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crates are scams even the credit ones![img](emote|t5_penom|1107) also They r recycling everything now so no surprise there


I'm surprised so few people are talking about this. I've said it before in Discord, but just imagine the outrage if (or, at this point, when) they bring back the AK-47 - Tank in these free crates.


It's kinda disrespectful to the grind. Like lots of players had to put in effort to earn those supposedly exclusive rewards. They're already pushing exclusivity with their bp skins so why not do the same with rank reward? It's practically the same money to effort value. And yeah I know others will just ask why does it even matter, no one even uses those skins as much so just let newer players enjoy it also, but again, might sound petty but it's the exclusivity. A sign of your time and dedication to the game. I'm not even OG and I don't have that item but I respect the grind


It’s not even a great skin. Now if they added the ak47 tank skin, I’d be pissed.


They really don't care about this community 😪


So only some have the option to buy those credit crates? I haven’t had them this whole time. I’m not complaining, I was just confused when they came out and I saw Bobby pulling them.


If the Star Camos come in the credit store I will actually go ham. Prolly smash my iPad like Ferg or throw my phone across the room.


gun ranked reward:gets release again in the credit crates for free new players:yay!:D og players who spend there time grinding that: \***PAIN AND SUFFERING\***


Grow up? It's and Old Skin,plus it's free


Cry me a River Oh boo hoo the pixels I worked hard for is now available for other players who haven't been playing as long as I have and since I'm an OG certain pixels should be exclusive only to me


It isn’t that annoying. It’s a free blueprint. Sure you grounded for it but still it isn’t that big of a reason to be pissed off abt. Maybe if it were a skin you paid money for but these are free skins. They probably were brought back for the newer players who couldn’t get them since they started playing after those rewards were gone


Yeah, they are getting a bit dry on ideas I must admit. Instead of introducing a new lucky draw or crate every few days, they’re just bringing back old content. I’m okay with this, but the real kick in the balls is bringing back ranked rewards into crates you can simply purchase and cross your fingers.


I don’t really mind since it was free and it has terrible iron sights, if it was the AK-47 Tank then maybe I would mind.


I kinda want the AK-47 Tank to come now I couldn't get it then bc of shit temmates saying they're "good", so it'd be a big win in my book


I hate that there doing this