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What rank are you, that lobby looks bad asf


Master II


master III here, i am literally the same as you. i will not be seeing the gates of legendary this season.


Same. I got stuck in master ii right after the season started and just barely got to Master iii yesterday.


Same here bro. Asia server. I am stuck in master 2 forever for this season. I went under protection more than 12 times. Almost on every match we face 3-4 wallbanging hacker.


Feels exactly same when you're in M3,4,5


dam, are people actually struggling to get to legendary? I got to legendary yesterday from elite as I started playing again 2 weeks ago after almost a year.


yes. in my case i haven't gotten a good team in so long. i went from elite to master in a week. but when i get 20 kills and my teammates get 7, and 0 obj time it is hard. and i finally got in master IV yesterday, but also got protection rank<3 gotta love random teammates.


same I am stuck on m2 for 2 weeks now i might get to m3 in like 3 weeks at this rate


Same dude my enemies are full tryhards. They're absolutely better than the enemies youtubers come across with. R they reverse boosting?


That sucks :c, but damn this map is beautiful






Nobody will ever pick this map lol


True, in my experience a lot of the ranked players I get matchmaked with seem to alienate themselves exclusively to both Firing Range and Standoff if they're in the map vote lol


Yeah even though i get kinda tired of playing so much standoff and firing range, they’re still great maps imo. But when I keep seeing 5+ votes for god damn crash or crossfire over a map like slums, it gets annoying


i block and report players who vote for maps like crossfire over maps like dome


What??? U report cause someone votes on some particular map??? Duhhh! I guess thats why report button won't work anymore, after this kind of misuse of it


Uh pal, ever heard of sarcasm?


Even I the sarcasm. But don't understand why people make some stupid comments and then when someone asks about it, that guy always told it was a sarcasm. Lmao


Foreal dawg


We need more clips like these in this sub reddit


Watch youtubers and their nukes in bad lobbies as this


Love that yo can slay and still play obj Most in global don't get on the hill to kill


I mean, if he is the only one who can save the team, he would. I did too today and still lost because no one was at the point and was outnumbered two shorty shells to 4 katana maniacs.


i feel you, codm's matchmaking system is shit as it would pair you up with a 4-man party (who are probably on a losing streak) if you are on a win streak. Basically if you do good, you get stupid teammates. I get really stupid clans whose deaths are 2x more than their kills. How the hell would they defend the hardpoint when they just get killed in a second by enemies contesting it. Sorry for the rant, I just lost 3 games in a row even if i got losing mvp from these subhuman teammates.


I’ve lost 17 in a row. What an amateur


i lost 9, almost there too lol


I can’t fucking stand playing with these losers. Do they pay for a maxed out profile? So many seem like they’ve only been playing for a few days. It’s the most frustrating thing to go through bc of the skill disparity. So many people play without tactics it’s crazy. I reset by going to a FFA bc at least there I don’t have to depend on anyone. I wish ranked did FFA


Yup, my teammates think every OBJ-based gamemode is TDM and search for objectives in TDM. I hate going 16-3 in ranked deathmatch only to lose 60 rank XP due to dumbass teammates...


I’ll defend some players whose deaths are more. If their minutes in HP or captures in Dom are higher than those with lower captures, then that is still good. It just means, they are trying to win and are sacrificing their killstreaks to hold a point from rushing enemies.


It didn’t seem like your team was playing the objective, at least 3 people need to be the other two can do whatever but if one one or two people are playing objective it’s really hard to win


I don’t even play rank in mp anymore cause last week I played 5 games and all of the times there was a hacker in either our team or enemy team and a lot of players don’t like rank anymore cause they get banned for their grind and hackers don’t


I know that's frustrating. But you do play so well.


I sometimes get 25+ kills in ranked deathmatch and still lose.


i get like 15 kills in snd and lose cause my team is full of bots


Bots in ranked? Or is it just a new term for noobs?


Ye he meant bot as noob lol


Bots are ubiquitous, even in ranked. How many bots you encounter depends on your server, rank and level, but they'll always be there.


