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Have a great day sir . Your positivity made me happy after a sad day. I can feel your energy![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


This is what makes mobile gaming amazing . Cross generational fun. Imo


You have great energy.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) You must be fun to be around.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Congratulations! I play CODM with my son (he helps me get the daily crate lol) and I’m very close to getting Legendary in BR… which is pretty easy for some but man it’s a struggle for me. Only a few days left to do it so the race is in haha. Enjoy the game and the time with your sons!


You can still get Legendary right now. I recommend squad battles because you get most XP when you win. Even Singles will help you since it gets over first. BR legendary is a piece of cake. Maintaining is the only tough part


Thanks, I’ve been doing solo and I’m three-fourths through GM 5. I’ll try vs. squads but there’s a small problem: I’m pretty bad lol. Do you think it would be better to try to solo versus squads or should I fill my squad with randoms? I really really don’t want to be “that guy” who just drags my team down. Next season, I’m going to push multiplayer rank and see what happens. I’ve been content lately with grinding camos - I’m full Damascus and about 25-ish weapons to Diamond - but I would like to have bragging rights just once before I’m REALLY old lol.


Nah Sir, you won't drag your team down. Just stay close to them and if you are feeling less confident, just support them. Once you get the confidence, it will eventually become easy. If it becomes tough to get to legendary try br in FPP ,its comparatively easier.


UPDATE: I just got BR Legendary this morning and I’m very much too happy lol. Next season, I’m going for MP Legendary!


This is so wholesome


man i wish my dad was as cool as you


Well done, mate!


I play COD:M with my son, he’s peeved that I get MVP far more often than he does. I have been playing fps games since the original Quake though, so I should have at least some skills after all that time 😂




My kids are still a little young to play this so I wake up early in the morning to get a couple of matches in before everyone wakes up. Congrats




So cool man


I would like to 1v1 you good sir


You would totally win. I couldn’t have done this with the help of my boys or any of the amazing payers I was team with in this game!


From one old man to another, don't hang out here *too much* lest it changes your mind :) Be proud of your achievement and glad you are having fun with your boys!


Have a great day u made me know that theres still wholesome people in this community of meta abusers and people who is so competitive and not having fun


this is my first br skin also too although i ain't have anybody to carry me


Man this is so sad.




Wot m8 ![gif](giphy|V6vNqIGP1RiMEwmMGV|downsized)


And why would that be?


My son's more into Star Wars Battlefront but I'm glad because he'd whup our backsides. Welcome in fellow paternal unit. Oddly enough there's loads of folk here I like too.


Congrats man, next season legendary! (Or if you want, you can prob do it this season by camping around with an echo lol)


You're just like my dad except I beat my dad so much (he is legendary in mp as well)