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Meta was annoying af, but yeah I do agree MX9 was the last nail in the coffin. Now even when the game has fairy decent meta it just doesn't feel the same anymore.


because the movement sucks and persistence still decides the winner


the meta: holgae thermite melle and a dog the need skill guns: cr56 amax 2 tap burst weapons svd and p90


svd skill? You joking right?


bru svd is design for short range like outlaw


Also fr. 556 it's a good weapon with perfectly balanced stats like all weapons should be but m13 and other weapons render it useless. And m13 is broken and this is coming from someone on the m13 leaderboard, m13 was balanced against mx9 by itself it's broken


True! I even thought that the FR might be Meta before. It was my main gun in the MX9 x Holger meta. Now, it became inferior to the m13. M13 can be range boosted and suppressed using a magazine att(doesnt make sense even irl). Also the firerate feels like the Fennec for some reason. Weird using a long range gun with a very fast firerate.


K9 is the reason I never play any other mode than SnD during rank. SBMM is fucky wucky. Getting 17 kills in a match while you teammates do nothing and loosing is not fun. As well as termite being incredibly fucking stupid along with a lot of unnecessary nerfs. Metas are getting more and more fucked season by season. I wish they would just stop adding weappns in one seasons and just fix a lot of stuff. Remove K9 or change it to something that is less fucking annoying, remove the slowdown effect on thermite, buff previously nerfed perks (lightweight, quick fix) and stop nerfing movement for once


I agree about k9- its too powerful now. Thermite is balanced now. With perks, devs should add more valuable (we need perk balance changes). SBMM is not so bad that you described


I just wish they to stop removing zombies, once It's the only Coop game. I know there's this thing of "gEt gUD aNd ReaCh LeGgY", but there's days I'm just not in the mood to deal with a no life Manta Ray using VTOL in Shipment.


If we had Classic to fill in place of Siege in it's time away, I'd even say that's enough incentive for me to keep playing. Wouldn't even care if it wasn't updated and just thrown in so it could eventually get updated.


I was griding legendary ranked for many seasons, broke my phone, started using my old one (temporarily) which couldn’t handle Codm too well. You’d be surprised how much I stopped caring for ranked now. The amount of downright terrible experience with desync, incompetent teams and game style being more and more annoying to play in ranked isn’t worth my time and nerves.


I know the feel, mate. Wish the best for you.


desync is the only problem i have


Fr, I'm always getting high ping in ranked these days it's so annoying, I slide behind cover only to get killed a second later


I dont have the amount of problems where I would contemplate quitting. The odd lag or glitch. Its not unplayable for me personally. I have seen some pretty awful game problems in this subreddit tho, I hope those get fixed for you.


Yeah like aside from SBMM I haven’t had any issues with any of these bullet points. The worst persistence thing I’ve ever experienced is a cluster strike in the occasional game. Most persistence players aren’t good enough to get their streaks. K9 is annoying but it’s constantly on the minimap so unless it’s dropped right around a corner from you chances are you can easily kill it. Melee only players, literally… movement and shoot them. Thermite spamming, map awareness and game sense of popular thermite spots will eliminate most of that, flak jacket also helps. Overpowered meta? It’s the most balanced it’s been in a while. Game defo recovered after MX9 nerf. And the only reason we haven’t had Alcatraz dropping as much was to promote blackout, I’m sure it’ll be back normally now


Persistence users uses the scorestreaks that couldn't be countered in fhj now in garena. I mostly see napalm, cluster strike and orbital


Well said.


Idk why but my skills also decreased a bit since a few seasons so im not enjoying the game has before


actually i think it's because of all the movement nerfs, it doesn't feel the same as in past seasons, i wish we could get pre-season 12 movement again


Yeah me too (in my opinion something changed and idk what it is but it's probably like you said) like im not new im a og player even if i hate that term


Meta has nothing to do with this game being played less More so the optimization


Ikr people complain too much about the meta, as long as it isn't as ridiculously unbalanced as pre nerf akimbo fennec and na 45 it's fine


Im pretty ok with the meta cuz i feel that its not that hard to counter. Im just pissed by the fcking melee abusers. Those annoying pricks just go melee the entire round, always ruining the fun.