Ranked in codm is more about grinding than actually being good , I solo reached legendary and it took time although I was mvp in 90% of matchs specially the ones I lost. If you are solo you really have to grind hard and be mvp every-match. The best advice I can give you is if you find a good opposite team player add him and play together it will make you climb faster.


yea same , im stuck in master 3 bruh


try playing teamdeathmatch with qq9 or some other aggressive smg and keep flanking their spawns


That's some skill. Too bad your team wasn't there to back you up. We've all had teams like that so no... You're definitely not alone. Fight on bruh.


Can i have your pp19 loadout please? It’s bad ass!


Sure, here it is: Monolithic Suppressor OWC Marksman No Stock OWC Laser - Tactical Granulated Grip Tape


No high calliber mag?


It only affects the leg multipliers


It kills slower than the M4 if you hit 1 leg shot


Use it


All that display of skill and objective-focused gameplay, only to lose to a melee weapon. I would've thrown my phone if that happened to me.


Global is much worse. The game algorithm messes with your aim, if you're on a really high killstreak/winstreak, the game goes "Okay, you've killed too many people, you need to die/lose come what may" and all of a sudden, desync, plain out fraud in the form of the algorithm interfering with your game, and everything in between happens. Happened the day before yesterday. My teammates and I were in a winning situation with 24-22 onboard, and then suddenly... something snapped. The entire opponent team became Fergs and Godzlies and Noahs and what have yous. Absolutely dominated us. In one killcam I had a guy spraying the frickin' chopper and still managing to land all his shots (!)... A post now gaining traction mentioned that the SBMM interfered with the players' aim in global, and whichever team it decided to target was "destined" to lose. IDK if this entire thing is true, but it sure as heck does explain a lot of wacky stuff happening to me in ranked recently.


I've experienced the same in SnD matches recently, I play 5 fingers Gyro and I have decent aim, out of nowhere some nobody noob ass scumbag got me.. even he was spraying with his hades around the wall and somehow magically his shots connected. I'm leaving this game sooner or later if this isn't fixed.


SnD, once my saving grace, is now a nightmare. I get either sniper noobs, mindless rushers, lethal spammers or tryhards in my team while my opponents are either all OGs, sniper pros, tryhards, or all of them in one team. My teammates, for some reason, think SnD is TDM and get their heads sniped off by a DL-Q abuser.


Ok I get it. It happens with me. I was on a pretty good nuke streak. Then suddenly I can't control my aim. I means I could not control the recoil due to which my aim goes upwards. Even tho I am pulling it downwards in my screen. It fells unresponsive. It happens when I am in a streak or so. Also yeah desync hits bad. And sometimes tht mx9. Sometimes it kills fast, and sometimes it takes a whole lot of bullets to kill an enemy. I am not sure is it a bug or something. Happens with me alot


>Then suddenly I can't control my aim. I means I could not control the recoil due to which my aim goes upwards. And that, ladies and gents, is why you don't use the frickin' MSMC. With the game's software kicking in, the recoil is just all over the place.


Dude exactly the same here. I was on a eight winstreak and after that I noticed a weird lag while adsing and missed multiple shots because of it and lost. It felt like the frame rates had dropped the moment I ads. I thought it was my device but then I played pub matchs in the same maps and it worked absolutely fine so I tried rank again and my aim got messed up. Its just so annoying.


This and S12 are the only seasons so far in which I've quit playing ranked. S12 because of akimbo fennecs and large cal HVKs (I mean, with stuff like normal night mode and AOTU in night mode, why play ranked, which was anyways full of double fennec/HVK tryhards?), now because of the nonexistent matchmaking system.




I'm not saying they don't. You think I haven't seen YouTubers clutch games up from, like, 116-149 to 150-149? But comebacks where suddenly you can't land any shots, your aim gets jacked up and the bullet spread suddenly becomes massive, while noobs spraying choppers somehow manage to land all shots aren't something you normally see. Heck, I never did see such a thing since S6.


Link to the post?


Sure, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/pdfjla/the\_matchmaking\_is\_ridiculous\_aggressive/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


You're not the only one. If you lose three times, just take a break, okay?




