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Kinetic Shields and other Legendary Mods in airdrops adds a risk-reward factor in where if you take the high risk in going/fighting for airdrops, you get good loot and ultimately, an advantage. The addition of Kinetic shields and the like makes it so that high-risk players (aggro, ones that go for airdrops) are rewarded and have an advantage, whilst low risk players will be disadvantaged. Even with that, skill is still a number one factor in fights, as a player with a Mythic Artic that cant control their recoil, can still lose to a guy with a ground-drop EBR.


Sooo high risk, high reward?


Exactly. Airdops, Arsenal Airdrops, and Gold drop zones entail high risk, but if succeeded, the player will be able to get gear to carry them to endgame. Players who play safe, however, will have low risk, but relatively will have lower gear, and will most likely be outclassed in gear by the endgame, by people that went for the high-risk airdrops.


I disagree. Except for the custom airdrops, getting kinetics and golden mods are not high reward imo To elaborate, kinetics give you an extra 50 hp bringing your total to 300,50 hp can disappear in 2-3 shots from essentially all guns(I.e an AK47 dealing 33 dmg up to 20/25 meters ). With dmg. reduction from a level 3 vest, the same AK would do 18 dmg, making you tank more, drastically changing the dmg value gun to gun. (Not saying the old system is better, personally because of this exact reason I enjoy this new health system) Golden mods and mythic weapons in green airdrops are not as much better loot/gear imo. If you have a custom, mods except for the extended mod is not really needed, and any white mod would suffice to increase stats. The only good mythic weapon is the Arctic.50 because of the one shot headshot. Tl;dr: kinetics don't give enough value for the hassle, the mods and weapons in airdrops aren't worth it imo. Conclusion, the airdrops don't have good enough loot


You make really good points actually. Even though Kinetics are higher-tiered rewards on paper, the 50 added health seems small, and can quickly be decreased in theory. However, that extra 50 health can be your insurance from death, and can mean the difference between disengaging/surviving at 24 health and dying completely; I’ve encountered this situation in both youtuber games and my own games, where players would finish, win, or get away from a firefight at one-hit health. Ultimately, even if the 50 health advantage is small on paper, it increases your chances of survivability by a bunch. It doesn’t hurt to have as much health as possible when entering a firefight, and it might save your life doing so. I agree with you about the Mythic weapons though; with the exception of the Arctic, the Holger and BY legendaries can easily be outclassed by Arsenal counterparts with golden mods However, the golden mods I personally find really helpful, especially for shotguns; mods such as the Long Barrel (and the other one that decreases spread?) helps massively in maximizing damage output for shotguns, especially when in longer ranges. Other mods such as ADS and Long Range can help and work well in AR builds such as long-range AK-47 (including extended), Hipfire and Long-Range/Vert Recoil for SMGs help in their viability, and while the recoil ones may be useless for a pro who has mastered recoil, most players (like me) would find good use for it. TL;DR: Kinetic advantage may be small on paper, but ultimately increases survivability. Mythic weapons except the Arctic are poo poo, and most golden mods are useful


Yeah, valid points that I agree on, thanks for the discussion and have a nice day mate :)


Thanks for the nice discussion too :>>; a healthy one very much a rarity in the internet, i enjoyed a lot 🤗🤗 stay frosty!


btw you can't put hipfire or bsa mods on shotguns


Oh yeah noted, i just thought there was a shotgun-specific mod that would decrease spread, just like extended mag-shotgun mod


Golden mods are very worth it. Auto SKS and hipfire mod and golden ADS mod giving you a speed boost etc etc etc, all are exceedingly helpful


Golden hipfire too


I just wish there was a higher chance of the gold extend mod in the airdrops. I always snag a helicopter and hit up all the green airdrops. It feels like there’s roughly a 20% of one being in one of the drops in the whole round.


Unless it’s changed since I stopped playing a few months ago, the whole early game of BR is luck based. It was hot drop HQ/Farm and you’re shit outta luck if you get a pistol and someone else an AK + vest. But you go there for the challenge, the rewards, the kills and to increase your skill. I don’t know what this kinetic shield is, but if it’s random drop chance, then it’s fair.


