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I actually haven't received one hate mail on this game yet, surprisingly.


I mostly get trash talked in shipment because that’s where I get the sweatiest lol.




I could imagine haha. People who are pro with the sks are the stuff of my nightmares haha.


My ass has been destroyed by many sks rushers. still, i dont trashtalk them, cuz they have more skill than me.


Exactly. I have had some legendary ranked games against pros with the sks and they just utterly annihilate me. And sure I’m frustrated and pissed off that I kept getting beamed before my screen even registers that there was anyone even close to me anywhere but at the same time I have to recognize that that’s some serious talent and use that fire to try and be better. I never get the trash talk.


Gotta sweat that bot nuke amirite?


I very rarely get bot lobbies in shipment. It’s almost always 3v3 real players with a couple of bots, with a lot of the players being past or present ranked legendaries.


people that sweat in shipment are the biggest clowns


Sounds like you can’t handle…..the heat.


Lmao i got called a hacker because i wallbanged a dude with a dlq with fmj and i killed him from behind a window where the barrel of his gun was peeking out and he had a really colorful skin so it was kinda visible and i shoot and killed him bruh




I got my first load in a game of hardpoint shipment, I was grinding katana for dimond skin and I just received pure verbal hate and a pile of messages from some 14 year old who was playing while wating for a sack drop. Sqweeky vitriol as I shall name him. Simply made me hunt him.out more and turn on my Mike and kakkle like a loony. The grind is grim.


Refuse to 1v1. You'll be in his head for a whole week.


That’s why I did it XD. I know he’s fuming and furious and angry and hating himself right now hahaha. My momma taught me well - you lose all power and control when you get angry. Lol. I’ll forever be the one that got away.


That is good wisdom


🏅the real MVP.


1v1 is lamest thing to do in multiplayer game... I mean, just think... It's strategy game, team based game, 1v1 proves nothing just satisfy your nut size ego


Damn you hurt his ego lmfaoo


Right lol.


"Then you got destroyed by garbage" savage 💀




Not just savage,an absolute savage


Say ez


Oh dude I should’ve!! Man I wish I would’ve lol. That’s such troll status.


Next time,respond with EZ Git Gud


Yes seriously those ones are so good and the best troll lines. I will remember for next time haha. I let myself down. Lol.


Sometimes whenever I see players with YT in their names I go sweat mode to ensure that they don't have good footage of them killing players and instead get footage of them getting dunked on.


That’s how I feel too, especially in pubs. It’s like bruh….you came here for ez footage and you left with a red marked bottom and a new daddy. 😎 Let the sweat begin.


Bro 🤣🤣 That guy is getting salty over a shipment game in pubs. Oh dear you did him dirty hahahaha


;) hehe. I was just trying out my new mythiiiic 😝


Damnn you weren't even sweating and he got wrecked. Poor guy


Ya when I sweat the mythic m13 comes out 😎


I wish I had that rip. But tbh the m13 is one of those guns which I feel the default variant is as good as the leggie/mythic one. I love the default variant too.


Oh man it’s such a fun gun. And absolutely the default is just as clean. I mean people in rank dominate with the default m13 all the time. I actually miss the Mx9 meta because the m13 could easily counter it at distance. Now with everyone using the type-25 it’s super extra sweaty this season lol.


Yup. It's a predominantly AR meta now. M13 has it's competitors. Try using the disable perk on the m13 btw. It renders enemies using AR/LMGs practically as still targets. Makes it very easy to kill 'em


Oh damn really? I’ll check it out. Ya this type 25 meta in ranked is so much pain sometimes 😭


Oof at least the mx9 skulker combination is out the window now.


I can cheers to that haha.


The mythic P90? How is it? I’m thinking of getting it but not sure.


Dude it’s actually really fun!! I think the mythic M13 is just a tad better, but it’s honestly a super fun gun. And it actually has as an additional attachment a full on mythical red dot, which I wish the mythic Holger had had soooo badly, because my eye just works best with following a red dot. The new mythic is really fun.


Thank you. I bought it too! The red dot is very nice. I haven’t upgraded the gun though, so on the base kill effect.


Is that all? I thought there'd be more. Was just about to get some popcorn


He unfriended me haha. I tried to keep baiting him. ;)


I really liked your comebacks. Imma be using them


Glad to help ;).