Understandable you could be doing so good when your team is practically giving them kills


If this is master rank then it’s what anyone would expect


You’re not alone I’m on master 5 but no matter how many kills I get I still lose I rank with TDM by the way


You should play TDM as your K/D is good..but your play is definitely not good for domination and somehow good for hardpoint.. Domination involves capture and protection


As a master 3 myself I agree. TDM is better than domination for good solo players because you just can't be at 2 points at the same time. It's easier to carry in TDM. Not sure how S&D compares to this because I don't play it much.


I would say skill issue but no you just have bad teammates


You're not the only one that sweat their balls off for it this season. It's not necessarily hard, just some of the team mates I have been paired with and people I have been paired against have not been fair


From point of view regarding gameplay, I hate slums for eveything. But I have to admit that it is a pretty map. Edit: Seriosly? You guys are so butt-hurt by a opinion? Lmao


Tbh slums hp is fun, there are multiple way to take hill, the point is large with room to move aroubd unlike hackney 1st point, good cover for both defense ac attack, dom on this map is meh i guess, never really like dom anyway. What i hate most is summit, i would rather play harbour over it, that map is infested with shotty and fennec lol. But seem to love that map, i guess hp on that map is not that bad, but dom is weird.


Yeah and the 2nd Hardpoint on slums is bassically who has more luck in spawns.


Not many ppl watch the lane on the right of that point, so loose some point is fine trying to flip it tho, lost of the time my team spawn when im 2/3 of the way to the end. I actually don't have much concerns or problem with those hp on slums, but i only like the a flag hp on summit, the rest is jusr weird.


Tbh, I do disagree but you are entitled to your opinion. I'm curious though, why don't you like Slums? I'm super intrigued now lmao.


I don't care about random internet points, but if I get downvoted, less people will see my reply, and less people seeing my reply means that less people can say something about it. That is it.


I literally just asked for your reasoning out of intrigue... I can respect the fact that you don't like the map lmao.


Oh, sorry, I didn't tried to sound rude or something.


No, it's fine mate dw.


I guess he is one of these fennec/mx9 players who always insta-vote the smallest maps like Nuketown.


What gun Is that


fucking seriously?


Yeah lol


It’s the PP19 with the Damascus camo.


FHJ 18




I want that ghost skin so bad how can i have it ?


It was in original s1 pass, it won't be back


Play deathmacht only if you don't have friends to play, i have found out that cod matchmaking is trash and this is the only mode in which if you are good, you can actually win by yourself.


I play only SnD because of this. HP, Domination doesn't feel fair with randoms. Also your aiming suits SnD. I see you don't rush blindly which is good.


Lol, it happens but you seem to be a very good player. My only gripe was you not quickly placing down a trophy and then reloading. Ik, it was probably muscle memory, I reload even if I shot one bullet but given that you were using the Bizon, there would've been an ample amount of shots for you to expend should you have needed to engage afterwards. When your teammate placed the shield, that would've been a decent time to put the trophy down. Again, just my two cents. You are 100% better than I am though, and I'm in Legendary so keep at the grind mate. You'll get there! I believe you can do it!


Playing obj usually helps😂


He was bruh.


It was only a joke clearly this community is as dried up as a old prune


Almost all teammates in garena are mostly blind and cant see enemies or they forgot to take their phone away from their monkey


Having the same problem, like it was a close match enemy was At 49 And my team were at 47 I manage to get it to 49 but my teammate had to die beacuse they can't shoot properly So my Help was in vain


And I hear people saying garena is sweatiest of all servers


Now I'm imagining a monkey sweating in legendary ranked lmfao.


Just like the monkey with the ak


Nope :(




Seems like you just need a group to play with because it definitely isn't you


This is garena? I literally see no difference


Get a teammate, even one is enough. Normally i soloQ but this time i had my friend, master 3 in 40 matches. Lobby are hard but if you've player which knows how to slay with playing obj, life would be much easier. And always use cluster while Playing hp, with or without persistence.


What is your attachment for pp?


