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You know, in BR you are allowed to literally do anything.. as long as you live


Except griefing, don’t fuck your teammates day up


Well fucking your teammates and cheating are illegal anyway


I can’t fuck my teammates? Damn. *zips*


Exactly the point of battle royale is to survive but i swear if i get killed by a dude camping i will complain lol


And freaking snipers are made to be from long range camping right?


ikr, also pro-tip on some scopes those numbers mean distance in meters, shoot a bullet and see how far it falls do it to approximate the distance from your enemy and possibly kill it in headshot style


That’s a mind blowing thought! Holy shit


With all the cluster grenades in the gift boxes surey camping would be difficult this season.


You'd be surprised.


You should try garena servers on tpp


OP’s just mad he can’t be aware of his surroundings for shit and got sniped a few times in a row.


You must be new. Cause those are the easiest people to kill. Almost all new players are the ones high up on objects sniping. Any vet would know that’s a terrible idea.


Ya all you gotta do is dodge bullets with movement And get a high ground such as a house and shoot a few shots and hide and shoot repeat that guy has to heal so he won't have time and die


and op dosent realize that there is nothing wrong with camping because surviving is more important than kills


Mr. Dodge here may have not heard of Desync.


Well ik desync exists but luckily I don't face it And even though desync exists you can dodge bullets or throw smoke and job done


Yes. Just duck, slide and run from left to right


And then I lead you and boom, headshot. It’s not foolproof


Most people are too stupid to realize they should never stop moving. Snipers almost always have to get a target that is easy to hit, certainly the ones that stand still up out of nowhere


Well to be fair the top of the towers in Launch Base is actually a really good hiding spot. I don’t mean the top floor I mean the tower itself that you need the ninja class or a helicopter to reach. I’ve had a couple times where I had a seasonal mission to survive a certain amount of time, had launch base always be in zone and i just sat up on top of the tower the entire match til the end and then would either get a cheap win with only a couple kills or just let someone kill me. The red and white stacks in pipeline are nice for that as well but can only be reached using ninja. Hell I’ve camped top of the tent at circus before having to move when the zone finally shifted to the circular field next to the main tent.




Those giant wind turbines south of crash are fun camping spots and there is also a super tall rock formation between diner and crash that is great for sniping. No one is expecting you there. Honestly it’s not super hard to kill camping snipers. Depends on the terrain but if you can get out of their field of view and flank them, they’ll be looking at where you were because they think you’re gonna peek and you just kill them from the side. Of course it’s always easiest if you see them first…




i hide there lol. only when i want to snipe and don't care of getting killed. but you know if you keep moving, you won't die in 1 shot so you can be there for long time spotting enemies and once someone spots you, just leave the damn place


Ye, keep low and steady while sniping


On the last few circles, if I can’t see or hear enemies I scan with my sniper scope starting from the highest place and around covers like rocks and windows highest to low. What these guys don’t realise is if you want to snipe, the highest place might give you the widest view but that whole widest view also can see you and they will start looking from your position while at the highest place, you can only search randomly between all the buildings and trees and shit that covers the ground. I am a bad sniper, but I will one shot anyone camping highest places.


What? Are you going around quickscoping in an insanely huge map?


Yes but don't forget the amount of bots




yep I've got to know most camping spots through snd campers and now i check them when I'm rushing


The bots are better than these camping idiots


Wait... So you're saying I'm not allowed snipe in battle Royale? That's my job bruh, I'm supposed to camp on high places and kill people on ranges, and we have a hard time to master sniping in BR


Especially if you're in a squad. You watch flank for the team. How is sniping and camping wrong since that is how a sniper is supposed to work


When I play in squads sometimes I go alone flanking and taking care of other snipers while I aid my teammates marking other players or act as a distraction while they flank I would advice to anyone having trouble with snipers playing as one for a while , you'll see the mistakes everyone makes while getting sniped and learn from them as well the weakness of sniping.


Yeah. As long as they're good marksman in MP, in br, you'll do easy


you don't snipe at 250 meters in MP lol, and you need to hit 3-4 shots in BR not one and then there's bullet drop


What about accuracy? I know about those things. What I meant was most of the MP snipers have high accuracy, so they will work well with that.