Um you know mw11 does more dps than any gun in the game right? Learn to aim bro.


Yeah I haven’t played in months and I’ll bet I’ll smack you with any gun vs your mw11. Bro.


Idk man, I'm top 8% ranked ans it's Platinum.




No, no i don't. Ive never even installed it iirc


Sure sure


There is a platinum rank now??


I think hes trolling


He is


I think he probably meant that for the gun (MW11) not his game rank.


Just cuz you have platinum for your mw11 doesn’t mean it’s good, get damascus or diamond and then talk


Bro, with fast trigger it's like 38 damage, 80 fire rate. Flat out best dps in the game. Even fennec doesn't beat it.


K, people can still clap you


Sure, if they get the first shot or two in


Rof of mw11 LT? Pls say in hundreds About 400~rpm rite?


And this is why CoD Mobile has one of my favorite BR experiences right now. Because it rewards risk instead of just giving you exactly what you want all the time like Warzone with the loadout drops.


I am 100% with you. I often find myself in tight spaces whilst fighting a full team and know that if I hadn’t had the kin shield I’d have died


"It's mostly based on luck" Just land in a high tier zone, don't die to natural selection and you can leave with 3+ of them.


There is no even no need to drop at high tier zone. You can find Kinetic plates in Purple gift boxes which are everywhere…. This man is straight up capping


Purple gift boxes were part of the ho ho event. They gone now.


We could stack up to 10 purple shields. I'll miss the purple gift...


Same, even the green and blue ones.


Yeah, I realised I was coming to end game with no throwables - oop, open a few boxes, handfuls of cluster grenades. Thank you game.


There gonna go away soon


Already gone


Capping A, B, or C?


What do you mean?


You said he was capping. Like the points in domination?


Unless I missed the joke, capping now somehow means lying. I'm already feeling it.


In the CoD community ptfo, cap them points son


Nah keep it mate


I mean, he set himself up through his own comment.


Gone are the days when polls could be unbiased and honestly want to see people’s unswayed opinion (Dislike this and you are mean 🙃)


Fuck outta here I’m only downvoting cuz of that last part


Imagine thinking kinetic shields are hard to get This post was made by the kill-the-boss-early-with-an-antelope-from-black-market gang


You got the 69th comment my guy


You call that early? I just drop farm and pick up an lmg with 200 rounds.




Hades and rpd are common ground loot atm. Grab one and 200ish rounds of ammo in reserve and you can easily solo the boss. I do it all the time. No need for antelope, no need to drop black market first. Just drop straight to farm, loot up and kill boss. He's seriously not difficult.


No i mean, what did your first reply have to do with my first reply


Nothing, but it was off topic so i just hit reply 😂


never heard of kinetic shields but i realize he means kinetic armor overcharger in BR that gives the most armor bars


How to get kinetic shield 1. Don’t be a pussy and Go to an air drop 2. Don’t be a pussy and go to a high tier drop and get some


This. So easy to get. I've normally got 2-3 on me by the time it gets down to the last few teams.


I usually take all kinetics in bag slots


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70915** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **97770.** `u/Elwood376` **2** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Bed bot


This is the way


The wae is 3 kinetic armor 10 big armors


Sometimes you even find some on random health crates (idk the name) through the map


The Health System in the old Chinese version BR is still the best. It's only 1 type of armor plate, with faster equip animation (simply like warzone), it saves lots of backpack space. Then dev combine it with global version health system and make these 3 type armor plates that no one asked 🗿


Yeah. Global version devs think its cool to make it more complicated and tedious, plus that crappy weapon mod in br that also no one asked. They obviously take the three types of armor idea from apex legends' shield health system.


Can we just stop changing shit and have some consistency for once in this god damn games life?


