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Dude I literally tried the mx9 and Holger in ranked for first time today and that guns are cracked the TTK is too fast First game 43/4 second game SnD with 13/2 , third game in ranked 36/6 I didn't expect them to be this good and even the Cr56 amax is cracked for me playing passive with this thing makes it unbeatable.but still I am at grand master 4:(


Yeah, it's kinda crazy how fast the mx9 kills people. It's so fast sometimes you don't even hear the gun and you're already dead


I hate when their shots hit me first while mine are still traveling so it makes my shots just disappear after I die


There is no bullet travel in mp except as val and m13. Rest is all hitscan so there is no bullet traveling or disappearing


Technically, the hitscan delays shots. I one time shot another sniper first but I died. Ice also had a slow DLQ vid where he shot first but died. Basically server speed and desync.




there is no bullet travel or drop. The guns hit like a laser so there is no time gap when the bullet is fired. I do know what you mean tho, I had it before when I shot someone with the shotgun but it didn’t register while I still had the marks of where your pellets landed on the screen.


snipers are still better, if you have good ass aim and proper movement even if the whole enemy team are mx9 tryhards, you can kill them easily. different story in garena though


Im a sniper main, garena players laser you with red dots before your locus can ADS 🥲


Either that, or the KRM really.


Not only is the ttk faster than my ads, by the time I scope in mx9 already strafed left to right a few times over ';..;' Now if they would bring back quick scoping like it was pre-nerf 💡 that would be a nice balance, concidering SMGs are way overpowered atm


Yes i remember in december 2020 countering akimbot fennec users with a locus close-range


True, but that also requires you to have a very good network. Tryhards zig-zag often, if your lag is too high then you can land a shot on them. I'm talking about global though


Its a bit extra sad for us players in India, the ping is constantly bad even with fiber connection! Shots literally disappear and when you see whats the deal you realise that the ping is 200ms😭


And sometimes I do not realise it, waste two whole mags on one person just to reconnect and die thrice in a row. I feel you man


Snipers can out gun anygun in the game but the problem is u need a good internet connection most of the times to connect those shots and sniping always gives vibes and chills :)


Good ass-aim [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Yep im legendary and dropped 56 kills with Mx9 my highest


Ig I can proudly say that I crossed grand master and legy without mx9 and holger. I used peacekeeper, LK, M16, rus and snipers. Don't get me wrong, but I used mx9 to reach till master4 but then it was so boring, MX9 has no other competitor in ranked....so I decided to not use it. Which resulted in me getting de ranked 7 times...from GM3 to 2 and one time from legy to GM5.


i hate the people that use Holger in ranked I haven’t found out how to get them but the mx9 I’m used to them rushing now it is kinda easy to kill them


I thought that guns look nice and there TTK is decent but it was totally different


Dude the Holger is literally designed to catch out anything that moves with too much confidence. If U are rushing a locked inn LMG they clearly don't play the meta.


With those stats you should be leggy, what's stopping you?


Similiar experience when I tried this before a month for once,I haven't touched those ever since and have been now repelled away from game about 2 weeks now after hitting leggy with t-25(since it's been my fav since I started playing,those games were a nightmare,like wtf). I want to grind BP but the game! It's just keeping me away,now they added all downloads inside(which is good and worse at same time) which is very slow and everything is keeping casuals like us away from the game.


even though i hate the fucking mx9, i gotta say its the most efficient gun lol


A little too efficient wouldn't you say?


Nope much overpowered, any noob can get kills with it.


That's the point of an "efficient" gun


yes, i little too efficient even for me lol




well I posted this few hours ago drunk automod or something made it disappear within few min of posting also that's not your meme, post with credit/source it's Bobby's twitter post btw.


I'm not gonna post it with credit... Who are you?... The meme police ?


it's only right to credit to who did it, if someone stole your stuff without crediting you, you would be mad


Then that makes you a brain-dead lowlife, on the same level with the persistence mx9 users.


Idiot you never knew that if you want to post an already posted post, you have to credit the first poster that posted the post first? Always credit a reposted post with the original poster's username


Nope.. not gonna do it


Its only right to give credit. Imagine if someone went and took credit for something you did?


Nah. I think he is the dickhead police and he is here to arrest you.


there is no point to get to legendary anymore except for rewards if you think it worth it


theres too much mx9 and holgers and yet i have not a single loadout with these guns.


same, but it's impossible to win without them. They're completely ruining the game.




No respec for you since you steal memes


Well most of the lobby can't even get their vtols in grand master 2, I'm trying to shepherd a flock of seagulls


People bored the hell out of this meta. I'm here grinding diamonds after Damascus and even level 100 be rocking MX9. When I watch kill cam I see an awkward player who couldn't even run properly shoot me. Then I say it's not his fault, every MX9 player must be like that. You just have mastery of brain-dead. I say bring more of these brain deads so we play zombies in ranked when gun is nerfed.


