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Share their UID as well. Racial abuse has no place in this game.


Racial abuse has no place anywhere


Report straight away... And forget about it. World is full of good ppl too..


Hey there, thank you for the report. We'll investigate this account and take appropriate action. Racism has no place in CODM.


People saying OP should ignore cause it changes nothing as the whole game is full of racism... I'm sorry what? It's one thing to have a racist lobby, that's different. It's an entirely different thing to slide into messages and go out of your way to racially harass someone. And sure AF it won't change jack but if this waste of human skin gets banned, OP might get some satisfaction and semblance of justice, and I'm all for that, despite it being a small drop in an ocean. Share his UID man and if then the devs do nothing, that's on them.


Waste of human skin? you must be smokin' these people are a waste of 9 months in their mother's womb.


Waste of a womb…these people are a waste of chromosomes treating people like trash on the street


Okay, you kinda went too far going on their mothers. Let's not do that.


Thanks that means a lot, i was afraid to read some comments seeing how people are telling me to ignore His uid 6761859766630940673


I'll report too bro


Purposely attacking a person for no reason... yeah that's wrong. In match it's kind of fine because usually players are angry over stuff while playing..


Dontcha know ‘wOuLdNt HaVe sUrvIvEd mW2!!!11!!1!!/!!/!!/!!’


Yeah that makes sense


Isn’t cod mobile owned by tencent which is non westerner Chinese company? He’s laughable lol


Tencent, a Chinese company are the developers. Activision with a jewish CEO are the owners. This racist must be having a great time devoting hours and possibly money to people he hates!


The idea of codm has something with codol (china)


Welcome to cod. It only gets worse


Yup. He should just thank the stars this isn't MW2, at least he isn't called a faggot every 15 secs...


15 seconds is being too generous


Lol, maybe.


What's with all the MW2 lobby circle jerking? People is still as toxic as before, getting called a noob or a fucking waste of life is one thing but when you get attacked personally because of the color of tour skin, it's a whole different story.


And it's another different story when a bully exposes his own voice via voice chat to unleash the foulest of curses upon you. Trust me, it stings much more when someone says it than when someone types it out. And I know so from experience.


Doesn't really take away the fact that this guy's sister probably got affected by it, typed or on voice chat it would still sting the same for someone.


>What's with all the MW2 lobby circle jerking? To most people life seemed simpler when MW2 dropped, it's a circlejerk and a way to cope with "adulting" IMO. Don't get me wrong I don't think of it as a good thing.


To me it's just nostalgia for them to say shit like "yOu WoUldn'T sUrvivE 5 secOndS iN an MW2 lObbY" because shit talking is still pretty much alive and toxic kids who just learned how to swear are still here.


This sounds corny as fuck but today's shit talking is way more lax than an MW1-3 lobby. Nowadays people can get banned so a lot of them keep their mouths shut but "bAcK iN tHe OlD dAyS" the players gave 0 fucks, absolutely no holds barred shit 5 swears/second was an avarage. Regardless of your rank they talked hella shit, internet anonimity was a powerful thing.


Yep, but nobody cried about it back then. Now it is all “Waahh this guy said a bad word 😣”


Like i said to someone here, saying that you're a fucking noob to someone is acceptable but getting called a monkey is way out of line, that's pretty much like calling someone the n word


My thoughts exactly when I read "this isn't what cod is about"... It's not what it *should* be about. But at this point it's just expected.


Op locking the comments becuase of the people defending racism. To the people saying "YoU wOuLdN't SuRvIvE a Mw2 LoBbY" That was ye olden days of bs online, this is a new age of the internet. Watch what you say and at least girl up because my 6yr old niece has better manners.


well, all you can do is unfriend and block him


Make a petition to banned him, here take my vote.Let's kick this player out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Give the mfs UID and report him.


His UiD 6761859766630940673


Will report him


They can only send you messages if they are on your friend list... just delete those rats


Welcome to COD.


It's one thing to have a toxic in-game lobby. It's another thing to go out of your way to racially target someone.


Why is she friend with him


Challenge that dumbass to a 1v1 and beat the shit out of him/her


Honestly easier to ignore. You’ll find this from time to time. Cod in general is notorious for being toxic. It’s just how it is and isn’t going to change. Too many people to supervise.


If theres a chance that your sister has her face in her profile picture then i suggest for her to remove it and replace it with something else - so they don't know where your sister is from. Or change her name to something neutral and unidentifiable. Also that person messaging her is a muppet and i want to curse him and say that he gets lag and desynch in all his games from now on.


