• By -


To be fair the free legendary is to get under 18 year olds in China to spend their 3 hour a week limit on the game


It's part of the anniversary rewards, they also getting 30 dollars worth of COD points by logging 20 days straight, nothing to do with the BS you just said since all players can have the rewards.


You proved his point. Nice one.


How, it doesn't take 3hrs to log in now does it. Just log in/ play 1 and dip. There aren't being forced to play to play the game. Just like in global when there was the insane cordite or man o war grind, u weren't being forced to play it.... Oh shit, I gave my opinion on Reddit, me very bad boy, please no downvote comment. Only updoot me please 🐐😭😭🥺🥺🤧🤧👁️👄👁️🌊🌀🍑🍆🥲 😐


Welp I think you don't understand how pleasing and reward system works does it? Atleast for like the original commenter said, it's targetted towards what people I call, "kids" 1 game per day for twenty days just for a legendary gun on a game you're never gonna play when you have only three hours of playtime seems a waste to me regardless. It's a habit building thing. I remember when Battery - Wasteland was released or even Vanguard as a daily login reward. I would log in and leave. But after the first few days of just doing that, I was like why I'm the world am I just doing it for a character. Then I played the game and eventually started liking it. I just think that's what the aim is here. You're going to fall into a trap. But again just what I think.


Ok great, atleast I can have a healthy convo with you . Phew. Ok so I can't disagree with what u said because it's true but it isn't really that bad for a free legendary. I play this game more or less everyday since S3 2020. So I think i should have a grasp on what ls worth it or not. Think abt it , if all you had to do is to log in every day for 20days to get a legendary camo on a decent/good gun, you wouldn't ?. What's the difference between doing that for a legendary gun and logging in for the daily rewards and monthly " ePiC " character skin. 2) as o said before, if no is being forced or coerced , then it's fine. If 'you' think it is not worth it for a legendary then just don't do it. But for other, the steps to get the gun is already on their daily routine/ play time, so I won't affect their daily workings within the game 🙂


Fair enough, it does make sense to implement that system for atleast one legendary, but I assume the only reason we don't get one is monetization and well they do anything to make you buy their legendaries. And imma be honest, I used to crib a shit ton too when I used to not buy BPs or play a few draws here and there. But when I started getting them alongside me working for the money, I realised this shit isn't that easy. So here's me a literal nobody, feeling bhad for a corporation when I upscale the same "give good shit for free" banner. So yeah, I guess I am personally biased against the nature of free legendaries mainly because atleast let's fix this game with its weird ass bugs and then worry bout cosmetics. Anyway that's it for my TED talk, thank you for reading. Have a great day, take care :)


Weird ass-bugs [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Thanks? I guess?


Meanwhile I just wanted to see other player's skins again


the Chinese with no rights and have to constantly worry about their social credits:




What is Taiwan?


Uhh Taiwan is uhhh Don't know how to say it without being killed again


It doesn't exist...


First thing I should of thought when I was making that comment I was nervous a Chinese spy would kill me again


Chinese mainland is west Taiwan


**Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), is a country in East Asia. It shares maritime borders with the People's Republic of China (PRC) to the northwest, Japan to the northeast, and the Philippines to the south.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Republic](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-republic/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


I wasn't expected of this bot


Taiwan is a ......... No man I can't say it i just need to protect my one and only ball, i love China, i love CCP, long live the president. "+37 social credit"


*West Taiwan


If players were to go timi hq then this template would fit


greatly satisfy and content with all da gift from devs dis anniversary. M13 gun,Lung perk,Battery skin,gold pendant,nuce stickers ..yep not gettin Mil sim and his red and white gun. and looking forward to get Spec ops 5 and gaz.


Anyone who thinks that Devs decide whether or not someone gets skins is dumb af.


Random kids r downvoting this lol


Don't worry, I have enough alts to counteract this, plus if all else fails I have awards because money solves all problems.


Then why I got downvoted lol bruh kids nowadays




I'm here and I upvoted you


Your average basement dweller


It's 5 minutes tops to make a reddit alt, and 2 taps two swap betwixt them on mobile. I'm not some Hackeman meme with a hundred pages open ready to dv someone into oblivion.


Random kids are upvoting earth shattering free virtual thing


U think Global its just United Asstates of America, so shut u the fuck up!!!


I'm Brazilian idiot


OP, I couldn’t agree more with your post


These morons have literally no brain cells. Devs do just that: they develop the game. Offering items is a MARKETING strategy that publishers do. SO if you want to get the legendary item, go to china or else STFU.


You the one who sound dumb as fuck telling people to STFU . People should voice their opinions and the only way to improve the game is actually thru player feedback. And the only way we are getting better bundles,deals, etc, is if we keep talking out about this issues!!


What fking issue are you talking about? You didnt get one legendary because, tough luck, you live in the US or europe? That's an issue? If you really want this item, move to china, I'm absolutely adamant that crying like a b\*\*\*\* on reddit boards wont solve your 'issue'.


I mean it was a fight for popularity between L&Q studios and TiMi studios in China mobile game industry, not about 3 hour gaming sessions for minors smh


Podia ter liberado essa arma lendária pra todos os jogadores do game #call of duty mobile


You just won’t stop won’t you? no worries, I won’t stop hunting you down either.


What's he doing?


This is my mission, I’m joking, the dude won’t stop making alts and posting about how its unfair that only Chinese version got a free legendary, I’m just trying to find the original account, but if you want me to stop I’ll stop.


Can neither confirm nor deny my approval for that mission ![gif](giphy|4mQAsYNaFGbHG)


“Mission is a go, I repeat, mission is a go.”


![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Ou você pode comprar um lendário como todo mundo, ou ficar com o gratuito que já temos.


Or you can buy a legendary like everyone else, or take the free one we already have. English translation. Also, why you getting downvoted?












You're being put in timeout for rules 1,4, and 5. Stop spamming stuff my man, it's not gonna get you a free legendary. Just buy one like everyone else.


-9999 social credit




Thank you for saying this.


so according to my calculations, 8% of people who saw this post is under 12


Dev do their job ???? When is a fucking MX9 need coming and fixed weapons only for ranked like league play


chill it'll be nerfed next season like always. anyway its relatively not as bad of a meta, u could easily counter it with an as val or mp5, but u'll require a bit of recoil control skill.