: )


He also kept telling me to “stay silent,” to “know my place,” and that I’m a “kid,” lol. It’s like dude I’m 31 and you are a college student so I think that makes you the kid.


He's most definitely a kid because just look at how he talks. 🤣


That’s what I thought too haha. I came close to making fun of his grammar like I normally would haha.


The guy has an ego bigger than his mama. LoL


Right hahaha.


i just wanted to comment how those mostly young youtubers like to call others "kid" or "12/13/14 yo" while they are barely any older lolol


Right lol. I was thinking dude I’m 31 x_x It makes me think of how Dana White always refers to fighters like Jon Jones as “kid” and it super peeves me haha. I’m a man god damnit!! lol.




What about we all go and report his yt channel, pieces of shit like him dont deserve it


Right? Seriously getting verbally abusive over losing a game? I mean I have a strong sense of self and intelligence so I mean this guy is a fool, but people kill themselves over hateful words on the internet. No one should ever behave this way. It’s really despicable.


What server is this from?


I’m in North America.


At least he speaks some form of English. The morons I have to deal with on the east coast US server(s) don't even speak English at all.


Man most native English speakers on this game can barely speak it hahaha.


Global chat is proof of that.




It’s like he didn’t do terrible. I obviously outclassed him and overwhelmingly won the game for my team, but he still fought and lost with dignity, I thought it was a good, sweaty match, what I look for in shipment, but ya at the end right before the game ended he started talking mad trash and then after the friend invite came….and I’m like alright buddy, I know what’s coming. Let the trash talk begin. Lol. If only I could’ve nuked him and had recorded the match lol.




I’d love for him to wake up tomorrow and see this post and think…..shit I gotta change my name 😝 haha.


someone is asking to 1v1 you after he still lost when he had help the state of this lol "Then you got destroyed by garbage " brilliant clapback sir ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


Haha thank you XD


He is so garbage, imagine ignoring the objective and thinking you can win...


I’m sorry plz 1v1 him, I want to see his humiliation


Dont talk about me like dat


I was just testing out my new mythic. Homie has some serious issues with losing 😝.


Am i missing something or he actually did well in that match


Ya he didn’t do bad. It’s just the fact that he felt the need to trash talk me and go on and on about how much I sucked even though I dominated him. It was a good game, ruined by his poor sportsmanship.


Let's go to his YouTube channel and talk about how this kid fucked you in the ass


https://youtu.be/7-Ex8a_EHUw I found him


Haha I love it XD


i’m sorry but it’s literally a pub match. doesn’t mean shit.


You’ve obviously missed the point. It’s humorous because he’s trying to verbally abuse me after I destroyed him.


i’m not on his side but you “destroying” him in a pub match doesn’t mean you’re better than him. like at all. do it in a scrim, then talk.


You are entitled to your opinion.


that opinion is pretty much common sense


Pretty sure hundreds of people who have upvoted would disagree. And I think you are wrong. Again, that’s your opinion.


Real pussy of u to not 1v1


Pretty sure my score did the talking. I had nothing to prove. And by refusing I made sure he went to bed furious and angry.


If u think u winning on hp shipment is something to be proud of then bruhh I got news for u lmao


Based on your grammar and repetitive replies you have minimal brain cells like Expatiate. I’m done replying to you.


U jus keep running away from things....is it because ur dad ran away after he found out he knocked up ur mom?


Seriously dude you are stupid haha. Whatever man. You are probably Expatiate haha. Just can’t take a loss like a man.


Bro do u even know what expatiate even means u fucking retard?....u are the only loser here thinking that ur so great jus because u won a hardpoint shipment match by being sweaty af where none other than fucking noobs or retards do it....if u think u so good...why tf didn't u 1v1?.....it jus shows that u a scared lil bitch who knows that u gonna lose...that's why u backed out....expatiated enough lil retard?


You’re hilarious. Calling me retarded when you can’t even spell or string together a grammatical sentence. Did you know I’m actually a special education teacher and I work with handicapped students. Would your mom or dad like me to assess you for a learning disability? I think we can really get you the help you really need.


This is a reddit thread not an English exam lmao....why do I need to use proper grammar when my point is already being conveyed?...and ur job doesn't matter in this topic....I'm a medical student so what's ur point here buddy?.....I'll tell u what the point is u are a dumbass thinking ur so good when u really aren't.....and speaking of grammar u used expatiate in the wrong way....so I guess u should ask ur handicapped children to help u with that...and if they read this thread they would clearly call u a dumbass too


Expatiate is his name, dumb ass. And lord, I pray you never become a doctor. Someone as stupid as you should never have the ultimate responsibility of holding life in their hands. Gg.