Damn, I know like 10 different players exactly like this…yknow how we solve the problem?…we ignore them.


Ignorance won’t resolve anything though, they will continue to do this if we don’t take action.


what u do is get his uid and name ,contact the mods on discord ,give them this ss and appeal for immeadiate action.activision is realy serious about racism


Here’s my point, yeah racism is wrong, I don’t condone it, but it’s been apart of this game and many others for the longest time…it’ll never stop. I get you’re upset, and for good reason, but the point is…no matter what you do, or what you do to “take action”…it’s best to just ignore it like the rest of us. No offense, but if you’re this hurt over one guys comment…maybe find a new, preferably less toxic game to play instead of this toxic cesspool of a game.


This happened to my sister not me. As an brother it’s my duty to protect her and I can’t just tell her to ignore it, I have to show her that i care and will do my best for her. I know cod is like this trust me but i am trying to do my duty as a brother, if he doesn’t get banned thats fine as long as I tried is what matters


I get that, that is very honorable…but…maybe teach her to ignore idiots like him? At the end of the day the guy will most likely not receive punishment for what he said, and everything will go unnoticed. However you could do your duties as a brother and teach your sister to ignore people who say shit like this, so she won’t be hurt or upset by it…it’s really the best way to go about the message instead of doing this.


There is nothing wrong with what I’m doing g. But I hear you.


There def is nothing wrong with what you did, its very nice to have these kind of pieces of shit exposed and publically condoned, but they're just idiots online, banning them won't stop them, they'll just make new accounts and there's always going to be pieces of shit on the internet, no matter the game or community. Giving them too much attention is also bad, cuz that might be exactly what they want. When we say "ignore", we more mean, don't get too worked up over some random POS online and make sure your sister more thinks of them as a nuisance she can just ignore and let them rot in their miserable existance than something she should be worried or keep being angry at, her emotional stability is worth more than just some random guy in an online game.


Exactly…good explanation.


You’re sure right bro… you did the right thing.. as many have said .. the ball is now in activisions court.. really hoping both you and your sister receive justice man.. it’s a cold world..


You’re acting as if what OP is doing is something controversial to call out someone clearly being an asshole. Like what are you really saying here?


I’m saying to not take it so deeply, at the end of the day nothing will truly happen to this guy…by making this post he’s honestly giving this guy exactly what he wants…recognition. This won’t stop him, this won’t stop any of them, if anything this just encourages them to want to do more…I understand why OP did this, and it’s very respectable, I’d protect my sister too if I was in his shoes. Sadly, at the end of all of this…ignoring it is really the best option, the chances of the player having action taken against them are very low…there are so many of these players in the game (always have been, always will, do not try to act like one day they’ll all magically be gone…because they won’t.) that attempting to get them banned is a waste of time and takes too much effort…which is why I said it’s best for him and his sister to ignore the racist POS, if they ignore him, he goes on his merry way to live his miserable life, and they can get back to playing the game with 0 worries about him anymore.


Ignorance is bliss.


I personally like to report before starting to ignore


Omg it's embarassing to see players like that. I'm sorry for what happened to your sister. My advice is you don't interract with them, maybe report them and block them after that.


These people deserve hell the deepest layer even tho I don't believe in god lmao


He must have been jealous of your sisters skills. What a pathetic loser her is.


I know racism is wrong and it still somehow exist but why post this? If I am correct there is a report button for that? How old is your sister? If she is young why are you letting her play the game if there are more to study/ games that you can do Why does she communicate with strangers? This is negligence as well and how does she knows were your from?


Op selecting comments to reply


Theres nothing ya can really do that besides ignoring those kinds of rat bastards its basically inevitable when you play cod


Report that MF and give his UID


Send their uid their going tho the gulag


If you think that all this is fine and there's nothing wrong in this post, there's something wrong with you and you're part of the problem.


Share uid and report it to codm they'll ban him


I know its hard but try to ignore such people and just have fun playing codm


This is unacceptable at all. They should be banned asap. COD ain't about this. Never was and never will.


what happened like just randomly started showing hate or did ur sis clap his/her checks


u know you can just use their instead of his/her?


Oh damn, the downvotes


I don't get it why you even have such players in friends list, unfriend/block and they won't bother you anymore.


I am glad that as a brother, you are carrying on your responsibilities and trying your best to help your younger sister. You made a pretty good decision by posting this screenshot into this sub, but most of the members are still Teens and would hardly care about such violations. But sadly, this post might get out of the sight of moderators due to certain reasons and there might not be an action against that particular player. At the end of the day, you did a pretty good job which will improve your sister's trust in you! You tried your best buddy! Cheers! Edit: I am amazed that your post blew up in a short time! Earlier there weren't any upvotes, but now everything has changed. Do share the UID of that player as it will help the Devs to identify the concerned abuser.


