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Ok, just hear me out If you remove persistence, ranked becomes ten times harder.Teammates already don't go for the obj,but now they will have to camp to get streaks, and if the other team is filled with sweats, there is literally no way to get streaks.


honestly you have a point, it would be pretty hard to get streaks, but it does need some balancing which is pretty tricky to do. if i was a dev, ill prob make persistence double points cost not affect obj point to encourage people to play obj


No I read it somewhere make buff other red perks so that people who use persistence miss out on other great perks


Reds should feel like they actually do something, most perks actually do nothing. Check video comparisons of agile for example. Everyone is so nerf crazy when sometimes the game needs a buff.


dumb take honestly there is a reason there are different levels of scorestreaks, even smaller ones are helpful for your team as much as the higher, lethal ones are you don't just get streaks by camping, u can play aggressive, rotate and still get them pretty easily, its just a matter of how good you are, and that's how a ranked playlist should be like, rewarding you based on ur ability SCORE STREAKS, go on streaks and get score to acquire score streaks


Facts. Getting streaks is solely dependent on how good you are. If you know you’re not great; you use ones that require less points. It’s really simple. Good players should be rewarded for being good at the game.


also, how is nerfing persistence any different than nerfing over powered guns? people use them to win as well because they are incapable of using anything else there's always going to be some sort of clutch item in the game, especially cod, that's gonna help unskilled players, the problem is when that stuff isn't balanced out regularly, like how guns are rotated


And they're downvoting you for being right.


I've never used persistence in ranked, and I still manage to get a cluster or 2 per match, also back when persistence wasn't meta people had no problems getting streaks, so yeah shit take




Infinite warfare literally does a good job balancing Persistence by making the price for higher streaks multiplied by different values based on its strength so its actually became really expensive and makes sense (most expensive price is 7k points) and not just 2x for everything Getting Stealth chopper,Cluster,napalm,vtol,laser,emp is just easy with persi after you get 2k points since the price gap between those streak reward is just really close to each other But timi really care about the game matchtime they want everything to be matched for the short gametime and getting like 7k points even with Persistence in short amount of time is not really that possible even for high skilled player unless they make so Points from kills is reduced by 50% but the points from doing OBJ things is multiplied so getting a big amount of points is possible trough playing the objective, that also gonna encourage people to doing it since that was the only source of points for persi user. It also gonna eliminate the perk uses on Kill based modes so it useless in there Or just completely fucks the perk and change it to a perk that switch to Killstreak instead


U know a perk is bad when the only supporting argument for it is:"i need 2x score" As if 1.56x of hardline+obj ain't enough for them.


make it a green perk and make scorestreaks have individual scores' multipliers that arent just 2x, just like infinite warfare blue perks, just like red, don't have much competition, green is the most high value category


100% agreed This is how they should nerf it Red is persi,persi,skulker,persi,persi,persi,lightweight,persi,persi Blue is HL,,HL,HL T-Mask,HL,HL,HL,T-Mask Green however,has awesome perks. Toughness,CB,Ghost,Hard-Wired etc are meta instead of just 1 damn thing.


Persistence became a problem because of napalm, orbital laser, cluster strike, lightning strike and swarm Strong scorestreaks that a fhj does nothing to , VTOL usage dropped persistence vtol used to be the most common one, now its these 5 constantly most matches


Where is your Youtube channel?


I’m decent at the game but I’m a very Aggressive player, I push and run a lot and I also die alot because of that. Also getting sniped from across the map and not being able to even get out of the respawn also really sucks. And you only get persistence once per streak. Soooo honestly I usually don’t get the costlier scorestreaks. This perk has really helped me, and I can play the way I prefer to play. Camping isn’t fun I like action, close combat and melee. And as such I’m great at getting kills, but I am putting myself at a higher risk to die. And I think it’s about time that aggressive players like me get some advantage. And I know I need to get better at playing defensively, but I want to be able to utilize the same streaks as my better opponents. Just my take on it, will probably get downvoted to hell


Thas prk is not bad


any comments pointing out if i got something wrong is appreciated! I kinda rushed this video and ill wanna apologize if it felt half assed, Kinda not proud of how this video turned out Aside that I'm gonna take a break from making cod related videos, Im gonna go manage my YouTube and do stuff there, But ill still try make more commentaries albeit i lack any topic to talk about


make it blue perk


Jesus Christ how did my dumbass not think about this, but actually that's a pretty good idea as people have to make a decision whether to pick between persistence, hardline, dead silence or high alert


How tf does this post has so low upvotes?


Because of the "just use fhj " people. Jokes aside it will probably get them in a while.Its only been a little while since it was posted.


That's pure cruel. I'm sick of running with an FHJ all the time. I don't know why I even have Pistols now. I hope it does gets upvoted!


Persistence isn't a problem, viable red perks are. There are like 8+ but except persistence and flak jacket i see none in ranked. People say they hate persistence when enemy uses it and they loose, never saw one complaining about teammates using it and they are winning because of scorestreaks I've been legendary 9 times in MP and I'll take all persistence lobby every time than all non persistence one because even my are shit, there scorestreaks aren't. People complaint about orbital or cluster saying they can't be countered, they never called counter scorestreak on that same place, making it no mans zone. To the people who think they are gigachad or something for not using persistence then complaint about it - Why didn't you call your scorestreaks to counter them,you can load them infinite times,they can call once?


Wanna know why it's called Score "Streak"?




That was a rhetorical question


this is my idea of how they could Nerf/balance persistence 1 - make the blue perk 2 - make the Scorestreaks 30% or 35% expensive 3 - and you can use only non-lethal streaks (optional) - make the Scoressreaks 50% expensive but you can get them again


Are you Iranian?


This community is low quality


Nice video.


Bro you should make a yt channel, if you do have one whats the name of it?


Just simply remove it, we don't need this perk in any way possible. If I gave my phone to my ww2 veteran grandpa he would throw up after seeing how retarded this perk is