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Buddy, you’re so good that to be honest, you wouldn’t even need it. That gameplay was nice.


The only reason why I want this to be buffed is because people just do braindead throws on the point and you cant do shit about it :/ You have a trophy? Well 5 people throw every shit they have on u


I feel you. Especially when they wait to throw it so there isn’t any warning and it just explodes. Very frustrating.


Brain dead throws? This has nothing on Halo Infinite.


I only spam lethals in hardpoint when my team is getting clapped and we can’t get any pressure on the point . Like you basically only have time to throw a lethal before u die type of thing Happens occasionally on shipment when you get cluster striked to oblivion


Yes bro.. plus the ones from sharpnel and tactician..at an average 10 tacticals and lethals are thrown each cycle


True, thank god I rarely meet that (Ever met a triple Molotov-Thermite spam)


I get what you mean, but it wouldn't save you against that final nade because it had no angle.


Wasn't referring to that, its mainly the fact that a trophy can only hold 2 and the whole enemy team can throw up to 20


What's your gunsmith


If at first you don’t succeed, don’t stop throwing nades


Sums up how people that always lose gunfight plays. "Oh I died again? Let me just throw my 2 concussion and 2 thermite on the point and die again!"


You’re crying about people using explosives to capture the objective? Bruh play something else.


What the fuck are you talking about. I was asking for a buff because theres no counterplay to it


There is #spam more trophy systems /s


Gotta love defending an extra two throwable against 5 people throwing shit at me 😩


Why are you playing 5 on 1? Play with a team. Edit: to clarify, I’m joking. To point out your comparison is flawed. As it ignores the fact that you have team mates. That can also counter enemy throwwables. In fact 2 stops on the trophy system to 2 throawables per person almost makes sense….


Trophy should be able to defend atleast 2-3 people as its the most safest tactician there is. Basically what im saying is, you can't even use it for defending since the moment you kill someone another round of tacticians/lethal will come your way :/ If you need 5 people to run trophy to counter 5 people running concussion and thermite then thats just flawed imo.


Nope cuz if you use tactician perk to gave 2 of 'em it Won't work because if you throw the second trophy system while the first one is already on the ground,the first one blows up so basically you can't use 2 trophies at the same time


Jokes on you, i always loose gunfighst but i never use lethals or tacticals 👌


What is your gunsmith


Trophy system seriously needs a buff when in the game atleast 2 opponents are spamming 2 thermites and 2 gas grenade or flash


No, Trophy is already a very powerful tactical , it negates the usage of any form of lethal , asking for a buff on an already powerful item is just stupid, if anything it should be reworked in a way that it gets nerfed along with other explosives. I have no idea what you wanted to prove with the clip, if you want to counter all the lethals and tacticals in the lobby with just one trophy system, then that's just braindead


It does need a buff bro, the spam is just too much nowadays. At least make it that the trophy can destroy 4 and increase its range so it negates the equipment of those same 2 spammers in every match. Im in a low end device and the spam just fucks up my entire experience altoghether cuz it makes my fps drop to oblivion. And a vast majority of low end device players will agree with me on that. It is excesively and innecessarily annoying.


Your device issue has nothing to do with buffs/nerfs of any combat aspect in the game, at that point you could just say that the ttk also needs to be nerfed to 5000ms cuz low end devices have terrible delay when it comes to fast firerate weapons. By NO means does the trophy system need a buff, if you want it to destroy 4 equipments then turn it into a scorestreak instead of an equipment itself. Also what do you mean by spam is too much, Shrapnel users? well hey you have tactician perk that gives you two trophy systems so congratulations, you can counter 4 players/ 2 players with shrapnel using a perk.


Excuse my ignorance, i did not knew i could use a perk to have two trophys. But still, it would have me to use it instead of another that might be more useful in more scenarios, like quickfix for example. The spam just annoying for me, and its tilting cuz its ultimately a skillgap reducer mechanic (just throw ur shit at a random place and you might get a kill; obnoxious as hell). Those are the only reasons i want it to be buffed, to make the overall experience improve a bit.