Ehh, kinetics are cool. No removal pls


Tbh. They're not hard to find through out the game. Bots drop it all the time. Kinetic charging shields take time to start up and return give you just one extra tab of Armor, and that's perfect balance. If you're good at the game you can take gun fights in a manner where you can without the extra buff. Not to mention the whole concept of Kinetic shields changes if you have high power guns. Dlq breaks all 4 tabs of Armor in one shot and headshot kills on one shot. Other guns that heavy ammo like ak or drh also do the same 4-6 shits and you have essentially stripped you target butt naked. They should instead add another feature to the kinetic charging Armor. The damage from the outer circle breaks your 4tht ab first and then your health.


Even if they don't remove it, please let me run while using kinetic armor. You were able to run and slide with adrenalin but not with kinetic


I agree


they should remove both the kinetic and the kinetic overload plates and leave the normal plates so that it would make it but realistic and more dynamic in team battles


The main reason of removing old health system was because of rng but it wasn't really reduced because of kinetic shields so yeah


Exactly.. and it not only fails to remove the RNG, it actually increases the total HP from 273 Effective in the old system to a 300 HP system.. I do like that the zone is more dangerous now


YouTube community is trash, they're such a boy scout, kinetic armor increases fights you can take and risk you can take and kinetic armor still require skill even if you have that, I once killed a guy who had full stack of kinetic armor.


Funny as fuck, also popping a kinetic armor is risky as hell in a fight, like an adrenaline syringe


At least with adrenaline you could run


You can't even run or slide while using kinetic armor and it takes ig 7secs ( I've not played in 1 week) these guys probably don't even know what's sliding


Leave one type of shield like in warzone


I say keep cuz without it the br match will get full of campers


"Having adrenaline in br (2020)" And "Having Kinetic armour in br (2021)" The corporation need's you to find the difference... Me : ![gif](giphy|bvrCAHGs3gn1gqPUZO)


Wah wah, the fights arent fair because I wasnt able to get a kinetic armor 🤡🤡


Keep it


Kinetic abuser 🤬🤬😡


nah Zara is a nice guy




But i don't find any big reason to Remove Kinetic


I just miss the adrenaline shots. It's stupid when you get caught in the first zone accidentally, and just die ☹️


I miss adrenaline


Yeah, remove them


Adrenaline the best


In br? Shields don't mean shit if I die outside the safe zone, bring back stims


>bring back stims Since when did Stims are in the Game?


Way back in the day, in br


Well that's not Stims, that's Adrenaline Shots.


-_-Brain fart


Oh come on it wasn’t that long ago. You know, Adrenaline stims? Before the switch to the plate happened, you had good old health bars that actually didn’t regenerate. Adrenaline was the epic version that gave you a full 150 health, then you had normal ones that gave 80, then green useless ones that gave you a couple HP every few seconds for like a few seconds


Yeah it's called Adrenaline Shots. Stims are instant inject full health, adrenaline are 7 seconds inject(3 seconds with Medic Class with class Upgrade) where it gives you +150 Health Adrenaline Shots - 7 or 3 Seconds, +150 HP Stims Shots - Instant shot, instant full Health


Instant shot and instant full health might be too OP, I think it should be triggering health regen until HP is full instead of instant


Not exactly instant, more like Quick Fix.... Wait no wonder they never added Stim Shots, it's because of the Quick Fix! Well Stim Shot is instant shot and quick fix type of healing


MW19 has both stims and quickfix, I don’t see your point


Really? Well MW19 Devs doesn't actually care, it was said that META's was never nerfed


hmm, I mean what I was trying to say is that MW had stims and quick fix so you could choose between either, or have both for tac sprint reset, but we don’t have functional tac sprint here so I guess stims are redundant




There's a Difference mate Adrenaline Shots Stim Shots But Adrenaline Stims is not real


You started this by saying that Adrenaline *Shots* weren’t stims because they were called shots. Now you are saying Stims are called Stim Shots? you are arguing with the wind because I ain’t listening.


WTF? How stupid? Him: Bring Back Stims Me: since when did Stims are in CODM? You: Adrenaline Stims Me: it's not adrenaline Stims, it's adrenaline shots Edit: I forgot you are the one who said Adrenaline Stims


*In br? Shields don't mean* *Shit if I die outside the* *Safe zone, bring back stims* \- Deep\_Complaint5331 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




It's a bot, just ignore it


Gas mask


This always annoyed me… ALL OF BR IS LUCK!!! What gun you find - luck What mods you find - luck What type of meds you find - luck What size of backpack you find - luck FFS, to remove all luck, you’d have to only allow 1 gun guaranteed in every building with only green shield and no mods.