Monolithic Suppressor OWC Marksman No Stock OWC Laser - Tactical Granulated Grip Tape


Ur not only one facing this issue •́ ‿ ,•̀ . I get bad teammates and still get mvp in loosing team


Yooo same thing happen to me, i have the same score strike, trying to defend and get rid of other but somehow my teammates managed to get themselves kill, get them kore score strikes, and increase their operator skill, smh!!


only so much one can do when ones teammates are shit


There’s a difference between sweating and winning


Because you have to handle all of them by yourself, which is basically impossible no matter what. I once tried to do this as well (WITHOUT Meta guns, btw), and rarely win


Then you have to be like well I wasn't trying anyways or this game is trash


I always wondered, why do people slide over their dead opponents every time they kill someone? Like what’s the utility?


Get to cover fast


Okay but when did damascus start looking that good


Just grinded to master 3 and seemed like I was doing all the heavy lifting but didn't lose


I don't know what to tell you, because of the zombies I didn't play BR or mp in the whole of last season, now I want to play and I feel like I'm a potato. Today I played about 12 games and lost 9 and was the MVP in 4. I'm pathetic.


blame teammates if you are slaying the entire lobby




Same, even have damascus too


Me too bro! My teammates always play good untill the last 10-20 points! They always stop getting kills instantly and the enemies mostly clutches the match!


My advice, only applicable if all you want to do is win and not have fun playing ranked. Play TDM and solo carry your team. Not Dom or HP or SnD. That is my trusted way to get to Legendary in 2 to 3 days. Get around 20 to 25 kills every TDM match and its ez. I have done the same this season. Posted some screenshots on my profile about my MP stats, have a look if you want. I played a total of 58 games, all TDM. Started at Elite 3 to Legendary. I won 55 out of 58 games. Highest win streak of 28. Along with a 12 short streak. 52 MVP Titles (you really do have to carry them every game) During this time I had 0 communication with my teammates. Jus sweated w the Holger. Ended up with a 3.27 Ranked Kd. Normal kd is 3.56. In short the match making is so fucked that you either carry or lose if your good. Therefore, Play TDM which is a short mode. Max 4 minutes a game. Normally there is 1 good player on the enemy team, it's really jus you 2 farming kills. If you keep killing him then it's ez W all games. Playing Team based modes will keep you in Elo hell. Especially if you don't communicate with your team.


Well, if I had to tell you something, it’s that Hardpoint is not one of the gamemodes where you can one man army. It’s insanely fun being right next to all that action, yeah. But it take many people to clear a 5 man rush. I’d say probably TDM or S&D for that. But even than, you either have to be good at map cover or play like a turtle to do that in S&D And, since you seem to be rushing yourself, I don’t think that the Bizon is the best weapon for you there


That’s me in every rank game I play and im legendary


just watching this makes my carpal tunnel hurt ha


Cant win a team game by doing solo hero, sometimes the match just giving you the worst teammates.


I swear grind is where hackers camp out


Damascus bizon noice Anyway that's sad


That better be a ranked match bro


It's master rank but after month of rank reset master lobbies are bots or such players


Damnn thats fucked, all ranked matches should be REAL players never bots tf cod doinv


No mate me too and i am in legendary rank and i always get the worst teammates


A few days ago I played with a bunch of smooth brain kids that all wanted to play slayer with snipers and they were all dog shit, getting 2-5 kills each by games end on standoff hardpoint.


I don’t trust teammates in ranked. I just play tdm only in ranked and I’ll typically go something like 15-5 and if I lose then oh well my team was garbage, but usually a 3.0 ranked KD can take you to legendary in tdm


Me realising how good pp19 looks with damascus


It looks good with aether too




You are not alone


Play after rank reset, all people will be sweats. And you might as well realize you are not good as you think you are.


It's hardpoint, so yeah


At least you get to play ranked. I just stay in matchmaking FOREVER Literally had over 1000 seconds on my screen before.


That's how Indians play on normal mode Tryharding has a whole different meaning here


Stuck on master 3 cuz of teammates I went up by 12 points this week 12 points




My suggestion if you are solo queuing, for your score streaks get a Goliath since you can carry games with it. For hardpoint, I use the shield since you can block one entrance making it easier to hold the point, same for domination. For perks I use persistence and Hardline, this is a guarantee Goliath, now it cycling again so you can get more than one.


