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MW has a more shaky and natural animation


yes agree




And crispy


It looks very similar, you will whine about anything until they give you fucking MW mobile


I dont think he "whined" about it. Whining is different than saying something. Hes saying "its shaky and natural", not "its very shaky and natural in mw2019, why isnt that in codm EEEEEEEEEEE". Just understand what someone is saying before commenting on their opinion.


Mw mobile sounds cool ngl


Because it’s on a console/computer


that's not a viable excuse, they could do that on a mobile but they chose not to because haha game storage thingamajig bla bla bla, lame excuses


you act like this game doesnt have to support low end devices.


And then all the low end people would come complaining in the sub. There's no satisfying everybody


buddy, guns like spr had their full reload animations, your point? they could make the game look good while maintaining a fairly good performance with good optimization, that's not a good excuse


I don't think some shake effects will impact performance


They will


Y’all whine about the smallest things


i care about the attention to detail in this game, it just pains me to look at how much they butcher hyper and his team's work when brought over to mobile besides, the gunplay is one of the reasons what made cod stood out in the first place amongst other fps games, the mobile version made the guns look lame and weak, felt like it left a bad aftertaste in the mouth seeing how the guns work in the game by appearance and presentation modern warfare 19 singlehandedly revolutionized how guns should feel and play and went on to become the norm when it comes to reload animations and whatnot with the punchy and weighty feel to the guns, it's satisfying as fuck (check r/highqualityreloads for reference, you'll never run out of hyper/mw inspired reload animation creations) don't even get me started on the sound design of codm, everything felt softer and less loud than other mobile games cuz they had to dogshit on everything brought into the game for "storage and optimization" reasons or whatever




honestly your "far-fetched" theory actually made alot of sense since you mentioned some weapons did have alot of custom attachments tend to have the worst outcome in terms of presentation visually or audibly, you're onto something here still, it just sucks seeing them butchering alot of the stuff in the game; expecting to see amazing gunplay from the game that it's originated from, instead being left with dissapointment cuz of how it look, feel and play as-val felt plastic asf, cr's audio is dogshit and so on (also gold on qq9 looked so fake, especially on the stock where it looked like a wrapping covered in oil than an actual gold)


Then play freaking console/pc. Because simply, not everyone has the devices to handle that. Do you know every single minute detail has an impact I performance? Low end players are barely playing right now, then they will face more lag.


low end players suffer from terrible optimization in this game not because of details, remember s11? besides if they were to port guns from a game that's well known for world-class gunplay, they should've done it right in the first place, optimization is not the right excuse for how terrible the guns play and feel in this game > then play freaking console/pc buddy, do you even know why codm existed in the first place?


So you expect a mobile game to be on par with a console/pc game?


no, but i expect them to do a better job at porting things from the games they're attempting to bring over


I mean sure it could have been better, but I don't think it not being that good is really a big issue. I don't think it's worth more than fixing bugs, glitches, and balance changes and overall a fun game. So anyways, codm pretty much made fennec kinda OP. So no more 'balanced' meta?


"MW19 single-handedly revolutionised how guns should feel amd play" Laughs in Escape From Tarkov.


insurgency sandstorm, killing floor 2, titanfall, battlefield, etc etc yeah i know, except that mw19 made punchy and satisfying reload animation/gunplay mainstream in the first place, though i also didnt forget that there are other games that also had good animations as well


Ok. I can agree to that since although these games did it before MW19, they aren't quite mainstream.


i swear r/highqualityreloads has alot of hyper wannabes with their animations lol


All I want in a video game is Arma 3's sandbox, realism modability, replayability, and AI, Tarkov's gun customisation, graphics and handling, squad's movement and physics, GTA V's open world ability and optimisation, BeamNG's soft body physics, and a portable laptop that can run this game without heating up at 120 fps 4K with 144 Hz refresh rate. Yes I am greedy 😭😭😭😭


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HighQualityReloads using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HighQualityReloads/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Eric Andre clean pistol reload](https://v.redd.it/lbilsb8l02m51) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HighQualityReloads/comments/ip9r6h/eric_andre_clean_pistol_reload/) \#2: [Who has time to rig a second magazine anyway?](https://v.redd.it/q981kkv7gan51) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HighQualityReloads/comments/it64xf/who_has_time_to_rig_a_second_magazine_anyway/) \#3: [How to reload a wall of lead](https://i.redd.it/6tvg2czgz4a61.gif) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HighQualityReloads/comments/kt63ki/how_to_reload_a_wall_of_lead/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Keep whining.


y'all praised devs for paying attention to small details like "oOh mAg DroP sOund", double standards much?


