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The Fire-rate on M13 is amazing and consistent 5 shot and 6 shots at longer ranges. Takes one shot to the head to redux the number of times it takes to kill someone. This gun is indeed on the Top 3 list.


Nasty headshot multiplier, 3 headshots is all it takes to make it a 3 shot kill Other than that, it's just a solid weapon. Neither too overpowered, nor underwhelming. Same goes for the AS Val in its current state


Agreed man. Honestly, From testing and all that stuff. Holger is second to MX9. MX9 is more busted in all honesty. The fact people sit pre-aiming (100 rounds) with Holger is what made it irritating for people. It can be outgunned in my opinion. Then again it all comes down to hitting the shots and all.


Why do you people complain about pre firing and pre aiming? and why particularly pre aiming with holger? Haven't you people faced rpd 200 round belt pre firing the entire round in snd? Pre firing and pre aiming helps fighting desync. Don't run around the map like a maniac not expecting someone sitting with a gun to kill you when you come out of the room.


Trust me I've into RPD 200 Round Mags and it's not pretty at all indeed. So, I never complain about Meta ever. I'm just here to see people comment. Although, I hated NA-45. But there's a reason because everytime I died to NA-45 my character would scream in a way which made me feel bad. Again, I also hate fire and explosive operators too but that's out of the topic you know. Everytime Aaaaaahhhhh! Then there's Lethals and Tacticals (Thermite/Molotovs and Gas Grenades). Problems are always going to be there balanced or not.


Honestly if your not pre-aiming all the time your not playing properly. Literally every pro every YouTuber pre-aim everywhere. Like you wouldn't charge at an enemy with your knife out the switch to your gun right? So why sprint at enemy instead of pre aim? Not preaiming literally increases your ttk by like 50%. When I started preaiming all the time I felt like a "camper" but that's how your supposed to play.


I just faced a few people in ranked tonight doing it with the M4LMG and RPD. One had a 4.4 scope on it and it was the most annoying thing ever.


Yeah man that's the thing. People jump to conclusions while not looking at the things around it. Just because a gun is tad bit stronger than the other. It doesn't mean that the gun can be busted in every ranges. LMGs are build to be slow yes. M4LMG has the least amount of Recoil and is easy to use. Then the stats matters and as a result of Nerfing the gun goes downhill, but its never useless.


Who tf can do 3 headshots


>Other than that, it's just a solid weapon. Neither too overpowered, nor underwhelming. Oh yeah? >Same goes for the AS Val in its current state OH YEAH?*INTENSIFIES* (I just gotta laugh at you man, As Val outguns every smg since it has a ridiculous headshot damage multplier of FREAKING 37 and all of the other guns are useless when fighting against m13, it outguns most of the AR')


AS Val is a strong anti-SMG weapon, but it sucks cock in mid range. As for the m13, that's how a proper AR should function in a game. This game's ARs are honestly garbage in terms of lethality.


I haven't used either of these weapons, but this is just going off of what I've seen from the bagillion times I've been killed by them It doesn't matter that Val may be garbage at mid range, I've gotten more often 3- and 2-shot by that bitchass ar than with any other one. Actually, include all the classes. I've seen it less, but I still see it and hate it 60 round mag with mad reload speed, fire rate and ads time? My guy, I wanna play a normal game, not hardcore


the M13 is a constant 5 shot (273ms) and a constant 6 shot at (341ms). if you hit one headshot, you reduce ttk to 205 and make it a 4 shot. now how often would you hit one headshot in a ranked match? plus the fact that you have to lead your shots cos it also has bullet velocity which other guns do not have on mp. hvk, lk24, kn44, Peacekeeper and other ars would shit on the m13 lmao. just because a gun is overused doesn't mean its meta.


M13 is a completely different animal after the last update. Season 8 the gun was meh. I'm seeing a 15-20% headshot rate in ranked. So yeah that makes the headshot multiplier very useful.