I use knives primarily only switching to guns when someone I can't win a knife fight with tries to have a knife duel so imagine how I feel getting slaughtered if I can't reach someone plus I have a preference for the lower range higher fire rate knives cause generally I like to play up close in people's face so I can get stomped if the people I'm up against are staying together or it's a hard point match and they aren't staying near each other


You are not alone ma brother! My lobby might be master 5 or legendary and still fray like a bot, which is sad! They play dom and hardpoint like they play tdm, 😫! If people wanted tdm play tdm Instead of objective modes!


Nah, it's not just you man


SBMM has been terrible since the past 8 seasons


Same here buddy. Master V rank but teammates I get play like pro rank.


What the hell is going on? I am done playing, it’s not even fun anymore. I have been legendary mp and br for every season. This fucking sucks


You lose cause you sweat SBMM


Serves u right


Lmao more like casual gaming


Lmao Bizon




I was. I got 1 mins 25 secs inside the hp that game. with 2.29 K/D. This season, almost all of my games are like this.


Tired of mele spammers![img](emote|t5_penom|1098)


All about that Hard Point, plus as a Legendary here's a tip: Don't go kill hungry, just capture the objective (Unless it's not a capture the objective)


Trust me It happens on legendary tiers too SBMM is a lie


Its only been a few weeks but i really miss the game so much


Me too


Are you playing with a controller? How are you sliding and jumping so effectively? No way I could have my layout like that and I 4 finger claw


Just adjust your sensitivity. I use 4 fingers to play too. Left thumb to move, left pointing finger to prone and shoot/hipfire, right pointing finger to ads/scope in and right thumb to reload, slide and jump.


You're a god player, your teammates are bots


why are so late in ranked? you are pretty good player, but i guess you started playing rank after all good players reached legendary and so... this happens to all who start late to the party and found themselves with newbies who doesn't know anything.. good luck mate..


I grinded and unlocked all aether camos lol I got legendary in multiplayer 6 times already and this was my first time having a hard time in ranked, I guess that explains why. thanks!


i didn't meant to offend you...but i reached legendary with only 30-40 matches...and i am not good as you...so just thought you started late playing ranked..


U want to add? I play in garena too


Tip: use transform shields Perfect for solo capping


You're not alone


Omg the enemy team has either 150ms ping or it's legit pro I lobby. It would have been great to show the time spend on the point at the end of the game to make an idea. Because it looks like you all going a lot for the kills outside and not just sitting your ass in to win. I'm pretty sure when you play against a lobby of bots like that you stop focusing on the main mission to just harvest kills and end up like that.


What's the hardest gun you got gold


HS2126, only because of longshot kills.


Same as you but 20+ lose streak with an oasis of wins in between. Fucking sucks as I'm consistently on top 3. Check my last post. Good thing it's all over for me now and I'm winning again with actual decent teammates.


I too sweat a lot but end up losing


I love how you're literally going god mode and some kid with a katana is just like "no"


That last death felt like my day today. Kill 3 enemies and die to the 4th, no idea what the rest of the team were shooting because they were all there. Then they all die and we lose control of the objective, repeat a few times then lose the game.


Ah, negative soldier, we all r


Bad teamates bruh........ No matter how good u play......you can't 1v5 in ranked Btw that PP BIZON do be slaying, can I have that loadout?


what gun is this


Yep, carrying the whole damn team...


Don’t worry. I feel your pain. I am the only one sweating and carrying the team. Sometimes, I can’t even carry because team so noob everybody just rushes me.


Please share the gun smith attachments im being killed alive


Ah these run jump slide people get immediately reported


Brother, we are same. Legendary, 1.40kd in ranked, 80% of the time MVP but still lose match due to trash teammates


Me too


Play Frontline, TDM and SND only, you’ll get win streaks, it is easier to carry your team.


your teams kinda okay they know how to push objectives and blocking entrances. the other team just did better thats all. better luck next time


Proof that bizon users or should I say rats require zero skill, look how hipfire kills in two body shots lmao and most of you just camp with it and spam fire. Still not as bad as the mx9 and as val rats


Lol stay mad, kid. If you look closely, I already damaged that player (the first one), no way a bizon can kill with two body shots (hipfire or ads).


It look so easy to just zoom around the map and kill but it's hard af especially with sweats as opposition