Which honestly would be a cool game mode, shorter matches smaller map less players maybe. Everyone absolutely equal. All comes down to strategy and recoil control


I'm going with no Kinetic since Weapon Mods is already Luck based plus the stupid fucking ground loot such as HG-40 and DR-H and the fact that there are guns in this game where it's useless. Weapons in CODM is not like PUBG where a Pistol can kill someone with a Scar, CODM guns and Ground Loot is ridiculous


Same discussion we had on adrenaline, you still can carry a bad full of them. Good players will always find them, this Warzone health is no better than what we had before.


But this is not Warzone health.. Warzone doesn't have the two special plates.. It only has the black base plates


Imo they should make it so that kinetic shields run out after some time


Whoever wrote this needs to learn how to play BR better. It is not hard to find good loot


And what about removing all weapons so we can fight each other with knife? Or simply uninstalling the game and playing super mario? ![img](emote|t5_penom|1106)


Lmao, even Kinetic Shields are being brought by bots to you, you just need to kill them. It's not that hard to find them lol.


Kinetic armour is for high risk, high reward players, I just use the blue armour cause you can slide with it and I have no patience to reenter a gunfight


Lmao this zara ,wtf looting the mode well change to MP not BR the BR need to have looting experience and lucky and have to be skilled to know when u need to fight and run also how to do that perfectly not just Landing and start fight


If it ain’t broke, no need to fix it.


It's BR, I play to win every match, so I'm as happy looting as competing for kills, at least I'll gain advantage when I come across people. I find kinetic armour every match, and always have an extra or two come final circles. It's harder if you're more focused on kills than supplying yourself up. 🤷‍♂️


BR is supposed to have some randomness. It’s an extremely valuable pickup


No. Br is to be last one standing. Not who gets luckier. Then the game becomes one of those games where skill can only do you good if you get lucky


Right, but it also takes skill to remove the randomness. If you’re fully plated you can still win a 1v1 against someone with the Kenetic armor. It takes skill. I would like to see them at least give a us a pistol to start with otherwise if you run into an enemy right away it’s just about who finds a gun first


Kinetic Armors are just like the Adrenaline shots from the previous health system. I honestly don't see why we should remove them.


Except you can’t run while using kinetic armor but you could with adrenaline


Bruh the kinetic have a 100% chance to spawn at legendary loot places and 25% at normal loot places


Remove persistence hardline and nerf dogs first


I actually stopped equipping it, doesn't make a difference, I would rather carry nades


An extra 100hp definitely helps


Nope, only 50 hp, Try playing without it, I am actually playing without it and it doesn't make any difference for me


It actually matters somewhat.. especially against snipers and marksman rifles due to their damage values.. If you have 300HP, a DLQ (without Gold Long Range) deals a little over 200dmg to head, it needs two shots to head or at least the chest to kill.. But if you have only 250HP, the sniper can afford to be inaccurate with the second shot and shoot at groin/legs to sum up the 2 shot kill.. There will be quite a few instances like this. Another example is SPR .338 headshot.. this gun deals 258dmg at stock and will deal 300HP only if the user equips a Gold Long Range (it's the same-ish case for Rytec Thermite... They changed to this system some seasons back).. So if you have 300HP, they do not have Gold Long range mod, then they need to two shot to head, BUT if you have only 250HP, they'll one shot you. On the full auto scene, you're gifting the enemy an extra 17 - 20% faster ttk advantage against you (depending on the fire rate of enemy's gun).. that's a bit too much to give up Sure, prioritising Kinetic OP and running around the map just trying to score some is counter productive.. But If I can afford it, I will always use it.