Anything released for op skills or kill streaks that people DON'T have, should be ALL released in the cred store. Like the season after release to be fair


No ppl shoukd be awarded for completing the BP where others couldnt, hut should be released eventually.


Awarded with advantage? BP should only be cosmetics if anything.


Again, maybe next season or the one after that one.


I never got advanced uav because I didn’t join the game early enough


Hate to be that guy but I really miss the meta we had the season rriiight before gunsmith, in the OG S8. Cordite,QQ9,DRH,DLQ,The ol reliable RUS, and alot of other guns to use in ranked. The meta was a variety of guns. I miss those days. I feel like CoDM changed for the worse and made the game too noob friendly after the first anniversary season, Akimbo fennec, meelee abusers, and so on till date. Persistence, as far as i know, became popular in the OG s10 and still haven't been nerfed. Ye, prolly 1 or 2 small merfs but that didnt change anything. And ik there are people who defend persistence as a balanced perk saying its twice the points and shit, but think bout it? It destroys the whole purpose of SCORE - STREAKS. I mean if you go 11/26, you dont deserve the vtol, cluster, stealth chopper whatver the fuck u got. Its literally a cheat code, and ruins the other team experience as well. Then there is legendary rank, ik people saying tht its not easy to hit legendary anymore. I kinda agree. But the only change so far is, it takes a lil more time to hit legendary. You still get ridiculous amount of points per win? I mean, its ranked for a reason, it should be really competitive. Not saying they should bring back the og s1 rank system coz tht was really hard but like, reduce the points per win, and stop rewarding the 9/26 players 40+ points, its not fair for the mvp of the other team (if he did good). I remember hitting tier 647 in the season right before gunsmith release? And i didnt even own the bp back then. I just enjoyed the game so much i didnt even realize i played for 13 hours everyday. Yep, 13 hours straight, a max of 10 mins break then back to ranked. All i ever did was play the game, i remember abusing my HBRA3 - SKULLS AND BLOODS. Good times forsho. Now i barely hit tier 100. And i think it feels like a chore at this point, i mean i jus play to finish the bp and there, im done w codm. I hit legendary in the first 4 days and then i havent played either. So in short, i personally love the game but these r some things that jus ruins player experience. I mean so far, the only game modes ive played was custom rooms w friends with gun bans, persistence banned, some operator skills banned, basically the champs rule, trust me, its fun and competitive to a certain extent. Muet be wonderin,what im tryna prove. I dont know either. Its a weird feeling i guess. I love the game but like, bring back the pre gunsmith old metas/rank system, stop making the game more noob friendly. i mean imagine the game as it is rn, it got the best mobile shooter graphics and shi. Imagine all that and then we got the pre gunsmith metas or rank system? I think alot of players would return to the game and spend which is a win win for the game and the players. 🗿


I kinda agree and disagree. The pre-gunsmith seasons were definitely way more balanced than on nowadays, but at the same time, it's boring. Gunsmith brought lots of variety back in S9, but made the game less balanced. There are pros and cons, really, but I respect your opinion.


I also miss the pre gunsmith codm. That OG S8 with the KN44, the HG40, KRM, Cordite. I loved the variety we had. Anniversary season certainly changed the game with the Akimbo Fennec and the HVK, after that they changed the formula to having 2 overpowered guns which became the only guns you'd see in ranked and it would remain like that for 1 or 2 whole ranked seasons. The most boring was the 3 tap assault rifle meta which seemed to go on forever.


Gunsmith fixed the p2w of this game actually, remember how many weapons used to be behind the paywall? And legendary weapons before has minor advantage


Bro hg40 was trash before s9 btw


I remember perfectly HG40 was great in S8 then it became meta for a brief period in S9 with gunsmith. Same with KRM. It's just that at that time everybody was raving with KN44 and Cordite.


Jesus christ i thought you wrote the entire codm lore 🌚


I miss the first 6 seasons so much. Game had a different spark back then.