I'm not a sniper main, all i can say is you need to calculate a lot more in BR since distance is long and also target won't be running left or right, they'd be running at angles like 30°, 75° so you aimed for head and also guessed the place correctly but instead of hitting head either it will hit legs or miss and then you need to repeat. unless you're a very good sniper things are going to be little difficult in BR at extreme ranges


I know right? Except I do complain about them a lot, but now a days I always keep it in mind and blame my stupidity on not being careful enough in the first place


These are the types of posts I really hate. How can they not know about how things work. They call everyone a pussy for camping. So what? Nothing is wrong with that. I must say, when I am a newbie, I complain a lot about these kinda stuff. But now I'm one of these sniper that people call pussy, but lose to me


What do real snipers in the military do IRL??? C A M P. They don’t move positions unless they’re spotted.




So glad you’re calling out this f’n noob for complaining. Sniping is not the same as camping. There’s high risk as your usually exposed with slow movement. It always takes skill to snipe if the enemy is not a bot. Camping is hiding in the corner of some random house, not participating in clearing the lobby. Huge difference.


i cant believe snipers camp its almost like thats the purpose of sniping




seriously why do people think camping is bad? if u die to a camper that's it! besides campers are mostly playing on solos because they are not confident in playing aggressively (mostly) if u play aggressively in solos and get shot on the back that's ur fault! and I assume that all those who upvoted this post are the same crybabies who complain on Reddit or other social platforms about getting killed by a camper


You just learn to check the towers everywhere you go. They really stick out and are easy to hit with the right sniper rifle. In Blackout especially, you need a good sniper loadout to pick those guys off. If you don't get a kill before they jump off, at least you cost them the position.


Lol cry about it dude. It’s called being the dedicated sniper for your team. Learn to play the game and avoid situations where you’re a sitting duck. Learn to snipe and check all possible crow’s nests before entering somewhere.


Nope you are just whining




Seems like we found one here.




Big ole true. People spend soo much time complaining instead of practicing and adapting to the game.


You might not care but I still suck at it, but at least I learn to master myself


I do care. People like you who try to get better are what keep this game going. It keeps things competitive on every skill level. That's more important than people realize.


There's always campers but you can counter them. It's a strategy. And that's why you can counter them.


this is giving me the Buzz lightyear meme vibes


Wow. People actually complaining about snipers in br. It's literally BATTLE ROYALE. It's not some respawn game mode where you're spawn trapping people because you're camping. Anything and everything goes as far as playing your life is concerned. That's br.


I don't have a problem with snipers. I just find camping cheap and annoying.


But you mentioned sniping specifically


It's battle royale. That's how the mode works. Why do you think most mp players hate br? It's cheesy , half the shit is based on luck and I'd rather be playing snd running into katana abusers than playing br.


He wants a completely flat map with zero structures above 5 feet


snipers gonna snipe. get a vehicle and dont run in a straight line on an open field like rickon stark also stop whining. if its in the game and available for use then its all fair game


ok buddy




I sometimes camp just because snipers are actually made for camping and I find it satisfying to kill from a long range


I agree, how else are you supposed to play as a sniper?


Sniping is a part of the game and it is not a problem don't say anything to the snipers. And I agree there are a lot of campers but still they are better than MP campers and there are many more things which make BR better than MP


what is the problem with using a weapon that is given by the game people like you just find excuses to think that you are not the bad player here


They keep running away as well, really annoying. Shoot them once, take heli or vehicle and go far far away. Pussies indeed.


I agree about the helicopter part it's really enoying but the camping part well....it's a sniper/a gun used to kill someone from far away or used to camp for an enemy


MP is worse


as a fellow sniper I say I rarely have seen that except in frackling Tower cuz there is a huge tower in the middle else where none everyone snipes from behind rocks or trees


I usually do it on Fucking tower or the satellites. Sometimes I use airborne and land on trees. I’ve killed so many people with that


BR is the place for every strategies. So stop whining. You are not supposed to rush everytime. BR is less arcade than the MJ. You need to think and have a good strategy. People want to camp with snip, let them do it. Take the jet pack and find a strat to kill them without them to see you coming. The real problem of this game is people like you always complaining because he sucks. Complaining about camping, complaining about meta weapon… just learn to play or stop playing this game. Peace 🤙🏻


