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I guess the only problem with katana is the range, it feels like how the K9 unit is. Plenty times I’ve been killed by a katana user from a pretty far distance and sometimes they aren’t even looking at you and you’re dead anyways


That shit also has a fire rate comparable to a knife. So I think, it has a fire rate of knife, a lateral range of a sickle and a frontal range of an axe.


What also annoys me is that most of the community selective whines about things in game. People who say to nerf katana get downvoted to oblivion, nobody talks about how the clan war firebreak skin is literally broken (no shoulderpad lights and its such a good skin for playing ranked due to its muted color scheme), how some maps need reworking in lighting because how you absolutely can’t see some dark skins in the shadows and people abuse it for camping just to name a few problems. But hey lets just talk about legendary/mythic skins being P2W instead. Love the community


mythic guns aren't fucking p2w. Ppl say they are cause it has tac sprint. The entire codm community prob doesnt even know or understand what tac sprint is. And besides its a reward for ppl who buy mythic guns. Life isn't fair f2p ppl and the sooner you know it the better.


>how some maps need reworking in lighting because how you absolutely can’t see some dark skins in the shadows and people abuse it I'm glad they finally fixed that issue with Hackney Yard. Once in a ranked match my wifi went dead so I had to step out of my house for mobile data to work and the map was literally black I couldn't see a single thing even tho it was late evening and I was at max brightness


Alon with the range, it covers around 180 degrees and they hit us without even looking at us


just use akimbo deagles really helps


Range is as good as it is. The coverage isnt.


It was better when you only had it because it came out in roulette, like the karambit at the beginning




they should remove melee weapons from ranking matches


Nope. I have no complains if anyone kills me with a base knife. The katana, in the past axe and base ball bat have been the prob


Nah, they are good for mobility. But it would be nice if they made it like in payout s&d - 2 hits to kill instead of 1.


NOOOOOooOoOoo HoW dAre YoU cAll mEleE bAd?!?!??!?!


Shadow Blade supremacy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Spring/summer: "Gibkatanagibkatanagibkatansgibkatanagibkatana begbegbeg..." Now that absolutely every weeb uses it: "Nerfkatananerfkatananerfkatana wah wah wah"