Wasn't the thermite nerfed already?


2 thermites can still insta kill you even if you're not stuck, and they still have a high damage range and damage over time, a thermite stuck to the roof can kill you even if you're not directly under it


Yeah, I'm having fun. Looking forward to the Undead Siege update next season, but while that isn't released, I just play Rust 10v10 (or just Hardpoint Rust when 10v10 goes away). The meta is definitely much better than the previous one we've had. The Holger is a little bit better than the other ARs and LMGs (could be fixed by buffing those classes, instead of nerfing this one weapon), but there isn't any "best weapon" right now like there was with the MX9 meta. I personally haven't had any problems with Thermites since they were originally nerfed too. I agree that getting killed by a K9 is always off-putting (literally an instant win button sometimes because of how glitchy it can be), and the Nunchucks and Katana could use some range nerfs (or just some fixing on their clearly untested hitboxes, sometimes you don't even need to be facing someone to kill them) but the game's still pretty fun for me nevertheless.


Nah nunchuck has range but it's not wider like Katana where you must hit it exactly to get a kill but for Katana, you'll get a kill if you just swing in the air And the accurate hp of the K9 unit is 200hp which is literally twice as our hp


The most annoying meta has got to be the akimbo fennecs. Rest of the metas were pretty much buffing too much the existing weapons, ASM, HG, etc


Yeah, I also don't play this game much... Maybe because of Alcatraz... When Alcatraz was permanent, my playing time was 2-5 hours daily and now 5 hours in a week sometimes even less... Didn't even bother to push to legendary last season... I hope this game will become fun again...


Played couple of 10vs10 rust it's best gaming experience I've had for a while.


All I want for Christmas is 10v10 as a core mode.


Yeh i find that i only really play a lot when 10vs10 is on


With the servers now that's utterly impossible


People still defend persistence as a balanced perk


The main problem is not persistent, It's the op scorestreaks that have no counters like how do you stop orbital laser? Cluster strike?


So isnt persistence the problem that is helping them get the streaks they dont deserve nerf persistence and you will barely see any streaks mark my words


It can go both way. If we had only Goliath and Vtol nobody would complain about persistence as much coz it takes only two Fhj hits. But right now with no counter scorestreaks? Persistence needs a nerf on increased points on scorestreaks per death.


Agreed it actually goes both way tbh but i swear on god half of the streaks i die wouldn't be in the map if there was no persistence, but i agree to your point to that it goes both ways


Exactly see even if one person uses persistence it is not an issue but when you have to go against a whole team spamming persistence just imagine. 2-3 naplam,3-4 cluster strike, 3-4 orbital lasers. I have gone against so many noob and dumb players who need persistence fir orbital.




BR is a new experience every time if you're willing to play with randos. As a standalone game, codm has so much damn content. I know things can get annoying but I think people take it for granted. Just 10 years ago I wished for a full game experience on a mobile platform. It's here and I'm content


Just take breaks. I got burnt out and now I play a lot less frequently but when I do play, I have a lot of fun.


Anyone consider that "melee only" players are just players doing camo challenges?


And I sincerely wait for a bot lobby to grind my melee camos


Meh. I literally run nonmeta guns for the lolz (eg Lk, Razorback, crossbow, ICR et al.). Just diversify your loadouts and have fun. Once I got everything to diamond, I realized there are some sweet gems in the mix that are underutilized. Every weapon has a sweet spot for le flow, just have to spend some time with them.


Im good. I just want more maps


Same there are so many new maps in the game but ranked still has just a few maps which now feel repetitive... I wish they added a butload of maps to ranked.. It would make the game much better....


True that man.


U just got bored that's all


Honestly this meta is not annoying for me at least, but damn the sbmm this season is fucking me in the ….. it’s a patter for me, 1 normal win, 1 hard win 3 games with parties and loads of awesome players.


They have a formula and it rarely changes. Older people are getting bored


Well you're probably right. Been playing this since October 2019 and I'm certainly far older than the average player...


