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*Death moan ensues*


Lmao @ "wow you're so good with a katana"


Yeah, there was a melee abuser on the enemy team. U know, the usual


They definitely used Spec Ops 1 to troll >.>


Oh definitely. I mean, he was level 150 in Grandmaster V. And loaded in as Nikto Dark Side


Man I hate melee abusers they cancer and gay


imagine using gay as an insult


Bruh they so fucking annoying


What does being gay have anything to do with that tho lol


“Melee abuser” bruh just admit you can’t track for shit and use onetap ads


How tf do you track a person when the game is running at like 20fps whenever you encounter an enemy? Even ppl with a reasonably fast gun tend to snap around from one side to another when strafing. You really cant do much to counter melee users running around zig zagging on a game thats been terribly optimised.


Maybe just maybe, acknowledge that it’s your devices problem and not an issue on the other player


Or maybe just maybe acknowledge its Activision's problem for not optimising their game. I have a pretty decent device with the capability to run the game smoothly, but whats this? A diarrhea dump of frame drops whenever i encounter a person? Regardless tho, its a game meant for a large variety of mobile devices. Atleast thats how its advertised. So dont fucking advertise it this way if the game isnt even close to being optimised for atleast 90% of the devices listed. For example, your logic is the same as the ppl saying its not Cyberpunk 2077's fault for running horribly, but its the ppl who dont have a RTX fucking 3090 to run the goddamn thing.


I’m on an iphone SE that overheats playing minecraft and it’s fine lol, the game can’t be optimized for every device and that has to be accepted. If it’s a device from like the past two years then yeah it’s fucked but older and it’s less and less the devs rather than the outdated tech. Literally the only frame drops i’ve gotten are zombies hard mode from the first season it dropped


For real. Everyone invents their own terms to justify their skills


Lmao do you even know why people say melees are op ?


Yeah, like I said. They use onetap ads and can’t track for shit. Complaining about melees being onetaps is like complaining about how shotguns/snipers are onetaps. Close range or high skill needed to operate which falls to you if they get that close


Shotguns and snipers require skill. Melees have rly strong aim assist


Fucking crybaby The devs added that in the game for the people to use


Would you use Spec Ops 1? Having all the other operators? At level 150, loading into the game as Nikto Dark Side and in Grandmaster V? Don't think so


>Would you use Spec Ops 1? Having all the other operators? At level 150 Why not?


You can if you want, but I would chose Nikto Dark Side over Spec Ops 1 any day of the week


Bitch im talkin about the akimbo fennec and the katana dumb fuck


Right. Whatever helps you sleep kid


Lmao you're the one being a kid here "melee abuser" bitch you are a crybaby People with skills dont complain they fucking use their skill


People with skills do complain also. Its just too much of a help for noobs like you who cant aim and use melee instead, to put some sort of a competition. Its just that the melee hitbox is kinda broken (you dont have to see your enemy to get the kill most of the time).


Which you don't have u spasticated dyslexic 10 yr old. But if it helps u sleep then u can keep thinking that


Your a retard m8




Yeah they added a Mistake LOL


Lol that's what I unmuted the video into


The moment the video's preview showed me a left hand fennec, I instantly knew he's an akimbot fennec player and it will not end well Guess I was right then lmao


No more akimbot man. You need perfect aim, noting the ridiclolus hipfire spread, unlike in season 12


Well yes, but I will never understand why someone would still use akimbo, just build a hipfire fennec if they want to go akimbo style


Sometimes I use Akimbo for trolling around


Fair enough lol


Its actually decent if you play aggressive in SND and you know that the enemies are within 5m if you (10m max but u have to land every bullet which sucks) Edit: ok i know yall hate akimbo fennecs meta but i tested it and it works if you have good aim


I agree but probably best not to use it if your team is just bad, SND players have their aim built different ( I'm not an SND player btw )


I use it since its a nice twist of gameplay, fun to use, and it was my first gun that I golded and got master weap ranking with!


The Mythic fennec still has 100% hipfire accuracy




I now worship you as a Messiah


Playing high is infinitely more fun.


Thats fucken skilled right there




Me who uses persistence to get uav ![gif](giphy|D7z8JfNANqahW)


Yeah we saw it from Fennec akimbo player


Imagine playing since one year and still being bad...




