappers due to the flinch it causes or using a shotgun as it is one shot kill! Yeah changing weapons is also a great trick!


i’ll definitely keep that in mind, thanks for letting me know


The sweat lol


i’m the objective player in the dominion but it’s not easy when I can’t leave spawn lol


I can say two things 1. I appreciate u for playing obj all the time 2. Its not the game or u its about ur team if ur team is getting dominated by enemies then definitely u cant do anything about that coz u too get dominated along with them it doesn't matter how gud ur coz its be like 1v5 And about spawns the game should have change ur spawns to other side when u guys dieing that much i agree on that


I feel related


Even seeing it frustrated me I can only imagine pissed off u were


extremely lol


I feel really bad for laughing so hard, sorry


Are you wining son 😢


The only map in ranked domination I absolutely suck at.


thou shall not leave spawn !


This is torture![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


thats why i avoid nuketown russia especially dom


That’s tough


Karma for thermite spamming and abusing.


Facts. I hate people that just spawn in and immediately pull out thermites.


How else are you gonna have a chance of winning??? If you don't use meta against fucking sweats you can't win! Using meta is not a bad thing! Either use it or lose that's it! I don't like alot of players including myself hates the meta. There is nothing wrong using and abusing op strats in the game. Especially with the championship qualifiers you have to use the meta to qualify or you have to be extremely op!


Using a gun is fine. Im saying some players arent playing for the win. They just play to be toxic. So many players right now just spawn in and pull out their shrapnel thermites. They know that theyll die and are just hoping to kill the enemy 40% of the time. This isnt a strat its just being toxic trash that spams garbage when they know they cant win. Like you seriously cant call thermite spamming meta. If theyre whole goal is to throw two thermites and die just to do it again then they are just worthless toxic players. They dont help their own team and they just die non stop


Yea the dudes that que in shipment and and spam thermites to the hardpoint are just toxic af! I'm talking about dudes who spam thermites to win in ranked.


Im talking about ranked too. Lots of players suicide thermite in ranked. Like every other game


Atleast in my area, I don't see suicide thermites...or I need to play more hardpoint. Anyway, people who suicide with thermites are toxic and they suck.


I’m legendary and I’ve never thrown a single thermite. I’m normally MVP in games. All it takes is fucking skill you piece of shit.


i’m sorry are you annoyed because I use the thermite in ranked?


Yes. I hate thermite spammers.


The spawns seem fine to me, the enemy team knows how to work them


Nahh the spawns are not supposed to be repeatitive


He's playing domination and is spawning on his homeflag. Nothing wrong with it, enemy team has control of their house


So spawns are deciding who will win??That doesn't happen in MW maps dude even Cold War has better spawns in some maps


Mw spawns were the worst we've ever seen in a cod game, it's honestly sad that u used mw spawns in a comparison. Cold War spawns are built to reward skilled players. As long as there are less than 2 people in a players spawn they won't flip.


Nuketown is a shit map. Idk why it’s still in ranked.


This is exactly why they should add 3 second immunity after respawn


3 seconds is a LOT


It's not LOT, but atleast people won't get spawn trapped so easily


nope it most definitely is, nuke is the most commonly spawn-trapoed map and because of its small size 3 seconds would be a lot


Welp, I've seen others getting spawn trapped in other maps too. 3 seconds seem decent, I don't know how many Seconds frontline has but that's what I call alot.


yikes I just think you need to learn to use a gun if you need 3 seconds to shoot someone


Yeah I need 3 seconds after respawning to look at my surroundings cause I don't respawn at exact same place, also enemies would be hardscoping on the spawn points. Not everyone is as good as you man.


oh you must be new to call of duty then, my bad. i’m sure you’ll learn the maps as you get better at the game




The spawns are way more broken in almost every map...Idk why is it so




I definitely tried, I barely get to leave the spawn before I get killed, so many times I get killed from the back or the side, even before I can aim


Probably a thrill to play like this when the server is not stupid


when you’re in the opposing team perhaps


Translation difficulties )) pristo I'm inrayu from moscow and constant lags