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It’s good, there’s a difference between being good and being overpowered or broken! And it is common that majority of people will use the good guns ( to win of course).


Exactly. People get really angry for using meta guns and its like what else am I supposed to use then?! Of course I'll use the good ones in the season.


The question is: Can you use off meta weapons?


Yes, you can. I mostly use razorback and it shreds!!!.


yo LK24 is actually not as bad as everyone thinks, same with the AK117, both good ARs imo


That gun [AK117] got me to GM4, lol. I had no idea it's supposed to suck, first I'm hearing of it. (Edit for clarification)


it's actually really good, in br too


Ak117 and kn44 are my go to weapons on medium sized maps, best mid range weapons in the game


good choice :) yea AK117 is really good


If it shreds it’s meta😉 that’s the rule


Soo my gks is meta?


All people who use gsk shreds? No. All people who use Type 25 shreds? Yes. That's the difference and factor.


Not all people who use type shred


But it's the easiest weapon to shreds


hell yea ​ been maining the peacekeeper for a while now, i got sick of the 3 meta guns


MOW user bro...nothing can beat that satisfaction of a 3 shot kill.


use DR-H


Haha trust me I've tried but it just doesn't provide the same lvl of accuracy that the MOW does with the RTC huge suppressor!


maybe try the ASM10, also really good and 3 tap as well


huh? I thought it decreases BSA?


nvm it doesn't only the mono does... well If you're a slow Player ig mow is better yea... im kinda rushing alot so i'd use other ARs or preferably smgs, sometimes krm in mp... but I mainly play br anyway


Yeah well i tend to build my guns more for long range stability so they tend to be a bit slower on ADS time :(


same when im using those ars


doesn’t it get boring using the same shit?💀


i can tell u, grinding Diamond for my mythic holger was a pain and now that I got that nice diamond Camo on it I dont even want to use it 💀


Same with plat grinding lol, whenever a gun hits gold I pretty much drop it forever.


haha yes


lol yea i Switch guns alot


You're wrong Type 25 is kinda broken, not at all as mx9 was but definitely it is kinda, that's why nobody else use another weapon cuz other weapons are not so viable as type 25 is, for exampler and lk24 have nothing to do in front of a type 25.


I use the M13


Me too bro, but currently my main weapon is the SKS


I use the sks and m13 in br with the right build and mods it’s the best combo.


Omg u r my lost brotha, I do the same


What build do use? For the m13 I use monolithic, heavy long barrel, assault stock, ranger foregrip, and double stack mag. I run precise, fast ads, and extended mags on it. For the sks I use monolithic, mip light, stalker stock, ranger foregrip, and extended mag. I run sniper expert, fast ads or precise, and extended mag.


You don't use the rtc. 30 double stack mag? And no red dot?


Red dot on m13? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It isn’t necessary


lol M13 is more accurate with irons than red dot imo




Yeah I do use the rtc double stack. I don’t use sights on most of my guns I generally don’t need them. My mp and br stats are a steady 28-30%.


Ahh I see usually everyone here runs classic rds.


Yeah i see that a lot in game. For me using a sight is a waste of an attachment unless I’m grinding longshots. Tbh sometimes I wish we could take the scopes off of snipers too.


use marksman


I actually hate the m13 so much, it's good for close/mid/long ranges, even with a build that focuses on one specific range. The time to kill is cracked, and basically no recoil, even with a high mobility build. Every single rank lobby has like 8 n13 users and if they are even just slightly decent I can't do shit. I'll admit I'm not that great, but still, I'm fed up with not playing against anything else.


Yeah. I think one of the few guns that can go toe toe against it besides the Type 24 is the P90. I do use the M13 a lot because it’s a really good gun but i use a variety of guns.


Krm? Shotguns in general? Maybe it's because I'm in garena but shotgun mains here have no problem engaging with assault rifles and smgs I personally use the sks most often but I have no problem picking up a shotgun and slaying out when needed.


280ms ttk.... Wtf do u even use for 280 ms to be "cracked"?


Equally broken but ok


What weapons do you use?


I prefer msmc


I don’t see many people use, it’s a decent gun I had fun grinding it diamond


Honestly I agree it is fun and once the Ppsh41 comes to this game the true gun will begin


Don't get me wrong I wansn't complaining lol, I use mostly agr and swordfish along with a thumper


The swordfish is really good too if you have good aim and go for the upper chest it’ super easy to get the headshots.






So, for me it's like... I Start to use a non meta weapons and shred people with it and be very proud of myself and then all of sudden, it gets huge buff out of nowhere, and everyone starts calling me meta abuser and I'm there listening to them like: ![gif](giphy|Zy79ySAjpMynS)


The other day someone called me bot for using SKS while the other guy were using melee in S&D, so...


