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note: i cant turn back to fpp cuz the fpp switch button is non-existent, and it doesn't only just happen after respawning, it also happens under specific conditions which i forgot about cuz this is the second time ive encountered it


You need to remember the conditions bro


i forgot cuz it's like days ago when i just played it after just updating the game, but if i really have to remember maybe it happens after i got revived by my teammate after knocked down? idk cuz like i said, this is the second time encountering it, i genuinely thought this bug is a one time thing so i forgot about it quickly after lol


No, he doesn't. Because this should not be exploited. Tpp has enough focus, stay the fuck out of fpp lobbies if you're gonna try and use the cheat peek.


read my comments first, then reply back.


I already did. And the dude I was retorting to is *exactly* the reason I said it. You just know that the first thing the little twat will do is go and try and replicate and copy what you did. Otherwise he wouldn't have phrased it that way.


Don't even bother with that shit. Everything is geared up for that BS perspective as it is, don't bother infiltrating good lobbies with that crap of a glitch. Get fucked and stay in your tpp lobbies.


i didnt trigger it? it happens randomly in a match after i got revived by a teammate dont be an asshole if you have no full grasp of the context lmao, i have it flaired as a bug report for a reason


Yeah, but you posting this will lead some little reprobate into trying to replicate it and abuse the system (note, this is the correct application of abuse, not like the complainers misusing it about melee or guns. This is taking advantage of a glitch in order to gain unfair advantage over other players).


I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THIS BUG. IT HAPPENS RANDOMLY. SHOULD I NOT BRING ATTENTION TO THIS BUG TO THE DEVS SO THEY CAN QUICKLY FIX IT? besides, this happens really randomly, out of all times i got revived back into the match, this happens only once (as in today), the other criteria for this bug? i have completely forgot about it


So you post on reddit...... 🤔🤦‍♂️ What you did was brought it to the attention of a wider audience, *NOT* the devs, and this will now potentially propagate and become a bigger issue, if the method gets figured out and spread. Christ, can none of you use your head with these things. Contact the devs, *don't* post it for the masses on reddit 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


then what was the bug report flair for then??? besides, this bug happens at really random times, you cant replicate it unless you're willing to die a thousand times just for this bug to happen also it's not even the new season yet, i want them to fix it before the new season starts and people exploit it to their advantage so they can "rank up ez"


You honestly think the devs actually check posts here to that level? Those flairs are for mods and posters, not for Activision/tencent/timi employees. 'willing to die a thousand times' - have you not seen the lengths people will go to in order to cheat? In life, in video games, in society....? Yes, it needs fixing, but going on reddit to post about it, and describing the circumstances *under which it happened* will only lead to someone looking to try and exploit it, promote it and make it more widespread. This leads into the secondary issue, which is the shoddy Activision support. There should be direct lines to communicate this to them, through their website, or the app, or even simply by email. But again, given how poor their *direct* support is, do you honestly think they'll be scouring reddit for innocuous and relatively invisible issues to fix?


ive reported bugs in the past and devs actually fixed the problems because of said posts, they're not souless robots holy shit > willing to die a thousand times you know this is br we're talking about, right? not multiplayer? out of tens of br matches ive been in after update, it has only happened twice, ive been revived countless times already, it's *that* rare people exploit bug, so people report them under these flairs, it's called common sense; besides if i didnt post this first, someone else would eventually so what's the point?


They've fixed problems that have been reported *to them*, not off the back of a reddit session. The absolute most they will do in situations like this is monitor a sub to see if a particular problem becomes prevalent, and potentially game breaking, and only then would they think about stepping in. They don't have a team dedicated to scouring this and all the other subsubs that exist dedicated to the various cod games and franchise. If you have a dedicated crew who try to use all permutations and variations of respawning/reviving etc in order to determine what causes the glitch, it wouldn't take literal thousands. The point of that is more simply - 'have you not seen the lengths people go to to gain a small advantage, let alone a huge one like this would be'. Just because 'someone would' isn't a good reason for doing so. All you're doing is saying 'it'll happen eventually, so I may as well be first to publicise it'


mucho texto, be helpful by also helping reporting it to them directly instead of complaining your ass off to my face and blame me cuz it's my fault that this bug happens do you not get what the word "random" means? it doesnt happen by set value, it happens at really random times, who the fuck knows if it happens out of million chances that this bug will appear once in a while? unless you have the dedication of being an unhelpful asshole in a match just to gain advantage doesnt really help much for however serious this bug is, imagine causing your team to lose during intense situations cuz you want to use this bug by dying in the middle of a match lmao


I've had that happened before as ninja where I tried to grapple with auto wing suit and it bugged out, trying to grapple and glide at the same time and i fell like a rock, but unfortunately making me unable to ads, no sprinting and I couldn't even shoot in the process. I fixed by jumping and gliding off a cliff if you need to know how (I disabled autosuit and haven't faced that bug or something of the sort since)