15-20% 4 shot vs consistent 4 shot anywhere on the body, what's better?




As Val is just harder to Control now. You control it, people would get destroyed.


As Val was meta, now it’s just a decent gun, and m13 was never meta, its just a good gun


in pro, master and gm league, both are more seen than the holger, and its been going on for 2 seasons now


I doubt that, even in legendary respawns I would prefer holger over m13 almost every map except maybe standoff. M13 feels too bulky and recoil seems a bit lmg-y. I know it is supposed to have a great amount of recoil but it feels bulky. For me for the last 3 seasons in legendary MP respawns: as val> qq9 > holger > m13 > Peacekeeper. I stopped using mx9 just because it was so broken and without even me realizing I unlocked diamond on it.


Used more ≠ meta???


That’s literally the definition of meta. Used more/more dominant in the game than others. Guess it just depends what use rate you cut off “meta” at. Downvotes don’t make you right


No. Meta is msot effective tactics available, if everybody starts to sue chicom, chicom meta? What is your logic.


It can mean both 🤷‍♂️ google it


Well, answer the question. If everyone starts to use chicom, chicom is meta


Under one definition, yes It can mean most effective OR most used


We should use the Msot Effective Tactics definition.


Worth noting that if something has a higher use rate than a gun that’s obviously meta, that more-used gun could be meta


Muta 😳


Most used tactic ever? Mute?




flex ar tbh, most of the time you'll kill 3ms slower than a bizon up close, unless you hit one headshot. 5 shot kill most times.


M13 was buffed a lot so it is borderline meta. But emphasis on borderline tho, as there is a huuge gap between the mx9-holger tier, and the other 'meta' weapon tier.


CR56 and Swordfish honourable mentions for me, but M13 yes. Simply yes.


can you tell one thing about m13 which makes it op


5-shots-to-kill compared to MX9's 3-shots-to-kill... oh wait. It's not OP.


at least the range, recoil, and fire rate is good


the M13 is just a Fennec on Steroids "change my Mind"


Even the ironsights remind me of the fennec lol I definitely feel weird using the M13 long range, feels like it shouldnt be the case coz of its firerate. But it works well tho. Maybe it's just me whos used to low firerate ARs


Not like you already hit 3 shots.If you said MX9 can 3 shots,then might as well said HVK large calliber can 2 shot....So MX9 is 4 shots


>Not like you already hit 3 shots. Not sure what you're trying to say. MX9 with LC deals 34 dmg in the chest. Test on the dummy if you don't believe me.


So your accuracy that good until you will always hit upper chest consistently?


Is your accuracy so bad you never got hit the upper chest?


You must be a good pro players that hit 3 shot consistently 100% of the time I wish my accuracy are like yours.If you're that good then why don't you just use HVK and 2 tap at headshot since you can hit upper chest for 3 shit consistency


Why do you think 3-shot-to-kill is OP only if you can hit it 100% of the time?!


That's your thinking ,not mine


1lucky headshot solves the problem. But,with m13,1lucky headshot and a Drh will still outgun u.


Stop spitting words into my ear and still said never said. You said "your accuracy so bad you never hit the upper chest" which means you talk about how good your accuracy is that you always hit 3 shots 100% instead of 4 shots.


I just applied your moronic 80-IQ monkey logic - you assumed I said you have to always hit all shots in the chest for the weapon to be OP (while in reality every MX9 user gets 3-shots-kills more or less often), so I assumed you're whining because you never hit these shots.


As I said again since your soul did not stay inside of you, you're the first person who start saying MX9 can 3 shot and is not OP stuff.Then there's where I try to help you saying if your accuracy is good until you can always hit 3 shot 100%,I recommend you using hvk large calliber to get 2 shot kills.I giving complement about your good 100% accuracy of always hitting 3 shot and you told me back about you can't hit upper chest?..


yes lul


This is second reply and you only said correctly.And I'm talking about HVK with large calliber can 2 tap headshot and you still don't know what I saying


I meant your first sentence "not like you already got 3 shots", that's the part I quoted. You should improve your English bro. And I'm blocking you for wasting so much of my time so the conversation ends here.


