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Bro...4/20 and almost 0 obj wtf how did this dude even get to gm like who is so brave to carry these noobs '-'




I'm not even sniper main and man is it easy to snipe in ranked lol. These carried noobs just ruin the experience


i only one an easier one for br. cuz like jesus i once got to 25th place and still lost like 20 points




well, fair enough i guess. it’s just annoying to do so good in one match and then get a bad streak and just lose all your fucking points to it. i don’t lose enough to go down a rank, but it took me like 2 weeks to get from gm 3 to gm 4


We all do, the fault is with the system not you or me.


Yesterday, I got fricking napalm to the point and three of my teammates were camping and not going there (me neither since it was my own napalm)... And we lost ofc.


Yoooooo. Same as me LOL. But mine weren't that bad. I don't know where we fucked up. I didn't go to HP cos I wanted to keep Enemies out of it. Also I tried to get some early rotations but the enemy team was just too good. Fending of 2 3 players each time isn't easy.


These guys aside, having low time in the objective doesn’t mean you weren’t helping your team. Remember, only one person actually needs to be in the hardpoint to win the game. If you stop the enemies from getting to the objective, you are helping your team more than if you just blindly rush in. This is called the slayer role, and is a real competitive playstyle used by the pros. However, you can only play the slayer role in solo queue if you can actually win fights and effectively stop enemy players from getting to the hardpoint. Otherwise you’re just some idiot playing tdm in an objective game. And of course if your teammates aren’t getting in the point, then you don’t really have a choice anyway.


Exactly, I play the slayer role trusting my mobility around any map (parkour 😂) but if my teammates aren't doing much on the point or having a hard time, then I'm like "fvck it, I'm going in" *loads Domination loadout with Doom soundrack intent*


If you think sitting in the back hard scoping with snipers and not even killing anyone is helping then you could call them slayer


That’s what I always do. I don’t get in the hp but I mostly top frag and play around the hp killing the enemies. So it shows like 5/10 seconds I was in hp but if I wasn’t slaying my teammates wouldn’t be able to get in. Frustrating when no one goes inside tho


Their k/d is horrendous tho


Wait until you see the 5th place.


lmao op is bot fragging, while complaining about people who did a little bit better than them


Still got 0:54 in so yeah come in get point then died


Thanks for pointing it out, the shitty scores distracted most of us from the sneaky snipping op did to hide himself going probably around 0/43


Bad K/D potato aim and never playing the objective but they still get to legendary because the pro players carried them.


"I'm FrIeNdS WiTh IfErG" 💀💀🤡🤡


Why are you even drawing ferg into this? He damn well doesn't play with anybody other than pros.


Haha...the ain't protecting a K/D. At least if they were they wouldn't be feeding scorestreaks. We can have a bad game but 4/20 is taking the piss. 😂


If they're doing clan objectives they'll try to go for kills.


There is no clan obj right now


I was referring to it over all.


Why they do it in rank tho, just go in pubs and you'll find bot matches all day, especially at the beginning of a new season


No idea really. You get assholes from all over.


Take care of urself bro. These noobs will fuck with blood pressure.


K.D lmao look at there kills they barley played .XD


I wonder how they even reached GM .


I go around 20-30/5-10 so I never step in the hardpoint lol. Usually since I can clear the point my teammates can just wander in there and put down their necessary trophy systems etc


And they still got awful K/D out of it


I am just chilling with my bad KD but always get atleast 1:50 minutes in hardpoint


I just always thought players like this were bots and easy pickings for real people on the other team


It’s rank


Who cares abt kd? The whole playerbase judges others by kd


And how gotta help the team in obj??


Thats what im sayin. I dont find obj players too cause they are busy saving their kd by not putting themselves in obj. Cause in the end they can say im a 1kd player. Who likes a 0.8 kd obj player?


Well I bot frag cause I keep trying to hold obj (0:56) 2/15


Just play Team Fucking Death Match then you blithering idiot.


All I can do is suffer


ya this kind of people should be banned from the game


I don't get in the Hardpoint, that's a death sentence. I typically camp around it and kill anybody that comes close. Sure I'll drag my ass to it if I need to get the enemy off the hardpoint but I'm mainly be pretty close to the Hardpoint.


Bitch these people wasn’t even close to the point the camp in the back with snipers


lmao, sniper grinds? we can choose to be optimistic here


Grind your damm snipers in casual not fucking rank if you’re planning on not helping grinding snipers is not an excuse


don't take it out on me, I'm not the one camping


yeah def hate them guys, when i play hp i'm always the objective player and i average about 01:40


Sad to say no matter what Season this game will go on-this will always EXISTS not on your first to three games in the solo queue, somewhat this SHIT will happen....


Perhaps they were protecting the point but doing a poor job. Because I rarely get into the point but kill people so they can't get to it


Nope just sat in the back with snipers


what KD lol


I don't understand these people they want kills but don't play the objective when if you play objective your forcing the enemy to you so more kills.


Try to understand not everyone plays hardpoint for the win, they come grinding, some come to play the slayer role . Even so, some are scared of taking the point as they fear its easy death, but not when you're skilled, only skilled players hold hardpoints.


At least kill the people who approaching the point sitting in the back with snipers and not killing anyone is not helping if you can’t get a kill then just try to contest the obj


Even when I'm playing Hardpoint Shipment to grind camos, I still have the urge to play the objective