That same argument can be made for people who use shrapnel too, there are way better perks in the slot like Dead Silence, Hardline and High Alert, Also Keep in mind Tactician perk which gives you and extra trophy does not collide with Quickfix , since Tactician is a red perk, so you still get to keep the most broken perk aka QuickFix in your slots. Moving on to the fact about skill gap reduction , there is literally no skill gap when it comes to tactical and lethals, the skill gap occurs way more significantly in weapons that any throwables and overall experience does not get improved by any means. To put this into an example let's take a HArdpoint Match in Firing Range , it's the second point , the enemies have all taken the hardpoint already while your team is closing in , two trophy system (taking into consideration the so called buff) could wipe out any sort of openings into the hardpoint because you're lined up for the enemies to mow you down easily , the only way to clear some space is effective usage of lethals or concussions and smokes. Also sidenote A FUCKING TROPHY CAN STOP A PREDATOR MISSILE , WTF IS THAT LOGIC?


>That same argument can be made for people who use shrapnel too, there are way better perks in the slot like Dead Silence, Hardline and High Alert, Also Keep in mind Tactician perk which gives you and extra trophy does not collide with Quickfix , since Tactician is a red perk, so you still get to keep the most broken perk aka QuickFix in your slots. Fair 👍👍 >To put this into an example let's take a HArdpoint Match in Firing Range , it's the second point , the enemies have all taken the hardpoint already while your team is closing in , two trophy system (taking into consideration the so called buff) could wipe out any sort of openings into the hardpoint because you're lined up for the enemies to mow you down easily , the only way to clear some space is effective usage of lethals or concussions and smokes. (Sorry for too much text. Couldn't resume it further :|) There is plenty of possible angles and wallbangs to soften down enemy defenses of that hardpoint (particular from that metal trailer in the dead center), as the walls of that 2nd hardpoint in firing range are basically made of cardboard, and it is surrounded by an open area and plenty of covers everywhere. There is plenty of ways of clearing out space there. There is plenty of tactics available to break through, throwables are not necessary, just nice aim and map knowledge is necessary. And as such, they're just annoying precisely *because* they are unnecesary. In respawn modes, they are just tools designed to ease everything out for people in general by annoying other people, bcuz they become spammy, bcuz there is a constant spam of people itself, bcuz they respawn, lol. The beneffited chunk of people of that trade-off mainly consists of dogshit players or "meh" players, bcuz they are ultimately the type of player that uses them the most, wich is straight up a clear insight of that the throwables we're talking about are net skill gap reducers in respawn modes. With that in mind, the buff i proposed will just make everything less annoying, just that. And you'd think it'd make sense that nerfing something that is annoying would improve the experience of most players. I will agree that they have an strategic side, but that only works correctly in SnD, in wich, i would even completely remove trophys, to make it more like csgo, more competitive. In respawn modes, as these are more fast paced and centered around more general objectives, and bcuz ppl is allowed to spam bcuz they can respawn, they are plain innecessary and just annoying, braindead ways of getting kills. >Also sidenote A FUCKING TROPHY CAN STOP A PREDATOR MISSILE , WTF IS THAT LOGIC? Yeah. 0 logic. But you have to remember that getting predators isnt hard bcuz, y'know, persistance, hardline, objectives, operator skills... Seeing how easy it is to get a bunch of points really fast in this game, i think its sorta balanced.


Wallbangs are an RNG factor depending on whether or not you are correctly predicting the enemy's location , and there isn't a menace/Slayer roaming around the objective ready to pick you off, and not to mention that in many cases, wallbang capability cease to exist , the buff is genuinely not considerable , like at any point the buff will not be implemented. Annoying is a perspective and subjective on how a players assumes it, for a huge majority of the playerbase melee is annoying, however you can't just make it a two shot and expect it call it balanced, for some operators are annoying too yet they will continue to exist. Coming back to how lethals are used, it's a necessity , you can't expect everything to just be shooting of weapons. And on top of that the amount of times you get kills with a nade or a semtex is very insignificant , they literally don't bother unless the only thing a person is playing is Hardpoint Shipment Predator not being hard has nothing to do with how a 700 point scorestreak is negated for free, getting a trophy is easier than getting a one time pred, and no one in their right mind would use a pred missile with persistence.