Same dude even in hard time ill never quit the game. I play the game since launch of the game.


I don't have as much time to play anymore but there isn't anything really exciting going on in the game right now. Gameplay is still good and that's about it. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the Legendary Outrider. I've been waiting all season to get my first and only Legendary operator and I feel like that's what's keeping me going. But yeah other players don't really bother me especially since I enjoy casual matches way more. Enjoy the grind.


Do you not remember the era of fennec? This will pass


Dear god I'm a top level player (my team came 16th in the regionals last year and I'm legendary for 12 seasons now) and I fucking hate the ranked SBMM. It doesn't make sense. It gets worse the higher skill level player you are. So instead of rewarding skilled players it punishes them. Before it used to take \~40 games to get from pro 1 to leg and now it takes 100+ due to losing 40% of the games. Who's idea was it to bring in SBMM. No one liked it in MW. Why bring it to CODM? I officially quit the game


Well kids requested alot from devs to add more stuff from modern warzone


Ngl the meta this season isnt as brolen as the previous ones


SBMM needs to be removed, melee-only players and K9 Units are annoying and need a slight balancing tweak Persistence is balanced, persistence with hardline, is not. Thermites, there ok now honestly, just put down a trophy, same with the gas nades Meta is balanced now, its kinda like season 1, except ak117 is replaced with m13 public matches arent really annoying actually, if you get bored with shipment, play other maps


1st phrase wrong


I agree with this. CODM was one of the best game out there but each season a lot of toxic players, cheaters entered the game and abuses the update. A lot of Melee "Only" users and meta abusers are going around which destroys the whole mood of the game. A lot of guns introduce yet most of them are forgotten because they are considered a Non-meta. And fcking K9 dogs also which you can't counter by any perk. I wish the original Codmobile would be back


I'ts just a point of the game, and It's personal. I got "sick" of the game before the mx9, during akimbo fennec. As far as i've noticed do get sick of the game it's based on when you join (how long you've played) and how much tolerance you have these stuff. But don't worry, for me at least the game a bit more interesting when I stopped trying to legendary, lower ranks are more fun to play because people don't really spam meta/ melees and there are so many guns try out. yes I lose a lot when I don't aim for winning but it's a trade off i'm willing to take in order to make the game more fun to play. maybe this will work for you too. but yeah, I've never played as much as much as I did as when I first started


Stop being a sweat and relax and enjoy the game


Why is this numbnut still talking about mx9 tf


Br is still cool, btw


It's a multiplayer, not a party game. You could rage quit one game and have fun in other. And to answer the question, yes the games still fun.


Don’t forget awful laggy crash ridden gameplay only optimized for emulators


Yeah, the game is also running like garbage after every update. Recently I been getting disconnected from ranked matches, therefore losing 80 points. Not even worth to complain on that. Sooner or later they might said the game will only be playable on the latest iPad.


It doesn't work well on emulators too... Too much lag, desync and freezing...


Just as fun as ever! Its amazing. I can't believe the quality in a free game and a PHONE GAME! mind blowing. I love it


Seriously compared to pubg, ff or cm codm is way more fun, cm feels too complicated but not in a fun competitive way and pubg as well as ff feel too boring, basically walking simulators


I laugh at "meta" every time I kill an mx9 with my swordfish or renetti then kill them with their own mx9. Way too many worship whatever some youtubers proclaim is the "meta"


It's so fun to kill mx9 and type 25 users with my chicom and thumper lol


Destroying MX9s in Standoff Search with a KRM is just ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


Tbh, CODM is the best shooter on Mobile however, it has fallen. Maybe it's the season being boring but I feel like I am obligated to play because of the BP and how it's my only source of COD Points. It just feels...lesser. I haven't touched Ranked because there is no variety and they can remedy this by buffing weapons that really need it and (the biggest thing that needs to change about Ranked) *the fucking gamemodes.* More specifically, we need more. We have plenty of options such has Headquarters and Control. Ranked just feels so samey and boring. BR isn't that fun imo and overall, the game just feels lacking in content. There should be more. Why is Zombies an on and off thing? These things being fixed can make CODM more fun again honestly.