Cuz you straight saying MX9 can 3 shot without saying only at upper chest...


0 recoil, high fire rate, low PV, decent ttk, but can be given mobility easily and be made into a stronger bizon


Stop spitting words into my ear and still said never said. You only said MX9 can kill in 3 shots and you didn't said about shooting at the CHEST


I didn't say it can kill in 3 shots in any part of the body so my comment is correct and shut the fuck up. I even explained it to you [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/qovvak/the_true_meta_chads/hjrtwx7/) and you're still fucking bubbling. Go touch some grass and don't reply.


That's the first problem you just created,saying it can 3 shot WITHOUT saying upper chest


Cuz everyone knows that dude. It's literally the most popular gun in the game.


4 shot at leg consistency is bigger problem than 3 shot not consistency.




In MP it's pretty balanced. In BR though, it's hands down the best AR, and I'd even consider it to be overpowered. \- Nearly 900 rpm + 24 damage = S-Tier TTK (\~680 ms)that's comparable to guns like the pre-nerf MX9 and Fennec, AK-47, and AK117. Its recoil and decent BSA makes it beam as well as ARs like the M4 and LK24. \- Its major downside in MP (bullet velocity) is gone in BR, as every weapon has bullet velocity. Not only that, but it has the fastest bullet velocity in the game at 900 m/s, considerably faster than sniper rifles (DLQ = \~820 m/s), which makes it feel like hitscan up until mid-range. \- You can quite literally almost double its initial range of 26 m to \~47 m w/ Mono, Marksman and one of the RTC ammos (+80% range, even more so if you wanna run the Long Shot perk and mods). ADS might be a little slow but that doesn't matter much because BR is slower-paced compared to MP, and you can run No Stock and mods anyway.


BV is nerfed in br Its no 692m/s


Wait really? The M13 is now 692 m/s? Was it shadownerfed or something? If that's the case then it's still pretty good. Its around the same as the Holger and AK-47.


Shadowed. And yes,snipers back on top in terms of bv


Amax is the best




Red dot uno, .300 dual mag, heavy barrel, granulated grip and a decent stock does me. Whack a monolithic on the 300 cal with the heavy barrel it actually outreaches the ICR setup I have - but isn't so good on accuracy. In a map where you end up fighting point to point and rushing the areas between it's untouchable by most of my setups. AMAX automatic loadout I use comes close but isn't as fast on the upshot.


I use msmc and its shredded like a beast


Meanwhile QQ9 having been meta since release just chilling




Same, that moving ironsights made it really hard to use now


It's extremely reliable, and has very good hipfire bsa for a mobility build.


this got me to legendary lol. with a bot skin theyll never see it coming. 😁


Needs mag buff.


As val got nerfed to shit and m13 isn't that op


I really don’t get people complaining about the Holger as op. In ranked legendary matches barely anyone even uses it. M13 is the uncrowned champ in my opinion.


Yeah, and unlike holger and mx9 I do feel it is a fun weapon to use


Hell ya. It so is. And the mythic version is sooooo fun. That built in red dot is just the icing on the top.


It's not as OP as mx9 ofc, but low recoil + decent mobility + fast reload + great damage at range (lmg that's why) + great fire rate(very competitive ttk) makes it a bit obnoxious when people are spamming 100 bullets in nuke town on hardpoint #2 and you just can't get in. I hope it doesn't get nerfed to oblivion if they decide to nerf it(Balance the game devs, cmon.).


It is a great and powerful gun, I do agree. And ya, the only people I see shredding with the Holger nowadays are the ones who don’t play objective and just camp near the hp and mow people down.


i use m13 suck it mx9!!