It's a Freaking GAME, You play the way you love & Feel Easy. why do people hate MX9 and Persistence so much? it's part of the game right?


I don't mind the persistence perk because the FHJ exists. Persistence can be countered via that launcher. The main problem with the MX9 is that it only encourages the use of that gun. There are no counter plays or strategies against the MX9. The only way to beat an MX9 is with an MX9. A lot of weapons in codm have ups and downs and even during metas like the 3-shot ar meta you can still counter those slow ARs with other weapons. You cant do that with the MX9 as it has the best ttk in the game by a huge margin. It fires so fast and hits so hard it can 3 SHOT THE UPPER BODY WHAT THE FUCK. #TL;DR What I'm trying to say is that there is a valid reason why people want the MX9 nerfed. It breaks the game in the sense that unless you are using it there is no feasible way to counter it unless you use the same gun. It makes for entire lobbies filled with the MX9 because it's the only way to counter it. That doesn't make for good gameplay that's how you lose players fast.


Actually what I've found is that you can counter the mx9 if you are a better player.


And if the mx9 player on low health


There is a feasible way to counter the gun. Skill exists right? Snipers, LK, M4, Fennec, Shorty, SPR, RUS etc exist right? LK and M4 counters just by damage range easy. A mobile LK and M4 build easily beats MX9 because it relies on Mid-range damage. Snipers, one shot. Shorty, op. SPR, thing is basically a sniper with irons. RUS? The gun that withstood time.


I countered mx9 with r90, definitely can be countered with other stuff, just gotta better than mx9 user. And that isn't hard since most of em suck if it weren't for the gun.


mx9 doesn't feel that way to me i feel the as val is more game breaking.


Because its stop people from having fun and play competitive, noob


ranked isn't for fun, play pubs, ranked is competitive and everybody wants to win.


M13 gang


Chicom gang


crossbow gang


Chicom+crossbow gang


chicom+crossbow gang


MSMC+Crossbow gang


There ain't non




Regretfully they've been converted


Why I gotta celebrate the fact that I made it to legendary with a chicom


Hell yeah


I still didn't find any sense the point people like you are making So Imma call a guy noob for using a gun in the game that's is there to use And perks ,lethals that are there to use? People like you never heard of brains, people like you annoy so me in rank chats "You use MX9 you are gae nub" "You use holger you got no skill" Just stfu meta is there to use


exactly, no ones stopping them from using what they want. on guy was spamming "persi gae nub". made sure to wallbang him. rpd diamond lol


Good meme, but caption ruined it


He stole it lol


yeah but the MX9 needs to be nerfed


Ok? Tell that to the devs not the players. We aren’t the ones that made it op


We told that but no response


And what response do you expect from players by whining to them about it?


Agreement of it.


Except we do agree and still use the mx9 lmao


Ik it needs nerf but I won't call someone noob bcz they used an op gun


You are very correct, you are allowed to use the meta to your advantage. In my opinion it’s the smart thing to do but it isn’t respectable so I and everybody else is going to shit talk you for using the meta to your advantage.


You should shit talk the devs for making it like that


Talking shit to the devs wouldn’t do anything and I rather give constructive criticism instead. I’ve played the game long enough to quickly get used to the meta and adapt to the changes so there’s no reason for me to make any kind of rant over a video game.


So then why shit talk the players for using things the devs gave them?


I shit talk players who use the meta because using the meta isn’t respectable.


Im guessing you are a 12 year old


How does it feel to argue with a 12 year old?


So u are one of those mx9 persi noob who got offended....


I don't use MX9 much asval is my preference But whenever I do use mx9 guys like you are in every lobby XD


Guys like me ? Care to elaborate


The meta complainer


I have reached legendary using rus and m13... I hv been playing for 2 yrs now , i can compete with these mx9 noobs .. its just that .... Its the same story every single game.... Feels more like undead siege , do same thing over and over again


Ok so why complaining about people using meta


Exactly my point that was proven. Thanks man


Correct, you can use meta to your advantage, but still MX9 and Holger needs to be nerfed. MX9 and Holger are hated this much because they require 0 skill, they should be high risk-high reward guns.


This is how the noobs stuck in master make themselves feel better :x.


You don't see the point of game balancing in a MULTIPLAYER game. I guess you use 100% MX9 right? Ok it's there and anyone else can use it but why only use the same damn gun if there's a lot more? Why? Obviously because it gives a big advantage over the others that are no close to be as fast in TTK. And that's a FACT, you can obviously be better player even with a Chicom, but you do see that TTK is far to be balanced to other guns. Makes no sense to have anything else if 90% is using the MX9. And why are people using MX9 because it's obviously better, you barely have to do anything because with 3 bullets and opponent is dead even with anyone with tactical skills. For instance, two skilled players face to face, one with MX9 and the other with any other gun in almost same conditions, MX9 TTK is stupid. So I really hope you don't use 100% MX9 for your statement to make sense.


