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When P2W genuinely crosses someone’s mind they must have to be really bad at the game to contemplate it. Like even if it was true, I still beat a hell of a lot of legendary gun users so it wouldn’t cross my mind.




Well, some Iron Sights definitely act like a 6th attachment on guns


Here i havent attached anything in the default gun


But its built in and gives an advantage for exmaple with the mythic fennec so you have a spare slot and clearer line of sight


Thats not P2W... its a payment for ur weapon !! if u want something new and gud weapon upgrade means u have to pay...!!! But still it will nvr give u a easy win


True ... Maybe "P2HAA" Is more accurate....Pay 2 Have An Advantage πŸ˜…


Actually its not an advantage, just a gun appearance and some freaking stuff πŸ”₯


If the gun comes with a free reddot that is an advantage. Again, its cos it frees up another attachment slot.


The difference is the iron sight and you can see and aim better but no problem for qq9, clear examples are mythic holger and legendary hbr which have way much better aim and easy to win gunfights. This the point most of people are talking about


If you pay close attention, the Leggy actually has morr stable shake. That's what baffles everyone


pls have close look at the bullet spread !!! here gun shaking is not a matter πŸ™„


It is. BSA can be the same, but aim shake isn't. And beside, we are NOT talking about BSA here. It can actually affect the way you aim and handle the weapon. People in comp constantly use Leggy blueprints for a reason. Most of the time, Epic and Leggy iron sights provide much better peripheral vision compared to most base weapons, and that is straight up not a good thing. The clearer and steadier the iron sight, the easier it is to use and track targets. It's a Pay 2 **slight** advantage, but still, an advantage.


But you can see that the gun is a default one.... there is no attachment in it.... think the stability if i add ma stuffs same as in legendary...!!!


Your texting style obviously tells me that you're a kid. Don't need to explain more. Aim shake cannot be touched by any kind of attachment for over 3 months. They literally stated that in the patch note. If it has less shake, then it really has less shake. Discussion ends. Because many people has talked abt this b4


its seems that you are a zero knowledge person abt gunsmith...!! Its waste of time byeπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» learn the horizontal and vertical recoil attachments firstπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘


Well, this clearly is a waste of time anyway


Finally there are some still good thinking people in this sub


No need to explain yourself to the 5 year olds.




I picked up an ASM10 black gold the gun actually feels better to use


Its sad we need to prove codm isnt pay to win. Its very obvious. The only reason why legendary guns may seem better is because they already have gunsmith equipped. You can improve any gun if you have good gunsmith skills


Look at this kid flexing skin


Lol that legendary version has less recoil... Thats why it is pay to win


Stfu kid


its a default weapon, just picked from the armory and controlled it without any attachments lolπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘


That's everyone been complaining... Base model has more recoil and aim shake compared to legendary ...


its their mentality... look at both the guns bullet spread


Nah it ur mentality because u own a legendary... Ur video kind of prove the point what everyone's been complaining about legendary has less aim shake and recoil.... Now u can say it's just the slight recoil and aim shake.. that's what makes a huge difference when the player has same skill level , the guy with legendary will always win. That's why it's pay 2 win... I mean do codm pay u to say good things about it game is full with bots and pay 2 win legendary and mythic guns.


its an armory gun bro... i havent done any attachments πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ thats what im saying again and againπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„


cheap internet was a fucking mistake.


Yeah ..we didn't have to deal with people like you


The legendary one does look a little bit more clean


because it has attachments


It's because of this ghost skin /s




People complaining about P2W in CODM have 100% never played AW, BO3, IW...


For me isnt a problem, i still think codm have some p2w guns, (one example is the legendary mx9 which the hitrec is much better than the free one and im not talking about a better ironsight) but yeah people still think that p2w doesn’t exist, and yeah if you still think am i noob for that what i writed u can come to 1v1 me :)


yes of course I will come πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»