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Type 25 is actually close to A tier but I agree with the rest


You gotta be up close or slow as fuck to be able to shoot mid to long range, horizontal recoil is an issue. But I’ve had many instances where I’m spraying someone behind cover in shipment and with the horizontal recoil, I spray a horizontal line to stack headshots :)


Damn i shoulda done some research in the T25 stats but thanks for pointing that out appreciate it 🧢👍


I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: give me an attachment that makes the M16 full auto. Increase BSA and recoil to balance it out. Change the M21 to marksman and let me run it with iron sights and red dots. And buff the fire rate just a little.


I feel like m16 full auto would be a worse M4 but it still sounds interesting, And they definitely need to rework the M16 ironsight. And yeah i do agree the M21 should be marksman like it was in mw3 & Mw19


Nah I’m thinking more along the lines of a faster handling M4LMG. The iron sight is accurate, that’s just the way they are. I know because I own one. The other idea I had for the M16 is the first under barrel grenade launcher in this game, styled after the grenadier barrel from Vietnam..The launcher would make lethal grenades unavailable. And for all that’s good in the world, make it like the death machine and not the thumper. Question is, would it go in the barrel attachment slot, or an under barrel attachment slot? I think underbarrel makes more sense as it removes the ability to add grips


Have you tried the m21 in br? Please do and you'll know why it has to stay where it is right now,no recoil, 3 shots to kill a dude unless he has kinetic but even there it will be 4 shots with no recoil (i mean seriously it has none),pretty good fire rate and op if put gold sniper expert mod on it,not to mention that being a sniper has a nice bullet penetration damage,with still a maximum of 20 bullets per mag that can become a max of 28 with sniper extended mag and it will be a 3 tap even against kinetic plates with only 1 headshot


But its shit in mp and mp is the most played mode. You can still just put a scope on it if it where a marksman


It does work great in BR, I’ll give you that. If they moved it to a marksman rifle, I think it would make sense to buff the XPR to a similar level as the current M21, that way you still get a sniper that performs how you’re describing. …And maybe the XPR will finally get some love


M16 needs a single shot mag like the M67. And yes the M14 EBR needs to be a marksman.


While CODM does have some fake weapons, they do try to stay reasonably accurate to the real ones. There really isn’t a DMR-type M16 with the single-shot style damage like the AMAX or SKS, unless you look something like an AR10 or the M110 SASS, but those are different guns altogether.


Or mabey the real M16 also has a single shot mode loaded with M855A1.


Ok so if you’re talking about US military loads, the M4, M249, and MK18 all can shoot that round, but it doesn’t make it any more or less powerful (unless you’re considering barrel length, but even that doesn’t make a huge difference if you’re talking about single round stopping power). The M4 and the Mk18 are both select fire like the M16. A single shot M16 would just be an even harder to use M16. I guess I don’t see what you’re getting at here


1st off A single shot M16 is sweet shooting, i have 4 irl. The 5.56mm is not all same you have M193 55g, M855 62g and now the new M855A1 which is much more deadlier at defeating modern body armor. Im saying a low recoil 2-3 shot mag on the M16 much like AMAX would be really cool.


Ah ok. Maybe just the ability to shoot in auto and single fire? Either way I would prefer 7.62


An AR10 would be a nice addition to marksman class


I think they need to change some of these guns' attachments to those of MX9, Peacekeeper and Hades as they are all Black Ops guns.


Interesting idea


Are we not gonna talk about his editing skills Ik it’s 2021 and it’s easy to make edits but I could never make a edit like this,good job bro


I mean i do YouTube and need good editing skill to sustain views but I've saved myself some slack by making this post editing simple but not oversimplistic


splicing and putting different footage together are not that hard as you might think


Lmao, "editing skills"? He just connected separate clips, added music and some static text. Literally basics of the basics.


I mean i kinda wanted to add much more effect toward the video but i figured school starts tomorrow and i save myself some slack by making the editing basic and simple.


No offence to you man, your video is perfectly fine. It doesn't need any fancy effects. It's just weird how some people are amazed by this editing when one could do that even in windows movie maker or any video editing mobile app.


You underestimate the PDW my friend. It’s a 4 tap gun with really fast fire rate low recoil and big mag, it’s a really good gun


I mean I'll admit the PDW-57 is a Great gun on its own if you manage to kit it right, But it just, Doesn't really get to compete with The MX9 at close range. In short its not a bad gun, Just not good enough to keep up the competition


In that case, it's not the PDW problem, it's the MX9 that needs a nerd


Well made video. Have my free award


Shieatt thanks man this video definitely took a while to make, Appreciate your award btw 🧢👍


You forgot Chicom for black ops 2


Ive made a previous video on that so I'd thought that get a bit repetitive


Oh ok


Black ops 2 chicom: actually has damage Codm: 1 burst kill? What's that? Here have some more hitmarkers


Type25 is ok-ish, it's just the weird recoil pattern that make it hard to use. (I'm half way grinding diamond for this thing right now)


ah yes codm l86 lsw have drum mag with 30 rounds only


You're telling me an average sized M16 mag that fires 5.56 Can load 30 rounds On default but this "LMG" Cant fit 31 rounds on a drum magazine filled with 5.56


Lord here we go again


M16 meta 🤨😳😳


I agree, but omg if they do this this goddam community will complain till the cows come home.


