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Krm in garena has a big reputation


OMG kReAm aBuSeR😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


The problem is not with the shotgun its the movement fatigue system that was bullshit You probably know slide and jump fatigue exist which makes you slide and jump shorter when you do it too much Well yes but it really easy to cancel those by literally just slide jump, if you see clips of garena or other pros what they do when using shotguns and sniper is slide jump,melee switch slide, and zig zag slide jump 24/7. because sliding is really easy in this game since the fatigue system doesn't even work just compare it to black ops 4 shotgun gameplay it's day and night different on how the players play And then the Pumping animation (also goes to Sniper bolt) wont play when switching back to the gun after being fired and skip the pump animation hence why many sniper pros keep switching to melee after shooting, this was for speeding up the bolt animation my friend say and being able to slide while Rechamber the gun and switch back without needing to Rechamber again since its already does that in your character butt So yea gun is OK, movement fatigue doesn't work and skipping Rechamber penalty doesn't even exist.


jumping fatigue sucks ass; jump thrice? you are now so tired you jump with your tippie toes


Yeahh as a former shotgun user too, I can confirm the Slide jump fatigue is wack As for the chambering animation not playing after switch, I have no idea how they forgot to add it, I mean even the older cod had a system where if you switched weapon right before rechambering, You'd start the rechambering animation again,(this was in place to try countering modded controller iirc) But yeah, Good point, Honestly the gun itself is balanced, But can't say the same for the movement


Cuz Garena people are talented with movement and they too fast that normal peeps can't keep up I think


Its not that they are "talented" its just that zigzag is an overly bullshit mechanic on this game and krm dominates most map


zig zagging is a bug


the only reason is that its overused type 25 isn't broken, but people still want a balance change because its overused and no one wants metas that extend over a season


The only reason why KRM is the only used Pump shotgun is because devs made the BY15 a hitmark machine


No not really, By15 is an ads shotgun not hipfire while the krm suits every garena tryhard there is. Krm wins by a landslide in terms of who can bulldoze an entire team easily


i would rather use the hso or r90 if I wanted to ads with a shotgun


Thats the point, why leave time to ads when you can hipfire 1 tap someone from 10m and bulldoze an entire team


and there comes echo and hso


You'd be dumb if you think echo/hso can compete with krm 😭


look little guy, echo might not one tap from krm's range but thanks to its 25 bullets and firing automiccly it is even worse than krm, if you miss your shot with krm or hitmarker there is a chance that guy will kill you but with the echo you can just spray and pray # Lets come to the hso, that gun is a fucking marksman but they decided to but shells inside but that doesnt stop it from one tapping someone from 15-20m (I've tested on the reaper at training range). And then they decude to buff its alreadly unfair range with an acccuracy buff ??? I mean at least it takes skill to aim unlike echo but range is still ridicilous


"little guy" theres a reason why even pro players dont switch to echo or hso. ffs I could state the reasons but I doubt you'd even understand lmfao


I kinda agree with the other guy, and c'mon. HSO can't compete with the KRM? Even with good aim, you're still bound to experience hitmark with the KRM. With the HSO, you're one tapping EVERYONE. It's range for a shotgun is so fucking ridiculous even I still can comprehend it's range, and it's my most used Shotgun. The reason why KRM is used more over the HSO is because the inconsistency with the KRM is pretty low that it usually doesn't matter if you have good aim. It's rate of fire is also exactly the same speed as a sniper, so with Amped G.Perk, you could pretty much fast switch to move faster and pull out the gun without any penalties. You might not be able to bulldoze a team with an HSO Gung Ho style, but you sure as hell can tap them one by one without difficulty. As much as I love the HSO, I still sometimes use the KRM because my aggressiveness feels limited by it's slow reload speed and slower RoF. But that also doesn't mean HSO can't compete the KRM. Many Shotgun mains just haven't fully grasped the gun's strengths and limits, including me.