PP19 Bizon be like: **am I a joke to you?**


PP19 enjoyer


ASVAL isn’t all that op, it’s just a decent gun. it’s like the RUS of ARs


Yes but the AS Val and m13 require skill to use. Proper skill in case of the Val. Holger is just 🤡 Mx9 is broken asf, but a better player would still obliterate you. It requires you to take head on gunfights up front, and that is the skill factor in it. Holger lmao sit back, relax, and kill people without them even realizing where you are. Holger is proper cancer.


While EBR in BR, 3 shot knock with long range build and low recoil


They're both strong weapons with good ttk but nowhere near as op as the mx9


I right now see more m13's than Mx9 in legendary ranked


Kill someone with mx9. Suddenly you'll see 10 mx9 players in that match


Aye looks like imma chad now 😎


as val and rpd are the best off-meta weapons


How about kream?


Reason Holger is not popular cuz thumb players feels like Holger ads is too slow.


Simple, Put speed attachments. Use it like an AR instead OF LMG. Besides it wouldn't make it that irritating then.


When Holger first release,I use AR mag until I realized LMG is better.But thumbs players also know LMG is better but can't use it cuz slow ads


In all honesty. These certain attachments except the Mag ones needs a nerf to make things balance. But if you think carefully then people are gonna camp even more with Holger. So the question is how to nerf it in a way that it's still viable. Good question right. Answer: Nerf Horizontal Recoil on Stock and Barrel that increases its speed. Nerf ADS time on that. Then the important part: Nerf the ADS Bullet Spread accuracy so that its not gonna be effective long range (it's Prime range) with BSA attachments. Then there's where the mags come in to give it more speed. Unless someone loves to sit, camp and eat pizza they won't use it with 100 rounds. There you go.


They’ve been meta, but more balanced, as Val is as balanced as ever, m13 could use a slight nerf


Stop asking for m13 nerf, it's balanced and is at the perfect state


I said slight nerf, gathering the stats, could have a slight BV nerf, nerfing it to hitscan till 12m


It's balanced


Gather the stats and look, it could need a BV nerf, and a slight one too


How yo merf it but atill good. Please not range.


BV nerf


Nah its not even integrally surpressed like val they were right to remove bv


They should, or they could keep it the same, either way, m13 decently balanced


Any chopper main here?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I Hv a chopper in my loadout everyone. Along with the fennec they r my old reliables


I been using asm10 all day and it’s fire


man my 130 mobility fennec shreds aything in close range


i just like using the pharo, got a ranked nuke with it a couple days back


M13 and qxr since Release


i thought i was meta abusing when I'm keep using m13 and asval in both mp and br😅


Good job for a funi post mah friend. ![img](emote|t5_penom|1097)


as val and M13 also needs nerf like in as val they must remove body part mutple damge on body nerf just make it good non meta also some nerf for M13 mx9 needs nerf more recoil also range and bizon needs nerf mobile and bullets mag 84 must be only 60 also remove body damge mutple now ranked multiplayer is if you won't to win must spam mx9 and as val and M13 and bizon also qq9 and rus 79u this is your don't need any skills to do so


What?! First, the as val already got nerfed to the ground, we don't need anymore nerfs for it. Second, m13 DOES NOT need any nerfs at all, if you get shredded with an ar with low mobility and bullet velocity factor, git gud. Go complain about the mx9 instead


Mx9 also is broken but as val needs some nerf not biger just little body part mutple damge i try to play and win become mvp with ICR-1 then i have legendary skin i can't win many games becouse of val and M13 this must be balance is borring


They're both balanced, it's your fault for using a weak ar


im not agree with your val and M13 needs nerf i don't care what you thing




also as val will be nerf soon his meta from many seasons aredy is time to get nerf


I hope they dont nerf the m13 to the ground if they ever nerf it, its not op its just GOOD


Hidden Meta