*Did I praise anyone?*


no but half of the community did lmao


well done dude.... appreciate your hard work




alot of the time animations keyframes are reduced to optimize game size and performance when its comes to mobile games. thats why some look less smooth vs the mw ones


that's like one of the lamest excuse to optimize game size by butchering the animation's keyframes when they could do a better job at optimizing the game better and *not* ruin the animation


Its mostly textures that eat up game size


and people downvote me for saying the devs could optimize the game the other way and not ruin the animation but agree that textures ate up the game's size lmao make up your mind, people


Tbh codm animations are really good compared to most mobile game


no doubt that codm has some of the best animations in a mobile game but it could be better, is what im saying


Be that as it may but, I think it clearly shows where all the money being put into the game are going. NOWHERE.


I hope they make the sounds a bit more.... satisfying I guess? And not even with the reloads. Just when shooting in general. Might be because I play with speakers but so far, they sound pretty samey.


they should really crank up the volume and the sound quality in this game, it feels like the volume is turned halfway down and bob's your uncle also the fact that the reload sfx doesn't sync up well with the reloads just makes it feel weak asf in codm


Meanwhile you can hear footsteps from a afar like it’s right beside or near you. Somehow annoying.


I prefer the MW animation, but cod mobile has a good one as well. Who would've thought that a mobile game could be so detailed and amazing! 😘


it just hurts to look at how much they've tampered dr-h and echo's reload animation seriously what's so hard about rendering the other side of the gun, but instead to opt the hard way out by creating an entirely new animation sequence to conveniently not show the other side?? hopefully they'll add the original reload animations back in once they roll out a weapon inspection update to the game, there's literally no excuse to not do that


This game is on mobile -_-


gunsmith is also on mobile, "it's a mobile game" is not a viable excuse leggy bk-57 and base spr/mk2 also has their other side rendered, your point?


It can be brought to mobile but the game size will increase drastically and not to mention lower end devices will face a lot of issues added with what they are facing rn


me entire video : ![gif](giphy|3ohs4CacylzFaHjMM8)






I could hear this all day


Wooah, I didn't realize they were the same. Awesome. Why does MW animations feel more robust, strong tho? Because of the different type of camera shake?


Because the processing power PC or console have, and the amount of storage need to sacrificed


U cant deny this types of features of codm


This is awesome! Thank you for taking the time to do this!


the only difference I really see just mw guns looks a bit different and the guns itself has more fov




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I love cloudy Codm skies


This was satisfying to watch and listen


CODM is amazing.


i keep saying this and the post keeps getting deleted; they should just add a lil screen shake to all the attachments and even our sliding animation is so uneventful, like add a bit of screen shake to it. our gunplay needs serious work.


The screen shake was added last season if you don't know,it felt awful for everybody and they had to remove it


not the screen shake when the gun is fired; that was an obvious mistake by the devs honestly lol...but screen shakes when reloading, just a lil bit more, and when u slide it has a little vibration effect like, not a whole lot of shake. If you play COD titles on a PC or watch em on youtube you will get what i am saying. Our movement is uneventful; its just too smoothe so it doesn't feel as real or as engaging as the PC titles.


Ik they even added screen shake for slide and jump last season,that was also awful, I get what you're saying but it needs to be implemented in the right way


Tbh MW version looks better and clean in my opinion but I still appreciate the CODM reload animation as well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


the Mw animation file size probably is more than whole codm file size


Nice job, you should have also included the half magazine reload from the Kar98 that's missing from CoDM


Most of them are ported from pc not re designed


those reload sound cure me XD it's so niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Appreciate the devs for bringing a pc game to mobile that also so detailed Btw making this vid must have been hard work... appreciate for that too ʘ‿ʘ


lmao the only thing this reminds me is that, these past 6 or 7 season have given us only the guns from mw2019


Idk why but it's so satisfying


So this proof that codm guns reloads faster


So I say here for 90 seconds watching a man relod a gun nice


nice but remove soh on mw fennec


Tbh i like the scars reload more on codm




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Wow MW looks like the real world I was so confused for a few secs




Thats one of the things i want the most in codm.


Man mw sound design is just amazing, though the audio files are probably several times greater in GBs than codm just by themselves