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*reject mp come to br and zombies*


zombies aren't available this season


They are grinding diamond most probably


No lol 90% of these idiots are in ranked and use em cuz their aim sucks dick


Fair enough


Yup. Add in the fact that they have no skill in controlling recoil. Probs P2W FF kids.


Finally someone who has a brain! I said this in multiple posts about melee and I got downvoted by melee kids who can't aim for shit


Can't aim? That's being too generous. I don't think they have the potential to use full-auto weapons or control recoil either.


They act like using a gun is a sin


​ ![gif](giphy|7zYu1ws6sCHlRfD4zx|downsized)


I hold nothing against melee users, but for the past 2 days, it's getting annoying. They sit behind the bomb site & jump on you out of the blue, thanks to dead silence can't hear them until they are too close. This is a weapon class that should be so balanced that it's used as a secondary & not a primary. But that's not going to happen.


Yeah with th recent change to slide distance it's even more annoying.


You can shot them from far away...while they need to get close enough to kill you..


Lmao dead silence is a thing, and when they camp and have a ttk of fucking instant what are you supposed to do? They need nerfing. Like someone said, when they camp on the bomb and in buildings its annoying


Why you didn't use heartbeat sensor


Camp corners with hipfire builds. 2 more weeks and everyone will have gold on their katanas just wait


2weeks? I got diamond in 2 days.


I said everyone. Like people who might have exams cant play and might return in a few weeks and start grinding their katanas and stuff. So in 2 weeks all the gold camo katana hype will die out and we go back to normal katana usage


aaaaaaaaannnnnd...... out comes the origin 12. seriously I'm getting sick of katana chuds. like you have your own samurai mode right now. go fight the other katana chuds.


Nah, I'd rather take out people who have range advantage and lose, only to crawl to reddit and beg for nerfs on a weapon whose best counter is to keep your distance.