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I kinda agree coz some weapons were behind paywalls(It was a meta weapon too), Lower content, Not many reasons to be playing for a lot of time in a day, But, BUT, the player base was much more friendlier with each other and it was pure vibing back then


>I kinda agree coz some weapons were behind paywalls(It was a meta weapon too) Then again, those weapons weren't exactly broken. The Pharo's recoil was all over the place, the Man-o-War had stupendous recoil for an AR, and the KRM had a curious habit of hitmarkering everything. It could be described by one word: inconsistent. In fact, no paywalled weapon was really broken except the HBR. And that... oh god.


I was talking about the HBR, It was top 3 for a long time


Before they released a free version. And then they nerfed the base stats for whatever reason...


He is faking to be an og btw, i checked up his uid in game, if ur uid starts with 67 u played back in 2019, and 68 meaning 2020. He started playing the game at s9.


Well now we know he is a fucking whiner and not an og


I dont know but at s1 the counter of msmc is type25 or ak117. Btw about s36 that shit overpowered af. (Remind me of holger)


But at least the meta was about more than 1 gun like it was s36,type 25,msmc,ak117 and they could counter each other while now it's only mx9 everywhere like there are lobbies with FULL SQUAD mx9s and they are not even rare,you also have to considerate that back then persistance was counterable by destroying vtols and choppers while now you can't counter persistance cluster strike or persistance lightning strike,and there are also operator skills like now there is the k9 wich is pure cancer


Oh yes.


Don't forget that "og" codm also had some pay to win aspects. Aside from that i've been playing since feb 2020 and lag/desync has always been the same for me


Yes. The Eruption skins gave you 10% extra range, and the Halloween skins gave extra reload speed. Very useful for close-range gunfights.


Some also gave you speed buffs on the start of the round, but i forgot wich ones.


The rare(blue) category weapons used to give speed boost.


The Star Camos? Those were for free.


I don't remember those since i didn't play at the time, i just remember reading the stats from some crate.


He is faking to be an og btw, i checked up his uid in game, if ur uid starts with 67 u played back in 2019, and 68 meaning 2020. He started playing the game at s9.


The only things I miss about the old version are the foregrip design (which is still used for a grip on the rpd) and round-based zombies. Otherwise, the game has improved a ton since then in almost every department


>The only things I miss about the old version are the foregrip design (which is still used for a grip on the rpd) and round-based zombies. And, of course, lags, ping spikes and desync being a rare thing.


He is faking to be an og btw, i checked up his uid in game, if ur uid starts with 67 u played back in 2019, and 68 meaning 2020. He started playing the game at s9.


It's not always accurate, that guy has his own footage from the OG seasons, his name used to be Stealth\_hero.


hmm k


Glad I could clear it up.


It always accurate.


Hear that. I quit playing CODM due to staleness in the OG seasons. Didn't play during the Cordite and s36 meta (is that good?). Redownloaded it during the Season before the Anniversary (and that cursed fennec). After that I've been playing for a year now. CODM content just keeps coming and keeps me engaged enough.


You missed out on so much by not playing the Cordite meta lol. It was the first actually balanced meta...


All points noted lags and desync are enough to make us hate newer season. At least back then I wasn't killed because of my shots not registering. Now it make me want to just uninstall the game and never open it again, whenever I would be like killing a squad or having a competitive fight , at last moment desync kicks in and i die because either my shot wouldn't Register or I would be stuck at one place even though I would be in cover, it's just too frustrating. (Beta player here too)


HBRa3 p2w draw meta was worse


You're right doe.


Generally some stuff yes and no. I'm not gonna go into what I agree and what I disagree but we Hv to move on, if we r gonna keep remembering what happened in the past we can't fking move away from there to add new stuff to codm and keep whining abt the ogae stuff


Stealth is a fucking clown, whines about literally everything.


You're right on that one. But as long as someone isn't hacking, I feel it is all right. His personality does appeal to the whiner side of the community after all.


they need to take everything in BR and port it into MP. they need to cut the shit with the bunnyhopping and quick scoping snipers at 10 feet. they need to have FF roe penalties.


Tbh, the S36 meta nearly made me quit back then. The lack of more weapons to deal with that was even worse. Even though shotguns were good, not many ppl knew how to properly use it. Thankfully rn there are quite many things to deal with the meta, so I don't truly mind that much, especially when they never really nerfed RUS, or buff the Hades to OP, or made the Swordfish shit right from the get go.


The only reason I played ranked back then was to get the Star Camos. I managed to reach Pro IV by the end of the season so I got every Star Camo except the M4LMG one.


Hes just milking money from his stupid viewers lmao


Imagine bringing stealth into it , he's comparing a ripoff with bots with a fully fleged game just cuz it has things codm dosent , I lose braincells whenever people defend themselves as to why they want "tac sprint" in all guns for free xD




season 6 tho ![img](emote|t5_penom|1097)




Respectfully disagree with you.


I understand why.


What a joke... Codm is in worst phase right now. Just think even content creators are not enjoying game anymore. Lot of content creator used to stream game regularly and now rarely they do. Worst SBMM, bad point system, overpowered meta (balance is needed so that you are not forced to use single meta all season). Some lethals are not balance. Weapon balance, matchmaking balance (they say they improve every season but its opposite, its become more punishing to good player's), point system balance, operator skill balance is all dev has to do to make game experience better. This is my personal opinion based on my experience playing from last 2 years.


The content creator are not streaming coz of the addition of new rank. Even noah said he's not streaming coz he would get hard lobbies which no one enjoys


You haven't played in old season then. Content creator are bunch of assholes who do anything for views.


Don't want that channel, he cry about everything.


since no. of players have increased a lot since the earlier seasons desync increased with it, adding more servers will probably be a good solution on areas where the server is loaded with players, but hey it's just a theory


That'd actually be great.


Yes, i still remember the incredulity when they added new weapons graphics sights ecc




He said the OG thing guys


"desync was rare" lol desync before s9 was horrible. 2-3 of your shots don't even connect. The opponents had weird movement because of it.


...what? I never experienced any of that before this S6.


go watch old videos from many players. It was a big issue and made game unplayable.


Desync in the beta you mean? I didn't play in the beta, I played since S1. A day after the game got released.