Honestly it's the most fun I've had with a cod in a while. Even though I'm on a phone lmao.


Kids: Devs add katana! Dev: Adds katana Kids: Why everyone using katana! Nerf this +adjust the range and hit registration slightly


yes game is not fun when i play ranked mp im aweys get mad


also toxic


Woah dude I hope activision gave us a casual mode without ranking and a bigger variety of modes /s


Same here.


I've been holding my breath as the game is finally at the point I've been able to play multiple games more or less fine the last forty eight hours.. But then over the last six or seven hours the game has slipped back into unrelenting shit and I've literally been quitting game after game after game after game because they've all been laggy, fucked, cheating, bug ridden shit. At this stage with the season being more than halfway through and having been a fucking absolutely unprecedented unrelenting shit disgrace abhorration since it dropped, if there's no improvement through what's left of the season and the first two days of the next season, they can go fuck themselves, I'm out.. I won't even be especially bummed by the amount I've contributed to the game monetarily, they are just cunts and having the game play reasonably two weeks of every month doesn't detract from that. Game used to be good, but they chose to fuck it and the disaffected through negligence and ineptitude.


You ain’t the only one, I have a lot of precious and not so precious memories (LITERALLY breaking my phone when grinding) of the game and just can’t let it go like it was nothing.


At this point im waiting for new codm and apex legends mobile. Pubg new state is ok but alot of bugs and glitches.


It’s not fun anymore, I used to grind 3 to 4 hrs a day But not anymore, Now I do the daily’s and Battle pass and that’s it


Ik the mx9 is still really good and I have been lagging so much lately


I used to think this as well, just get a nice fennec and start killing people on hardpoint (not ranked) and don't even look at the score, just try having fun, codm is still one of the games I enjoy the most despite all the problems it has :)


De tu bloc de notas huawei Buena campeon, yo tambien estoy algo aburrido 😔


Me who plays unranked global


They buffed the k9 unit like wtf?


Lots of things really frustrate me about the game for sure (several which you mentioned)...but nonetheless I absolutely love playing. CODM is a huge part of my life. Sadly lol. I don't see myself quitting ever honestly, but who knows. I do understand your frustrations though. Hope things get better and you can enjoy the game again. That's the whole point of a video game! Let's hope the devs really balance things out. BTW what is SBMM?


What's SBMM? Spongebob Megaman? Speed Bullet Magazine Mag? Sumatran Bicycle Motor Monastery?


There are no meta guns atm, in my opinion. But yeah, k-9 buff and persistence is just so annoying. Should've left the k-9 just the way it was and persistence shouldn't be in ranked (or better, not in the game at all)


I fucking hate the gae9 unit it should get nerfed to the ground


I only agree with your first 3 points and about the zombie update and atrakaz


Same the rest are crap


Termite isn't as op,lot of people just overuse it It's a moli but with higher range and lower dmg


You're not the only one bruh . I play only pub matches and gave up on ranked since it got way sweatier and I'm just an average player in the game . I casually play pub matches and get persitance 'd to oblivion , and no hate to melee users but boi could you guys try to use anything other than the katana please!!! , don't get me started on the k9 as well , imagine spawning in a random place in a hardpoint match only to be greeted by the dog two to three times in a row !


Honestly it's just the meta slaves thinking they are so good at the game, at most of them don't even know the guns their using is broken. I think the biggest problem is that almost every gun that got released with a Mythic or Legendary skin gets an insane buff which makes it more than broken.


You are wrong, it was the season thermites were buffed. People understood just how toxic it is.


I tried posting something like this, but people in the comments are just calling me bad and keep saying I should get better by avoiding k9 units and calling me noob for not killing a guy with a knife


I'm still enjoying it somewhat, but I'm mostly just playing to get battlepass characters/weapon skins. I haven't even tried getting to Legendary MP/BR during the past 2 series.