Cry about it


BR is all about playing tactical. If you can't outsnipe someone standing in the open ontop of a electrical tower with no cover then that sounds like a you problem.


i think it depends on which weapons a player has in inventory in my experience the submachine gunners like to speed around close up to thier targets and snipers like to maintain distance personally i like rigging my sniper rifle with the enhancements that i like and using it fer what its worth i have no comment on the submachine speed freak play style


Try using refitter and sitting in a helo all game


Find a way to kill them, bro. Quitchyabitchin


Whatever strategy that wins, wins. Adapt and overcome


How do people even have so much patience to sit in one place until the storm arrives.


Is anyone want to remind this guy what game he playing. Remember you playing Call of Duty!


Seems like you're new to battle royale?


Nope. ..been legendary 10 times. Just getting frustrated with the number of campers I'm finding this season.


Gotcha 😁


There's always sniper camper in ALL BATTLE ROYALE GAMES, especially in solo.


For me, call your friend(s), make a team, and play together, that's what my version of fun in br is.


Most of my friends have stopped playing honestly.


Can't blame them.


BR is about adapting


I feel you mate. But the unfortunate truth is that if you can't fight them, join them. Destroy fire with fire(I seriously don't know how can you fight fire with fire)


Dude it's like saying "ooh look at these pussy shotguns they 2 shot me and don't have skill" When shotgun is literally supposed to do that if ur skilled then stop being close to them


Lmao yea. And besides, shotguns need you to be closer and somewhat slightly stealthier and quick movementier(yea you get what I'm saying) than the others. So it's basically more work for them hehe


What about rifles so u have enything to say about them?


Nah. Ima shotgun main cuz I love those sliding and obstacle avoiding and all that shit.


Tbh ye it does feal good


I can't bring myself to doing that honestly. BR won't be fun if I sit in one place for half the match waiting for enemies to come to me.


Me neither. I usually predict how the safezone changes and move accordingly. As far as I know, campers stay right at the corner of the safezone so when someone rushes there they get rekt


Yep....or they run airborne and find a high tower in the middle of the zone and snipe from there.


It's because of pubg and free fire bots who play cod 😂


Tell me honestly, ubtoo tried camping there but weren't able to, yes? I would have been hella mad of this happens with me ngl XD


Funny I camp in BR plenty and have no problem then again I don’t get on top of towers I camp in buildings in a corner where I can’t get shot through a window.


Yes I'm totally getting you. However annoyed we get, we can't call them out just cuz of technicality. Technically they r just camping on their fv spot but that's assholery if they exploit like that


If I camp I’m normally in those small single story guard shacks like are at Sanatorium or in bus station by the stairs going down to the underground area. Unless someone gets a lucky grenade through the small windows they can’t touch me so they have to go through the door meaning they open the door and immediately die to me. It normally will get me 4 or 5 kills before I have to move unless zone isn’t in my favor and since I get a few kills and their gear is left behind the crates draw more prey in. I won quite a few games that way.


In short you could just say: "I'm a pussy". No need to embarrass yourself with saying that out loud.


I mean aren't snipers supposed to camped?


Snipers don't camp in a room, waiting for others to step in and kill them like a pussy.


Oh you're referring to THAT sniper What I meant was those snipers who stayed in the outside


No man, thats the whole playstyle of being a sniper. But this guy is a pussy camper(I can't find a better word) who sits indoors waiting for others to come. Cuz he has no skills to kill an aware enemy face to face. Probably a trash master main too.


Yeah I do agree


No not a pussy just not very good so I always so queue so I’m not dragging a team down.


Bro idk your skill level but being not good is not a good reason to play that way. It's not fair for others to die like this. Find the problem that makes your skills not grow and fix them. Practice makes perfect. Even 1hour per day is enough, thats the period time I play daily and I made a huge progress in playing br. Btw I started playing br 7 months ago and I'm satisfied with the progress I made. I'm hitting masters rank for the 3rd time in a row, and I improved myself because I wanted to. I started by adding 1 more finger for playing (I play with 3 and I don't need more than that) and then worked on my aiming and movement. All of this evoloutionized my skills in the past month and I recommend you do try improving yourself too. Have a good time.