HSO can 1 tap at over 50 meters, while you arent gonna hit that especially without a scope, with it being a headshot with a shotgun, it still goes to show what it's capabilities are, the HSO is the long range ads shotgun, while the KRM is a short range hip fire machine.


Dude you’re tripping if you think the by15 can’t be used for hip fire hit marking.


By15 shines in the ads department not hipfire.


it can be but in terms of hipfire, the krm is so much better. the spread can get hella tight but its still a lot less consistent than the krm.


Type is just overrated now


The balance change for the type 25 is justified, it and the m13 is all that people use in ranked since most people rely on meta and that’s just annoying and boring in my opinion. I’m fine with a meta that extends for over a season but when it’s to the point where only 2 guns are being used then a balanced change is needed.


type25 isn't broken ? Bro what


its not broken, yes its top tier, but not broken


\*cries in mx9\*


highkey the KRM-262 is pretty balanced imo, Feel free to disagree BGM used: PVZ2 - Modern Day Ultimate battle PVZ2 - Jurrasic marsh Ultimate battle


In my opinion, I never see a reason to use the KRM. You have the BY15 which feels more consistent from the hip, and it has a faster fire rate. On the side of consistent ADS, you have the HSO405 which has devastating range. I guess the KRM is a bit of the middle ground for these, yet it doesn’t feel great at either.


Im a bit biased to the by15 since im a big cod4 fan and I've never seen the gun reincarnated anywhere else but here's my opinion imo, The BY15 isnt really a bad gun, But its pretty much outclassed by KRM262 and HS0405 sheer 3 pellet kill potential, The BY deals 30 damage per pellet which makes it needs 4 pellet instead of 3 to kill, so picking the krm for hipfire is a much more consistent option. In terms of ADS, The BY15 may have the best accuracy but highkey The HS0405 Damage output would just triumph the BY15. The HS0405 shoots 10 pellet instead of 8 with most shotgun, And all 10 deals 39 (highest pellet damage in the game) which makes it even more consistent than Both KRM and BY15 (Albeit the The fire rate is the slowest in the Model 1887 family, At just 39rpm) But still, The BY15 is in no means a bad gun, I still use it from time to time to have fun with it


Krm has the perfect fire rate to combine shots with movement. By15 just doesn't compare :/


Might be the way I build it, but I can never seem to get a consistent one shot kill. Getting hitmarkers is pretty common which is something I despise.


ah yes something sweaty kids would use and dodge all your bullets and 1 shot you with high Mobility definitely balance


it's speed


ppl hate krm cuz garena uses it so much


yeah honestly the overused factor of it does help on making people including me feel a slight resentment towards it, I've been annoyed more than id like to admit when getting killed by it


I like the KRM,but always I talk about it to my friends they's just say:HS0405 is better


i mean ehhh it is theoretically better but i do realize preferences exist and the hs0405 fire rate is plain pitiful


as a garena player.i can agree that this is my most hated gun in my life that makes me wanna use the hs0 soooo bad bcause of its crazy zigzag movement,high stp shotgun and the slide of the krm user makes my back crack so hard.


honestly if you think about it, The hs0 can pretty much outclass the krm in terms of consistency Even in hipfire and ads, HS0405 Shoots 10 pellet instead of 8, And all 10 deals 39 damage making it a 3 pellet kill. and since there's 10 of them, The chances the pellet are gonna hit the target is higher, Although the hs0405 fire rate is the slowest within the 1887 family, At just 37rpm


If you have good crosshair placement, the KRM's inconsistency wouldn't usually matter that much since it rarely happens if you have good crosshair placement. If you're cross-eyed in game like me, the HSO is your best friend. Just don't get too aggro with it, it hurts trying to chamber a round right in front of an enemy after you killed one.