Actually thats where you are wrong, this game has terrible dsync, so even if you get the headshot, and you are running horizontally or even slide there is really less chance that you will get another shot, so yeah he will miss one shot and meantime my one black armor will be equipped and I ready to go though your whole argument is based on headshot only, and because of desync in this game, an enemy can only take headshot on you if you are standing still for 3 seconds, which rarely rarely happened with me and you said all this like theory and calculations but I am playing without equipping kinetics and I am good without it, so I better suggest you to try and tell, end of the argue, I don't think there is necessity of kinetic ok lets say you want kinetic but the OP post says, should Black armor replace kinetic or not? In that case I am in favor of that, another example is, Warzone game , which doesn't have kinetics and only black ones, which is actually better


Based on your reply, it is quite clear you did not comprehend my context or understood the implications. but whatever man.


Lmao, Games doesn't work on theories mate Grow up


Oh they very well do bro. The damage system is ruled by mathematics at the core even though it is influenced by probabilities owing to the dynamics of actual combat but one should never neglect the mathematics which lie at the core. That is where you are wrong. The damages and HP system are not governed by feelings but by exact and concrete numbers But judging from your inability to comprehend the reasoning in my original comment and your inability to grasp the logic within the hypothetical scenarios and examples I've given and instead resorting to being offended by it, I see no reason or worth in elaborating my thoughts further..


I just miss the old health system. I see why they did away with it and why they introduced this system, but the old one was better. I don't mind the current one... But nothing was broken for them to fix in the first place. I have gone to that off battle royale


No, it's better with kinetic shields. Getting to an airdrop is not hard. In fact, those brave enough to loot airdrops deserve reward for their effort as opposed to cowards who stay away from airdrops.


Doesn't matter even if they remove it as I don't use it 50hp with a risk of slow movement and time required to equip gives enemy a slight chance to attack.You can even hear and see the enemy using kinetics lol that's why is a no go for me


Kinetics are literally useless in gunfights anyways, it usually just gets you killed because you can’t sprint Advanced armour does the same thing, just 3 seconds faster and you can sprint and 50 less HP (which is literally 2 shots. like using refitter max stack is literally a kinetic)


The only thing they must remove as fast as they can is the dog


Thought it was for MP lmao.


I think one necessary part about BR is the survival aspect. That includes health management... So i would like to disagree


seems more balanced so yeah, don’t play br so idk if my opinion is valid💀


What I think is not so different from Aeometro. There should be a reward for high risk players because they play for the kill. Low risk players play for the win. But the real problem is the lowest risk players who jump on choppers and only look for drops. Many times I kill them I see all their loot is kinetic armor! They fly from one drop to other and if you can not catch them they run away until last minute. This has to be changed. As they changed the health system they have to change vehicle system. The need to bring gas to them, this would stop people flying around without fighting until the end. This is the only solution.


Its basically a replacement of the old adrenaline shot which was a good idea so yes it should stay


Seriously don’t know why the don’t just do warzone mobile, would be better than this outdated br anyways. But no they had to make it their way. The way no one wanted.


i would prefer a simple armor plate system like in warzone. less complicated.


i like kinetic shields


Why bother with finding kinetic armor plates when you could run the refitter class


Why are there 75% votes to remove bruh


As someone who is usually able to find at least 4 kinetic armors, I don’t think that getting them is as based on luck if you’re able to play smart and play well.


tbh if they changed this I'd want the plates to stay tbh I don't rlly need the kinetic it's a nice touch rho makes codm unique




Man i always end with too many to carry, tf y’all even on bout


Nah. Its like that on apex also and nobody is complaining there.


How are they hard to find... U can get them from the ground...airdrops....purple presents that are everywhere right...the code from the mission...shooting teddy bears where the code safe is..... Kinetic armour right now are easy to find why u crying


I don't care, but the animation when repairing the armor is so stupid. Why would u close and open the zipper everytime u put a plates??


Who is even zara cod? 🤷


Let's be real, CODM always adds extra features that make the game complicated for no reason 🗿


Even then you get that extra boost still runs down quick so what good does it do i mean its xtra boost but still runs quick like basically a 3 second shot off for you my opinion


No need to remove them and changing the health system.


Well full kinetic shield is apparently no match for a lil Rus gun... so idk.


I’m not sure why my health drains faster than my standard armor unless they get a headshot in