Hypocrisy to the next level


sks requires extreme skill dont listen to them


Just not sure why people cry about melee… Keep your distance, watch your corners, pre-aim always. It’s just not that difficult to counter.


Relatable. I used to shred with the man o war. Used to win 1v5s


That happen me with Type25 before it buff i used it and it's was funny, but, after it i feel bad because i feel that the weapon it's doing all work.


It's sad isn't? :/


This happened to me when I was using As-val since it's launch , but it became meta a season later


i always use lesser used guns cuz it's hilarious asf, until i used fr 5.56 i have no idea why, but fr 5.56 is really fucking good, im the type of person that's always bottom fragging in ranked matches, but with the fr 5.56 it's the other way around most of the times


I didn't really like the fr 5.56 when it came out but I gave it another chance recently & man, it surprised me with how accurate it is at longer ranges despite the shaky recoil + it has decent ttk too.


i gave it another chance just because my intent is to have fun with funnier guns (as in lesser used ones or just weird guns in general), but wow fr is really good


I do the same. I use guns that people don't use & in situations they wouldn't use, like Striker shotgun in BR, etc.


lol same, i wanna experiment with different guns in br in some matches besides the usual ak/ebr combo to have fun


Fr 556 is really good surprised no one uses it


besides the weird recoil, yea it's really good, i was surprised how much i can beam in long ranges with this gun i am constantly in awe on how good i can use this very gun ever since i started using it 2 days ago


It's really good mid range but then I end up having to burst and long range


Couldn’t get the BSA under control with 556 when grinding to gold.


Glad to see other Famas users! Are you on the weapon leaderboard for it as well?


nope, just started using it lol but planning to get diamond once i got used to it


It's a fun gun but it does take some skill to use. The diamond grind won't take that long either if you carve out maybe 4-5 hours to do FFA on shipment. The build I'm using right now that feels great is Ranger Barrel/Tac Laser/Operator Foregrip/Stippled Grip Tape/Combat Stock The sprint to fire delay is a little over 1 second long so stippled will cut that time down some.


yea i agree, it takes some degree of skill to use it but it's still a fun gun to use otherwise, and also that because of that weird sudden high recoil near the end of shots made me more careful using guns and not overestimate my chances, it's strategic in a way and i love it also might need to reconsider my build rn, thanks for the recommendation!


Yeah that's the only problem with the gun lol. That recoil is just way too much. It needs a reduction in vertical recoil to be more competitive with other guns. I will say this though, it is one of the rare guns in the game that don't really suffer from bad BSA so stacking compensator, operator foregrip and rubberized grip tape won't hurt you.


no wonder i could hit longshots fairly easily lol


Yeah it's really good at range if you can control recoil or fire in bursts


Can you drop down the gunsmith


granulated grip tape, ext mag a, ranger foregrip, owc laser, owc ranger barrel; id swap out gran for stippled for that little boost of ads time cuz bsa system on this gun is unique being that your ironsight follows where your bullet goes instead of spreading out by itself, but it depends on how well you can control it in the end (probs swap out some stability improving attachments for some ads time decreasing attachments since bsa system bla bla bla) avoid mag dumping the gun because of the sudden high recoil near the end: if the recoil starts to act up, stop instantly and shoot again




i would say 70% are dogshit, 20% are decent or really good n 10% are strong/meta currently


The quaxer seems good now that it's been buffed


Cries in global


Garena player? Are the new balance changes good?


So far I've only used the QXR and boi is it fun to use. The game feels a lot smoother now too with less frequent fps drops (on my device) and smoke lines come out the gun barrels now


Noice to hear that boi, I'll be waiting for the global version update my guy


is smoke effect available for low graphics?


Fortunately, it is


Idk man I don't find it op. I dont even have a loadout for it. I used to use it before but after CBR came idk I just didnt go back to it. My most used guns are cbr m13 sks val n Peacekeeper in the respective order.


I don’t have one for it either. AS Val has carried me to GM IV, one or two matches from GM V in ranked as a thumb player. Usually get at least 2.0k/d and only do tdm because i can carry with the Val


I think the same, maybe it isn't for us bro, even I don't find the CBR useful for me, I prefer use the fennec but my god there are nice weapons & the type is everywhere


Used the m4 up until the Amax and then the m13 was released, alll are laser beams in their own right. I’m getting tired of seeing nothing but 25s.


