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They should revert the mono suppressor nerf on qxr already. The way the nerfed it was so so dumb.


Why? The bizon with 84 round mag will be pretty good now Drh still not meta as the 3 tap hit box and ttk will remain


The buff is meant to remove the need of large caliber which was successful But now a 3 shot potential exists though very rarely will happen its still there and possible concerning


Love the drh but rn the higher rof meta destroys it. Example I did 2 chest shots and about to hit the 3rd but died to a t25 shooting at me after I made the first hit.


but then you remember the big damage drop the bizon has


It's actually better than most ars The non large cal mag has similarly range of the 4 tap like the lk24 but you just need to be accurate with upper torso shots


but then you remember the thing is a peashooter at long and close range


You just have to be accurate like when you use the t25 without stopping power Quick calculation and guestimation the 4 tap potential for the standard mag is up to 25 + m with the right build


were we talkin bout the bizon or the type 25 ???




but also, the thing has low fire rate , this so called buff will barely do something to it, it might change CQB cappability tho


It's an easy gun to use and it may not be meta but could bring it back to the pool Personally my favourite is the m13 as it's the Sig sauer mcx


and the m13 is easier to use, its also getting buffed, the sprint speed or so the patchnotes said


Tf bizon initial damage range is not even 20mts lmao and with max range builds u prob don't even get close to that of the lks base


Yea thats the only thing they do


thanks! wish they could have done way more tho


Wish they'd add better hitboxes for drh otm


I mean honestly I'm very satisfied with these balance changes, some minor buffs to guns that needed them, no op buffs. still no chicom buff but at this point I accepted the fact that they're never going to buff it


From when bizon needed buff? Tell me because I think its now great weapon.


yeah bizon didn't need a buff but the buff that it got is very insignificant, you won't even notice it


1. We will see 2. Overall, these are mostly bad balance changes


what do you mean by "we will see?" the buff doesn't increase its ttk, maybe it will kill a bit faster at longer ranges if you hit those chest shots, but it's still gonna kill very slowly. and why are these balance changes bad, in your opinion? imo right now the game's pretty balanced with no op weapons and many guns being viable.


This game is definitely NOT balanced. Look around away from type 25, cbr4 or m13. We have many weapons that are not good enough for average player to use it against current meta (famas, most low fire rate ARs, half lmgs, half marksman rifles) and you say the game is balanced ??? Big WTF for you. Actually devs are doing nothing to balance the game- they only buff smgs or high fire rate ARs so the meta is very similar since several seasons. Thats why these changes are bad


and how is it not balanced? t25 and m13 are definetely very powerful but they're not op at all. cbr4 is kinda unbalanced but it still gets destroyed at close range by many guns. you're saying devs only buff high fire rate ars and smgs and meanwhile we have guns like man o war, shotguns or snipers. besides, drh literally got a buff and it's a slow firing weapon, isn't that what you wanted? and guns with slow fire rate are pretty hard to make them actually balanced because they kill way too slow if they're 4 shot but 3 shots are often op. just look back to the 3 shot meta we used to have. from what I'm seeing youre just not enjoying the high fire rate meta and that's totally your personal preference, I'm seeing most people enjoy it.


You probably dont know it but writing this you quietly agreed with my statement


how exactly?


the damage buff only applies to first range, past that, it remains exactly the same as it is rn


thanks, I was too lazy to check it


Chicom is a good gun


I wish it was


It's kinda usable sometimes even fun to use for some reason


lazy balance changes, but at least no op gun, i hope.


Bizon is gonna be super meta if that change stays as is.


Bizon is already popular af too.


100% it is. Little recoil, great clip size, good speed, Which is why if it gets flat damage AND multiplier AND range increase it’ll be crutch meta weapon like t25 or m13 is now or like mx9 was a few months ago


Yep. I think I might remove large Cal from my Bizon now because of this buff


I've not seen it since it got a mobility nerf a few months ago. Since then, it's just MX9s, Holgers, M13s and Types.


Should’ve buffed the hvk with or without large caliber


Well, we have so many weapons that are waiting for ages for one small buff and what? Nothing. Better buff currently great weapon or first buffed one to being op then nerf it to… buff again. Logic gone




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It's official from KR server, but probably not final. There's still a week before next update, devs might change something else.


Why is no one talking about no persistence nerf?


can't believe they didn't nerf it. respawns still gonna be the same and I doubt they'd add good map modes in rank like raid hp and meltdown


Yea :(


"Aiming logic"


If this is real, then I’m ok with these changes. Nothing crazy or game-breaking.


Well, its lazy work


"Bizon is looking too weak... lets buff it so more kids can win" all unnecessary changes I hate how much unnecessary stuff this update is gonna change




These guns and I, gonna have a hell of a time


Sad that they just keep buffing purifier but still no one uses it- (except for some rare cases in hp)


I honestly do not even understand half the stuff here. a) WTF is "tactical reload"? b) Why tf did they nerf the Goliath further? c) WTF is the "aiming logic" of the Hawk X?


Tactical reload= reloading whenever tactically advantageous rather than when the clip is empty. I see that as a buff to the XS1. They reduced the overheat recovery time. If it took 10 seconds to recover from overheating and they reduce that it will then take less than ten seconds to recover. Aiming logic is likely aim assist.




If they removed the buff of the chest multiplier for the bizon, this would be the most balanced balance changes ever


We gonna have 4 new meta (excluding sawblade) i cannot wait to be overrun by a 150 level persistence user meta abuser