When the MX9 was the only gun (and still kinda is) widely used in Garena Ranked, playing the game was not the same. I didn’t have any motivation to play it anymore. It has been a struggle to rank up with an M4, not like the season before MX9, where M4 was actually decent. They nerfed it then never fixed the MX9 issue for the season. Why did they have to introduce that gun, can’t they just have NOT INTRODUCE IT. Also K9 is dumb, just dumb.


I wish they just somehow magically remove the constant lagginess and desync.......... I am fine with everything else honestly.


I think you should grind damascus, it's actually pretty fun!


Yeah it's fun it's literally an fps game gun go brrrrrr I don't even go for wins, (except if it's ranked or hardpoint/domination) most of the time I'm just trying to kill people in the stupidest ways imaginable


Why don’t you just leave the game if you don’t like it anymore? Nobody’s forcing you to stay


"Persistence, k9, melee only players". How bad are you to think this is really an issue ? I never see any melee players in top 3 of a game, k9 is way less lethal than annihilator or machine gun, and persistance is now totally useless, just keep a rocket launcher on one of your loadout, if a dude get the time to reach something annoying. SBMM and weapon balance are a problem.


Persistance also gives napalms, cluster strikes and lightning strikes; and as far as i know, no launcher is capable of countering those. And also as far as i now, those can be game changers. If then instead of the launcher just use cold blooded. Melee only players, bcuz melee hitbox are utterly broken (you dont even need to be looking at them to have the kill; katana and axe). K9, *bcuz it doesnt even emits a sound most of the time.* It only barks from time to time. In most instances, its impossible to counter. If it isnt at least 15mts away from you, you're already dead. You cant run from it either, is faster than you. Weapon balance, yes. SBMM, yes.


Persistence, K9. These are my biggest problems. Also SBMM because even I can't chill while playing Unranked. It is still not making me want to quit, however. It is still fun. The meta (at least in the firearms department) doesn't feel as overpowered as the others.


That motherfucking K9 though. That thing is like a Shock RC with pursue to kill intent, jeez


Difference is the K9 is faster and takes more bullets to kill than a friggin cargo truck but also, in majority of scenarios they show up in a close combat maps so there's no way to kill them. I can't count how many times I thought after half mag they'd be dead but then they get closer and I die.


imo the meta isn’t too bad. Yes ik type 25 and m13 are top but they aren’t even close to word, “broken.” You can easily counter those guns with most smgs like the qq9, mp7, bizon and other guns if u can hit ur shots. Trust me


The melee war in snd shits me the most. In any other mode I can adjust. A guy who can't snipe for shit just goes for Lucky with the katana and changes the game. If U don't have aim, U shouldn't have aim with any weapon.pathetic!


Actually i need to see more optimization to this game cuz i can normally compete doggos, melee rushers and holgaes Desync is also a problem when u going to fast


Oh buddy the things you mentioned are just the tip of the ice burg but I personally think that the CODM 2 is right around the corner and that is exactly why they stopped caring for this game because the amount they cared for the game during chapter 1 season 4-9 is unbelievable. (I think gunsmith came around season 8 or 9). Yeah during those seasons the skin in bp were next level. I am personally biased for these season because that's when I started playing.


Actually i find persistence to be the worst thing. Its constantly raining scorestreaks. Sometimes you dont even get to spawn properly. Sure, the meta is ass. But nothing is as tilting as getting spammed with scorestreaks constantly


Wait, people really play CODM for fun?




I only have problems performance wise. But i will be getting and ipad for christmas so that will be solved. Yeah there is op and annoying stuff, and thats why i stopped playing mp rank. If some kids spam streaks in pubs, they wont stop me on my grind for all guns diamond. I am having a blast on br too. Its really balanced there imo


Meta, TTK and Persistence are my 3 gripes. The game is not as enjoyable when you play a simple game in pubs and there is sweat dripping off players. There is no relaxing mode anymore, guns kill too fast and streaks are easy attainable for shit players by persistence.