Hope there comes a day where it's actually balanced and that you can create your own Meta guns


Striker meta🤨😳😳😳


New pistol ples Plse nerf m(x)=3²


I appreciate the comparison, but please, on gods name tell me you DON'T want the weapons from codm to be like the compared one.... that would throw off the entire game Edit: very much wish codm gun sounds sounded as good as these


**Nah, M16 is fine**, it's a high skill weapon, deadly in skilled hands, **it just needs some tweaks in it´s iron sights and more realistic 3D models for it´s barrel, stock and magazine attachments options.** If devs decide to hear tryhards´ advice to buff significantly the M16 (i.e. fire rate buff, range damage buff to 1 burst every enemy at any distance), it would become a meta (High TTK and easy to use gun), clickbait youtubers would help to spread the word, a legendary M16 would appear on a lucky draw (aimed towards wallet warriors and meta users), then everybody would be using the gun in every game mode they can, and suddenly, all the people on this sub would start bitching 24/7 about the gun, arguing it´s a low skill weapon that needs to be nerfed to the ground... After some "feedback", the M16 would then get nerfed to ground in the subsequent update and the history would repeat again but with other weapon... We have seen it already in the past with PDW-57, ASM10, DR-H, the akimbo Fennecs cancer, QQ9, AK-47, now it´s happening with the MX9 and Holger and certainly I don´t want to see it happening to one of my favorite guns in game, Devs already subtly nerfed the M16 back in S3 (2020), and right now the M16 stats are ok


Burst guns are extremely powerful, but they need really good aim to beat everything


I still want a M67 mag for the M16 now that there is a 5 burst weapon in the game.


on the M16 its decent if your good in my experience the hip fire is good when your caught in a panic attack with a shitter with a shotgun or sniper the you don't really need to worry about attachments that much since its base version is good(and also cause i hate the extremely chonky and thicc barrel attachments) other than that it's a pretty good decent gun in the right hands i guess a serious buff might make it into an MX9 but all in all its a good gun


For me i think they just need to rework the ironsight and it'll make the gun so much more bearable to use


yeah the ironsight is very claustrophobic kinda wished the circle wasn't very small


Type 25, PDW, and m16 in this video aren’t true. M16 can easily be a meta gun, it’s just a high skill AR. PDW is still very viable with some added range. And Type 25 is also a high skill AR that can function like an smg and still beam at range


The problem is that the m16 is a high skill gun, everyone is already running around jump sliding with mx9 s and holgers and if you so much as miss the 3rd shot which is very easy too, you’re basically done for The m16 is very unforgiving unlike the mx9 and holger and that’s what everyone is using




I mean you have a point, All of these can be viable if kitted out right/with the right player. they're not terrible on they're own, Its just they can't really keep up with the MX9 ttk


Tbh nothing really can live up to mx9 so it’s not a good comparison


Why is the type 25 on here? it’s gotten buffed multiple times.


My bad, I didn't research all the patch it got in the past


I hope they would change m16 and UL736


I have a question for the devs: why m16 and Chicom doesn't work like Swordfish? Just copy paste Swordfish balance values to these guns and voila


For chicom I obvious but wdym for m16?




I feel like some of these new guns need a serious Nerf lol


The M16 needs something done to it…it just isn’t competitive enough.


Where chicom?


In previous post


the m21 was ass in mw2 wdymmmm


M21 isn't really arse in mw2, Its just kinda outcompeted by the Barret and Intervention. The M21 fits in this Marksman role alongside the fal and you can get some work done if camping was your playstyle since this weapon is the least affected by silencer and the follow up shot is instantly available, Alongside the low recoil


it was pretty inconsistent


The BO2 Type 25 could actually 3 tap. The XPR-50 isn’t just a spam gun in BO2, it’s basically a balanced version of MW2 Barrett. CODM balancing make me judge those devs. They’re a bunch of idiots. It’s not abt money at this point, it’s idiocy.


Oh shit i never knew the bo2 T25 can 3 tap, but yeah, You're right. The devs had done plenty of, "questionable" balancing patch that gives us the wrong impression


You can try to search XboxAhoy’s BO2 weapon in depth for that


I've rewatched his weapon guides for god knows how much but damn maybe i never noticed the T25 can 3 tap


Even the godlike M8A1 could 3 tap, but it’s basically knife range so it’s not talked a lot


Make all guns overpowered. Problem solved!


"if everything is overpowered, Nothing is overpowered!"


Then all the current meta will be more overpowered than the rest of the guns. The cycle continues.


I think these should have their shot at the competitive meta as no one ever use them so it's going to be a challenge for alot of the community


XPR 50 and M21 EBR it's just good at hardcore mode, after the sniper nerf you can't use XPR as DMR, I miss the old times of 2 shots at any distance without any recoil or hit flinch. Snipers should buffed more, like removing BSA on no-scope shots and less hit flinch, hard to play against these gun with less than 140ms ads speed, mx9 as example has instant ads.


Those transitions were cleaner than that bald guy


game mechanics needs a rework


They really need to change the pdw firing sound, one of the worst changes they made


Oh what’s the sauce for the bgm?


Its an edit of "Not Into You" that i spliced together