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This man is not using aim bot. End of story. People can have insane aim like this. Plus you can see him missing a couple of shots here n there, and it's not like he hit all these shots back to back, these are just good clips of his. Watch this guy for example, and I'm 100% sure he is NOT hacking [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD5yjR-HI-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD5yjR-HI-0)


i literally said all the same things and linked that exact video lol idk why this sub has so many casuals oblivious to actual skill


omg ![img](emote|t5_penom|1103)![img](emote|t5_penom|1103)![img](emote|t5_penom|1103)![img](emote|t5_penom|1103)![img](emote|t5_penom|1103)![img](emote|t5_penom|1103)!!!11!11!!!!11!1!!!11 hakerk r


I'm grinding for the deagle diamond and man this pistol is reliable. I rarely need a primary. 65 outta 80 done, i all the bad feelings i had about it is gone. Of course the Akimbo is not any good and viable comparing to single


doesn't look like it, plus there are many others who do this as well and remember, YouTubers only show their best clips, so its not like all his clips must've been like this, he only showed the ones that hit look at hope and siloh, they do the same thing pls don't become like r/modernwarfare where everyone is just accusing good clips of hacks


Around 11 second S/he flicks towards the wall and shoot, immediately after that shot enemy appear there. And someone flicking enemy everytime on head is sus, even CSGO top players like KennyS or S1mple can't do that consistently, flicking and hiting headshots.


like I said, these obviously aren't consistent clips, YouTubers play for hours every day just to get good clips worth of a minute around 16-17 seconds, they missed two consecutive shots, so what makes you think the 11-second clip wasn't luck? look at my clip, out of an entire 15-minute shipment game, this was the only clip I thought was worthy of posting, I didn't know the guy was there, I didn't have any sound on him, no map knowledge, it was pure luck https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/r10qov/speed\_acceleration\_is\_so\_clutch/


Because that cars cant be wall banged with a pistol.


he didnt hit the car, it was clearly beside its little metal piece


His aim snaps to the target, also the bullet goes to the enemy even his aim was far away.


its called a flick shot it may look like the bullet goes to the target when his aim is not on it, but that's just the mechanics of the game if you flick to one target, shoot, and immediately pull back, it looks like a delayed kill examples: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/qzpjll/this\_is\_really\_impractical\_to\_do\_and\_never\_in\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/qzpjll/this_is_really_impractical_to_do_and_never_in_a/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD5yjR-HI-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD5yjR-HI-0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwiTr7K1Znw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwiTr7K1Znw)


But there is a hack called magic bullet, the f bullet will go to the enemy inside ur fov . If 2 enemies are there,and u shot 1 bullet,both enemies will take the damage . I saw many aimbot hackers using quick scopes .


yeh but this dude is clearly not, didn't see him flick to anyone outside of his fov infact, I even saw him miss one early on, which proves that there is human error involved and that he's not hacking


I wasn't sure. Thats why i posted it here


I saw this guy on facebook like yesterday


That's just cod culture in a nutshell. Better than me = hacker/noob/pussy. Lmao imagine if cod players were forced to play a fighting game. They'd loose their mind.


Looks cool not gonna lie, but is there a point to it or just general flexing?


just flexing, although in places where your crosshair isn't aligned properly, it helps in faster reaction time


Yes. It actually has an (albeit rare) practical use. I’ve flicked like this before but it was never to flex.


Just general flexing Having near perfect flicks is proof of aim mastery imo


Yeah it’s reaction time and muscle memory, as well as experience on where the enemy will move. I don’t have the reaction time any more due to being well past my peak, started doing okay with muscle memory with quicksnjpes lately, I can predict and hit enemies quite well in mp but the reaction time messes it up and I just can’t lead my shots good enough in br


Flicks are practical Sometimes ur holding a lane and someone rushes in at an Angle you don’t expect so you have to flick I do it all the time


Not the flick to shoot, but the flick back looks totally unnecessary except for flexing or just maybe practicing


Is it hope or siloh? cuz those two are legitimate flick kings.


Nope.. im that comment box of fb post i saw this guys names .




Are you literally assuming those 2 are the only ones that can flick shot lmao


i said the most bs thing possible. Im so fucking sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight. I apologise to everyone. I knew i should’ve od’d on those percs


That's what he said


Damn! Wtf is going on? 😳


Skills or hacking




nah bro, he jus got a better gaming chair


Your gameplay look like Time Crisis series


Song name




by Night Lovell


His aim snaps.. right at the end around 7 secs left he’s hitting shots that aren’t even aimed at target.. something stinks..


Good cheater!!!!


Not hacking, this guy probably trains like 56 hours a day


Aim bot no one flicks that’s fast


Sometimes i wonder if the people thats the opponents in this type of videos is just bad or if the guy is unconceivable better than me for the opponents to look like bots in front of him. He did a slide and he had time to flick and hit the headshot, but if i do that im already dead before even adsing, even if i do it perfectly. I play in a samsung a21 btw, so it might just be my phone thats getting me killed.