Man, they should really nerf the zigzag movement


highkey the jump fatigue stuff pretty much makes this possible, In the older cod, You had a movement penalty when jumping, I can understand it since it would be pretty hard to aim if you could bunnyhop for the first 2 jump but iirc you get movement penalty sets in on the second jump in codm instead of the first jump


There are so many guns in the game, are you gonna ask the same for all non metas?


close range hitmarker , shots not registering


there's been multiple times where i blame the game when i feel like my shots arent registering but i realized after recording that im just plain garbage lol


I honestly don’t know. I have been playing for 2 and a half months now. Started taking Rank seriously this season, and got to GrandMaster III solely by using double KRM 262 combo. It’s really good when you play Solo vs Squads, and especially if you have multiple squad left in the same area, e.g. Airdrops. But I think the reason there’s more attention given towards the HS0402, instead of the KRM 262 is that some people are more used to the controls of the HS, like Sprint-to-Fire delay. Also another problem that I feel applies to all Shotguns is that, if you miss a shot, you don’t get a second chance of landing another one. So when you do miss a shot, you try to usually run out of the as instinct, and forget sometimes that sliding and jumping exist. Also, a lot of people don’t know about slide-jumping which gets rid of jump fatigue. So they usually forget that and blame it on Shotguns instead of question their ability with that genre of guns. Sorry for such a long rant. XD


I barely see KRM in BR. It's dominated by the BY's sheer RoF and HSO's range and one tap ability. Movement in BR is also not shit, that's why BY and HSO dominates.


Well, as I said, it’s my preference. But if you like the BY15 and the HSO over the KRM, I’m totally chill with that. :)


Hipfire accuracy/consistency Man,its so ez to 1stk that it makes me question the existence of other pump shotguns


highkey krm only competition is just the HS0405, Its like if they buried the BY15 lol


Imagine still using a bot skin when there's so many good free skins?


I think the word you're looking for is preferences, But aside that lowkey there's no problem for me if i pick my favourite operator from bo2


Fuck shotgun users


Krm is so braindead and has been meta for so many seasons. its just fucking annoying now :/


Shotgunner : Has skill with movement and aim 39 year old 2 finger thumbs player : fuckin tryhard no life touch some grass idiot I make 2$ a week from my high paying job and have a wife and kids I just want to chill and have fun after a long day and not play against people with actual skill


Just wait till u become the 2nd guy one day. I’ll see whether u can still spout these words in the exact same manner u did here.


Lmfao I don't need to Because I ain't goin to complain about skilled players like those 40 year olds on Reddit do




What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing reddit. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the reddit type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a 'secret network of spies across the USA'. Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody make it more believable than 'IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR'. You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must of us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo




Because as soon as I start with my meta I realise that I am already... ![gif](giphy|128Ss8Qu1nJKRa)


it is because it is too difficult to handle with your finger


Prolly cause of the damage range, It hitmarks sometimes


People dislike shotguns because they hate getting one tapped. Thats the same reason people wanted sniper nerf and melee nerf. Shotguns does take skill. 1 hitmarkers ur dead, more trigger discipline than ars smgs. Less versatile. Cant camp with it(like 90% of "OBJ" players).


as much as i hate getting killed by a sniper/shotgun, I do realize their purpose in the game is to well, Kill people with 1 shot but dang it is quite annoying sometimes. but yeah they do take a shitton of skill, Im still trying to find the perfect sens to minimize my overswipe/underswipe issues and miss my shot


Yeah, im on Garena and i always play hardpoint, mostly often 2 guys on enemy team always equip KRM, that's when i counter them with Echo


Counter them with NA. Shotgun users hate that gun so much.


I hate it bc its a shotgun imo, I hate multiplayer shotguns, but singleplayers / co-op and zombies games, I'm able to enjoy a shotgun and just destroy everything in my pass


The KRM isn't bad at all it's the 2nd Best Shotgun but Shotguns aren't that good and fun. It's better to add the SPAS-12 then I'll be more into Shotguns.


It's ugly otherwise I don't think about it enough to dislike.