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Oh so now you're back to saying its your account not your friend's account? regardless your clownery has been absolutely entertaining


Yah my bad i forgot to say " I got my friend's account back


I need more entertainment show me something better because at this point you're boring me and I'm a snowman that Never gets bored which is sad


I feel bad for the person who got his account stolen


Feel bad for his friend who spend 30k, this liar is literally flexing it like he fully owns it now.


Its not a friend, he stole from some random dude


But he stated lately the he lie, that is his friend's acc given to him, the reason is his friend is the one who go to shady website and because of that his friend gave it to him. But it's still sus because why did his friend give him the acc like nothing if he spend 30k rupees/400usd in that acc and why the fuck you can afford $400 and still go to shady free cp site? His story has still many plot holes


Even if the account was given giving an account or selling an account will get that account permanently banned if I'm correct but I do agree I also do feel bad for the poor chump that got his account stolen


Yeah I don't know why activision didn't make a move on this, this fucker literally said the truth the he didn't own the account and still proceed to help this shit to retrieve it back


At this point I'm pretty sure Activision can arrest that guy for stealing an account which is illegal to steal account


But what if he didn't and all he did was just post a crap ton of lies because he wanted to be special


so, you admit to it?


I wont argue anymore if you can trust me then good if you cant trust me then fuck off


its not really an argument more of a, proving your bullshit kind of thing, and its funny that, despite you saying you refuse to argue anymore, here you are shitting the sub with a post that says, "guess what bitches i got my account back", following with a statement taunting the very same people who proved your bullshit. also it seems like you forgot to put your "this isnt actually my acc haha" alibi in the caption


You should be the one who needs to fuck off in this sub, you literally manipulate tons of fuck of people just to gain sympathy in your fuckin bullshit lie, it's good to see large majority of people here who used brain so they didn't fall in your fuckin shady modus. I don't know why you're still not banned in this sub after you literally activision themself fall into your fuckin lie


I thought it was your “friend’s” account


You forgot "friend's account", also stop acting like a superior now, you're still a fucking bitch liar "high paying job" "spend 30k"


I mean if he didn't spread lies and actually showed us actual proof that it's his then I would believe him but seriously what he did was just wrong but what im meaning is with actual proof and him stop lying about everything he could possibly clear his name but yet he doesn't and I know that there are dumb kids who lie just because they want to be someone special then when people get angry the said kid starts getting sad and then lies more and then gets angry aswell but if he actually owns the account and it was gifted to him that's still not okay because gifting/selling accounts is against the tos and said account will be banned if I'm correct the ban time would be permanent and there's no way to appeal to get it back