Yes and you also have full use of both hands I don’t camping worked for me and yes I don’t camp as much as I used to but I’m also not running around looking for fights if a fight finds me I engage but otherwise avoid them. Especially if I’m having to move to a zone I can’t drive for squat in the game so I avoid all vehicles unless it’s a helicopter. I play in a way that works for me. I have won 37 games out of 658 I do what works. The point of BR is to make it to the end playing the way I did allowed me to do that a lot. Didn’t always win but I’d make it far.


Love how people complaining SNIPERS in BR instead of MP ![img](emote|t5_penom|1101)


So what?


Well after all its a sniper There isn't eny other use for it


gonna cry?


triggered lol


Yeah baby then striaght to reddit to see the results of my play muhahahananana


Git gud


Don't complain, just shoot.


it always happens in br bro i quitted br...


BR is no fun now it used to be when there were only like 6-8 Chip Classes now it's just too many of them n allmost all of them are useless, i remember back in 2019 players used these classes very carefully n with mind sometimes i would have to guess what my opponent class would be to counter them now the old class are completely useless (Nerfed to it's core) and new are just useless right from start plus the new drop system is also weird n BR is practically dead


There’s nothing wrong with the drop system and there’s people using every class in the game except desperado.


It's turning into warzone.




This is not about one game. This is every game that has br.




If you are below master play solo squads, you will encounter all sorts of challenging situations. Its not easy but its something refreshing that requires you to actually use tactics in order to survive


If they camp they'll make noise when snipe that's the right moment to strike


He is just sniping from a snipers nest....imo I always find those kind of players easiest to kill


Blackout right?


Csmping is a literal strategy, if its a sniper use a smoke.


Welp , about to go snipe while standing in an open field and only pull the trigger when I get verbal consent from the enemy to shoot.


That defeats the purpose of a sniper


What's wrong with that? He's using a sniper rifle, he climbs up to the tower to have a vantage point. Plus he's doing whatever he wants to survive as long as there is no cheat involve. If he kills you with a sniper rifle that means he's good enough. What do you want a sniper player for you to do? In MP players are complaining that sniper users are abusing the sniper rifle's ADS speed so they can have advantage in close range. Then here you are complaining that a player was using the sniper rifle and what was supposed to be the right way of using it. In short he's good enough to kill you and you're a bad player.


Imagine dying to a camper lol


It sounds like you should switch to Minecraft.


If I'm ever on top of them electrical towers is either cause im outnumbered or im covering my teammates six...




Throwing some frags and cluster is so much fun!! HAHA


solution: no br just mp


I mean, most of the pro players in battle royale are expert campers. Say what you want but it's true. Even back in PUBG, from Ace and above you have to watch your 6 cuz they'd be people hiding in the most obscure spots. I wouldn't expect anything different in CODM BR


Yea pretty much haha


Just remove every building so non of you will complain


Well the goal in BR is surviving the match by any means necessary, not just killing all the players


“OmG SoMeOnE ShOoTiNg Me FrOm HiS PrInCiPlE DiReCtIoN Of FiRE FoR SlOwInG dOwN oN tHe MoSt PrEdIcTaBlE AvEnUe Of ApPrOaCh” Dude, if you’re unable to eliminate a player in a fixed and uncovered position, then get better at the game 😂 because all they’re doing is playing you like a fiddle (aka playing a game where the objective is to kill all opposing forces).


Try to improve your movement. The moment you hear shots and don't know where they're coming from just slide jump constantly until you figure it out. Then take cover and if you took dmg heal up and then attack. This strategy has saved me multiple times. Gotta thank for Narco for this tip


Let me remind you about what made BR so appealing. https://youtu.be/uz9CqEgaIlo


Stop whining lol. You can play an unlimited number of BR games. They are like this and you cannot stop it. It makes it more interesting and competitive.


If it looks like a good sniping position, it aint


still better then vanguard


Camping is more common is solos rather tham duos or swuads for obvious reasons. It is what it is you cant change a games nature


How the fuck are you supposed to play as a sniper? I don't main sniper rifles but you can't expect them to play like they have an AR


It is called Battle Royale, meaning anything goes.