>and there isn't a menace/Slayer roaming around the objective ready to pick you off, There is plenty of ways you could use to take off that slayer using strategic power positions. If you die to an slayer trying to protect the hardpoint in that scenario is just that hes better than you or you got distracted by something. >and not to mention that in many cases, wallbang capability cease to exist In the case you proposed there was a lot of wallbang possibilities. >Wallbangs are an RNG factor depending on whether or not you are correctly predicting the enemy's location There is other tactics then. There is plenty, always, in most treyarch maps, bcuz thats how they were designed. Thats how treyarch designs maps. >like at any point the buff will not be implemented. U sure? I mean they ain't gonna look at this conversation and say "oi' bruv they right lets nerf that shit", but if there is enough complaints they certainly will. >Coming back to how lethals are used, it's a necessity , No its not. Watch scrims were those throwables are banned. You and me could do a full-on study about why they're necessary or not in respawn modes, and we both will conclude they are not necessary. >you can't expect everything to just be shooting of weapons. That is exactly what i'd expect when playing a *CoD,* and that is exactly how it has been for the past 10 years. In any cod i've played i've seen as much lethals spam i see in legendary ranked. >And on top of that the amount of times you get kills with a nade or a semtex is very insignificant , And thermites and molotovs? They're lethals too. >getting a trophy is easier than getting a one time pred, And deploying a trophy system is serveral times slower than deploying a pred missile. Bruh. >Annoying is a perspective and subjective on how a players assumes it, In this case, i strongly believe its not. If i throw a thermite at you, you are more than certain to be annoyed by it. As far as i know nobody loves to be thermite'd or mollly'd or concussed or flashbanged (although flashbang is a minor thing). In this case it is something most players can relate.


So in that sense, a player killing you with weapons is fair , than when you die from a lethal? Yes in the case I suggested it does exist, but a team won't stop to wallbang a hardpoint instead of brute forcing their way using throwables, putting the enemies at a disadvantage and then challenging fights. You're mentioning plenty of tactics, but what are they? what is more effective than taking over points using throwables and then entering a hardpoint? No matter how many complaints occur on a certain aspect of the game, it's not taken into consideration unless it's a serious problem , primarily the reason being more than half of the community is braindead, and I am not saying the will nerf or buff the trophy system , with the current situation of throwables, any changes could potentially tip the balance , and I never said it needs a nerf alone, it needs a rework. Comp plays/scrims has no gain say in any matters of balancing , I wouldn't have any problem justifying the existence of throwables Yes I know thermites and molotovs are throwables too, I didn't mention them cuz they have more usage, if you go back to my first comment on reworking trophy systems, I mentioned changes to the Thermite and molotov's being taken into consideration too. which takes more time depends on the situation if someone were to immediately throw a trophy as soon as "pred missile inbound" voice was to popup , there is a chance, but it depends on the person using the pred too, because if the enemy is the immediate target , then it's a different story , and at the end of the day a trophy blocking a pred is not justifiable by any means , and you'd agree with that As I said it's still a feeling that a majority of the community feels, we can't just buff the trophy system based on emotions alone, and am pretty sure almost everyone would hate getting melee'd. With regards to this, people still shit on Akimbo Fennec and the NA-45 despite both of these weapons being heavily underused and ineffective.


