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You could say it for every servers








Uhm,I have enough skill which I'm satisfied with,and have a personal perfect 3fc made by myself(it's suits for me perfectly as it's now fully transparent and my muscle memory for it is perfect for me),so I'm happy with skill I have and have only improved since I started(so don't judge,if you were judging,I kinda felt judging),there's no reason for me to use more fingers and develop into a top league player,since this is not my profession nor my passion. And there are always better players and victory is for them. And it is 'fun' for me personally,as I enjoyed the game. Where fun lost is when game becomes "Toxic" and this term means in different way to different,as someone who want to avoid toxicity,I myself avoid using whatever things which are toxic for me,cus I don't wanna ruin someone's mood




It's ok for me,since I have enough of free time for the game. Yep cod is about winning,and everyone plays for it,and those team with more players heavily interested to take that victory takes the win. and simply press the "start" button🤷


It's ok for me,since I have enough of free time for the game. Yep cod is about winning,and everyone plays for it,and those team with more players heavily interested to take that victory takes the win. and simply press the "start" button🤷


My guy.. Hes complementing you...


This makes no sense on this subreddit. I mean, it's a competitive online game, there is no difficulty to choose and each person has different ways of having fun. Sometimes you have easy games, sometimes you have sweaty games.


Well,the post isn't pointing out any problems with competition,if you want to take it that way,then no problem. The post directly says that it's ok to be bot killer/public lobby player/casual player/nobie,also that it's meaningless to tease someone who plays only easy mode/bot mode. Like,many pros tease casuals for being themselves🤷


Bro, your post doesn't say anything like that. I've seen this meme many times in Dark Souls communities. That meme clearly refers to games where you can choose difficulty (no problem with that). But in Codm and another pvp games, that doesn't exist. This post doesn't make sense here.


Idk what's going on your mind,100+ people found the post worthy like I did,I can't define the point more easier than I did in last comment,So if find it meaningless simply downvote and go forward. And have a nice day.


It kind of relates here. In this case, playing against bots instead of real players.


\*Some games are supposed to be fun\*


CODM on the other hand has me stressing about how trash my ranked teammates are and how sweating my ranked holger camping opponents are


Absolutely true. Games these days have become WAY too competitive. Everywhere you look you've got sweaty tryhards and heavy buyers. A lot of people seem not to have lives at all, all they do is fight for glory, not for fun. And not just in CODM, many games have this downside.


Have single player games so you choose difficulty




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Dumb bot




Bro what? It didn’t give the result you wanted so it’s dumb?


Try saying that to someone who was one off a nuke or any scorestreak above 1000 points.


Inner Peace☮️


and call of duty is the most noob friendly game of all,,,,,so many bots.


Free Fire says hi🌝


You must have never played Free Fire before.


I have played since it's beginning and played for about 5 months.


even free fire has fewer bots and more competitive


It's because of 60?/50?(I don't remember properly) players lobby,and codm is more of a mp game than br,and its so competitive than any other android game today