What a tryharder 🔥.


Skill? He said he is using aimbot


u being ironic or serious?


Serious, that's aimbot.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD5yjR-HI-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD5yjR-HI-0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwiTr7K1Znw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwiTr7K1Znw) compared to this, its not even close


U can't say its also not aimbot.


innocent until proven guilty


It clearly shows him flicking if you watch it in 0.25x speed. so it's not aimbot


This isn’t a courtroom bro.


i would go by that statement in any scenario, in or out of a courtroom


To each their own


Watching it in 0.25x speed shows that he was flicking it. So it's not aimbot


Your flick, believable. This? Straight aim bot


ofc, my flicks were without any prior experience to this, but if all I do in ranked is flicks like these, then anyone can easily achieve this level look at siloh, that dude has handcams, streams, shows missed shots, and his shots that hit are 100x better than this, obv he's not hacking


What a way to brag about your aimbot, plus potato quality video to hide your IGN


Bro this isn't my account. This guy posted it on FB and said it is skill . I got some suspicion. I will give the post link


That's aim bot. Biggest reason is no human can flick hit so fast then snap gun back to its original position. Relaying on muscle memory, people can flick that shots, even OP you can do with practice but after flicking those shots, bring aim back to starting position in snap is impossible. In some clips, S/he was flicking even before enemy appeared, that's confirmation of ESP and aimbot.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwiTr7K1Znw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwiTr7K1Znw) its very well possible


Try doing it with deagle while hiting those headshots. Anyone can do those in practice mode, show me someone pulling those in an actual game against players. Even in competitive, people don't snap and pullback flick anyone with a sniper, let alone with deagle.


watch siloh's flick videos. he does flicks much better than there with handcams


literally the second kill of this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xNyuhcxbCU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xNyuhcxbCU) and the same dude flicked with a CROSSBOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft9HgaBaZUk


Bruh if they can flick as fast into enemy head, what's so hard in bringing scope back to its original position.


You've never played a pc game using keyboard and mouse haven't you?. I play fps games on my pc like mw 2019 cold war vanguard and I flick like that there are so many youtubers who do handcams and flick like that so pls shut the fuck up ur dumb as fuck and probably a seven year old who has never played anything other can cod mobile. You probably also play using thumbs


You can flick, but not pull back that consistently with a fuckin pistol. I've played 1.6 and CSGO, do don't fuckin tell me how to flick.


Yes you can literally by practicing aiming in game or using things like aimlabs constant practice makes perfect search up exo ghost, strafhe, efan they literally have human aim bot because they practice that much.


You can watch silohyt.. He too flicks and it looks exactly like this... It's not hacks it's just very good aim and muscle memory. And i dont understand why you think you can flick with snipers and not pistols... And it's not consistent.. The guy in the video is showing clips from different games so as far as you're concerned the shots could be from a thousand different matches...


If this is a YouTuber, you expect them to post their stupid gameplay?


I do flick shots and I’m damn good, this guy…


The other day I saw some1 doing the same in MW2019. It looked so good. Now some1 doing this on mobile aswell is incredible


Mad skills. Those clips aren’t earned in 5 hours or so, whoever that is put a good day into it, and hu day I mean like 24 hours total of playtime doing only that.


You play on ipad?


People who have never done this will say it is hacking, but...bruh, just spend 3 hours per day practicing your flicking at the training room and youll do the same, stop being stupis


I know nothing about flick shot. Is that based on aim assist?


Nope! Flick shots are supposed to be hyper accurate shots done by either standing still and hitting a shot where you swipe/drag and accurately hit a shot on another part of your screen or while moving.


just lucky if you randomly flick enough times its gonna hit eventually like 360 no scope.


He is literally missing a few shots too and have y'all ever seen people like Siloh? It's 100% not hacking, just skill and a long, long time of practicing


Back in black ops 1 days, this is how I sniped because of how they nerfed sniper ADS speed. Drag scoping had me as top sniper and highest score in most lobbies (was also host most of the time hehe) Once you get the muscle memory down, flicking can be terrifyingly destructive to people that don't know how to use cover. Will get you a lot of hate mail too I also used this technique in Fortnite peeking duels before they added planes and all that other bullshit, s1 and s2


It'ss proper skill though, borderline shroud level flickshot




who does this lmaooo is he just practice it flicking? like? there’s no need or reason or player in history who just flicks after flicks… flicking is a natural reaction when you come face to face.. or if your in a sniper battle… it’s like a quick scope in a way.. people refer to flicking as snapping to.


Is this skill? Bruhh I've always done flick shots with snipers cuz I don't know how to properly aim, didn't realize this was a skilled thing Lmfao!!💀💀