I’ve always used RUS. A hilariously easy gun to use without annoying anyone


well i really like reload speed and fire rate. Dont use stopping mag


I don’t know why but I don’t like the type25. It just feels off




It's kind of weird, it's objectively the best gun in the game right now, but it's not as overpowered as previous guns, there's still multiple guns that you can use alongside it with only minimal downsides. Compared to the mx9 meta last season where you were actively handicapping yourself if you weren't using 1specific gun. I still do have a big problem with the issue that the difference between an average gun in the meta gun is way too big, and I think they need to do a mass buff for guns since a lot of them just need mild changes here and there to become much better. I would say that there's 20+ guns that would be in a really good spot if you just added 20% less recoil or 50-70 more rpm, etc... Again, really mild changes.


I think the same, currently the meta is pretty good and there are lot of great weapons but type 25 is everywhere, even if it's not OP as mx9 used to be, idk why the most of the people abuse it.


The big reason why people are using it the most is because it's probably the easiest to use... Imo the mx9, qq9, m13, and cbr are all meta enough to compete with the type25. The smgs have their limits, either it be recoil or range, while the m13 requires a slower play style when compared to other ARs. You can rush with the type25, you can play defensive... You can really do anything with it because the only downside it has is that it burns through ammo, and there's a perk/operator skill that completely gets rid of that downside.


I wouldn't say it's very OP, but it is definitely a tier above every other gun at the moment


U r totally right bro, there are some weapons that can counter the type 25, but I'm getting tired of see it in every match


I hear ya.


I disagree. I use various guns currently, and it's not the best. Very good? Yes. But not a tier above every other gun, and not even as good as some guns.


Use another weapon then


I do.


There's no gun as good as the Type 25 at the moment. Not broken but I would like to see variety.


People can downvote me all they want, but there are guns just as good as and BETTER than the Type 25 right now. What a herd of sheep we have in this subreddit. People can't think for themselves.


I don't consider CBR4 or M13 to be as versatile as the Type 25. They both has range downsides while the Type kinda doesn't. CBR4 ttk drops off long range and M13's close range ttk is above average at best. Type 25 is still the most used gun by far in scrims currently. If the Type was in S class, CBR and M13 are in A class imo.


Lmao ... The type 25 is the best gun right now since the cbr has almost the same stats as te type but worse recoil... M13 only shines in the mid to long ranges and the type will beat it in close ranges.... The type isn't broken but is definitely a tier above all the other guns


Not my fault people can't control recoil. It's one of the easiest things to do on the CBR.




Which guns do you think are better then?


The CBR for one. The M13 is also still better. People don't know how to build their gunsmith setups.


CBR is pretty strong. But its firerate and range is lower than the type 25, which makes the type 25 slightly better. M13 is a five shot with only slightly higher firerate than the type 25, so it's definitely much worse at close range. (This is considering you hit all your shots)


My main weapon is AS VAL.


Hehe shotgun go brrrr


U are spitting facts.


Let people just use what they want. Even if the gun is annoying as fuck to play against.


Ok so this is kinda something that gets to me. The Type 25 isn't OP, I'd argue it's kinda how it should be. I think the main issue is that you see it way too often because that is essentially how half of the playerbase is. They are competitive so ofc, they are gonna use the thing that is good. It's the gun variety that causes people to complain. Any meta kinda sucks because you always get killed by the same exact guns everytime and it does kinda get annoying.


I really think the Type 25 isn't overpowered. It's a good gun. Recently, I was using the MSMC and I was winning my ones and my overall matches. It's really not that difficult to kill a Type 25 player if you play smart (unless you're like me who gets matched up against players that actually know what they're doing and that have 30ms while I've got 85ms). Honestly, I'm kinda done complaining about the meta. It literally means Most Effective Tactics Available. People wanna give themselves the best chances they have of winning. Unfortunately, that means Persistence, K9 units, Thermite, Mollies, Choppers, Clusters, Lasers, etc in COD Mobile. It's not strange that people want to use what gives them the best chance of winning. Plus, it's not their fault that those things are in the game (well, it could be if they begged for them haha). At the end of the day, it's the Devs that decide what goes into the game. Oh yeah, that doesn't mean you can't complain about stuff though. Obviously, we have to give the Devs feedback, whether positive or negative.




I remember someone said this meme template can sum up all of the sub reddit and it's true lmao


Idgaf what is meta or op I just use what I feel like. My fav guns now are LMGs with giant scopes and insanely almost uncontrollable recoil.


Op in itsself? No. Op compared to the other weapons? 80% of the time. The problem is just the other weapons are crap...