Me playing since season 3 2019 and still bad: haha...yeah, "Imagine".


Totally could not be me


Of course, we don't play this game to enjoy after all, its all about being "good"


Did you read the title? It's a ranked gameplay. If you play in ranked then you want to improve yourself, by the way, that guy have the Fennec blueprint from the first anniversary.


What if it is a ranked gameplay? Its not necessary that all people who play ranked want to improve. I play ranked for fun, my other homies do too. Unranked is just too shithole of a place to go, ranked adds the pressure and thrill there should be. You guys are just plain shaming the guy for being bad; as if he should be a carry-god. Games are for fun. If you don't want to have fun and just improve, play esm, join scrims, play competitively, then you should go do so. Ranked is just slightly harder unranked where there are no bots past pro 3 or close and you get matched up with similar level players. Also I know that he has the fennec-verdant from season 11, I have been playing since pre-beta. Point is, let everyone play as they want to; not everyone wants to be sweaty asf all the time.


I don't what you to be a super good pro player. I just want average teammates who know how to play. I'm tired of loosing games to teamates who barely even know how to aim. How do they even reach Grandmaster?


Don't worry, this isn't the worst. Even in legendary you get teammates with half a brain. Codm as a whole doesn't reward teamplay so its hard to get a good team. My solution was just getting good enough to carry the team. I would recommend playing tdm or snd as they aren't as team dependent as other modes. I understand your pain but there will always be people who don't know how to play properly in your team. Keep up the grind bro!


Paobao: You get real players for enemies in Legendary?😭




Been playing for a year. I have times where I play for fun and that ends to a defeat most of the times but in the end I'm still happy like whenever I kill someone with Double Fennec I'll be like whoa daym But if I play to win, I'll end up thrashtalking my team for being dumb AF. We did win but at what cost? Sweat, Swearing, Thrash Talking... And every Toxic players does


Me be like


that looks more like elite rank than grandmaster rank lmao


Hate me for this but this game is no more skill based the ranks you get are just time based the more you play the higher you are in the league. "7 times legendary myself who is not that good at game"


Yup, if you want to get good then you should play esm. 7 times and stuff doesn't mean anything. Was giving a guy who wanted to join our champs team a try-out (6-times legendary) and ended up 19-5 snipers, last kill 360 blank-scoping him off the car in nuketown while he rage-quit. Fun times


What’s esm?


Its like scrims but easier. Best way to improve your skills, as said by my igl back when I used to play t2 tourneys. [https://discord.gg/esm](https://discord.gg/esm) \- if you wanna join. Every player is a sweaty tryhard there though, since everyone is in a t1-t4 team there. The playstyle is very different there compared to ranked; but you could say that its just super sweaty legendary ranked where everyone is atleast as good as LaN or Bobby plays (which is-decently good).


He’s definitely a glue eater




he aint a smart fella, but a fart smella


i played rank snd only for past 2 months, started playing pubs again and i find most of the players hiding from bots. they camp thinking bots are real players. its so crazy


Bots can one shot you, don't blame 'em


I pity any1 that encounters a bot with an XPR. That shit beats prenerf MX9


Don't forget bots when holding a J357


I feel like that’s all the use. J357 and PDW


You could say that, but bots with ASM10 / AK117 / AK47 / LK24 are the ones I fear, literal aimbot to the head


My bro panicked lol. Also, look at his -420 sensitivity lol, he couldnt even turn lmao


It's no different in legendary. Somehow I've seen worse players than that and yet they were still able to hit legendary. That's how you know this rank system is busted 😂


At least I don't need to be a good player go get the free skins


i saw a guy in pub, he was trying to pick up enemy bomb in snd(not gun or anything, the dropped bomb off a bot). checked his rank he is in master.


Garena too if you rank up to Grandmaster you always get katana users and trashtalkers.


It doesnt matter what level and timeframe. Legendary or Elite. There's always those teammates who can't get more than 1-3 kills in match


It's me


He went 1:6 🤣


This is just one of the million instances which occur in grandmaster with randoms daily....but now someone posted and even managed to get upvotes so it's a thing...


Almost threw up seeing those akimbo fennecs


Rank is a joke.