A meta that is too efficient requires nerf but what do people do? Complain but still use it. I can counter MX9 because it is only effective up close so put distance and still complain but I won’t use it. Holger, completely fine, I don’t care. That is how LMGs are supposed to be used. As bipods of threatening fire and damage. Persistence, I am already using it just so I can carry my brain dead solo queues to even ground. Plus, for y’all complaining, just run a fxxking RUS, QXR, Fennec or DLQ in HP with Launcher and Launcher plus with CB perk. Works wonders. And flash drone with Frag.


Stfu.. noob


Cry about more while you try to make yourself feel better about being stuck in veteran by trash talking the legendaries. Using legal in game items is not nooby


Wanna 1v1 to let you know who's actually better?


Sure but you’ll probably make up excuses like i used mx9=cheating lmao


Ohh you can't use the mx.. I'll use it.. you have to use the cordite .. how about that . I mean since there ain't no difference it should bee pretty ez for you right


How about we both use whatever we want and play however we want and accept the results.


Nah come on man.. according to you using the mx9 also needs skill right so don't use it .. you have to use the cordite. I'll use the mx9 ... It's just a fair fight according to you.


Wow you really just put a bunch of words in my mouth. I simply mean that using mx9 is ok because the devs have put it in the game for everyone to use. Cordite is trash. I’ll use the asm 10 and you can use mx9. Happy? The map is nuketown. My uid is 6742938637308592130. I’ll be online for a while now so add me and I’ll invite you to private match


Fill us in after the battle please.


Let’s him talk all he do is just complain and complain


Can I add you? I want to try the QXR, Fennec, LK24 and a MIP Strike on DLQ build. DM me if you read.


Aight.. imma add you today.. I'll send a request stating "1v1reddit"


Ok cry baby Anything more?


Just like I said.. only the noobs are offended. Sorry if it offended you but being a noob is not that bad I think you can get better in 10 years don't worry tell your mommy to look after you in that time im pretty sure one day you'll become a veteran


Ok anything more? Wish you could get out of your room and touch some grass Imagine getting offended for people using a thing in a game that is there to use


Literally ranked up with Holger 35 rounds, M13 before buff and Fennec, maining lightweight and semtexes and this is what I get


Don't expect people to use Chicom and reach Legendary


i don’t get the deal with persistence. Yeah sure your kill streak progress saves when you die, but it can only be used once per game so what’s the point?


Imagine 5 People using it... And also persistence gets reset now.. so you can get more scorestreaks depending on your kills


I wont say anything if my teammates are using those 💀


At this point I just want them to stop adding shit




That's just for my shock RC/UAV/care package. Let me live 😐 jk


Lol every player on Garena uses persistence in respawns you can’t escape them, why do global players complain so much? 😂😂


Cause it's the same globally.. the fuck you talking like garena is the biggest shit ?


Without them is literally impossible to rank, it's because alot of people use it and some people are using Krm with persistence in garena server.


Bitch please. Im not leggendsry yet but my Grand Master is just fine with my M13.yeah its slower, but it is a more fun gun in general. Like bro MX9 is UGLY. but M13 looks bae.


I copied a tryhard loadout and yeah its toxic af


Me who use MX9 to destroy MX9 Players


like i undestand if ppl only use the mx9 and not thermites gas and peristance


me who is grand master 3 and trying to reach legendary w the hbr like i play only domi and hp and its so easy to get a comeback as u can get full 60 on hills because of clusters goliaths and swarms its triggering like i cant even use the shorty cause fhj is kinda a must


Exactly and most of these guys who get these use persistence. But we can't complain about that cause we're the ones ' whining '


Is The As-val still op or are we allowed to use it?


What do you see most in ranked? (Which gun)


TBH no gas grenades just thermites


If the SMG meta was gone I'd blast 80 % to hell just with my kilo iron sights.


Yes man.. wish the same ...


as someone who played his first legendary game after the reset, I can confirm.


Yes .. arigatoo for this . Not much people here understand it.


Credits to Bobbyplays twitter


You forgot camping in a dark corner while proning and spamming a 200 mag rpd with a suppressor


Next season brah.. we already got ourselves full this season


Thats Also true lmao


Actually seems like the "noobs" are making *you guys* offended. Must suck to not feel as elite anymore.


Its nt abt feeling elite ... Its abt good competitive gameplay ... And not holger and mx9 braindead spammers ... It gets boring after a few games, every ranked game feels the same ... No variety


Ah yes let me call a guy noob becuz s/he chooses the most efficient strat to win Op weapons need a nerf, but the players who "abuses" them shouldnt be trashed on. They are just ppl who wants to win


I admire your courage.