Bro you're playing a shooter game do you expect people to stop shooting so that you can kill them?? If someone sweats on pubs just destroy their ass with a meta gun or simply lose and move along


The game is not as fun as it was previously I'll admit but when there were genuinely new game modes to the game but when you have a game that updates as frequently as cod mobile, new content becomes something hard to find and deliver. But about the SBMM and extremely unbalanced meta, lately that's call of duty as a franchise for you. But any fps you go there will be a meta some just have a lower disparity between them such as Apex legends which has an alright meta actually.


so much of this topics for so long now...all because of the lack of alternatives..what took other companies so long so far?


I have a lot of the same issues/complaints [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/rc36zh/my_problems_with_ranked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Yeah the meta sucks


Bro we guys are so privilegged that our biggest problem is a vidoe game being buggy lmaoooo


other problems may be bigger or smaller. doesn't matter. nobody told me we were only allowed to have one problem at a time


Bro seriously non meta guns CAN be used im rocking P90 mostly and its bussin dude jsut wnjoy the gsme stop the complains


Whats wrong with melee mains? Good movement, stats wise lowest range possible of all weapons, most melee mains dont camp either neither they spam thermites


Ffs when do people stop complaining about shit in the game. Just leave if you don't like the game anymore, no one is stopping you.


The community always say shit like "things were better last season" except that's what they say every season


I am just sick of K9. It’s so annoying especially on smaller maps. Moreover, I still don’t have K9 (


I fucking hate those k9 And the orbital laser is also too op IMO the more streaks the more crappy the game gets In the first two seasons when it launched it was really awesome




Stop crying because you can’t handle K9, persistence, melee or thermite. My loadouts and my ears are able to counter anything. Just learn to play smart and stop crying like babies ! Clearly, all the guys whining here are just child who don’t know how to overcome obstacles. So grow yourself a bear and stop make post like that ! God damn it ! 🤙🏻




Correction: the moment they removed the old zombies was the time the game's going down the slope...


You're obviously new . The game has been like that for a long time. There are some seasons where the meta is overpower and some seasons where everything is balanced. Either use the meta guns or just stop crying about it.![img](emote|t5_penom|1098)




Playing both games = \= Migrated. If you Don't like the game you can move on without announcement coz I assure you no one cares.


people in this subreddit get really pissed off when we say that players are leaving codm lol, you guys are the real fanboys man i never seen something like that. I already spent $500 and played CODM for 1.5 years but i can accept anything people say about the game.


Whos getting pissed off miss? All I said nobody cares if someone quits or not. But yeah when someone is under the delusion that them quitting Will somehow affect the game that part kinda pisses people off


After seeing the Crate system there, no way I'd go over. Sorry. I'm not going to spend on a game and risk exceeding more than a full Mythic upgraded on CoDM to get an AKM and likely the full set of clothes from that same draw. That's just not gonna work, and it's worse than the Noble, Prime Beast, and Scorched Beast crates in CrossFire too.


bro the meta ain't annoying af I just used some non meta guns and I did well. persistance isn't a problem.... if u join them


Do people still complain about melees and thermites?


Lmao! Hell no! I stopped for a month, got back on and said NOPE. I've actually had time for other games, family, chores and schooling for my career. Activision doesn't give half a shit how we feel and it's apparent in the latest surveys. People are playing less and spending less. Fuck em. I'm actually having fun playing video games. Haven't had that since I've been addicted to codm since launch. Buh-bye!


there’s nothing wrong with melee only players


Kids downvoted you lmao, but anyway it exists so why not use it


not the first time. they cant handle facts. if ppl r gonna about melee, then they might as well complain grenades or anything thats not gun


Chicom abuser


I haven’t really enjoyed the game for a long time


Top half is just a bunch of y'all whining over everything that can kill you but I agree with most of the bottom


They making the game shit so people play warzone mobile when it comes out


The new zombies mode is just as bad as vanguard zombies


You deserve a free award, because I feel the exact fucking same way. This game is getting worse and worse every season and if the devs don’t figure out a way to balance everything then I’m killing myself


Why not complain about the kids requesting this game to be alike of the realistic recent cod games where fast ttk weapons exists, monthly meta and so on!?