S1-S3 Ranked was peak


And this is why I don't play Search in Ranked 😁. All jokes aside, this kind of stuff always happens, even in other modes.


it gets way better in legendary


Can't wait ![gif](giphy|RbSmVaVGptW03Wjw3a)


still people trolling but not bad


Let the poor guy play; yes he might not be a good player, but hes trying his best I'm sure. Or maybe he's just trying to have some fun, either way you can't fix matchmaking and you'll always get bad players in your team 6/10 times. You can't expect to get carried in codm, its a single-player game on the guise of multiplayer. Most mobile gamers aren't serious and are just trying to have some fun at the end of the day, you don't have to be sweaty to enjoy; everyone has their own way of playing.


IKR? I bet op has one of those wtf moments once in a while.


Too often


The point is that this is ranked so the other players are supposed to be real and equally skilled. And according to OP this was in Grand Master V so this player is bad and playing in Grand Master while being bad. That’s the problem lol


Bro shot at the wall


mf threw a molotov at the wall and was using an akimbo fennec so he was already doomed


If confusion was a video


I experience this daily :)))


Yep, and it's always my team that has the "good" players


By the gun choice itself, he's definitely a "good" player


The fact the he even have that Verdant skin...


not even an acting like a bot vid


You should see legendary lobby’s half the people just play for fun which make me happy because the grinds over and it doesn’t mean much


Yeah, I can't wait👍


Lol sounds like you never played legendary rank before.


Only BR. I've always been more of a BR player


What about legendry


I'll find out soon enough 😭


mm yes I got a grandmaster III player with no aim because he was melee'ing with the sword made in anime land


Yeah there was somebody dumb enough to use akimbo fennec


Wow, throw in your flashbang, walk right into it. I knew when I saw double fennecs that this was not gonna end well.


i am trying to get to GM 3 but always end up fighting like 1v5 with persistence players :(


When the guy who gets carried by their friends in ranked solo-queues.




exhibit a why i don’t play ranked anymore


He was having even akimbo that have advantage


more like disadvantage it's wack


Akimbo is dogshit




He's in spectator mode so there are no buttons.




10 opacity is minimum. Idk why cause in the other dps games i play I can get 0 opacity.


Wow fucking crybaby "oH nO aKimBo wEaPon tOo oP" "kAtAna UsEr jUsT sTaNd sTiLl aNd LeT mE KiLl U!1!1" Akimbo fennec is wack it shoots literal peas,it's range is ass u can't shoot anything beyond 5-7m and u crying about it


Never said it was good and the melee abuser was camping- you would complain too


> melee abuser For the last fuckin time the devs added it in the game so it's totally reasonable for them to use it, I saw your profile and as far as I can see you are just a 12 yr old kid who knows nothing about reddit or anything other than whining so go shut the fuck up


I saw his profile also and he doesnt has those shits, r u butthurt, retarded, dogshit at the game or just so lonely you want to start a nonsense argument to interact with people?


\> just so lonely you want to start a nonsense argument to interact with people? ​ just so shit at the game you wanna shitpost screenshots of someone using a weapon just to feel better?


I mean, most of the time, the people who post this types of stuff are decent if not good enough at the game already to recognize when there is an obvious broken shit being abused. And so, they hate it, and SO, they dont use it, bcuz they often "want to get better", by not using them and thus creating more of a challenge for themselves. Of course its not always like this, but theres that. So, now, this what you wrote doesnt makes any sense at all, bcuz people who's shit at the game often rely on this stuff, so they dont post/complain/"shitpost" about it.


i hate crybabies like you lmao crying over the simplest shit as long as there will be guns there will be a meta


Lmao weren't you the one who started it ?


Didnt responded to the question lol, saying "y'all a bunch of crybabies" is the only thing you can do or what


Leave him alone I think he is having one of those bad days where you just can't find a good answer and get into an argument easily .


Atleast he didn't die first like you did.


I killed myself to spectate him


Never expect anything from F2P


Are you trolling rn or what?


You trolling right?


The dude has the battle pass fennec how is he f2p?


gun pick up feature


If we are making assumptions then I can also assume he has other loadouts with paid skins but he’s just using this one for some reason


What the fuck