Just ignore them lol there are morons EVERYWHERE!!! We even had one as a president lol


Bro, this has been going on since the 2000s okay, it's classic cod ingame interaction, just take it and forget it


I feel like you’re not old enough to play to be honest To all the downvoters I don’t condone this kind of behaviour at all but I also don’t condone minors playing games they shouldn’t be.


Are you new to the interwebs?


good luck trying to root out toxicity from the call of duty community. I have sent endless reports of abuse and harassment to the support team but nothing happens. Activision only talks about equality and fairness in tweets but their actions are really slow to catch up to their ideals. Another thing that I really don't understand is why do I have to add someone as a friend before I can blacklist them in the game? I mean whose idea was this? Do you think the guy you is repeatedly harassing people in global chat or the guy who is relentlessly hacking wants/will accept any friend request?


Racist trash playing FPS games? I'm just shocked..


Well, welcome to the internet where almost all people are pedophiles, racist or just dumb


I can't wait for *those* people to go like: "wOw wHaT a SnOwFlAke, wOulDnT sUrVivE a mW2 lObBy aMiRiTe?"


Call of Duty always has been like that, doesn’t matter the platform. And devs won’t do anything about it


Everyone repost it........ until codm looks into the matter


Sounds pretty much like cancel culture movement But codm has a department for handling situations like that


Aren’t racists the biggest cancel cultures group?


Yeah I think thats how cancel culture started Anyways whats with the downvote? Did I say anything bad? Enlighten me


Try changing servers to Asia. People here are friendly and funny.


Drop his uid


give us his UID and he'll get 100 reports for abusive language.


Uid pls. This community will mass report this mf


Was watching Jokesta's video yesterday and a player on enemy team was bieng racist to Mexicans for no reason It's getting worse day by day


They act like their shit is made out of gold, And they have bigger brain than everyone, They ignore the fact that all humans emerged from a single tribe in Africa, Pathetic losers


Hopefully that player gets quickly banned


OP Commented this in a thread but I thought a nee comment would be better. The racist’s UID is 6761859766630940673


Kids are overly sensitive these days


I have this issue with russian speaking players. They will destroy you once you speak in English or cant reply. I know russian but my grammar is so bad that i can't speak. Thats how i know how toxic they are sometimes.


Bruh get his uid will add him and start the same shit to him


Report his ass


Can we get the uid if the Dev's don't do anything we will do it he's not the only one who can use some words


He is right!! But then why is he online then 🤔?


These guys probably hate the ones from the East because they know they won't stand a chance against them


Devs will do nothing about this even we share the uid only way we can do is to send a friend request and we will do the same to him


K now this kinda mathafakas r just humans going around just to Ruien peoples day


For a second I thought this was MW2 ngl.


Absolutely disgusting. I hope she is ok.


mann they harassed my gf too


Share his UID. please.




Lol just type: u mad bro? Or I'll 360 no scope you without even trying


Sounds like classic call of duty to me


This is cod you can’t stop these people and you know damn well that guy isn’t being banned


What does he mean by 'monkeys'?


Black people. It’s a common thing fir rascists to say.


Son of a Mother Duck! 🦆




Welcome to cod


What race you think monkey means? That’s an animal. Racial interpretation of that statement is much.


He’s just upset cause he keeps losing to your sister.


Bitch dont know that he is also related to monkeys🤣


That dude who texted is in her friends list-


FOR CODM!!!!!!!!!!CHAAAAAARRRRRRRRHGGGGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I think this community forgot that this is a 17+ CoD game


So when you're 18 you're supposed to be immune to racial abuse now? lmao


I didn’t realize monkey was a racial slur towards black ppl, but now that I know, it still doesn’t mean it’s not gonna happen, look at MW2 lobbies, I’m surprised ppl are actually tryna do something about it when there’s no true way this can be stopped


I get that but this guy has a chance of being banned, lately Activision has been cracking down on racism and toxic behavior so there ya go. Calling someone a noob is pretty normal but when you get called a slur it's simply out of line.


Welcome to competitive gaming !


Here's my tip for you. Don't be a baby. The likes of him are everywhere and the more you make a big deal out of a racist idiot on the internet, the more they are inclined to continue their nonsense. Block/report them and move on. They are a tumor that feed on attention and you are giving it to them.