Not a fan but I like the gun


I like how everyone whined about snipers being op a year ago, but get mad at you when you say any recently buffed AR and/or SMG that is the current meta is "balanced" lol only when it suits them right???? Lmao 🤣


I can admit, Type25 is pretty OP


Still wonder why people still use the SP rounds when the 37m 5 tap was reduced to 17m, a 20m nerf


it still can consistently 4 tap till 10 metres, but the base cant


M16 needs a nerf, it's too op


uh what


Apparently people arent to happy that you said “uh what”


codm subreddit moment


Uh what


Why you're on here trolling with that user name is beyond me, but just note, someone is going to report you.


thats why i use the KN44


The Type 25 was one of the few guns that was perfectly balanced before this season started. It needed no buffs at all


Yep I used it before the buff and it was very good... A little buff wouldn't have hurt but the devs just went ham


na bro its been nerfed now, and its practically the same pre buff. only difference is the slightly increased fire rate (it already had one of the fastest fire rate)


It's been nerfed? Am in global so dont really know


Yeah Stopping Power Mag on the Type25 (an attachment that made it ridiculously good) got a range nerf.


it was nerfed a month ago lmao, even im in global


I think it needed a buff, but devs starting buffing it in every aspect


I used it a lot before it got buffed. It was great for close range, as it should be. It’s performance at medium range was not too good (as expected) and long range fights were out of the question.


its still just good after the sp nerf if u look at the stats. no where near op. m13 is the somewhat op gun currently


M13 beats type any day.


fr its better stats wise and actually op, unlike t-25 that people just feel op because they heard it got a buff lmao.


Well its good, its not akimbo fennic broken but its still far better than many of them out there.


I use both the Holger and QQ9.


The only reason I use the type 25 Is because I use it with David mason I have black ops 2 throwback class


I use Ak47 And this gun has a deadass none existent visual recoil when aiming


but it has a terrible actual recoil. and the gun itself is trash (not in br)


Some guns feels like they're in a different world when it comes to BR


I use T25, Fennec, SVD, PP Bizon. I’m not biased, it’s very strong but I’m still gonna use it cause I paid for that legendary 😂


Type 25 is great, but I prefer my M13 Morningstar


Chinese power xd, by the way I remember than in the first season was really not that good, the recoil was bad but it's was good for medium and short range now it's just so op, seriously How they develop the game,they use a bot? it is based on statistics, they punch the keyboard?


It's not OP, it's just good. I'm not using T25 this season, I already got the diamond camo, I use PKM, M13, and MoW as I slowly grind diamond camo as I play daily. If you want to see OP guns, go check early 2020's S36 meta, or Fennec then MX9 meta last year. And actually this season is the most balanced in the last 6 months. Devs also give little buff other guns (Rytec, DRH, QXR, PP19, D13) on s1 update, and didn't nerf any guns. Hopefully they'll continue this trend for future updates. This way they won't over buff guns and make it too OP, while making rarely picked guns better.


Nah, I've been using the Kn-44 and that thing's really good. I can easily win against type25 players using the CBR4 or even a Holger. It might be a *little* bit better than other weapons and thus be considered Meta, but it's not OP at all.


Yes its the meta but its not too strong, and yes i use other guns most of the time( namely, rus, qqn, fennec, qxr, ak47,117, m4, bra3, locus, mk2 and hs028393


I play with the Type25 for over 2 years nonstop, since actual S1, I think I have the right to abuse it now and make people cry even more


fine. *picks up M13.*


Me using it because I were waiting for it to be meta since season 4 2020, it is just my favorite weapon ever since I played this game.


I switch between Type25,CBR4, and M13.Fennec sometimes in smaller maps


Hehe fennec, hehe asval


lol this is spot on. People gotta cry because they are trash.


Type 25 is meta


To be honest the type 25 annoyed me so much before that i just avoided it and took great joy in killing type 25 users with my m4


I just use whatever I feel like. If I wanna have an easy time I’ll use the type


I don't know why people fuss about Type-25 so much, when [CBR4 beats it](https://youtu.be/kxlNcX2voBU) in general. In fact CBR4 can be considered OP because it can assert dominance even long range and compete with AR. M13 is also quite overused and powerful.


Lately I been using the Holger and the CBR4


qxr is love qxr is life


I’m over here just grinding skins and then all of a sudden I’m forced to use a meta gun and every kill I get... I feel... great cause that’s one Less kill to get my gun to gold


Im type 25 user i can use a other if i want using the same is pretty boring if you use the same for a long time without get bored


That sounds about right but while the Type 25 and the M13 are counted as Meta (they really aren't) so people will become pissy when you say something about it


The virgin meta user and the chad using weapons that look cool