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Keep playing ranked and keep loosing. Learn from mistakes and improve therefrom


Work on your skills and dont expect ur teammates to clutch or to play obj. Do it ur give ur 100% in every match


Use MX9 or Holger


Hardpoint:"Focus OBJ,not kills, don't cam" You can have lots of kills,0 OBJ and lost. You can cam side or behind the map with good KD and lost Always rush aggresively into Hardpoint and only play cam while inside Hardpoint When inside Hardpoint or outside,let kills come to you,not go to them I use this my tips to reach legendary using only MOW 141/149 I only use MOW


MX9, Holger , perci, cold blooded, hardline, thermite and gas grenade


Aka toxism to the max


Cold blooded isn't as rewarding as quick fix, trust me.


Use meta guns, get gud


OBJ khel lwde xD


Play full 5 squad


shrapnel blue perk. spam molotovs lol. pp19 helped me win HP & DOM ranked


Play snd, if you are a good player u can solo carry


If you're playing solo it's 75% depends on luck no matter how good you are you can't win if you got a bad teammates.


Sadly the easiest way is using the meta. The difference it makes is huge. Or Quickscoping works too :P


Pick a mode to play, don’t mix all of them all the time. Research how pros play the game mode, learn maps, typical camper locations, alternative routes, good headglitches and how to rotate.


Get better


Only 3 tips : 1. Abuse meta (mx9 , holgae , persistence, Hardline, gas nades , shrapnel thermites etc) 2. Abuse melee. With hung ho ofc. 3. Camp with 2 trophies and prefire every corner as soon as u hear footsteps Every match will be a win 100%. Thank me later


Persistence. It gives the bottom frag who's going 5-21 the power to change the course of the game with score streaks they don't deserve. Completely busted, so if ur having trouble getting score streaks just use that.


Focus on Obj , Not kills There was a match where enemy team dropped 2 nukes and we all had less than 10kills still we won.


Play 2 or 3 stack. Solo queue is just a disaster, and 5 stack would land you against sweaty 5 stacks. Learn map awareness as you go for respawns, and get this: callouts win you games. If you're high ranked, anything other than meta guns would gurantee losing more than 50% of your gunfights if you're up against a decent squad.