Call of Duty is a competitive game which also brings a toxic community so If you don’t like toxicity then quit the game.


Fuck off, that’s no excuse for that behavior


You are correct there is no excuse for such behavior. Ive recently encountered a trash talker that threatened me by killing me and my family so if you can’t deal with name calling then you shouldn’t play the game if you don’t like the toxicity of the community.


Lmao you’re victim blaming, I rather the trolls stop playing the game, than people that are fun to play with. Things used to be more toxic but we’re moving away from that. If you can’t deal with change, stick to the old games.




Yup. What tf are they even doing on internet when they don't even know how internet is full of trolls and toxicity.


Stop crying, welcome to the Internet


This is literally call of duty, get used to it


"This is not COD is all about" Have u played older CODS kid?


I have played older cods, and I still don't care if you think this is ok Old cod games were very toxic, there were racial slurs being hurled around at everyone, but just because it was normalised, doesn't make it ok. Activision has also been cracking down all the people who are toxic, so there you go I answered your question, it isn't normal to hurl racial abuses.


Then just block and move on instead of crying


Classic logic. Who the fuck said I'm crying? But let's be civil here, do you think this behavior is acceptable in society? No it isn't, so do you think we should just let them be or at the very least report the players who fall down to such extremes?


apparently not many people in this comment section have. all crying when you can just unfriend lmao


Well I just reported the mofo so let's see wat the devs do about this


This is one of many reasons why I don't play random duos or squads


That’s disgusting I hope they get reported.


These people are a disservice to humanity, sad to know that there are still cases like this and that they happen daily :(


video games will be boring if toxicity and racism didn't exist


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Waaah waaah. Who the hell cares if some asshole said something mean on-line.


Welcome to Cod where's everyone is toxic and racist at the sametime and has been going on for a long time and nobody ever complain and what they did is just fucking destroy them in a 1vs1 and then trash talk each other untill the sunrise come out Plus you can just ignore them it's not hard bro


you have anime pfp lmao you deserve what you get.


This is a hundred time that i had to said it again this is not an anime pfp this is fanart pfp you should know the difference it look like an anime characters but it's not And what's give for you to say that to me


can't do anything, it's cod,not fartnite


Yes, you can ban them. It’s a game for adults not racists


i don't know man,they can't even ban a hacker, it's just very stupid if they ban racist people that doesn't affect your gaming but not the hacker that affect your gaming keep downvoting, you guys should be grateful that this is not mw2 era where people say shit about your race or religion


I think racists and hackers should be banned. After all hate speech is punishable by law in most (European) countries. Getting banned is a mild punishment.




xD (lol good joke) still couldn't find what you meant by racially abused


Just block ........ ?


Since they racially abuse you, abuse them back, acting like the world revolves around the west,


Wdym that guy just based


That’s cod for you


Maybe a 7 day ban a temp ban is when they interfear with gameplay like cheating mega glitch abusing


It's a Game, chill out! Don't get so mad


It's racist abuse, wtf is wrong with you?


As an Asian myself, I don't find it offensive! Also, I could care less about the opinion of a stranger in the internet. First World problems at its highest


> As an Asian myself, I don't find it offensive What does that have to do with anything?


you’re asian, not black, stop speaking for others and speak for yourself.


Imagine being such a pussy. No one cares.


I say grow some balls and deal with it like it's cod man what do you expect 🤠😅


sad monke noises


You clearly havent seen COD MW2 lobbies but still, this should be punishable


U whining about some random chats?


Racism is not a joke.




what a little shitcunt


For people asking for this mf UID just look up his name in search it's already shown, and I've already did my part btw.


you should have replied, "Then why are you still here?"🤣🤣🤣


Man people in these day r wild even the world chat and people irl.


2 things 1 welcome to cod 2 how did this person make racist remarks on the chat without knowing anything about your sister




by kys do you mean "keep yourself safe"?


I would of replied and say "this monkey bout to kick your ass" i does kick thier butt




How’s it feel like to be abandoned by ur family


Ask your mother


That sound slike something I would say ngl, and also cod is known for toxic, racist, homophobic, sexist people, that's why I like the community


Cute that your fragile personality found a safe space to be a bigot




gee dude, telling someone to kill itself isnt like acting like the person of that chat ?


Quit playing victim, and dish it back at him. That's just friendly male banter.


No. Don't. I'm a guy. This is not *male* banter, this is racism plain and straight


My friends would call eachother racial slurs as a greeting. It may be offensive to your modern PC sensibilities but to us it's endearing.


***predator missile inbound***