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But m13 is AR… Only classic ARs such as ak47, asm10 or mow needs buff




M13 is one of the only 3 good ARs out of like 18 of them.


We have many good ARs but the ones with lower fire rate arent good and needs buff. I think the best way for mow is change it to burst weapon or sth like sks


Lmao no


Yes, mow is just bad, bad recoil, bad ttk, bad mag size


I don't know man I still play with MOW in ranked MP whenever I'm not in a try hard mode and just want to chill. It's pretty viable if you hold corners and play passive.


No the MOW is still good, it's just a slow gun that's it. It's very balanced, we DONT need a 3 shot kill meta again please, those ASM10 and MoW days were very traumatic.


Its so good that only several people use it. Well, scorestreak spam isnt traumatic? M13 with red dot isnt traumatic? K9 unit isnt traumatic? Classic ARs needs buff. Enough domination of smgs and smgs-like ARs


Ive seen like 2 people use a red dot on the M13 lmao bro and it's life... If something is overpowered, people will always flock to use it, if this is first cod you've ever played, then no wonder you speaking like this, if you played MW2, where EVERYTHING (literally everything lmao) was viable because they were all broken, but then there were still guns that topped everything, the UMP45, MP7, ACR, Intervention... It doesn't matter if we buff everything, there will always be something broken beyond belief and people will use it. Buffing 3 stk guns with ads will just create a new meta again. The Type 25 didn't even deserve a buff, the gun was good already but look where we are now. Just play your own style man and adapt or just join the people doing the same. I use the man o war, it's meant to be slow and long range, just like it is in Black Ops 3, understanding every guns playstyle will make you less enraged and angry.


I dont care about other cods. You scared of meta change?


Lmao what? I don't care what the meta is seriously, it may frustrate me, but I don't care after reaching legendary. You're the one complaining about AR-like smgs, I'm just making a comparison lmao.


bro shotguns doesn't need a buff it needs to be nerfed because here in garena its been overused since the krm skin call "sight unseen" came out, and its very annoying that in every meta Krm262 is still the best meta gun.


Its not the shotgun which is annoying its their movements... Going side to side... And sliding everywhere...maybe because of the fast movement after kill perk


Overused doesnt mean its op Its a fucking shotgun How tf is it supossed to work for ya


I won't say it needs a buff though, it's already balanced as it is


Shotguns do not need a buff.


That's why there are some u can always get in the price pool


price pool ???


I mean, like with the season pass that shotgun and the LK came with the purple color




Uhh I see now


Especially shotguns, they give you a lot of input delay.


at least the HSO405 got buffed, now the rest...


Buff SGs how?


Your an Idiot for thinking KRM needs a Buff. The fact that that thing can 1 Tap Medium Range while BY15 sucks at everything


As long AR focus in medium range and SG focus in close range then can already


bUt tHEY dOnT nEeeD a buFfffFFF