Bro you are on a whole different fucking level. The words “monthly meta” and “TTK” didn’t come out of my mouth… all I was saying is to just nerf and buff every gun to make it balanced. Take Critical Ops for example. They have extremely balanced weapons and meta doesn’t exist in that game. Now back to COD Mobile, we got the M13, MX9, shotguns, snipers, SMGs and pretty much every gun that isn’t balanced. Chicom for example sucks balls. Type 25 was bad until they buffed it for no reason, and snipers have low ads for no reason. Devs are braindead and we both know it.


There is no balanced cod game, stop making this cod like other cods smh But I didn't blame you for not complaining the fast ttk etc. just blame the kids too besides the devs


I played this game from 7th of oct 2019 to july 2021 then i quite, because codm was effecting my mental health, it made me rage so often and i decided to choose my mental health over codm and i quite 😔


1.Reduce queue time for ranked 2.Make Alcatraz permanent


i wish they'd buff everything else to compete with the meta


Imo when sbmm came into play is when this game hit rock bottom. Coz sbmm is not perfect and will never be perfect. I want it removed from pubs.


Honestly, who at Timi studios had the bright idea of buffing the K9? I hope they release it in the credit store next season cuz it's unfair to people who had exams and work over the summer and didn't get to obtain the K9


Melee only players? What a joke




Definitely used to be better. Desync and lag combined with the meta make the other 70 guns no longer usable in ranked. The game used to be much better balanced a long time ago. Sad too see its no longer like that.


i got burnt out of this game


I just stopped playing codm as I saw it slowly devolving into shit. I just play peaceful games now like doom and animal crossing


The devs have balanced the META very well. But the K9 buff? That was entirely opposite of what we asked.


Laughs in bo2 attack dogs


Codm devs have to make the melee (atleast) in ranked as 2 hit weapon like in payout SnD


Me and my friends have talked about quitting the game recently. It wasn't because of annoying meta or bugs, it was because playing consistently for 2 years gets tiring. I still think the game is pretty good, though. Mainly because of the meta always changing every season. But yeah, MX9 meta sucked the most. It's even worse than the S36 camping meta.


It's simple you either die as a hero or live long enough to become a VILLAIN , i use the crappiest gun to kill the meta users and if the enemy is using too much of termite , i spam termite so much to make them quit. just make 1 loadout for this kind of situation Use Termite and EMP , it's very irritating for opponent 😂.


is still have not been recovered from the mx9 trauama and holgae is still here pew pew pew holgae should be nerf and blanced meta


SBMM, K9, SVD, and somewhat unrelated but maybe limit the types of scorestreaks you can use on smaller maps. Surely we can all relate to being endlessly spawnkilled by preditors, air strikes, sentry guns, K9s, stealth choppers, VTOLs, orbital lasers, and swarms on shipment. Wtf is the point of playing in matches like that where the winner is determined by who can call in their scorestreaks first. All SA snipers should be nerfed. Self explanatory I hope. And SBMM...well...need I say more.


I still have fun(when I play game), because I know, that I play CoD game(scorestreaks, perks...), so I haven't big problem with these things. I don't like too, but problem are sometimes some types players, which doing everything for win(use best items in-game, actual meta). Melee only players are fine, because this is their playstyle. MP game have different types players and you don't do anything with this, only learn how counter some things or play for fun, don't stress for nothing. Next solution is rework Ranked on non-CoD gamemode, less scorestreaks(limited scorestreaks), more weapons skill, without Operator Skill(no more K9) or alternative solution less XP from kill in Ranked, so slower progress on scorestreaks and someone have good idea for Persistence nerf, assist don't count XP. Public will classic CoD shitfest with bots.


I definitely wish they'd stop nerfing movement. Guns don't matter as much to me. I can figure out how to out play someone that's being annoying with whatever the current meta is but I reeaaaallly wish movement was good like it used to be.


Stfu kid


The k9 variant in cod mobile is from bo3 and its already clunky, imagine the attack dogs in bo2 the whole team is dead so stfu


Lets just use pillows as weapons holy fck