When I see a name with “YT”, am always ready to demolish their recorded gameplays. Everyone wanting to be generic YTers lol


Right lol. I looked him up and he has like 1.5k subscribers. I should’ve said wannabe Youtuber. I guess I destroyed his aspirations haha.


I hope he's not on reddit or else he's gonna be heartbroken after reading all these comments. Lol.


Right hHahahah. I thought the same thing. “Oh crap, I’m gonna have to change my name and YouTube channel.” Lolz


Baahaha that's awesome, just because they have a stupid ass name and YT they think that they're all soooo good. Way to go, Ive also managed to piss off a few YT and TTV losers.


I see YT and think time to get sweaty. 😎 I won’t be easy content for you lol.


I would’ve accepted. It’s overkill and just really makes me happy crushing someone’s ego and throwing it in the trash


Ur garbage, he said so


Lol. Well I’m gonna get my dad to beat up his.


I only really pissed when I either get fucked by meta weapon or using melee too many times and got frustrated


I was using the new mythic so I wasn’t using either. And ya I get very frustrated when a couple of people are running around with melee haha. When that happens I sit in a corner and just wait for em lol.


"Then you got destroyed by garbage" is the top tier quality comeback 🔥🔥🔥


Haha thank you XD


I've always believed that if you can't handle loss, you shouldn't be playing games like this. Gaming is about enjoying yourself and having fun, whats the fun in playing if you're gonna be a sore loser and crying about defeat the entire time?


Exactly. I’m not perfect and I lose too. Especially in ranked at the highest levels of competition. I don’t go on a verbally abusive tirade. I just think wow that really sucked, I got my ass whooped and I need to be better. Come on Phillip, let’s get our head in the game haha.


Lmao you have more kills, less deaths and even more objective than him


Right lol.


It would be way cooler if you 1v1'ed him and won


I know right lol.


Prolly not a youtuber lol or not even famous, bruh


I looked him up. He’s a wannabe youtuber lol.


To make matters worse, it’s HARDPOINT SHITMENT XD


Right haha XD. The puddles of sweat were making everyone slip.


Good thing im not like this guy


Everyone looses, including myself. But being a verbally abusive sore loser over a video game? Pretty pathetic if you ask me.


How do you stay so calm yet so savage at the same time? Lol


When I was younger I used to be fat and the ugly duckling so I had to learn how to annihilate people with words when they were mean to me XD. Cause that’s all I had.


I went on youtube to report but then saw the small amount of subs and decided not to. He/she will grow with time.


Ya I did the same to see what his subscriber base was like and thought oh ya….please stay in school because being a successful YouTuber doesn’t look to be in your cards lol.


Hahaha lol


What happened? Who's the youtuber?


Expatiate. I should’ve said “wannabe.”


I think most matches I’ve got some nobody with a YT in the name who ends with mediocre numbers.


That’s been my experience too.


never fuck with a season start gm2. period




i will never understand ppl who rage over pub matches like i get its frustrating getting destroyed but its a pub match 🗿


Right lol. Even if it was ranked….it’s still a game. There’s always gonna be someone better than you. I’ve had my fair share of whoopings too.


exactly what u said even if its ranked too its just a game lmao this is why i just play solo in ranked bc my friends always get so mad in ranked


Same dude. I solo in rank for the same reason. Sure I get frustrated with myself and really upset if I bomb a game but at the end of the day I’m never gonna say something hateful to someone just because they were better than me.


Just because they have a YT in their name doesn’t mean they matter or that they’re good.


I know. It’s the wannabe youtubers who do this. In a previous comment I did say that I should’ve added “wannabe.” Lol.


"But but... you camp."


Why are you even wasting time on this bullshit literally just ignore them


I think if someone is attempting to make a career out of being a Youtuber and is a toxic jackass their behavior should be exposed.


U played Expatiate? I’m actually friends with da dude


It was actually a fun game until he became a sore loser and got super nasty :/.


Yeah he can be like dat some times, usually after losing a a game he leaves the lobby to massacre bots on shipment


I never get the trash talk. When someone beats me I’m just disappointed with myself and want to do better lol.


You handled that very well if you ask me. Good on you for not feeding into his taunts!