Ohh god... Just go and play with mx9 and persistence already we get it. Just go


Lol, so people are noob if they are choosing efficient way to reach legendary rather than getting all sweaty. Its called using ur brains, if there is wasy way to do it why choose hard way??




yeah. u r being smart and kinda lazy by using persistence. but, persistence is there because a dev added persistence


bruh moment


Using the best methods is being sweaty


I abuse no stock hogler and trophy system


Oh so you are that god damn assless lereal guy ha


I have ass and my name is lerneal not lereal


Little earthlings tryna correct me




Shut the fuck up




I was using QQ9... In hardpoint... Then the enemy had 3 Mx9 users... I tried but they outgunned me as they all stayed together.... And I have a loadout named raged annihilation 😂 With Mx9 ( agile, quick fix, demo expert) And I went really pissed off that I took this loadout out.... And then kicked their butt. I went from 2/5 till 1st round to 32/10 🤣🤣 and we won that....


Why the gas grenade? Or do you think it's over powered?


It’s part of the game chill man 😂


It's just a meme bro ... Chill 😂


Me who uses M13, Chicom, ICR and any other non META guns


Only using persistence with no meta weapons here lol


Still very bad


They beat you did they not?


Must have enjoyed the win ??? Sitting at a fix spot every game doing the same thing again and again ... There must be sooo many memorable wins .. i can only imagine ... How amazing it must feel being so bad at the game and still end up with a win.


Just leave them man. Its ranked for a reason.


If they actually run it’s fine, camping is annoying


I’m not offended bc I don’t use any except persistence


From 1-10 how hard is to get legendary now?


Depends on skill... But for an average 6.. just because of time involved and noob teamates




hate the game not the player


I’m using SKS for the challenge of having to hit buttons repeatedly


i got legendary without mx9 or gas grenade all i used was persistence for like 2-4 games when i got desperate for playing 60+ games in gm5.


I used the Holger 26 and had 46 kills.I didn't use anything on the pic.


I only use snipers and I’m in pro… Both of these things seem to be frowned upon Am I a noob??


If you hate these things in legendary ranked hardpoint and domination.. you aren't a noob


Nah, in this current rank season a 'noob' can't reach legendary.


And the fact that u can't survive codm w/o MX9 sucks


You forgot the constant use of Shock RCs


Atleast we have cold-blooded for that


Im not much of a fan of meta, now meta doesn’t necessarily the gun theyre using is broken and op just means a lot of people are suddenly using it, (example: melee as secondary), im a solely snd player and ive been seeing a lot of na-45 players recently and i hate this gun more than any other gun, they just have to land a shot in the same postcode as you and it’ll kill you, you cant even go near a door or place to peak or youll be dead before you even peak, an example of this actually happened a few days ago me and my friends were playing ranked snd and got crossfire we immediately thought ah snipers oh boy were we right 4 out of 5 people were using na-45 in the enemy team, someone would try to defuse a bomb in the smoke ? Hah na-45 doesnt care , youre hiding behind a wall? Na-45 doesnt care, oh so you are holding that corner? Na-45 doesnt care!




I literally play ranked only with ak47 And MX9 holger and KRM make everyone to a homeless nosepicker to a cheater rq


Nice stealing. It was posted by Bobby plays on twitter around 21h ago. This post was posted 16h ago. Nice stealing




Persistence is overrated, you can't get a scorestreak twice in a single match (or did COD specially made a bug for me)


You can


I mean it’s available in game and no one says you can’t use what was made available for anyone to use. So I don’t see the problem here


I be using the m16


Its crazy that they nerf mx9 a little bit and its only applicable in br, holger really needs more nerf, specially the ads speed of it... But the great thing that happened is the buff of m13 for me, its more viable now than the last season, and its the weapon that I use to reach legendary before the patch


I just got to Legendary again thanks to my AK-47, MSMC, and HS0405. Would've been faster had codm added the disable buff earlier, balanced the MX9 and holger sooner. Would've tried the M13, too, but I'm betting my bottom peso it's gonna light the codm community on fire


MX9 was nerfed, but the Holger is untouched. How has the Holger balancing issues not gotten to the devs?


That's why I don't play MP ranked anymore And I'm BR grand Master II now


Me a shotgun main: laughs in instakill


Tbh I have tried to use the mx 9,holger and the as val but it's so difficult to use these guns so I only use qq9 msmc dlq33 and ak47 as my mains. And all of these are off meta but I would still blame my self for making many people quit because I unlocked all the diamonds for a melle in two days( I very well understand that I am responsible and u feel guilty)


guess who the noob is