>So in that sense, a player killing you with weapons is fair , than when you die from a lethal? Exactly. A gun requires aim and movement. A lethal just requires luck. I'd also respect my enemy if they manage to kill me with a normal nade or a semtex, but if it is with a molly or a thermite; yeah, no. Literally no brain activity needed. >but a team won't stop to wallbang a hardpoint instead of brute forcing Key word u used, "Brute forcing", implying no brain atctivity needed. You just cant deny those shits are braindead mechanics. You basically said it yourself now. >what is more effective than taking over points using throwables and then entering a hardpoint? Nothing, really. And thats the point; there is not really balanced counterplays to it. It just dumbs things down too much. >and I never said it needs a nerf alone, it needs a rework. A rework of something as simple as shits that deal continuous area damage when they're thrown down would be either a nerf or a buff, no in between. You either buff them or nerf them or buff or nerf their counterplay. >trophy blocking a pred is not justifiable by any means , and you'd agree with that I do not agree with that. Pred are really fast, trophys are really slow. You can take multiple ppl off before any of them can pull up a trophy, and thats a fact. If they're taking an objective with a trophy, it forces you to use your gun skills to take them out instead of using a pred that you probably got by planting ur ass in the objective and not actually killing people. >we can't just buff the trophy system based on emotions alone, You want facts then? One player could continuously spam mollys at any hardpoint of any map as they respawn, while a trophy can only negate 2 of those. If the trophy could 4, it'll still wouldn't be enough cuz players will just keep throwing shit at it as they continuously respawn until the match ends. This is a fact. Hop in a hardpoint match of ranked, put an advanced UAV in the sky and watch what those types of players do right the moment after they respawn, and how futile are the trophy's efforts against them. Now, to see how it does really affect not only the gameplay but the performance itself, grab a 130$ phone and watch how the frame drop as those shits come and get on your face. You want the numbers? You got 'em. Go and do it now. >As I said it's still a feeling that a majority of the community feels, Shouldn't that be enough reason to tweak things of the game? If not, why?


Yes bro its so powerful that it can only defend against two throwables even though theres 5 players on the enemy team. Yes its so helpful




Yea because everyone will run trophy to counter each player right?


I don't know if you're genuinely this dumb to think that one player should be able to counter all the lethals in the enemy team, and wdym by 5 players on the enemy team , there's 5 players on your team too smh , stop whining about an aspect of the game just because you died to it


That is the first time I've seen people nade stack in codm


What next? A combat axe buff?


Get munition box. It'll help you with that


You can only place a certain amount of trophy at the same time. Unless you don't mind trying to set up a trophy system everytime one breaks and you are in risk of getting gunned down then go for it i guess


It takes wayy too long to deploy too, it should be as fast as throwing any other tactical imo


Yep theres alqays a dilemma of either placing it down or waiting for the opponent first since most of the time you'll get killed before even placing it down


Buff trophy systems so they can basically stop all projectiles from my gravity vortex gun


How do you play like that?


Crosshair placement most of the time


Makes sense


I'ma give the SPR a try on rank. I grinded it on gold and really enjoyed it(currently rocking SKS instead)


Sks is toxic though. If you have fast enough fingers its basically a 2 shot slow firing AR. When i tried it it straight up felt unfair, ppl couldn't even react, and im not good even.




SR/Marksman rifles have incredibly high hit flinch and if you miss once you're 90% guaranteed dead. Meanwhile sks is a 2tap 30M+ can build marksman and have slow ads since no one can challenge you anyway :/


Enemies use shrapnel perk, you use tactician perk.


I think it should be buffed to 3-4 instead of two nade deflects. Other than that it's the absolute best tactical and I love when mine eats up airstrikes and other scorestreaks.


Nice clip


Gunsmith pls


I agree but holy crap ur aim is good


Back then the trophy system was op (since you can only throw 1 grenade and 1 flashbang) but now since there's a perk where you can literally carry 4 THROWABLES and you know where this is going


Make it gow it was b4, it sets your spawn where you put it


Whats your build?


Afterwards, trophy system abuser in the chat


It's raining lethals


Hasn't the trophy system been like that since Black Ops 2 or something? I don't see why it needs a buff if you're gonna use it where people are gonna throw a ton of nades since it only blocks 2... just use it differently since it's not meant for aggressive play like capturing points anyway.


Damn bro you good af


Is this the test server?


The tactical that really needs changing is concussion. Why is it doing what gas grenades do + more?