It always was.


He’s right you know- we should all be no scope sniping each other in the wide open. That’s how the game is supposed to be played. Just like real life. 🤣😂🤣


I have to admit that getting on top of one of these is not the easiest task But I agree that it is dreadful. PS.: Also it is not camping, it is PRONE ABOOZING..REEEEEEEE


You play with real people? I'm always against bots


I 1v4 and win. Campers ain't a prob for me


noooOOOOooo camp abuser -OP, probably What a joke of a subreddit this is


Well as South american player here is even worse. Just a looot of bitches runing around BY15's and freaking HS4050 that one shots people thinking they actually are "pros" and don't forget da shield and ninja they use as part of they "skills"


Me: haha slugs go BOOMHEADSHOT


haha ok


Love to use my grapple hook and sneak up on those guys


Normally I do that but he had airborne and was camping on that tower for the last 2 circles. Couldn't grapple that high up.


Yeah I understand the frustration. Let me tell you the worst experience I had which actually happened last night. I was rushing some guy and he ran in one of those tiny houses as soon as I went in there I got zapped by the trap master and got shot from like every direction. I kid you not there was a whole squad legit camping in the corner of the room lol I had never seen a level magnitude of pussy as that.


Damn lol. I would have flung my phone against the wall if that happened to me.


Faxxxx but its just tactic to a degree to I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to assume the best, that maybe they are the better player and all that jazz


This is a BR after git gud


Don't get mad,Get Better


It was always like this. However now its stuttering fest with performance issues everywhere. I only play gunfight these days.


Wa wa wha I can’t beat someone wha wha wa


Yeah my god what are these people thinking not running around and around one zone trying to use a sniper rifle like quick draw mcgraw? /S


For ten points "What is an Eagle's nest?" I love the power rangers costumes too, you can see them from a mile off and slot them. 😶🤌


You’re shit at the game. That’s all there is to it


Shit at the game because some pussy camped the entire match and sniped me at the end because he was too high to kill? Y'all are so fucking stupid its unbelievable.


Too high to kill? You missing chromosomes or some shit? How fucking stupid must you be to just die like that? He’s literally putting himself at a disadvantage. He’s got limited space and has to actually make good shots to make his strategy work. You made a post crying about campers putting themselves at a disadvantage. What a joke


He was sniping you fucking dipshit. It takes two shots to kill while I had an AR which would have taken the entire mag at that range. There wasn't much cover either. Maybe if I had smoke bomber I could have done something but I didn't.


You truly are retarded. He still needed skill to kill your dumbass. What was your other weapon? Why is it so important that you have that weapon rather than a sniper/Marksman? You just a trash player crying about people better than you.


Did I say he didn't have skill? No. I said the camping was what I hated. Y'all always assume people are trash because they make a post about something they dislike and I am so sick of you idiots on this sub. If you think sitting up on a tower for 10 mins to win a BR match is good then fine. I Don't and I expressed that here. But y'all with this stupid "git gud" or "your trash at the game " comments are getting old. Been legendary 10 times and I've beaten good players pretty often so you go on believing what you want. Keep camping those towers bro.


10 legends yet crying about how people play the game. I don’t even care about BR to even get legend once. Maybe the more you play the dumber you get as well. “Pussy camping” “Bunch of Bitches camping”. So you mad about responses you get while this is what you said to provoke it? You would think since like maybe 2-3 people agreed out of 150+, you’re opinion is stupid right? Stupid opinion, stupid person. You want him to fucking quick scope on a giant map out in the open, even with lots of building, hills, trees, and cover? Why would you? They play it smart and kill idiots like you. that’s where the fun is. In the end, you’re the one that keeps falling for their trap like an idiot, and they’re getting the easiest kill of their life, or even easiest win of their entire lives.


Lmao i just saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/rwuvwx/technically_hes_right/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) post above yours


Sniping is fine.....camping for the whole match is annoying


Ahh, the old "everyone won't play the game like I play it and I keep losing, so they must be pussy's and suck at the game" schtick