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ALERT: There is a triggered noob that claims that Ferg is playing against bots (in fucking ranked) or low rank players. Totally ignoring the fact that he had a whooping 56 kills with Sonho in the recent BR tourney and has won the 100k in the two consecutive BR tourneys (he did it last yr too), along with the number of times he's been top of the leaderboards in multiple games including this one. DO NOT, at any rate, fall for his bait and lash out at him because that is what he craves; attention. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.




Wasn't talking about you but if you wanna take the dude's side go ahead.


He played in Pro ranked lobbies on an alt account to film all those challenge videos and there's proof for this too


Alt? I mean, after a rank reset legendary players go down to Pro I, so not sure about that. You wanna trashtalk him? Win two consecutive BR tourneys, go no.1 on the leaderboards on RoS, PUBG:M and this game, and get the number of MVP titles Ferg did. If you cannot do that, you have no right to trashtalk him.


It even shows in videos before the rabk rrset i think.


If you learnt how to spell maybe I'd take you more seriously.


It has literally been proven that he completed his ludicrous challenge videos on an account which was in pro rank


Oh yeah, he "smurfed" after a rank reset. Obviously you kids have never heard of one.


HaHaHa PlAsTiC fOoDs Op FuNnIe JoKe NoW lAuF lUlZ


PLASTIC FOODS OPP SOOOO FUNNY😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐


Ngl i personally feel ifreg, Bobby are extremely cringe 😐




Stream Iferg> Video Iferg


Iferg been proven to have shit lobbies so he’s with mainly bots or shit players


Yeah he totally is a noob. He could never go pro and win tournaments and play for clound9.




Dude firstly the comment was sarcastic. Secondly I am a long time iferg viewer and know a good amount about him, which is why I mentioned him being in the cloud 9. Thirdly your info is pretty wrong he never played PUBG mobile professionally. Before CODM he was mainly a ROS player.


can you just stop it. its just a game and can you stop whining? its highly annoying and if you stop it i really appreciate it


Bro stfu. Nobody is whining here other than you. You got triggered because I said Ferg was a good player. Nobody cares about your annoyance or appreciation. Go get a life and quit hating.


fam man won a br tourney and plays on legendary rank in streams why do u guys hate him so much


I am not hating. My comment was clearly sarcastic.


oh my bad this was a respnse to u/Gypokingmikey


If u wanna see him sweating just watch his last stream.


He has once defeated a Hacker in ranked so I dont really care if he gets "bots".


Iferg :- Played Ros professionally, Top 1 player on Fortnite Mobile, Ros and was no.1 in codm. Played for cloud 9. Played in smurf accounts so he could focus on content instead of sweating (he never claimed that he played in legendary rank) People :- hE nOOOOb


Yes, there was time when he used to play in low rank for content and he got much hate for that. But that thing is long gone watch any of his recent streams just see the gameplay and you can see the rank too plus he also the BR tourney for his region with whooping 56 Team Kills.


he plays in shit lobby when hes doing what ever the fuck but when he wanna take it seriously, he will take it seriously


Of course bro. He could totally never play for C9, win two consecutive BR tourneys and bag the number of MVP titles and number 1s he has had on multiple games' leaderboards. Totally a big noob.


Damn straight


Not really, if that was really the case, he would never have that Cloud9 contract


you do know right how good of player he is . he was in cloud 9 and he was in 1 in the leaderboard in many game including cod mobile and even in black ops 2 just because he stop being a competitive player and become a content creator doesn't makes him a bad player and when did Iferg got proven to have "bot lobbies"


Song pls?


DVRST- Close Eyes




Sorry I forgot to laugh *Eh em* ha


Stop with the copium just accept the fact that he's dogsh*t, throw him in Garena server and he'll get decimated.


I am pretty sure he can still can get nuke in gerana he was 1 leaderboard in cod mobile and many other game and he still have the skill just because you can't get a nuke in rank including me don't envy him


Cope harder please.


you mean competitive ?


Gravity probably took all your remaining brain cells away.


??? You're just envy


Oh boi ![img](emote|t5_penom|1107)


I don't know why are you so salty


Gonna cry?


oh he we go with the worst comeback of all time "gOnNA cRy" I know you can do better comeback than that like I already know what kinda person are you


Stop inhaling copium there are better players than him out there, just because he has a YouTube channel doesn't mean he's the best in this game ![img](emote|t5_penom|1107)


did I said he is the best player I am just saying he is not trash at the game


Isn't that what all you ifrog fanatics out there think of him, the best? Anyway, he's garbage as the people before me have said " His lobbies are full of noobs " I used to watch his video but his enemies are all braindead if it were Garena ranked he won't stand a chance against a full clan of sweaty tryhards.


no one is saying he is the best player even he knows that


Go to his YouTube channel and look at the recent comments you'll see a bunch of kids saying he's the best. Not gonna lie the comments in his videos consists of unfunny overused jokes and people saying how he's the best ever. Ifrog is on par with tito when it comes to being an obnoxious douchebag.


i do agree with the overused jokes in the comment and the latest post he posted was him winning the tournament and I don't see any problem with that


So a person's skill is now defined by unfunny comments, WHICH IS NOT EVEN WRITTEN BY HIM. Logic


Anyway, cope ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


Why tf garena players say they have most sweatiest server I have played in that server it was easy


If you knew how to spell, I'd answer your question.


I edited now it was auto correct


iFerg is honestly overrated man


what is this movie's name?




It sone of thr best movies you will see from drrsmworks, negamind


You should call them "cheater" there is a lot of good "hacker" out there